“There is no way to forcibly break it, it can only be opened in accordance with the requirements set at the time.”

Rubbing his forehead, Adier whispered, looking at the black boxes in front of him by the dim light.

The opening conditions of these black boxes are not too difficult at present. According to the derivation of the chip, to open these boxes, you only need a Bloodline with Krassu people.

This opening condition is not too harsh, you just need to call Thor.

As the original successor of the Krassu tribe, in terms of Bloodline, he definitely can stand the test. There should be no problem in opening these boxes.

Of course, there is a more straightforward approach for Adier.

As the thoughts moved, a silver-purple spar appeared on Adier’s hand, emitting a faint light in the dim room.

Adier took the action, slightly spurring the Strength contained in the World Stone shards, and a strand of Light purple Strength was pulled out, covering his palms, forming a complex complex mark of purple.

Having done this, Adier extend the hand, put your hand on the box, and let the purple Blood Imprint face the black box.

At the moment when the two came into contact, a faint light began to bloom on the black wooden box, and the purple family emblem on it was particularly noticeable. The purple brilliance bloomed, as if it had been stimulated, and began to emerge.

Complicated textures emerged on the surface of the entire wooden box. Some of them are familiar to Adier, but more of them are unfamiliar. Some of them make the current Adier feel complicated and can only be forcibly recorded with a chip for future deciphering.

This change lasted for a while, and then a mechanical sound sounded in place.

“Bloodline passed …”

As the sound fell, the glory in front of him slowly became dim.

Adier let go of his hand, and the lid of the box opened automatically, revealing what was inside.

It was a broken cross sword with a red blade. At this time it was broken into two pieces, but it was not rusty, and it looked very new.

Looking at this long sword, Adier’s eyes were fixed: “Magic weapon?”

This thought flashed through his mind, he extended the hand, and held the sword handle in his hands with some caution, only to find that there was no abnormality, then he felt relieved.

“This kind of material is somewhat like Harvey Metal … but there are some differences, it may be a synthetic material …”

Gently stroke the blade with his hand, feeling the touch from the palm of his hand, Adier thought.

After a while, he tried to inject a little mana into the sword.

A faint scarlet red rays of light began to flash on the sword. At this moment, something seemed to be activated on the long sword, and an inexplicable feedback followed the sword body and directly blessed Adier.

At this moment, Adier only felt a little lighter, and his physical strength also strengthened a lot.

He felt for a moment that in this broken long sword, there was a core with a good spell in it, which made Adier feel very complicated.

Holding this sword, with the continuous input of Adier’s mana, the broken long sword seems to be gradually recovering, and it is gradually recovering its activity. There is a faint sense of rejection in it.

“There are traces of conscious existence and this instinctual rejection. Before the long sword is broken, I am afraid it is at least an advanced magic weapon.”

After carefully inspecting the traces of the long sword, Adier was a bit surprised and a bit sorry: “Unfortunately, this magic weapon has been broken, the once-existing mark of the will has been worn away, and even if it is repaired again, it is only an advanced Magic Transformed Item That’s it. “

“Furthermore, there is a Bloodline test. Except for the Krasu people like Thor, I am afraid that no one can play the strength of this sword.”

Shook the head, put away the broken cross sword, Adier looked towards.

On the side, in addition to the box he opened, there were two boxes standing there.

Without much hesitation, using the previous method, he directly opened all the remaining two boxes.

Among the remaining two boxes, one of them contained a crystal ball. Adier looked at it. It was a high-level refined spar used to store knowledge, but there was nothing in it at this time. People took it.

As for the other box, there are a few dark scales that look pure black, like black jade, which is very beautiful.

The moment he saw the scales, Adier’s body instantly reacted.

Moon Elf Bloodline within the body’s uncontrolled recovery, the moonlight began to escape from Adier, the faint Bloodline majestic shrouded the wild.

“this is···”

Feeling the voluntary recovery within the body Bloodline, Adier froze and looked towards the several scales in front of him.

After Bloodline recovered, what he could see suddenly changed.

I saw that on these light black scales, a very light Bloodline majesty was also revealed, and there was a light black gas overflowing outward, although it was weak, but it always existed.

This situation continued for a while, and after a while, Adier got used to this situation, and then used the emerald mark on his forehead to suppress the Bloodline on his body again without leaving a natural phenomenon.

After returning to normal form, looking at the scales in front of him, Adier frowned.

With the scene just now, he has already faintly guessed what these scales are. I am afraid it is something left behind by the cursed body, otherwise the Bloodline of Adier within the body will not be stimulated, and instinct will start to recover.

Hesitated for a moment. In the end, Adier still put away these scales, as if in an emerald space.

After all is that the scales left by such powerful beings are definitely valuable, whether they are used to exchange resources or serve as alchemy materials in the future, it is a good choice.

Putting away the three boxes in front of him, Adier carefully inspected the surrounding rooms, and finally chose not to walk out of the door until he couldn’t find anything.

At this time, the outside sky had begun to light up, and one night passed again, and a new day was coming.

Following the previous memories, Adier walked forward.

The strong Spirit power brings powerful memory. In the surroundings, all the roads are still familiar, but the village in front is no longer as lively as before.

The accident last night caused too many casualties. Except for a few indigenous peoples in the village, there are only a few Krasu who have survived.

Because the population of the village has decreased drastically, last night, living indigenous people kept secretly fleeing from the village, leaving fewer and fewer people left in the village.

Walking in this village, Adier barely saw a few living people.

That didn’t change until Thor’s premises.

“Master Adier, you are here!”

Before coming to Thor’s house, a slightly surprised shout came from the front.

Hearing the sound, Adier looked up and looked in the direction of the sound, just in front of the wood house in front of him, a silhouette of Thor standing alone.

After a night of stimulation, Thor looked tired at this time, but his face looked anxious. After seeing Adier’s silhouette, he strode over quickly.

“How is it going?”

Looking at Thor’s anxious look, Adier shook his head secretly and asked casually.

“It’s not good.”

Thor’s face was a bit bitter: “Specifically, I ask you to come in and see.”

Without much hesitation, Adier directly opened the door and walked in.

Entering the room inside, a pungent stench came over, making people feel a kind of disgusting feeling.

In this regard, Adier looked calm and looked towards the large wooden bed.

On the wooden bed, a young girl was lying there, but she looked awful at this time.

On her forehead, a black mark was spreading. At this time, she had covered her body and looked very scary.

In the center of the mark, a black snake’s mark is slowly emerging. Although it looks pale at this time, it can still see the prototype.

Lying quietly on the bed, Yana’s heartbeat sound has become slow, within the body part of the blood is coagulating, and breathing is slowly stopping.

A pungent stench came from Yana, carrying a powerful pollution on Spirit.

“An unknown Spirit force field was detected …” In his mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded.

Standing in place, looking at Yana’s appearance at this time, Adier’s face remained unchanged, and looked towards her forehead.

At this point a faint seam appeared on Yana’s forehead, in the center of the black snake’s mark.

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