In the small cubicle, with the movement of Adier, a touch of silver brilliance gradually lights up.

The light was pure and soft, with a spirit of tranquility and tranquility in it. After feeling the breath, it couldn’t help but calm down.

This is Moon Elf’s Strength, derived from Moon Elf’s Bloodline, the most powerful and pure.

As Adier puts Strength into his purple black spar, a change begins.

With the surprised gaze behind Yana, the look of the spar began to change, and a new Strength appeared in it, quickly covering up the black in it.

A silver luster is mixed in, turning the entire spar into two distinct colors.

Purple and silver’s Strength flow in it, occupying more than half of the spar. As for black, which is a curse, it has been suppressed in the corner at this time, and it can hardly be found without careful observation.

After doing all this, Adier retracted his hand and looked at the World Stone shards that almost turned into silver in front of him.

The two types of Strength in this World Stone shard are very powerful. Whether it is Bloodline Strength of the Ancient Wizard or Curse of Strength, its body is probably above Level 4.

Even if it is Adier who wants to inject his Strength under the pressure of these two kinds of Strength, even Adier has worked hard.

Moon Elf must reach Level 4 as long as it is an adult. The power of Moon Elf’s Bloodline is, in essence, close to the existence of Level 4. Therefore, with the support of Adier, the Strength, which is a curse, can be suppressed.

After all, no matter how powerful the cursed body is, the cursed Strength in the World Stone shard in front of it is only a little bit, as long as the essence is not too different, it can be continuously suppressed by Adier, or even obliterated.

In order to suppress such a curse of Strength, Adier injected almost half of the power of Moon Elf into it, and then barely suppressed the cursed Strength.

Thinking of this, Adier thought, the pieces of World Stone in front of him disappeared in situ, and were instantly put away by Adier’s emerald mark.

“Let’s go.”

To do this, Adier glanced at all around at random, and then said to Yana after seeing not at all around, “Thor should be in trouble now.”

“Will it matter?”

Concerning her husband, Yana’s expression immediately became tense, and she looked nervously at Adier and asked.

“There will be no major problems for the time being, but if there is a long delay, it may not be necessary.”

Looking at side Yana, Adier casually said.

If his guess is correct, the vast majority of the people in this village should have been silently eroded by the curse. Only because of the combined effect of the enchantment and the curse, these people still think that they are alive, or even Continue to live according to the habits and thinking in front of you.

But now, the World Stone shards used to maintain the enchantment have been taken up by Adier. The suppression effect of the enchantment is about to disappear. Those who had died will probably show their true colors now.

This is the equivalent of being in a haunted house, Thor alone among those undeads turned into curses, and the next place is imaginable.

“You stay here.”

Looking at Yana, who was holding a child next to him, and pale, Adier casually said, “This is the strongest place in the Strength of Enchantment. It will be safe for at least a day or two. Those curses dare not come to you.”

“You stay here and wait for me to fix those things before I come over to pick you up.”

After saying this, his silhouette moved, disappeared directly in place, and quickly left here.

In the distance, on the other side.

The bonfire in the village is still burning, with each and everyone dancing and celebrating.

Thor was in it, with several other clansmans who were familiar in the past, such as Sear, and seemed to have put down a little restlessness before. At this time, he was infected by the warm emotions around him and had a good time playing there.

It’s just that over time, everything around you starts to change slowly.

The familiar faces began to change, his complexion began to be vivid, began to become stiff, and finally became pale.

In the beginning, Thor wasn’t online, but after a while, he started to see what was wrong.

He is not an ordinary ordinary person. Since the disaster a few years ago, he has been alone from the desert to the south. For several years, he has not only had to deal with the tracking of curses, but also has to face various dangerous situations. He has developed vigilance for a long time. Instinct.

Not only him, but other people began to feel abnormal, and a deep anxiety rose in his heart.

“I’m not right.”

Standing on a high platform, looking at a familiar silhouette in front of him, Thor frowned, and the restrained anxiety came to mind again.

In front of him, a tall and strong man, but his face was pale. A middle-aged man like a corpse was still standing there, with a conspicuous scar on his face, and he was standing in front of a wooden table. , Spitting wine.

This person is the same guy who brought Thor before, but it looks a little different.

Perhaps it is because he hasn’t died long. Compared with other people around him, Sil’s appearance has changed the most. At this time, not only his face becomes pale and stiff, but also the blood in his eyes is faint. It’s horrible.

Looking closely at this familiar face, Thor even found a trace of decay, like a corpse that had been left for several days.

But even with such a noticeable change, Sil himself didn’t notice it, and even raised his toast, sipped there, and seemed to be having a good time.

It wasn’t just him. Even the people around him didn’t react at all to Sil’s change, as if he hadn’t seen it, still playing with him there.

Standing silently in the corner of the high platform, watching the situation quietly, Thor felt a thriller rising from his heart, his hands and feet chilling.

He didn’t dare to make a lot of movements and was afraid to get the attention of those people, so he stepped back without causing any sound, and was going to leave this place to find Adier.

In the surroundings, besides him, there were several fairly normal clansmans. After seeing something wrong, they were also silently preparing to escape from the place and did not dare to make the slightest sound.

“Thor, what are you doing there?”

Before taking a few steps, a voice that made Thor’s hair cold suddenly sounded, shaking his hands subconsciously.

He turned and looked back, just in front of a campfire, silhouetted with a wine glass in his hand and striding towards him.

While walking, Sear’s movements were extremely stiff, and even the flesh on his face was accelerating to rot. A piece of human skin fell directly with some flesh, which made Thor feel a little sick when he looked.

