In the small room, Adier stared at the young girl on the wooden bed in front of her.

Under his eyes, Ya’an was full of aura of black paint, and the inexplicable pollution of Strength shrouded her body, almost covering her body completely.

Both the body and the deep Bloodline are beginning to be contaminated. A strange Strength is covering Yana and is gradually transforming the life essence of the girl.

This is the limit of the curse, and it is already very serious at this time.

If there is no way to stop this process, at most three days, the girl in front of her will be completely transformed, and the body will produce some kind of terrifying mutation.

“Within the body cursed Strength, inspired by the black clothed monsters before, it seems to be a resonance between the same source Strength.”

Probably tested the situation on the girl, Adier made such a judgment.

The two types of Strength from the same source will resonate to some extent, which will cause some unpredictable states. Yana’s state at this time is likely to be caused by this.

This situation should not have happened easily. After all, before that, Adier had instructed Yana to stay in the wooden tower, where there was residual enchantment protection, and under normal circumstances, it was enough to shelter her.

It was just that the external situation was too serious before, and the black clothed monster formed by hundreds of cursed Strength was killed by Adier all at once. The fluctuation of Strength would become extremely violent in a short period of time, so it just inspired Yana within the body. The curse, which caused the curse that should have erupted a month later to erupt in advance, has caused the current situation.

In this case, even Adier cannot continue to recover before.

After all, in the final analysis, under normal circumstances, the curse of the girl within the body should have erupted, and it is not easy to suppress the curse on her to this day.

But with the previous gains, Adier can still try.

“Try it … this is the only solution left.”

This thought flashed quietly in his mind, Adier extend the hand, and a silver-purple mixed spar began to appear on his hand.

This is a fragment of World Stone and the main treasure that previously maintained the village’s enchantment. It was previously taken away by Adier, and the Strength contained in it became pure Boundary Energy and was absorbed by Adier.

However, although the Strength belonging to the World Stone was taken away by Adier, there are still two other Strengths in it.

The cursed Strength naturally need not be mentioned, at this time was suppressed by the power of Moon Elf injected by Adier, and is slowly being worn away.

The last remaining Purple Bloodline power is most likely to be useful in this situation.

According to Adier’s guess, the power of the Purple Bloodline should be left by the ancestors of the Krasu people such as Thor. The Strength contained in it is extremely powerful. Even after so many years of annihilation, the Strength inside can still suppress the curse steadily , Which made Adier feel a little shocked at this time.

Gently waved his hand, the faint moonlight flew around instantly.

Under the moonlight, the spar in Adier’s hand is gradually brightening. The part of purple in it is glowing and heating, which is easily felt by Adier.

“In the name of Bloodline …”

Standing in front of the shabby wooden bed, Adier shrouded the moonlight all over him, his body filled with a serene and peaceful atmosphere.

As the Spirit power in the Spirit Sea continued to drain, on the wooden bed, Yana’s body gradually glowed with a slight purple light.

The light was extremely faint. Although it did exist, most people could not see it. Only a powerful wizard like Adier could feel it.

Looking quietly at the light of Bloodline that manifested on Yana, Adier couldn’t help sighing: “The Bloodline within the body is almost completely exhausted. Compared with Thor, it is not at a level at all.”

While speaking, he gently placed the spar holding in his hand on Yana’s forehead, and then looked at the scene quietly.

On Yana’s forehead, the fragments of World Stone are slowly glowing, and the purple in it is quickly dissipating, following a certain connection, passing quickly to Yana’s body.

Along with this process, the Spirit of Adier within the body is also rapidly consumed, and the speed of consumption makes him not change from some color.

This situation lasted for a few minutes before it ended.

When Adier picked up the spar from Yana’s forehead again, the World Stone fragment in front of him had changed a lot.

The original brilliance was dim, and the purple in it was gone, leaving only pure silver, which looked a little dim.

Adier probably felt it. At this time, in this World Stone shard, the power of the Bloodline of purple was completely gone, and only the power of Moon Elf that he had previously entered was left.

In Yana’s body, new changes began to occur.

The power of the Bloodline in purple has condensed into a purple Blood Imprint on her forehead. On her body, the ever-extending black mark was immediately suppressed, at this time it was slowly fading, and it looks like it will soon disappear. .

Adier observed for a while. Before Yana’s forehead, the black snake mark that had appeared before had disappeared. Only the horizontal line on the forehead still existed, but was temporarily suppressed by the purple mark on the forehead.

“Although it is only a one-time use, there should be no more accidents until this Blood Imprint is completely consumed.”

Shook the head, after checking for a bit, confirming this, Adier turned and walked out.

Outside, Thor walked around anxiously, a handsome face with anxiety on his face.

“Sir, how are things now?”

Standing outside the wood house, he saw Adier come out, and looked at Adier with a look of anxiety, asking with anticipation.

“It’s not bad, at least for two months, there will be no problems.”

Looking at Thor in front of him, Adier laughed, and then said: “The curse has just been suppressed, she is resting now, and you’d better torment her temporarily.”

“That’s good.” Listening to Adier’s words, Thor suddenly sighed in relief, and could not help but stop trying to move forward.

“Is anything else resolved?”

Adier spoke again.

“It’s almost resolved. The carriage is now outside the village. As soon as Yana recovers, she can start immediately.”

Thor nodded, and then hesitated, and after a long time he said, “Just something happened in the middle.”

“My clansman asked to travel with us and return to our hometown together.”

Hearing this, Adier was a little surprised, some did not expect this episode.

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