Sitting in the corner of the tavern, the indigenous Elder named Lal was excited.

However, he didn’t notice that beside him, listening to his story, there was an indigenous complexion slightly changed, and then he quickly became excited.

They didn’t stay in this tavern for too long. After leaving two people here to guard, Lal took the others and walked outside, looking prepared to be called.

“Has you left?”

On the other side, feeling the Spirit’s imprint leaving him farther away, Adier didn’t care too much, but walked directly to Thor’s room on the other side.

In Thor’s room, Yana was sitting on a wooden chair, breathing heavily in her mouth, looking tired.

It seems that it is because it is close to the root of the curse, or the seal under Adier’s cloth is about to disappear. During this time, the frequency of curse attacks on girls has increased more and more, and now they occur almost every day.

On her forehead, the black mark was already very prominent, and it had begun to spread downwards, extending to the girl’s neck.

“How’s it going?”

Walking into the room, looking at Yana’s weak appearance at this time, Adier frowned first, then asked Thor.

“I feel … uncomfortable.”

Beside Thor, Yana’s face was pale, and now she was shaking slightly, and she said with a weak voice, looking extremely uncomfortable.

Beside her, Thor’s face was silent, one arm holding child and the other arm grasping Yana’s hand, trying to bring her a little warmth.

Standing in front of Yana, she probably checked her condition. Adier took out a few bottles of potion and let her drink it, then let her lie on the wooden bed.

After drinking the potion, the black curse on her body began to fade, and the Bloodline Strength of a purple body began to activate, instinctively cooperating with the seal left on her body to suppress the black curse mark.

After a while, the black mark on her neck was suppressed, and the whole person was not so uncomfortable. She hugged her child and fell asleep on the wooden bed.

Watching this scene seriously, Thor was sighed in relief, and couldn’t help but look at Adier.

“Let’s go out and tell them not to disturb them.”

Standing in the room, glancing at Mother and Daughter Yana lying on the wooden bed, Adier gently opened the mouth and said, then walked out the door first.

Behind him, Thor carefully closed the wooden door and followed him out.

“She’s in a terrible condition.”

Stepping out of the door, Adier looked at the distant landscape, opened the mouth and said: “You should be able to feel it, as we start to get closer to the root of the curse, the curse of you within the body is alive.”

Standing on the side of Adier, listening to Adier’s words, Thor didn’t speak, but just took the wipe on his forehead silently.

He took out the wiper that had been covering his forehead. On his forehead, he could clearly see a black mark, and a snake appeared on it.

“Sure enough, the curse on you is about to erupt.”

Looking at Thor’s black mark on his forehead, Adier didn’t feel surprised, he just said quietly: “Can it remain stable?”

“There will be no problems in a short time.”

Thor shook his head, and then smiled bitterly: “But once I return to my hometown, I’m afraid it’s possible that the time for stabilization will be shorter and shorter.”

“Yana’s condition is getting worse.”

Adier calmly said: “It’s too late to send her back now.”

“She didn’t agree.”

Thor shook his head with a wry smile: “She said, if we succeed, it doesn’t matter if she goes or not. But if we fail, she also wants to die with me in my hometown.”

“In fact, at this point, we have long lost hope of living.”

He opened the mouth and said: “I just hope that our children will not follow our old path, and it is best to spend this life in peace.”

“Do not worry.”

Adier looked up and stared into the distance: “She is my student, and I will take good care of her anyway.”

“And if everything goes well this time, you can watch her grow up in person.”

“I hope so.”

Thor shook his head with a grin on his face.

They talked for a while, then separated, and returned to their respective rooms.

The next day, when it was just dawning, they set off again and continued their journey.

They hired a fairly spacious carriage in the local town, and several guides familiar with the surrounding terrain, set off directly.

They spent several days in a hurry until noon one day.

At noon, in the dark soil, they stopped to rest, preparing to start their lunch after lunch.

Some silhouettes began to appear in the distance, with different clothing on them. At this time, a smaller creature that resembled a horse but ran quickly away.

Behind them are some dark-skinned indigenous people, who seem to have dozens of people, and are chasing behind them.

“It’s Krasu!”

Beside the Adier people, when they saw the pursued, the guide on the side issued cry out in surprise, and his eyes seemed to be in fear.

As for Thor and Yana, they raised their heads at the same time and looked towards the distance. The surprised expression was clearly visible on their faces.

“What’s going on?” Looking at the silhouette in the distance, Thor slowly got up, holding one’s long sword on his waist with one hand, and asked indifferently.

“It’s the snake witch hunting those Krassu.”

Watching Thor’s performance, the guide on the side explained, his eyes seemed to be in fear: “Sir, these two are not good people, we should avoid them as soon as possible!”

“I’m afraid it’s too late.”

Adier shook his head slightly, and said so calmly.

In the distance, the group of indigenous people noticed Adier and the others. At this time, they directly divided a dozen people and headed for Adier.

Looking at the indigenous people who came here in the distance, standing next to the place, the guide complexion changed, and it looked very blue.

But looking at the side Adier and Thor, who looked aloof, he stood up with trembling legs, walked towards those people, and prepared to negotiate with them.

He yelled into the distance in local Turkish, trying to negotiate with the other party.

However, looking at the entire group of Adier, the indigenous peoples on the opposite side obviously did not have this meaning, and at this time ignored the guide’s shout and rushed straight up.

Looking at this scene, Adier’s face was calm and he didn’t seem to react at all, but the guide’s face was blue.

Thor stood up from his place, glanced at Adier, saw that he didn’t leave, and immediately pulled up the long sword on his hand and walked towards the indigenous people.

