“God Stone!”

Standing in front of Sear, listening to what the other party said, Thor was startled subconsciously, with some discoloration: “You actually took the god stone out of the ban!”

“Of course we dare not complete the divine stone. It was just a few fragments that’s all brought by the Elders.”

In front of Thor, Sear smiled bitterly: “Several Elders can’t help it, the curse broke out, otherwise we would all die!”

Listening to this, Thor stopped talking and seemed a little silent.

“Why do those indigenous peoples hunt you down?”

After a while, he no longer tangled up with the previous problem, but changed a topic.

“That’s a long story …”

There was bitterness and hatred on Sear’s face: “In fact, the original seal of our Divine Temple was invalid because of these indigenous people …”


Thor’s face was calm, but his heart was startled, and his eyes looking at Sear were sharper.

Feeling his gaze, Sil opened his mouth bitterly: “On the day when the curse broke out, the indigenous people rushed into the altar and cooperated with a few people inside to open the seal, before releasing the curse completely. “

“Why are they doing this?”

Thor was unbelievable, with anger and perplexity in his eyes: “And how did they get in?”

“We didn’t quite clear the specific circumstances at the time.”

Sil expression saddened, his resolute face looked a little tired: “According to the extremely surviving Elder, it is likely that those indigenous people were infected by the cursed Strength, so they were driven by the curse and wanted to completely release the curse.”

“It’s probably for this reason that they want to kill us.”

Having said that, he paused, and seemed a little confused: “Speaking of which, how did you escape the curse, Lord Thor?”

“This speaking of which is more complicated.”

Thor was silent for a while, then so opened the mouth and said.

They talked for a while here before Thor turned around and walked to Adier, telling Adier what he had learned before.


Listening to Thor’s news, Adier asked with interest: “What’s this?”

“The ancestors stayed and used to suppress the curse. It is also a treasure of our clansman era.”

Thor replied carefully: “According to legend, once the god stone has completely left the altar, the cursed curse under the altar will be released.”

Upon hearing this, Adier’s heart moved, and there was some speculation about this god stone.

“Maybe even what I am looking for this time.”

Looking at Thor in front of him, Adier flashed the thought in his mind before he opened the mouth and said: “What do they say?”

“I told them about me.”

Thor honestly said, “I want to go to the camp they built first, look for the fragments of the god stone, and see if I can suppress the curse on Yana.”

“In that case, let’s go.”

Adier laughed and then spoke.

After a while, under the leadership of the Krassuites, they began to leave far away.

It didn’t take long to wait until the next evening, in the distance, a village began to appear.

It seemed to be aware that the Adier entire group was approaching, and a team of people in the distance came quickly to them on horseback, headed by a man wearing black leather armor, looking very mighty.

“Sill, you are back !!!”

Came in front of Adier and the others, looking at the siler who was leading the way, this person greeted with a smile.

“Yeah, it’s finally back.”

Looking at the person in front of him, Sear looked very emotional, and then walked behind, pointing at Thor introduced: “This is Lord Thor! The next generation of the family successor.”


Listening to his words, the middle-aged man wearing leather armor suddenly became serious, his eyes looked towards Thor.

In his sight, Thor was wearing a thin leather suit, strong and powerful, with a strong warrior temperament all over him.

What’s more important is the Bloodline of the counterpart inside the body, which is exuding a touch of majesty under his induction, almost the same as several Elders he has seen.

For their family, Bloodline is undoubtedly the best mark.

Feeling the Strength hidden in Thor within the body Bloodline, the middle-aged man without the slightest hesitation in front of me, dismounted directly to Thor saluted, without any hesitation.

“Some people please follow me, Mike Elder is already waiting there.”

After the ceremony, they talked a few words, and then the middle-aged man in front of her mouth spoke again, looking respectful in her words.

“Please lead the way.”

Thor nodded, looks very natural, not affected by the attitude of the other party.

A long journey along the way.

Some black plants began to appear on the roadside and were densely planted around it. all around There are also some indigenous people who are farming, constantly busy in all around.

Walking quietly on the road, Adier did not speak, but just watched the scene with interest.

