Standing in front of the barren black land, listening to Thor’s story, Adier quietly lowered his head and began to think.

Although legends are mostly ridiculous, they may not all be fabricated out of thin air. Many ancient legends may contain some real messages.

As far as this place is concerned, maybe in ancient times, there are really two demon kings fighting here.

After thinking about it for a while, Adier no longer thought about these things, but quietly looked up towards the distance, ready to move on.

Soon, another few days passed.

In the deserted black soil, there were some people who lived in the market during the standing period.

The origin of these people is complex, some are local indigenous people, some are refugees from other kingdoms, and some are homeless.

Fleeing soldiers, murder criminals … There are all kinds of people here, making the membership here very complicated.

In such a place, Adier thought it would be confusing, but found that it was not.

Although the market in front of me looks not very large, it is not confusing. Although most of the people in it look abnormal, the appearance is still very clean. I can’t even see things like fighting.

Most of the people here are indifferent, each and everyone has more or less weapons on their hands, passing by in a hurry from the surrounding expression.

Some of the poor and lunatics who looked very weak, stayed in certain fixed places, and some of them withdrew and looked like they had some strange disease.

“This land cannot grow food. What do these people rely on to survive?”

Adier asked with interest, looking at the pedestrians around him.

“By making a drink called Kuma.”

When I came to the familiar scene and looked at the people around me, Thor’s face was a little disgusting and a little disgusting: “This drink can be exciting in a short time, and once you drink a bottle, you will become addicted, It’s hard to quit. So it’s very popular with the nobles in the distance. “

“Master Adier, do you see the black hay carried by the indigenous people?”

He pointed to the things behind the indigenous people and said to Adier, “Those are the raw materials for making Kuma, things that grow from the black soil.”

“Don’t you say that nothing can grow on the black soil?”

Adier asked a little unexpectedly.

“That means ordinary food and medicine cannot be grown.”

Thor replied carefully: “This kind of black hay is one of the few things that can be grown on black soil. Although the yield is relatively low, it is the main raw material for making Cooma. It can only be produced in this desert.”

Adier gently nodded, then realized looking forward and transferred to those indigenous people.

The color of these indigenous skins is very similar to that of the blacks of the previous Adier, but they are generally shorter in body and are more biased in appearance.

If the two are put together, in addition to the same skin color, they can be seen as two varieties at a glance.

At all around, there are some indigenous women who are slightly better, walking around all around, it looks like they are attracting customers.

Looking around, Adier took a closer look.

In addition to appearance, the language used by the people around is also different from the current languages ​​of Adier, and it will take some time to readjust.

After watching for a while, after a while, under Thor’s leadership, Adier went to the other side.

On the road, their entire group is very prominent.

Thor and Yana, for the time being, as half of the locals here, although they look different from the people here, they are not too eye-catching.

But Adier is different.

After completing the Bloodline transformation, his appearance became even more handsome, even if the part different from ordinary people at this time was hidden by the Emerald Mark, but the calming atmosphere could not be hidden, so that he was among the people around him. As bright as the moon in the dark.

In addition, he was very well dressed and dressed, and the black robe was made of soft silk. At first glance, he was a rich nobleman.

Around, at the moment when Adier was seen, several people were already in action. Among them are dancers who are obviously doing some business, and thieves who are stealing their minds.

Of course, in addition to these, more people are still watching from a distance, but the rest of their eyes are also paying attention to this side.

For these people, Adier was calm and not at all.

Thor, on the other hand, turned around consciously, grabbed an indigenous man who was quietly approaching Adier with one hand, and threw him fiercely out.


The sound of a collision between the body and the ground came. Under Thor’s Strength, the native was threw away several meters directly, and then fell to the ground, making a violent collision.


With this done, Thor’s eyes widened instantly, and his erect body exhaled a terrifying breath, deterring those with bad intentions around him.

“At least a powerful Knight apprentice …”

Looking at this scene, several people around this thought flashed in their minds, and some of the thoughts originally held in their minds were immediately dispelled.

“Doesn’t it matter if you start here?”

Aside, looking at Thor’s performance, Adier asked with great interest.

“it’s OK.”

Holding the child’s Yana socket aside: “As long as you don’t kill people here, it doesn’t matter.”

She looked very calm, even though she was faintly peeping at the people around her.

But this is no wonder. As a descendant of the ancient wizard, even if the inheritance is lost, Bloodline’s Strength is still circulating in their within the body.

Even if a girl like Yana looks like she can’t help but look really frightened, she may be able to kill several adults by herself. Naturally, these ordinary people who are not even Knight apprentices will not be taken to heart.

“This place only looks like ordinary people.”

As I walked down the street, silently watching the pedestrians around, Adier thought silently.

Along the way, through the chip, he has been watching the pedestrians around him, but in the end he found nothing.

The people here are basically ordinary people. Although some people have dense calluses, they are just good ordinary people who haven’t even practiced the Knight Breathing Technique.

As for the wizard, Adier did not see one. Basically, even the weakest high-energy response could not be sensed.

It’s no wonder that wizards, after all, are not big goods, but they are extremely rare.

Such a barren area where resources are scarce, and even ordinary food cannot be self-sufficient, it is a strange thing for a wizard to patronize.

Even if it was Adier, if it wasn’t for Thor to lead the way, then after seeing the situation in this area, most of the time he would turn around and leave, and he would never waste any time here.

As they walked around, they quickly came to a place.

