“Sleeping OK.”

Thor put away his sword and smiled at Adier who was walking beside him: “It was Solana who cried again last night, which caused some headaches.”

For his words, Adier said with a smile: “Isn’t this normal?”

Thor laughed, standing beside Adier, saying nothing.

They walked out from the same place. While on the road, looking at the side Adier, Thor hesitated for a while, then opened the mouth and said, “Master, did you hear any sound last night?”


Adier hesitated, then reacted quickly and understood the meaning of the other party.

Last night, the miserable howl was not only Adier could hear, but I was afraid Thor could hear it too.

For the strong Spirit power brought by Bloodline on the other side, it is not impossible to feel the fluctuation of the Spirit force, but it is definitely not as intuitive as Adier, and it can understand the nature of the sound.

I skipped these thoughts in my heart for a moment, but on the surface, Adier did not respond to this question directly, but asked instead: “Is anything happening here today?”


Switched by Adier, Thor didn’t ask again, but began to answer Adier’s question seriously: “But I heard that there will be a dance party tonight to welcome us.”

Having said that, he paused, looked at Adier, and asked in a low voice, “Is there anything wrong here?”

“Not quite sure yet.”

Adier shook his head, his face looking calm. “But, be careful.”

“Master Thor, Mr. Adier, you are awake.” A loud voice sounded in the distance, instantly attracting the attention of Thor and Adier.

I saw that on the other side of the path, a middle-aged man with a strong body and a scar on his face stood there, looking at them at this time, who was the man who brought Adier and his party here.

He stood there, wearing a thin black clothed body, a hard face with scars, looking a little tired, and the whole person looked beautiful, like a person who didn’t wake up.

“Sir, you are here.”

Looking at Sir in a black clothed dress in the distance, Thor greeted with a smile, and then some curiously asked: “You don’t look like Spirit, didn’t you sleep well last night?”

“may be.”

Shil shook his head, trying to make himself look Spirit: “I had a nightmare last night, and it may be because of this that I didn’t take a good rest.”

“What nightmare?”

On the road, how many people are not at all. Thor quickly walked beside Sil and asked casually.

“I don’t know, some want to not raise.”

I don’t know what came to mind, and Sil’s face seemed a little dazed at an instant, and then he quickly calmed down again. The whole face became a bit stiff, like a mask cold.

For these details, Thor not at all pay attention, only when the person in front of you is caused by exhaustion, not at all think more.

But behind them, Adier, who has remained silent since Sil’s arrival, can see clearly.

At that moment, there was a clear flash of black gas on Sir’s stiff face.

Behind him, Adier’s face was calm, and in the deep eyes, a little silver began to appear, looking unusually conspicuous and beautiful.

These are the eyes of Moon Elf, one of Moonline’s Bloodline innate talents. You can see the movement of Spirit’s force and energy.

In normal times, due to the effect of the Emerald Mark, Adier’s Bloodline Strength is mostly suppressed, and can only be restored under the condition of lifting the seal or actively urging.

At this moment, under the gaze of Moon Elf’s eyes, the sight before him suddenly changed.

By Thor’s side, Sil’s silhouette still exists, and at this time is following Thor’s side, chatting with him constantly.

It was just in the sight of Moon Elf’s eyes that the other party looked very scary at this time.

His body lost his vitality, a face pale and iron-blue like a corpse, with traces of decay on it.

The opponent’s eyes are full of stagnation and silence, like a dead person, and the color of the pupils has changed from black to scarlet.

In the other person’s body, a little bit of black gas emerged, floating out into the distance. The whole looks terrifying, like a walking humanoid with a weird appearance.

Looking at this scene silently, Adier’s face was calm, as if he hadn’t seen anything, but his eyes looked towards Thor aside.

On Thor’s body, there was also a black mist covering it, trapped inside the body, suppressed by another Purple’s Strength, and it could not erupt.

This was the curse on Thor, which was suppressed by Bloodline within the body, and could not erupt.

Observing this scene, Adier lowered his head slightly, and continued to focus on Sil’s body, observing silently.

At this time, in the early morning, the sun on the sky began to rise slowly. In the peaceful village, some indigenous people had already walked outwards, preparing to start today’s labor.

In front of Adier, Thor didn’t notice the abnormality of the person beside him, walking and chatting with the other side.

“Okay, just get here.”

After walking through a section of the road, in front of a wood house, Sil stopped and the whole person seemed to have recovered from the previous state of exhaustion, and his speech became more and more natural, without any previous stiffness.

And the same is true in Adier’s eyes.

After such a short period of quietness, the appearance of the other person’s body has changed greatly. Although his face is still pale, like a corpse, Scarlet’s eyes have become normal, even the rolling black breath Is also shrinking.

With these changes, the other person seems to have more and more Spirit on the surface, the tone of chat and the expression on the face become more natural, and the whole begins to recover towards normal people.

Looking at all this, Adier didn’t speak, but just looked at each other deeply before leaving, and followed Thor in front of him and walked into the room.

Continue to walk forward a few cloths, and with a squeak, Thor’s door was pushed open by Thor, revealing the scene inside.

Behind the wooden door is a very spacious hall. In the hall, there are long wooden tables there, with some food on it.

At this time in the lobby, several people were already sitting there, and it looked like they were having breakfast.

One of them caught Adier’s attention.