Those black plants are the raw materials for making Cooma locally, and there are few things that can be grown on black soil.

In the previous town, out of curiosity, Adier also bought some Coomas for testing.

After probably experimenting, Adier found that this thing is actually similar to those drugs in previous lives, and even more addictive.

At this time, he saw the raw materials used to make Cooma in front of him, and he was ready to take some for experiments to see why this plant can adapt to this black soil environment.

Walking forward all the way, after a while, they came to the gate of the village.

There, an old man in a white robe was standing.

It was an old man in a white robe with a black cane in his hand. A wrinkled face looked a bit indifferent. At this moment, he stood with some people in front of the gate, staring indifferently at the distance Thor.

“Thor, long time no see.”

He looked at Thor, who was walking in the distance, without moving his face: “I haven’t seen you in a few years, you have grown up.”

“you are···”

In situ, looking at the old man in front of him, Thor’s face instantly dignified, and he was a little uncertain: “Mike Elder?”

“it’s me.”

In front of him, Mike nodded faintly: “Come in with me.”

Having said this, he turned and walked towards the interior of the village.

Behind him, a vague glance at Adier, Thor’s face was calm, and he went forward silently.

All the way to the end, after a while, they came to a living room.

“Specific circumstances, Sear has sent someone to tell me before.”

Came to the living room, sat down in the corner, and looked at Thor, Mike opened the mouth and said: “You want to help your wife drive away the curse with the fragments of the god stone, I’m afraid not …”


Hearing this answer, Thor frowned, but not at all reacted too much.

“Strength is not enough.”

McDowell shook his head and looked at Thor in front of him, his face became a little serious: “With your Bloodline, you should already feel it when you enter this village.”

“This whole village is actually a huge enchantment.”

Thor raised his head slightly, looking towards Mike in front of him: “You put the secret stone fragments that you secretly took out in the middle of the village, and you created such a small enchantment with the strength of the stone, which is a defense and a shield to curse the strength, right? ? “

“Not bad.”

Mike Said solemnly: “But it is because of this that the strength of the God Stone can no longer move.”

“Strength, which can shelter this whole village and resist the curse, is very reluctant for this fragment. If it is used for other purposes, it can only make the enchantment disappear faster and expose us to the curse.”

“I just need to save my wife alone!”

Thor complexion grave and stern.

“Save her, Strength, and use it on others, enough to save ten more people.”

Michael was unmoved, his face cold and indifferent: “As the immediate successor of Krasow Bloodline, let alone you don’t feel the curse she is about to burst within the body, and it may erupt at any time.”

“I’m able to get her into this village, it’s on your part.”

He looked at Thor in front of him, his face was always indifferent.

“Forget it …” Aside, a weak voice sounded.

Looking at the two who were arguing about her in front of her, Yana looked pale, and looked at Thor to persuade him, not wanting him to be upset with Mike for this matter.

“This Strength is a bit familiar.”

In the village, walking in the village, looking at the buildings around the village at will, Adier raised his head, the thought flashed in his mind.

In the village in front of it, there is a unique Strength, which is constantly shrouded around it, forming an enchantment.

“That’s why these people are not eroded by the curse?”

Feeling the strength around him, Adier thought with interest: “The periphery of the village is covered with a layer of guardian enchantment. The source of energy must be the fragment of that god stone.”

“But this enchantment is really unstable.”

He looked up, thinking so.

After Bloodline was transformed into Moon Elf, Adier became extremely sensitive to the surrounding Strength sensations, which could be easily felt by both mana and other Strength.

At the moment, Adier feels the Strength and structure of the surrounding enchantment, which seems to be very unstable, and the Strength is even escaping.

Operate according to this simple enchantment, I am afraid that originally could support Strength for ten days, but it can only run for one day here.

This is probably the inheritance defect of these nobles.

From Thor’s performance, it can be seen that although these people are descendants of ancient wizards, in fact, most of the inheritance has been lost, and even the basic Meditation Method has not been able to stay, which shows its downfall.

With the loss of inheritance and the absence of the wizard’s Meditation Method, the level of these ancient relics is conceivable. It is possible that such an enchantment can be laid, most probably relying on the strength of that god stone.

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