“Official Wizard …”

Standing in front of Adier and listening to Adier’s words, Thor and Yana were startled.

Although it wasn’t clear from the beginning, after meeting with Adier for so long, they naturally knew what a formal wizard was.

Although wizarding civilization is far more prosperous in the Mason region than Adier’s hometown, formal wizards are still not so well promoted.

In order to be promoted to a formal wizard, at least a third-level qualification is normally required to be possible. An ordinary person, even with the talent to become a wizard, is still very unlikely to become a formal wizard.

“Do not worry.”

Standing in place, looking at the expressions on Thor’s faces in front of them, Adier said with a smile: “This child has a very good qualification. If you are willing to work hard in the future, it should not be a problem to be promoted to a formal wizard.”

For this child’s promotion to the official wizard, Adier seemed very confident.

The Wizard’s Bloodline affects the qualifications of descendants.

Thor’s ancestor is obviously a very powerful ancient wizard. His Strength extends to his descendants through Bloodline, even after a long time.

The child in Adier’s arms is the proof. With a powerful Bloodline far beyond his parents, this child’s innate talent will definitely be very good, and may even surpass past Adier.

Thinking of this, Adier could not help but think, a black stone ball appeared in his hand.

This stone ball, which he once obtained in the ruins of the emf emperor, has the ability to detect the wizard’s innate talent, which is a very good secret.

Because of this secret, Adier also got a coordinate of Strange World.

The black stone ball on the palm of the hand is gently placed on the baby’s forehead, and the mana of the Adier within the body flows gently and is injected into the stone ball.

Suddenly, the brightness of a little purple was dissipated, accompanied by a strong sense of heat, and passed to Adier’s heart.

“Fifth-class qualification!”

Looking at the rays of light flashing on the stone ball, feeling the unique feeling of heat, Adier heart startled, quickly flashed this idea.

Fifth-class qualifications, which are almost the strongest qualifications under normal practice. According to the wizarding world, only the direct descendants of some powerful wizards are possible.

This child’s parents are not wizards, so in advance, although Adier had expected the child’s qualifications, he did not expect such a high level.

“It seems that Bloodline has partly returned to the ancestors, and Bloodline has driven the soul’s qualifications to become stronger than her parents …”

Looking at the baby in his arms, Adier flashed the thought in his mind.

“Master Adier, is this?”

Opposite Adier, looking at the stone ball that glowed purple in Adier’s hand, Thor opened the mouth and said with some confusion, and there was some hesitation in his eyes.

“do not worry.”

Adier smiled: “This is a very good expression of this child innate talent, and he will definitely be a good wizard in the future.”

“That’s good.”

Listening to Adier’s words, opposite him, Thor both sighed in relief.

“The problem with this child is not too serious for the time being. What is more important now is the two of you.”

Putting Solana in her arms on the soft bed aside, Adier looked at Thor in front of them, opened the mouth and said, “She can’t hold up much time.”

Listening to these words, the two of them suddenly fell silent.

“How long can I …?” The weak voice sounded again.

Yana walked to the bed, looking at Solana lying softly on the wooden bed, and asked.

“If you don’t do anything, the curse on you will erupt in another two months.”

Adier didn’t hide it, and bluntly said, “Even if I exhaust everything, I will double this time at most, and then there is no way.”

“That’s four months.”

Yana’s face was a little pale, but she turned around and thanked Adier: “Thank you, Lord Adier.”

Aside, Thor seemed a little silent, looking at his wife and child, his palms clenched.

“Do not be sad.”

Seeming to be aware of Thor’s emotions, Yana turned back and looked at him with a soft smile on her face: “We have had a good time. If it weren’t for the accident, I would have died, now I still I can have you and my own child. “

“Don’t be too pessimistic, we can try.”

Looking at his wife, Thor barely smiled, and then looked towards Adier: “Sir Adier, since you are back, we should have set out, as originally agreed.”

“Don’t worry too much for now.”

Looking at the people in front of him, Adier’s face gradually calmed.

When Adier took the initiative to suppress the curse on Yana, he made an agreement with Thor in front of him.

Thor promised to lead the way to their ancestral land, while Adier promised to protect both of them, and promised to resolve the seal of their ancestors as much as possible.

By now, the curse on Yana was about to be suppressed, and Thor’s child was born, and it was time to go to their ancestral land.

“I will go to the surrounding cities to prepare the carriage and the servants, which will take a few days.”

Adier stood up from his place and looked at Thor in front of him: “You can spend more time with them during this time.”

“After all, the curse on your body, although it has not yet erupted, but after such a long time, it is almost reaching that critical point.”

He looked at Thor in front of him, and after leaving this sentence, looked towards.

Behind him, listening to Adier’s words, Thor’s face was a bit bitter, and his right hand could not help reaching his forehead.

In that direction, a faint black mark has begun to appear, although it is not obvious, but it can already be seen.

Far away from Thor’s residence, Adier did not go to a nearby city to arrange a carriage, as he said before, but went directly to a surrounding village.

In fact, Carriage and everything needed to travel, Adier was ready when he arrived. The reason for staying for a few days was to prepare and cushion Thor.

“I hope I can get what I want this time.”

Walking on the road, thinking about this journey, Adier flashed this thought in his mind.

The reason to go to Thor’s hometown is because there is likely to be a way to get Boundary Energy.

When I first met Thor, a purple stone brought from his hometown by the opponent gave Adier some Boundary Energy.

