“Sacred Stone …”

Standing on the flat ground, muttering to himself, Adier looked towards somewhere in the distance.

It was a high-rise building, constructed of black wood as a whole, and it was very tall compared to other low-rise buildings around it, seven meters high.

Under Adier’s keen sense, there is also the source of the surrounding Strength fluctuations. A unique Strength escapes from there and gradually diffuses to the surrounding area to form this enchantment.

“If nothing else, I am afraid that fragment of the god stone is there.”

He looked at the direction of the wooden tower and said so in his heart.

It didn’t take long to see, after a while, when the sky was a little darker, under the leadership of an indigenous man, Adier walked towards the room prepared for himself.

At night, it was getting dark.

As the sky darkened, the enchantment enveloping outside the village also seemed to be turbulent.

A faint layer of marriage passed through from the outside, showing the appearance of a person.

It was a tall black clothed person dressed in black clothed, showing only a pair of eyes, a pair of scarlet eyes with tyrannical and bloodthirsty, walking slowly like a cricket.

It just walked straight through, taking advantage of the moment when the enclave outside the village began to weaken, and walked directly into the village, looking like it was exploring something.

A faintly discernable connection made it walk far away, and stopped until it reached a house.

Inside the house, a middle-aged man, holding a knife in his hand, was sweating and looking at the black clothed person outside, a face full of fear.

“How could … why these monsters appeared …”

This middle-aged man had a scar on his face, and he was wet with sweat at this time, which is Shire who brought Adier and the others here during the day.

But at this time, his appearance changed. A black mark was manifested on him, and by this time it had spread to his chest, a snakehead mark faintly appeared on it.

Strangely enough, facing what happened to him, he didn’t seem to notice it, his eyes still focused on the black clothed person outside, and his body was shaking slightly.

What he didn’t notice was that as time passed, the black mark on his body continued to spread, and at this time almost half of his body was shrouded in it.

Under the shadow of black, a magical scene began to happen.

A faint layer of black gas began to appear, entangled in his tired body, making him look like he was wearing a black robe.

His eyes began to become scarlet, his arms became thicker, and the whole person began to look exactly like the black clothed person outside, almost like it was printed in a mold.

“That monster … is it gone?”

As for everything that happened to him, Sear was unaware of it, but at a certain moment, he found that the body of the black clothed person on the outside began to fade, and finally disappeared quickly before his eyes.

Subconsciously, he raised his right hand and prepared to wipe his eyes with his hand to verify whether he had hallucinations.

But the moment he raised his arm, he froze.

Because under the eyes of Scarlet at this time, his arm was not the same as before, but a huge claw.

Aaaaaahhhh! ! !

A horrific tear broke out in the silent village, but quickly returned to silence.


Lying on a wooden bed in a small room, Thor suddenly opened his eyes, and a moment of doubt flashed in his eyes: “Is it an illusion?”

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, it’s the crisp baby crying on the bedside.

At this moment, Solana, who had been quietly asleep, didn’t know what was stimulated, and suddenly burst into tears, so Thor could not help but hug the child into her arms.

“Just the feeling …”

In a room not far from Thor, sitting quietly on a wooden chair, Adier raised his head, looking towards a certain distance, with some doubts in his heart: “What is that flashing feeling?”

Since becoming a wizard, Adier has rarely slept, and instead uses his sleep time for meditation.

But when Adier was meditating, he clearly heard a terrible scream, with a feeling of despair.

“The outside guards did not respond.”

Standing up from the same place, Adier opened the door of the room and walked outside, just to see the distant guards patrolling around quietly, as if he had not heard the scream just now.

“Chip, trace back the image of the talent.”

Back inside, closing the door, Adier instructed against the chip in his head.

Suddenly, in my mind, an image began to emerge.

It was an image of Adier sitting in a wooden chair before, even the low wind blowing outside could be kept clear.

After the image lasted for a few seconds, a terrible scream suddenly erupted, flashed at that moment, and was accurately traced back by the chip.

“It’s not a real voice, it’s like a wave of Spirit’s power and soul.”

Realizing the sound coming from the image carefully, Adier finally judged.

The memory chip is attached to the soul of Adier. After Adier came to this world, as Adier’s soul continues to change, the function of the chip is also constantly strengthening, and now it is possible to record the fluctuations of Spirit.

The scream that sounded before, although it sounds like a real scream, is actually just a reaction simulated by the strong fluctuations of Spirit.

Because it is simulated by Spirit force, ordinary people can’t hear it. Only part of Spirit force or people related to Spirit force can hear it.

With this in mind, Adier subconsciously looked towards the direction in which the sound came from his memory.

Using Spirit to simulate sound, this is not a simple time, at least the ordinary person must not be able to do it.

An ordinary person, if he wants to do this, he has to do it on some special occasions.

Even from the sound of that voice, it is estimated that the owner of the Spirit force is now dead.

“This village also looks problematic.”

Thinking of this, feeling the enchantment that still exists around the village, Adier could not help flashing this thought in his heart.

the next day.

When the morning sun shone on the ground, Adier stepped out of his room and looked towards the distance.

In the surroundings, several people kept walking around. Although they were decisive and proficient, they did not seem to be in a hurry and did not look like dead people.

“Adier, you’re awake.” Thor’s voice came from a distance.

In the room opposite Adier, Thor was standing in front of a wooden post, carefully training his sword technique.

“How did you sleep last night?”

Seeing that the other party was okay, Adier relaxed subconsciously, then walked directly to the other party and looked at the other party and asked.

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