Before a bonfire, Thor’s silhouette shuttled quickly, trying to run towards Adier.

The only thought in his mind at this time was to run to Adier and leave the place with his mother and daughter as soon as possible.

As for staying to fight these monsters, he never thought about it.

There are too many black clothed monsters in front of them. Not only are there hundreds of them, but the strength of each head is extremely strong, which is not comparable to his flesh and blood.

If he wanted to stay and fight, he wouldn’t help at all, and he would have to fight Adier alone.

But one person alone has hundreds of black clothed monsters, even with strong confidence in Adier, but Thor also believes that Adier can win.

“Not good !!”

Halfway through, Thor’s thought suddenly rose.

In front of him, a silhouette of a black clothed monster emerged quietly, at this time the faint blackness of his body was dissipating, and a pair of scarlet eyes stared at Thor quietly, with extreme silence and indifference.

Looking at Thor, the black clothed monster raised his arm gently, grabbing the huge black claws straight forward, with a chilling wind.


The horrible impact sounded suddenly. At the moment Thor hadn’t responded yet, the black clothed monster in front of him disappeared instantly, was hit by fiercely and hit the ground.

At the position where the opponent was standing before, Adier’s silhouette appeared, and at this moment turned slightly and looked at Thor in front of him.

“Get up.”

He looked at Thor and seemed to say something casually, and then the silhouette disappeared from the spot again.

In the dark night, a fire suddenly lit.

Standing in the middle of the field, Adier waved his hand, and the Spirit force in the Spirit Sea instantly burned, and a spell was released.

Several Fireballs appeared in place instantly, and under the control of Adier, they slammed into a few black clothed monsters and made a sound.

bump! !!

The sound of several explosions bloomed in situ, and then the bodies of several black clothed monsters became fragmented, and they were directly turned into a faint black gas to escape around.

The powerful explosion sound, while attracting other black clothed monsters around, also made Thor and a few lucky people survive a bit dull.


Looking at the black clothed monsters that were easily solved by Adier in the distance, Thor suddenly hesitated, and a strong sense of contrast arose in his heart.

Through Bloodline’s connection, he can easily feel the Strength of these black clothed monsters. Each one is placed outside. I am afraid there is no problem in slaughtering a small city, but now it is solved by Adier casually. Going up is easier than killing a chicken.

The sense of contrast caused him to cover his eyes and slowed his pace a little.

“Probably the equivalent of a top third-class apprentice.”

In the middle of the venue, Adier didn’t think too much about the thoughts of those around him.

The black clothed monsters formed by these curses are indeed very powerful, but it depends on who they are.

For ordinary mortals, these black clothed monsters are unparalleled existence, but for Adier who is almost promoted to Level 2 Wizard today, that is it.

The third-level apprentice’s Strength, let alone a Peak, is an ordinary Metamorphosis Stage sorcerer who wants to deal with it, and it is not on a level at all.

“It’s rare to have so many guinea pigs, just try that.”

Standing in place, I probably finished testing the strength of the black clothed monsters around me. Looking at the hundreds of black clothed monsters around me, Adier flashed this thought in his mind.

bump! bump! bump!

A dull footsteps sounded, sounding extremely neat.

Under Adier’s gaze, the black clothed monsters around him started to move forward slowly, and the dull footsteps gave a strong pressure.

But they haven’t waited for them to get completely close, next moment, a terrible Bloodline majesty rises from the center.

A faint moonlight shrouded around him. In the dark, Adier was covered with a layer of silver, and then the appearance of the whole person began to change.

As if what seal had been unlocked, his eyes quickly turned into silver, a pure black hair also quickly turned into a light silver, and a spiritual light shrouded in it, admiring the sacredness set by Adier, like the born Goddess , Flawless looks, extremely delicate.

A quiet and serene breath spread from the place, with a mysterious Strength, so that the hearts of the people around him were quickly soothed, the fears and despair that originally enveloped in the heart slowly melted away, and the calmness was quickly restored.

This change lasted until the end, and a terror of Bloodline majesty erupted instantly, causing people around them to be instantly changed.

Fortunately for those indigenous people who survived, as an ordinary person, their Bloodline and natural Spirit are very low, and they cannot feel this majesty at all.

But those Krasu people who inherited the ancient wizard Bloodline are different. At this moment, his face changes instantly, his heart seems to be under heavy pressure, and even the whole body’s action is a bit unnatural.

For this feeling, the thicker the Bloodline is, the more uncomfortable the presence of Spirit is. For example, Thor, at this time, cold sweat has been left on his forehead, and Bloodline within the body’s unrestricted boiling has made him feel his blood tremble.

This is the prestige of the ancient Moon Elf. Even if you don’t focus on it, just the instinct of breath is enough to deter countless people.

The majesty of terror continued to escape, and in the dim sky, a little starlight began to erupt.

It seems like a galaxy is falling, the endless silver moonlight shines on the sky, and the dim night is extremely clear. The contained Strength envelops the surrounding several hundred meters of earth.

This light is soft but powerful, and it contains Moon Elf’s Strength, which is completely triggered by Adier.

As the light shines on the shadows, in the surroundings, shrouded by this beautiful moonlight, the body of hundreds of black clothed monsters begins to melt slowly, the flesh and blood in it melts into the moonlight, and the black gas not only escapes.

Wait until the silhouette of the hundreds of black clothed monsters around completely disappears, and the moonlight shining around also slowly dissipates, leaving only the silhouette in the center of the venue.

With all these results, Thor only felt that the horrific pressure had disappeared, and the trembling blood began to calm down.

Standing in place, he settled down, then looked forward.

In the middle of the venue, with the disappearance of hundreds of black clothed monsters around, Adier returned to his former appearance again.

