In the night, a small bonfire was burning in a small village.

And in another quiet corner, following Mikedo in front of him, Yana came under a high tower.

“This feeling···”

Walking under the tower, an inexplicable palpitation emerged, making Yana helpless: “It is the strength of the altar.”

“Congratulations, you got it.”

McDowell looked up and looked towards the tower in front of him: “A few years ago, a disaster began to erupt, and the altars guarded by our generations were destroyed. The curse of the seal was released, making our clansman one by one. Die. “

“At that time, I stole a fragment of a god stone from the broken altar, and at this time I put it on the tall building in front to arrange the altar to protect the whole village.”

“It’s just that the cursed Strength is too terrifying. It’s just the enchantment. When the Strength of the God Stone is exhausted, we will dead end sooner or later.”

Standing in front of Yana, Mike said indifferently: “To change this situation, I consulted almost all ancient books and finally found a way.”

Having said that, he turned, his face was facing Yana.

When she saw Mike’s face, Yana was taken aback.

At this point, the other person’s complexion looked pale, a pair of originally turbid eyes became dead, one of the scarlet light was faintly revealed, it was not a normal person.


The moment she saw what the other person looked like, Yana’s face instantly became frightened, and deep inside, there seemed to be some kind of terrifying memory that was instantly awakened and reoccupied her mind.

Driven by fear, she subconsciously tried to escape from each other, but she could not move her body at all.

Her body was controlled by some kind of strength and she couldn’t move at all. Even now, she can’t even speak with her mouth open.

“This method is to find a clansman with a Bloodline strong enough to use as a medium, graft all the curses on us, and then use the fragments of the god stone to make the altar, and seal the medium used to graft the curse.”

Walking in front of Yana, Mike was wearing a thin black robe, a pale face was a little embarrassed at this moment, the scarlet light in his eyes could no longer be concealed, it was frightening in his heart.

“I thought that Thor was the most suitable person, but when I saw the child in your arms, I knew she was the most suitable person!” A low growl sounded through the place.

In while speaking, there is a faint black breath rising from his body, little by little fluttering from his body, gathered together, as if wearing another thick black robe.

But for all this, as if he didn’t see it, he walked forward stiffly, a trembling right hand slowly stretched out, and grabbed Solana in Yana’s arms.

“Do not!!”

Understanding her opponent’s purpose, looking at her pale and trembling hand, Yana shouted no longer at the fear.

However, her Strength is too weak, no matter how desperately she can’t break through the layer of protection covering her body, she can only look at the other hand in vain, and her heart becomes even more desperate.

bump! !!

The crisp sound echoed in place, as if hitting the glass.

In front of Yana, a faint layer of Warping Barrier emerged, with a moonlight enchantment, blocking the outstretched arm.

Before Mike had responded, a powerful force field came from before him, knocking him directly from the place, fiercely hit a stone tablet, and made a huge sound.


The dull sound sounded quickly. In the distance, the tall stone tablet forcibly was broken by Mike, and the complete stone tablet turned into several pieces and flew out.

Only then did Yana realize that, sometime, a silhouette had already stood beside her.

It was a handsome young man in a white robe with black hair, wearing a machete on his waist, but just standing there quietly, a breath of calming mind spread.

The teenager stood quietly beside Yana, a pair of eyes did not know when it had become silver, and there was a terrifying breath emanating from his body, resonating with the surrounding energy particles, forming a gleam of substance.

“you are···”

Reluctantly got up from the ground, looking at the young man who suddenly appeared in the distance, Mike’s dead scarlet eyes flashed incomprehensibility, it seemed that he hadn’t reacted from the previous blow.

“Is the curse slowly affecting the whole person?”

Adier sighed as he looked at him.

“What a curse, I obviously …”

Standing stiffly from the ground, Mike suddenly froze.

In front of his eyes, a mirror condensed by Yuehua emerged, clearly reflecting his current appearance.

“Yes, I already …”

There was a flash of clear comprehension in his heart, and then the will that could have been maintained disappeared instantly.

Under Adier’s gaze, his opponent’s appearance began to change.

The violent black gas began to gush, covering the whole body, like a layer of black clothed through the mountains, a pair of dead eyes, the head of the scarlet light, and even the pale arms became a pair of sharp claws, the whole look No different from the black clothed person Adier has seen before.

From the original human form to this appearance, his consciousness also completely disappeared, and he yelled directly and rushed towards Adier.

A faint layer of force field began to emerge, first contracting, then condensing, and erupting.

In a moment, a big hole appeared in the chest of the black clothed person, and the whole body was crushed, and was compressed, bumped, and fiercely fell to the ground.

Roar! !

The violent roar continued to sound, like the injured wild beast, and it was frightening.

A shadow rushed quickly from the place, with a fierce wind, and a layer of black gas pressed against Adier.

Standing still, feeling this scene, Adier didn’t move, just sighed softly.

A faint moonlight erupted from him, and the violent particles of energy condensed into a pure light on him, and eventually turned into countless moonlight blades, exploding madly here.

At a moment, Yue Yuehua pushed outward, shining on the black clothed person in front of her, making the other party’s action directly slowed, and the entire body began to explode continuously, emitting a strong explosion.

In the sound of the explosion, his body began to fall apart, and after breaking apart, it turned into a burst of black gas, which dissipated directly without leaving any traces.

“Since you have died long ago, you should die clean.”

Looking silently at the scene in front of him, Adier was disdainful, then turned and looked towards side Yana.

At the moment of Mike’s death, Yana’s repression was automatically released, and his mobility was restored again.