For this scene, those indigenous people with smirks on their faces, seeing Thor’s long sword in his hands, his eyes suddenly became a little brighter.

Thor’s long sword was given to him by Adier. The whole was entirely made of the finest alchemy materials. It just looked very precious, making these indigenous people who can only use simple weapons look bright.

As for Thor, who rushed towards them with this long sword, in their eyes, it was just that’s all.

In this desert where Knight and Wizards do not exist, very few people can face alone a dozen indigenous warriors.

Unfortunately, Thor is just one of them.

A purple glow flew across the air, accompanied by a scream.

With the eyes of a few indigenous people stunned, Thor’s eyes were a little purple, and the silver long sword held in his hand waved, and a purple sword glow erupted, killing several indigenous people who rushed to the front.

This is Thor’s Bloodline Strength, which is highly visible in battle at this time, which directly gives him a strong Strength comparable to Knight.

“This … he’s a Krasu !!!!”

The following indigenous people immediately responded. This person in front of them, like the people they hunted down before, also belonged to the Krasu.

The tyranny in their hearts disappeared instantly, but at the next moment, they looked at each other and continued to rush forward, trying to entangle their opponents.

“These are our clansman?”

In the distance, the Krassu people who had been hunted down before could not help but stop, seeming hesitant.

“What should we do now?”

They all stared at the middle-aged man in the middle, seemingly asking his opinion.

This middle-aged man was wrapped in a black robe. A vicissitude hard face with two scars, but a pair of eyes but sharp eyes. At this moment, he just thought a little, and then hesitated without hesitation: “Let’s kill back! “

Listening to his words, the others did not hesitate to pick up their weapons and drove the riding beast in front of them looking towards.

From there, Thor’s performance continued.

He held the sword in one hand, and the other hand grabbed a shield taken from the indigenous people, where he rammed and slashed several people to the ground.

This horrific fighting power made these indigenous people look stunned and could hardly believe their eyes.

“This Strength …”

Among the indigenous people, watching Thor’s performance from afar, a middle age person with a cold face and only one eye could not help but be surprised: “Under the leadership of the zombie, this Krasu man has not only become weak, but he can still remain Such a strong Strength. “

“Isn’t Lal the guy who said a few days ago that he found a direct lineage of the Krasu people, I’m afraid it’s this guy.” At the rear, a voice that sounded somber.

Behind one eyed man, a man wrapped in bandages and showing only a face came from behind him, watching Thor’s performance, and could not help showing a timid expression on his face.

“What now?” He asked, looking at the one-eyed man.

“I’m afraid I can only leave this time.”

Looking at Thor in the distance, hesitated, and the one-eyed man said, “This Krasu is too strong, but if we are two, I am afraid it will be a little dangerous.”

“Exactly, Lal’s guy will come in a few days. When he arrives, we won’t be late together.”

He looked at his side companion and said so.

After a while, looking at Thor and the others in the distance, they left quickly, without any intention of staying here.

“Master Thor !!”

On the other side, a call of surprise sounded in surprise.

Next to Thor, the previously pursued Krassuites stood there, and the leader’s middle-aged man had a surprised expression on his face. It seemed that he could not see Thor here.

“you are?”

Suddenly stopped by the other party, Thor first froze, then looked up, and seriously looked towards the middle-aged man in front of him.

The middle-aged man in front of him is very tall, wearing a black leather armor, and holding a short blade in his hands. The exposed muscles look very burly, making people know that he is a powerful fighter.

“You are Sil Uncle …”

Looking at this person in front of him, Thor seemed to think something, and finally said the name.

On the opposite side, I heard Thor say the name, and the middle-aged man on the opposite side showed an excited expression, couldn’t help striding forward, and finally kneeled on one knee in front of Thor, and performed a very old-looking etiquette .

“A few of you come here!”

Seems to think of something, Sil shouted to the others behind him: “This is Thor Young Master, the next successor of our Krasu family!”

Behind, listening to Sil’s words, the people looked startled, and hurried forward, just like Sil, and performed an ancient etiquette.

“Let’s get up.”

Looking at them, Thor smiled bitterly: “It’s all here, what’s the identity of the past, what’s the use of it now?”

“You come with me.”

He looked at the people in front of him and said something, and then quickly walked towards the other side.

“These are your clansman?”

Going to Adier and looking at Thor in front of him, Adier asked.


A puzzled expression appeared on Thor’s face: “They are indeed my clansman, and one of them was once my guard.”

“Just, I don’t know how they escaped the curse.”

He looked at Adier in front of him, wondering.

He knew the difficulty of the curse.

Before meeting Adier, there was only one way he could avoid the curse, and that was to keep away from the curse to weaken it.

But even so, after the time has passed slowly, the curse rooted in the depths of the Bloodline will continue to erupt and can only delay time more or less that’s all.

Now that these people are Thor’s clansman, there is naturally a curse within the body, and there is no distance from the root of the curse. According to normal circumstances, the curse should have erupted long ago.

Adier was also curious about this question, but instead of asking immediately, he asked Thor to settle those people before asking.

“According to the Elders, those curses are actually the disclosure of the Devil’s Strength.”

At night, in the camp, facing Thor’s problem, the middle-aged man named Sil had a wry smile on his face, and there seemed to be some fear in his eyes: “In the beginning, the entire sacrifice was affected after the curse broke out.”

“In that environment, several Elders took out some god stones from the altar.”

PS: Thanks to the book lord for the “five-five biggest” reward of the alliance lord, plus three more tomorrow

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