It was because of this discovery that Adier insisted on Thor’s hometown.

With the ability to pass through, as the Strength required when launching, Boundary Energy’s importance to Adier is self-evident.

But for Adier, there are currently too few ways to get Boundary Energy.

Honestly, accumulating Boundary Energy through time is safe, but it’s too slow.

It is fast enough to directly draw the Strength on the World Stone, but with the importance of the World Stone, under the care of the black wizard leader, it is difficult for Adier to have access to that stone.

In addition to these two approaches, Thor’s hometown is another place where Adier is likely to get more Boundary Energy. Even though there may be curses left by ancient wizards there, Adier decided to try them.


While waiting, several days passed quickly.

A few days later, in the early morning, as the team slowly stopped on the road outside the town, Thor sent Yana and child to the carriage, and then mounted the horse and seemed to be ready to patrol outside.

“Are you sure you don’t put children on the town?”

Sitting silently in front of the carriage, looking at the horse on the side, looks like Spirit’s Thor, Adier opened the mouth and said: “You know, this is not a good place for us to go.”

Thor laughed: “I know.”

“Just, I hope that during this last journey, child will spend time with her mother.”

He said with a smile, looking at another carriage’s eyes very softly.

“It’s up to you.”

Looking at him, Adier also said with a smile: “From now on, the team will lead you. If you encounter robbers and wild beasts on the road, they will be handed over to you and those mercenaries.”

“Please give it to me.”

Thor was seriously nodded, and his face looked confident.

Even if he is not a wizard, but with a good Bloodline and strong physical fitness, he is also equivalent to a Peak of Knight.

This strength is not enough to deal with wizards, but it is more than enough to deal with some wild beasts and robbers.

Adier is also very clear about this, so he simply returned the carriage, closed his eyes quietly, and prepared to continue to learn a lot of new knowledge in his mind that had not been thoroughly understood.

At Jadeite World, through the power of the Kingdom of Gorra and the 10 Star School of Thought, he has exchanged many advanced knowledge of Jadeite World,

This knowledge is very difficult, and many of them are ancient wizards lost in the Mason region. In a short time, even Adier’s learning ability could not be thoroughly understood. It can only be forcibly recorded through the chip and left for later understanding.

In the narrow carriage, many things can’t be done, which can be used to review that knowledge.

Soon, guided by the guide, the carriage quickly moved northward, and stopped slowly after a month.

“Master Adier.”

At night, in a camp, Thor looked at Adier standing in front of him, with a respected opened the mouth and said, “Here, we will enter the forest. The next journey, we can only go by ourselves.”

“How long will it take?”

Listening to Thor’s words, Adier turned and looked at him and asked.

“If everything goes well, about a month or so is enough.”

Thor bowed his head for a moment and gave such an answer.

He walked to the map that Adier had acquired at a high price, and pointed to the topographic map above: “To reach my hometown, you must first pass through this forest, and then pass through parts of the swamp kingdom to reach it.”

“What kind of place is it?”

Listening to him, Adier asked with interest.

“A barren desert, contaminated oasis, and a broken altar and Divine Temple.”

Thor’s face with memories and memories showed: “In fact, in this area, the wild beasts that can be encountered along the way have begun to diminish. After passing through the land of the Swamp Kingdom and reaching the desert, it is a dead silence . “

“Apart from the few oasis and some contaminated black soil, there is almost nothing to see there.”

“What about Divine Temple and the altar?” Adier asked again, seemingly interested in Thor’s hometown.

“That is something left over from the past. According to the legend of clansman, it was built to suppress the cursed body. It is something that our family needs to guard and suppress for generations.”

Thor replied earnestly: “That is also our home, and it is said that we can use some Strength left by our ancestors to resist other people’s aggression.”

“Others?” Adier noticed the word exactly.

“Some local indigenous people.”

Thor replied, “In that desert, in addition to our tribe, there are many wild people living there, scattered in scattered oasis.”

“The savages are backward and weird. They seem to be black because they have been in the desert for a long time.”

In front of Adier in front, Thor detailed the indigenous information.

“How does it sound so black?”

Listening to Thor’s story, sitting on a wooden chair, Adier could not help corner of mouth twitching, and had an inexplicable sense of sight.

They are discussing things here, and beside them, Yana is hugging the child and seriously coaxing the child to sleep.

Early the next morning, after dawn, they set off again.

There is no good way to walk in Morizu, but locally, Adier has hired some people to pay a high price to let people take them off the water.

After walking for another month, they were close to the end of this time.

It was a black land.

Unlike normal black land, the land here is very stiff, and the whole looks almost condensed into one piece, like a whole black stone, unable to survive at all.

Standing on this land, looking at this land where almost nothing grows, even Adier can’t help frowning.

“These are the local black soil and a special feature here.”

Looking at the black land under his feet, Thor lamented: “It’s still relatively small here. When you get to the place, you can see more.”

“How did these lands form?”

Silently grabbing a handful of dirt on the ground, feeling the hardness and weight stronger than the rock, Adier could not help asking.

“do not know.”

Thor shook his head about the problem, saying it wasn’t clear.

“However, there are some local legends about these things.”

He opened the mouth and said: “It is said that a long time ago, there were two horrible demon kings fighting here. The fighting strength hit the ground, and even the ground formed black scars, forming these black soils. . “

Listening to this legend, Adier couldn’t help lowering his head and thinking seriously.

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