“Thor, why don’t you come and drink together?”

Striding to Thor, Sear looked cold and asked Thor stiffly.

“No … nothing.”

Resisting the desire to escape in his heart, Thor’s face barely smiled, looking at the open Sea and said, “I just want to go back and get something, and I will be back with you soon.”

“Oh, is that so?”

Seer didn’t seem to think too much. When he heard Thor say this, he went directly nodded: “Then you go, we are here waiting for you to drink!”

With that said, his footsteps were still in place, and he really didn’t seem to move.

Looking at Sil’s performance in front of him, Thor was lightly relaxed under his heart, but turned and accelerated under his feet, preparing to take advantage of this opportunity to leave quickly.

Just then, a voice suddenly sounded, making his heart tighten instantly.

“Master Sir, what’s wrong with your face?”

In the corner of the high platform, an indigenous man held food in his hands and looked at Sear’s rotten face. He was afraid to open the mouth and said, and his voice trembled.

These indigenous people are slaves bought by Mike in the past. They are responsible for working on some complicated things. They do not know the cursed breath, so they dare to speak at this time.

“my face?”

Listening to the indigenous words in front of him, Sear froze, then subconsciously extended the hand, and wiped his face fiercely with his hands.

In an instant, Sear’s face became flesh and blood, and the rotten face became more scary. The rotten flesh on it became more obvious, and only a pair of eyes were still intact.

“This is … blood …”

He stared at the disgusting flesh on the palm of his hand, and Sylvan stood still, as if nothing happened.

“Yes … I already …”

At the next moment, a flash of clear comprehension flashed in his eyes, and his eyes widened sharply, turning into a pure scarlet.

“Not good !!”

At this moment, Thor just felt a strong malicious whisper coming behind him.

As soon as he wanted to run at full strength, he found a hand resting silently on his shoulder.

It was a pale, stiff arm with a chill on his arm, which made people think of the ice in the winter.

“Thor ·················

Behind him, intermittent sounds came, the more backward, the more mechanical, sounded no emotion, not like the voice of Sil.

The next moment, Thor only felt that the World seemed to be quiet. In the dark night, there should have been the low whistle of the Insect and the sound of the bonfire burning, but at this time all disappeared, leaving only a cold cold air rising from his body. Also accompanied by a strong awkwardness and uncomfortableness within the body.

That was the feeling that the curse within broke began to erupt. At this time it seemed to be guided by External Strength and began to erupt again. Thor’s body began to slow down.

The next moment, when Thor regained consciousness, the sound of wind blowing from his ears.

I do not know when, he was already flying in mid-air, it seemed that he was blown out before, and finally fiercely hit the ground and made a loud noise.

But even so, he was hit so hard, he was not injured, not even a bit of intense pain.

Because on his body, a faint silver barrier began to emerge, and a wave of force fields appeared on it, offsetting all the damage Thor had taken.

“This feeling is … Strength of Lord Adier.”

Looking at the pale silver barrier that appeared around his body, Thor quickly reacted, quickly rising from the ground, and looked towards the distance.

In the distance, Sear’s appearance has completely changed. He is covered with strong black air, slowly condensing into a black robe, covering all his body, leaving only a pair of scarlet’s eyes exposed, looking Abnormally weird, completely unable to see the look of the past.

At the feet of this black clothed person, several corpses were silently falling to the ground. The traces on the corpses were exaggerated. The whole flesh and blood seemed to be shattered, and it looked like it was a red layer on the ground. Meat sauce is extremely scary.

Looking at this scene, Thor felt a sense of fortune.

At Fangcai, if a layer of barrier suddenly appeared on his body, I am afraid that at this time, like the indigenous peoples, he has become a human-shaped meat sauce.

But this is not the time to care about this.

The curse on Sear erupted, and by this time it had become a black clothed monster.

The horror is still far away.

When seeing this black clothed monster that Shire turned into, the people next to the bonfire in the distance froze collectively, and then the silhouette began to change continuously.

Like Sear before, thick black gas began to appear on their bodies, and their dull eyes began to turn into scarlets, and eventually turned into each and everyone black clothed monster.

For a time, a whole number of black clothed monsters were displayed here. Together with the bonfire in the distance, it looked like a monster party.

Looking at this scene, including Thor, almost all surviving Krass clansman are desperate in their hearts, and the courage of confrontation cannot be raised in their hearts.

The curse is not as good as the imagination. Even if they are descendants of the ancient wizard, these people are born with Strength beyond ordinary people, but they are only comparable to Knight apprentices. They may be considered very good for ordinary people. The black clothed monster formed by the eruption is just a delivery of food that’s all.

Even after being taught by Adier, Thor, who is comparable in strength to Knight Peak, is far from an opponent in the face of such a black clothed monster.

What’s more, the black clothed monster here is not one, but a whole hundred.

The amount of such horror is enough to be desperate. Even if a formal wizard is here, I am afraid it will be drowned at this time.

The faint moonlight brilliance lighted up all around, and several human-sized Fireball dropping from the sky hit several black clothed monsters while hitting several deep pits on the ground.

In the distance, Adier was dressed in white clothed, and at this time looking at the black clothed monsters everywhere, he couldn’t help frowning.

“Master Adier !!” Thor shouted from a distance.

When seeing the silhouette of Adier rushing in time, Thor was suddenly sighed in relief, but still strangling a string, while running towards Adier, he shouted, “The curse here has all erupted. “

He looked at a few clansman who fled in a hurry, took a deep breath, and finally gave up.

PS: I wish all the children of all exams passed! (including me)

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