She looked at the scene in front of her, shocked and confused, and seemed to be confused about what happened: “Master Adier, this is …”

“A group of dead is wandering.” Adier’s calm voice sounded in his ear.

He turned around and looked towards the direction of the bonfire in the distance: “I am afraid that most of the people in this village are already dead. They were quietly cursed and suppressed by the enchantment existing here. People keep what they were like before they died. “

This is actually a problem with the protection of this village.

Obviously, the survivors of these ancient wizards, including Mike Doo, now overestimate the ability of the village enchantment and underestimate the degree of cursing terrifying.

The inheritance of these ancient relics has long been lost. Even the advent of this enchantment, even in the eyes of Adier, is completely wrong, and it is impossible to completely block the curse.

It was only because the outbreak of the curse was too hidden, that made these survivors mistakenly think that the curse had disappeared. After putting down their vigilance, they were slowly penetrated by the curse.

Judging from the situation in front of Michael, he is probably dead for a long time, but under the influence of the curse, he still retains his former appearance and even thinks that he is still alive.

Thinking of this, Adier raised his head silently, looking towards the black wooden tower in front of him.

In the wooden tower, a faint wave escaped from it, spreading out all the time, forming an enchantment surrounding the whole village.

Looking at the wooden tower in front of him, Adier walked forward silently and pushed the wooden door in front of him.

Inside the wooden door is a small field with a staircase leading to it.

Entering here, Adier looked around.

It looks like no one has been here for a long time, and the things around it have been around for a long time. There are dust everywhere in the corners. It should have been cleaned for a long time.

After looking around for a while, and seeing nothing found, Adier continued to walk up.

Behind him, watching Adier’s movements and holding the child in his arms, Yana hesitated for a while, and finally chose to go forward and follow Adier’s footsteps.

The stairs in the wooden tower were not long. At Adier’s speed, it didn’t take long to reach the end and reached the top floor.

Here is a small room. In the room, several delicately crafted mirrors were placed there, at which point the purple light was reflected in the mirror.

In the center of the room, there is a small altar. On the altar, there is a fist-sized purple crystal, which looks like a spar from afar, glittering purple.

On this purple spar, a faint layer of purple brilliance slowly diffuses, which contains several different Strength.

Standing beside this purple spar, a heartfelt sensation rose from Adier’s heart, and he felt it easily.

This feeling is similar to the last time I met World Stone, but it was a lot lighter, which allowed Adier to control it, even his face was calm.

“It is indeed World Stone, but there are too many other things in it.”

Standing quietly in front of the altar, and carefully feeling the Strength contained in this purple spar, Adier frowned.

Under the eyes of Adier Moon Elf, in addition to World Stone’s Strength, there are two other Strength’s in the World Stone fragments in front of them.

One of the strengths is purple, and the strength of the strength revealed is similar to Thor’s. It should be the ancient wizard who suppressed the curse.

As for the other Strength, it is black, faintly condensing into the shape of a black snake. The hidden Strength in it makes Adier feel a little frightened at this time. Affected by this, all kinds of impetuous emotions can’t help but come to mind.

There is no doubt that this Strength is related to the curse, and it is likely that it was infected by the subject of the curse.

“Even the World Stone subject used to suppress the curse has been infected by the curse. It is strange that the enchantment can block the curse.”

Feeling the scene in front of him, Adier shook his head, then walked straight forward in Yana’s surprised eyes beside him, the right hand stretched out directly, and grabbed at the purple spar.

When the arm touches the spar, a purple light erupts instantly on the spar of the purple, illuminating the small space around it.

This is a protective measure of the altar, which uses some superficial Wizard Array. As long as someone wants to remove this World Stone shard, it will be immediately resisted by the Wizard Array’s Strength of the shard.

However, these Wizard Arrays are too shallow, let alone against Adier, even a formal wizard can’t stop them.

Adier only exerted a little force, and the force field on his body broke out at will. He destroyed the Wizard Array node on the altar and then directly took the piece.

“Unknown Strength detected … Boundary Energy is starting to grow …” At this moment, the sound of the chip machinery in my head sounded again.

Under Adier’s gaze, Boundary Energy on his body was growing rapidly, and it stopped slowly after a few minutes.

In just such a short time, Boundary Energy on his body quickly changed from the original ten digits to the hundreds digits, and it is still slowly growing.

Waiting until the growth rate started to slow down, standing in place, Adier looked towards his physical data.

“Name: Adier.Fax. Strength: 35.7. Agility: 37.3. Constitution: 38.1. Spirit Purity: 50.7%. Boundary Energy: 91.9. Bloodline: Pure Blood Moon Elf (infant).”

“Just such a piece of World Stone has increased my Boundary Energy by more than ten times.”

Standing on the spot, looking at the column of Boundary Energy, Adier was a bit surprised and a little sorry: “This is still the debris after years of consumption. If this altar is not arranged, I am afraid that the Boundary Energy contained in it will be even more terrifying.”

Looking at the fragments in his hand, he said with a pity.

Adier sucked the Strength of World Stone’s shards clean. The spar of this purple was much darker, and the color on it began to change, from the original beautiful light purple to a dim black purple.

On the surface of the spar, the pattern of a black snake slowly formed, making people see it very clearly.

Holding the spar that turned into a black purple in his hand, Adier also felt a hot sensation coming from the palm of his hand, as if something was leaking from the spar and penetrated into his body.

“Since you’re already inside, why come out again.”

Feeling the abnormality of the spar, Adier sneered on the face, directly mobilizing the power of Moon Elf contained in the body, and input into the spar.

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