It was a little boy who was about thirteen or four years old. He was dressed in black clothed and looked very cute, but the expression on his face seemed a bit stiff and seemed to be a little scared.

But in the eyes of Adier, the little boy was abnormal.

Similar to the previous Sear, in Adier’s sight, the little boy’s face was also pale, and his eyes were also scarlet, with some silence in it.

“What’s wrong?” Thor’s voice came from before him.

Sitting across from Adier, Thor looked at Adier with some doubt.

“Don’t you think there are a lot of people wearing black clothed here?”

Turning his attention to Thor, Adier said casually, but then bowed his head, using his breakfast.

“Black clothed?”

Opposite Adier, listening to Adier’s words, Thor was a sudden jump in his heart, and seemed to think of something important.

“Indeed … starting yesterday, there are too many people wearing black clothed in this village.”

The thought flashed through his mind, and his eyes looked towards the others in the hall.

In the hall in front, a total of five people are sitting here, three of them are wearing black clothed.

“Maybe a coincidence …”

After observing for a while, he couldn’t think of any problems, Thor frowned.

Here they quickly ran out of breakfast, then left and returned to their room.

Because of the rare encounter with the clansman in the past, and the retention of Mike Elder, they originally planned to leave the next morning, so they still lived there that night.

Soon, in the middle of the night, a bonfire started to rise as the sky gradually fainted.

The bonfire started to ignite, and on a high stage, several indigenous girls were dancing strange dances.

However, when Thor and Yana walked out of the door, they suddenly stopped.

In the middle of the village, at this time, the entire village has already come out to participate in this grand party.

However, except for the indigenous people, the Krasu people have a uniform dress. Most of them, including Elder McDowell, are dressed in black clothed.

Seeing this, during the day, Adier’s words reappeared, and a strong sense of uneasiness came to his heart, making Thor can’t help frowning.

“What’s wrong?” Next to him, Yana’s gentle voice sounded in her ear.

She looked at the party in front of her, not at all, like Thor, thinking of many, but holding child in her hands, a smile on her pale face: “Let’s go and see.”

“it is good.”

Listening to her, hesitated for a while, Thor was still nodded, and then pulled Yana forward.

At this point, there were some people around in front of it, and there were a lot of noises around. The child’s frolic was mixed with the adult’s applause. The warm atmosphere made Thor’s uneasiness slightly relieved and stabilized.

After all is a gregarious creature, in such a lively environment in front of you, it will naturally relax.

“Thor, don’t you come and see them together?” There was a loud voice in the distance.

Thor raised his head, just to see on another high platform, Sear was wearing a thin black clothed, with a seemingly bold smile on his face, beckoning him: “This is a party for you!”

“Go and see.”

Feeling the warm atmosphere in front of her eyes, Yana also smiled on her face, looked at Thor around her, and gently opened the mouth and said, “We haven’t felt this feeling for years.”

Looking at Yana, hesitated the following, Thor was still nodded, and then walked straight ahead.

While walking, he happened to see a young man in white clothed walking past him, holding a piece of barbecue in his hand, so he moved his heart and stopped the other party directly: “Why so many people are wearing black clothed tonight ? “

Looking at Thor in front of him, the white clothed youth also had doubts on his face: “I also feel very strange. Obviously no one noticed, but everyone else seemed to have made an appointment, each and everyone came out wearing black clothed.”

Looking at the young man, Thor asked a few more words, and at last he couldn’t really ask anything before moving forward.

He walked towards Sil and the others, and soon played with those people, as if he was back in his youth, playing with clansman.

On the other side, looking at Thor and the others’ expressions, Yana hugged child quietly, with a smile on her face, as if thinking of the past.

“Why not go in together.”

An old voice in my ear suddenly came, accompanied by footsteps.

Hearing the sound, Yana turned and looked towards behind, just to see an old man in a black robe standing there, at this time looking at the child in her arms.

“I don’t have the energy to be there again.”

Looking at the old man in front of him, Yana’s face was calm and looked a little emotional. “You know, the curse on me is about to erupt.”

“It’s you, Mike Elder. Why don’t you go here with someone so late?”

She looked at the old man in front of her and asked, her words sounded calm.

“I just want to confirm something.”

Taking a deep look at Yana, Mike was as indifferent as ever: “Please come with me.”

He dropped the sentence, and then looked towards and walked without attracting anyone’s attention.

Behind him, listening to his words, Yana was subconsciously frowned and hesitated in his heart.

But while she was still hesitating, her body moved forward instinctively, and silently followed behind McDow.

“How come? My body !!!”

Feeling his body moving uncontrollably, Yana’s heart suddenly became horrified: “Thor!”

She wanted to call out her husband’s name, but found that she could not completely control her body. She couldn’t even speak, and could only stiffly follow Mike Dor, and walked forward.

At this moment, in his within the body, the curse that had been controlled was exploding madly, and even faintly broke through the seal under Adier’s cloth, and began to affect her body.

“Where do you want to take me?”

Looking at Mike in front of her, she shouted this sentence instinctively, which made her suddenly stunned.

“Relax, I don’t at all control your actions completely, as long as it doesn’t cause me trouble, you can say the rest.” In front, Mike’s voice came, but compared to the past, it was one more now It’s cold.

“As for where you want to take you, you will soon understand.”

Standing in front of Yana, Mike Dodd raised his head silently and continued to walk forward.

They went all the way forward, and it didn’t take long for a wooden tall building of seven or eight meters to appear in front.

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