It was a very shabby-looking tavern. It was dyed black and covered with a snake on the signboard at the door.


Seeing the sign hanging in front of the tavern, thinking of the curse on Thor and Adier, he instantly thought of something, and couldn’t help whispering.

“Sir Adier, this is the only pub here.”

On the side, Thor looked respectful and watched Adier confess: “If you don’t want to live here, then we have to rent a few rooms for others at a high price.”

“It’s ok.”

Listening to Thor’s words, Adier came back to his senses, said with a smile to him: “Just here.”

As he spoke, they went inside.

“Two rooms.”

In the pub, Thor came to the counter to talk to people, while Adier and Yana stood in place, silently looking at the interior of the pub.

As seen before, the main color of this pub is still black red. There are several places embroidered with the pattern of a black snake. It seems that the owner of this pub has a special liking for the black snake.

In the pub all around, some local aborigines are sitting in all around, with different dresses on their bodies.


Looking silently at everything around him, Adier was suddenly surprised.

In the corner of the tavern, there were several black-skinned indigenous people sitting. One of them was a skinny old man with a white beard and a weird hat. At this time, he was sitting there thinking about something, like praying.

What surprised Adier was not the appearance of the old man, but some marks on the old man.

It’s not the Wizard and Knight, but it’s a similar thing.

Although this old man looks thin, he has a physical body far beyond ordinary people. Even the Spirit fluctuations are much stronger than ordinary people, and the life fluctuations of the entire person are very strong.

Under the eyes of Moon Elf, the old man was still shrouded in a layer of black mist, a kind of radiation similar to the wizard’s body, but something different was spreading from him, easily adier See.

“A layer of weak pollution force field, this old man is not an ordinary person …”

Looking quietly at the distant old man with a white hat in the distance, Adier quietly analyzed, and suddenly an interest in research was raised in his heart.

A kind of Strength knowledge that can make people stronger is very rare and precious.

Whether it is the Wizard ’s Meditation Method or Knight ’s breathing method, it is the result of countless years of ancient wizards finishing.

In ancient times, the ancient wizards fought many Worlds, acquired different Strength knowledge from different Worlds, and organized them into the Wizards ‘system. Only then did the Wizards’ glory and power.

According to the data obtained by Adier from Jadeite World, in the ancient wizard ’s flourishing period, there were hundreds of wizards’ branches. Almost every conquered World with a Strength system, there would be several more wizard branches.

At that time, Knight was also a branch of a wizard.

It only experienced glorious ending, and the destruction of ancient wizards. Later, the wizard civilization rose from the ruins, and most of the knowledge accumulated in the past has been lost. Only the main body still has some branch knowledge like Knight Breathing Technique. Excavated, re-improved and spread.

The old man in front of him is clearly different from the normal wizard and Knight. It is very likely that he has acquired the knowledge inheritance of some branches of the wizard.

Quietly, Adier recorded his own Spirit on his opponent.

As a first-level Peak wizard, Adier’s Spirit power must be observed by at least the Metamorphosis Stage wizard, and it can exist for at least a few years.

After being recorded by Adier through Spirit, as long as the distance is not too far, it can be felt by Adier, and the other party can be easily found.

The reason for this is because of Adier’s current time constraints.

The curse on Yana would erupt in less than a month. In such a short time, Adier had no time to prepare for the experiment.

Moreover, in such a desert, laboratory without high precision, relying only on the humble material Adier carries, even if you want a peaceful experiment is impossible.

Immediately facing the curse left by the ancient wizards, in the short period of time, Adier did not want to be too distracted by these extra things.

Thoughts flashed through his mind. After Thor returned, Adier led the stairs of the tavern and walked to the upper floor under the leadership of the attendant.

In situ, after they left, the skinny old man sitting in the corner of the tavern looked up.

“Just the two, Clansman of Crassus …”

He lifted his head. Although his body was thin, his eyes were very godly, and the shadow of a snake flashed in his eyes.

“Lal Elder, are you going to catch them?” A voice came from one side.

Next to the skinny old man, an indigenous man whispered in Turkish, suggesting that the black face looked cold.

“Don’t be impulsive!”

A dry old man named Lal whispered, and then said, “I can feel the Strength of the two Krasnus within the body.”

“That girl is okay, her body is about to be eroded by Strength of the Zombie, and I’m afraid that in a few days, it will attract the snake’s black robe messenger.”

“But that man is difficult to entangle.”

Lal’s face was dignified: “I can feel the Strength of the other person within the body. This is definitely the core ethnicity of Krasu. Even now the Strength of the snake body within the body has not erupted and was controlled by the other’s blood pressure.”

“At this level of Krasu people, even if I am not sure of winning, I still have to contact some talents.”

“You don’t even know Lal Elder …”

Hearing Lal’s words, several indigenous people around seemed to be startled, with unbelievable expressions in his eyes.

“More than that.”

Lal shook her head slowly, her eyes were always clear, and she continued to speak at this time, saying a little excitedly: “Did you notice the baby?”

“Baby?” Few natives stunned.

“That baby, within the body’s blood is very strong, far more than her parents. If I grow up in the future, I will not even be my opponent.”

An excited expression appeared on Lal’s face: “This kind of Bloodline’s powerful Krasu bloodline, if cultivated from an early age, is a good material for the advent of the zombie.”

“If you can dedicate it to the zombie god, it will definitely give us the gift of the zombie god!”

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