The brilliance of the silver in the eyes was dim, and the long hair of the pale silver began to fade. It reverted to the appearance of black hair. The spiritual brilliance that was originally full was also covered. Although the handsome appearance still looks good, it does not That kind of stunning look before.

“It is indeed Bloodline of Moon Elf. It has not yet fully grown, and the Strength that it can play is already so scary.”

Adopting the Emerald Mark to suppress the entire Moon Elf Bloodline again, feeling the kind of Strength just now, Adier couldn’t help but marvel.

Just now, he not at all used all-out power, and only the offensive launched under the body’s instincts destroyed all the black clothed monsters with hundreds of heads comparable to third-class apprentices.

It’s just that the Strength brought by this Bloodline, if converted to the wizard’s level, I am afraid that most Metamorphosis Stage wizards will not be opponents.

Moreover, this Strength is completely derived from Bloodline, and does not need to consume Spirit like Spell, just like breathing, it is completely an instinct of your body.

“Master Adier, are you okay?”

In the distance, Thor’s voice came from afar.

On the side, quickly running to Adier from a distance, looking at Adier before returning to normal form, Thor felt an unreal feeling in his heart.

He still remembers when he first met Adier. At that time, due to some accidents, Adier also shot and fought a black clothed monster head-on.

At that time, although Adier’s performance was easy, it had not yet reached the point where it could easily destroy hundreds of black clothed monsters.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but be a little complicated.


Standing in front of Thor, looking at Thor’s appearance, Adier didn’t think too much, just looking at Thor in front of him: “Yana, she is still waiting for you to pick her up.”

At this moment, looking at Thor, some survivors around him began to gather slowly, but looking at Adier’s eyes, there was some awe.

For these survivors, Adier didn’t want to bother, just considering that these people are descendants of ancient wizards, and there may be some ancient knowledge in the clan, so I talked with them.

After a while, after Thor brought Yana’s mother and daughter back, Adier walked into a spacious house under the leadership of several Krasu people.

“Here is the residence of Michael Elder, with some things left by our ancestors of the Krasu family.”

When he reached the house, an old voice sounded in Adier’s ear.

“I’ll go in like this, is it okay?” Looking at the spacious room, Adier nodded, and asked the old man in front of him.

“It doesn’t matter.”

Listening to Adier’s words, in front of him, the old man in fur robe with a wry smile on his face: “You are a friend recognized by Lord Thor, you would have been eligible to enter here.”

“And you just saved us all.”

Speaking of which, he paused and reminded: “But there are not many things here. At the time of the disaster, many things had already been destroyed. Only a small part of them could be transferred in time. The inside might not There are things you want, an adult. “

“It’s ok.”

Adier shook his head, then glanced at the wood house in front of him and walked forward.

Behind him, watching the man walk in, the old man in a fur robe sighed and turned away.

Stepping into the wood house in front of me, a spacious hall appeared.

Standing in place, Adier looked around.

Around the hall, there are many things, including some various bone fragments, some broken weapons, and even a few bottles of potions, which contain some inexplicable things.

The surrounding scene looks messy and various things are displayed everywhere. I don’t know what it is used for.

Looking at the objects around him, Adier patiently checked them.

Most of the things here are useless, but there are also some valuable things, such as a book that basically records some experiments, and a book about Wizard Array.

For these books, Adier flipped through the pages. The knowledge in them seemed a bit simple, and the books did not look too old. They should not be left by the ancient wizards, but by the later wizards.

Presumably before the loss of the inheritance of the wizard, there should still be wizards in the Krassu tribe, but the desert environment is too barren, there is not enough resources to support it, and it is impossible to go to a higher level. This is slowly disappear.

As for these messy things in front of him, Adier estimates that it has been researched by Mike Dodd before, just to see how many things have been researched at not all.

Packing up some of the more valuable books around, Adier went on.

Leaving from the lobby, there is only one room inside.

Admired, Adier stepped forward, opened the door to the room, and walked in.

There are few things in the room, except for a wooden bed and some furniture, there are only a few black wooden boxes.

Adier stepped forward and took a look. On these black wooden boxes, a purple mark was engraved.

It was a purple rose, and on the rose, there was a weird mark that looked a bit like a secret word.

Adier is not unfamiliar with this mark. He often sees the family emblem of the Krassu tribe when he comes to the village with Thor.

The wooden boxes in front of me should be left by the ancestors of the Krasu family.

Adier checked it. In these boxes, there are still some traces of Wizard Array. The above structure is very complicated, which makes Adier feel a little tricky.

“Chip, record Wizard Array, analyze the crack method.”

After testing the existing Wizard Array, Adier frowned first, and then couldn’t help ordering the chip in his head.

“Established task … Estimated completion time: half an hour …” Next moment, the sound of the chip machinery in my head sounded.

Listening to the sound of the chip, Adier did not respond, but turned and looked towards all around, ready to take advantage of this time to see if anything else was missing.

Half an hour passed by.

When the chip entered the analysis results into his mind, Adier frowned.

According to the analysis results of the chip, the Wizard Array attached to these black boxes is extremely complicated. At the time of production, it was blocked by a strong Strength, and together with the wooden box, a special Magic Transformed Item was created.

According to Adier’s speculation, the wizards who made these black boxes at first were probably at least Level 2 wizards, and some of the means inside could not be understood even with his current knowledge, let alone to explain.

PS: Cheeky shameless came to recommend the book, recommend a friend’s book “Low Dimension Game”, the following is the introduction:

By chance, Lu Zhiyu found an entrance to the low-dimensional World, and opened a different chapter!

Free to control everything in a low-dimensional world, Lu Zhiyu feels like a GM of a game, or is it God?


The author strongly recommends that this book is really beautiful! Everyone help me to urge more!

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