“Are they sure?”

Standing outside a wood house, Adier walked down the steps and looked at Thor, who stood before him, asking casually.

“Yes, it’s been confirmed again and again.”

Looking at Adier, Thor smiled bitterly: “They said that since sooner or later they can’t escape the curse, it is better to sleep in their ancestral altar than to die in another country.”

Listening to this, Adier’s face remained unchanged, gently nodded.

The reason these survivors made this decision is well understood.

In the past, there were enchantments outside the village. These people may still have luck in their hearts, thinking that they can live on the enchantment.

But the scene last night easily woke them up by this fluke, leaving them to face reality.

Without the guardianship of the enchantment, these people will be cursed and found out sooner or later, and die sooner or later.

Rather than die like this, we might as well struggle, maybe there is some hope.

After all, a powerful wizard like Adier is here, and maybe he can really solve the leaked seal.

On the other hand, Adier’s decision is not exclusive.

Immediately go to Thor’s hometown. In front of them, these people are also descendants of ancient wizards. The pure Krasu people know more or less about that place. At least they can also serve as guides. It is not worthless.

In situ, Adier took a look at Thor, and after chatting with him for a few moments, he looked towards the distance, preparing to return to his house to rest.


One morning after ten days, in the vast wilderness, a silhouette of a group of people appeared, marching towards the distance.

In the team, Thor rode on a black horse, constantly staring at the distance, patrolling all around.

Due to the inability to grow vegetation on the black soil, the surrounding land looks desolate and no life can be seen.

In such a flat, unobtrusive environment, it is difficult to hide it.

Walking in the forefront of the team, Thor was riding a horse, and suddenly felt a shadow skipping in front of him.

He followed his gaze subconsciously, and just saw a short silhouette with a naked upper body and dark skin running away from a distance.

“Is the local indigenous?”

Looking at the silhouette running fast in the distance, Thor flashed the thought in his mind.

After a while, he turned towards the rear carriage.

“Master Adier, we are coming soon!”

Riding on the side of the carriage, he shouted at the window of the carriage.

“Is it the place?”

Listening to the shout outside the carriage, Adier opened his eyes and shook his head of deduction data.

Reaching out the window, he looked towards the outside scenery.

Compared with the time before, some people have begun to appear here. Although Adier still looks very desolate, at least some signs of life have already appeared.

Even without the use of chip detection, Adier can clearly feel the vitality of life around here through the sensitive sensing ability of Moon Elf, which should belong to the indigenous people living nearby.


It seemed that an abnormal life had been discovered, and Adier was suddenly surprised.

In his keen sense, there seemed to be a Spirit mark in the distance, resonating faintly with his Spirit power, with some familiarity.

It was only for a moment that Adier remembered the source of this feeling, which belonged to the indigenous old man who had been imprinted with the Spirit mark, but he was sensed again at this time.

“A coincidence, or?”

Adier raised his head, whispered to himself, with some inexplicable meaning in his eyes.

Before, although he was imprinted with Spirit on the opponent, not at all was too concerned.

Being able to perceive him without his intentional attention means that the distance between the two sides is now very close.

With the passage of time, the distance between the two sides has been shortened by Adier.

“Sir, we’re here.” Outside the carriage, Thor’s voice suddenly came.

Listening to the voice, Adier got up and walked out of the carriage.

Outside the carriage, several people were ready, all standing behind Thor at this time, waiting quietly for Adier’s order.

Standing in place, Adier looked up and looked towards the distance.

In the distance, a huge palace is standing. It looks very large, but it is a bit dated, a history of assaults the senses.

Looking at this somewhat dilapidated palace, Adier felt a lot of breath, including both the cursed and the Bloodline power of Thor within the body.

Just compared to those that Adier has seen before, the two types of Strength in this palace are unprecedentedly powerful. Each of them can be taken out separately, allowing Adier to take caution.

“Let’s go in.”

Looking at the palace in the distance, Adier was silent for a while before he opened the mouth and said.

Listening to his words, the people present were silently nodded.

Being able to come here with Adier, these people present were undoubtedly prepared for the worst mentality. Even Yana, who was a mother at this time, was holding a child while holding a purple bend in her hand. Knife.

As a descendant of the ancient wizard, she is not a weak girl with no chickens. Her physical quality is placed in the ordinary person, and she can definitely beat a robust man easily.

Especially after Adier carved the Blood Imprint for her, the Bloodline Strength of her within the body has been enhanced again. Although it is not as good as Thor in terms of combat, I am afraid it will not be much worse.

“Before I leave, I want to ask again.”

Standing in the center, looking at Yana, who was wearing a leather armor in front of her eyes, Adier said again, “You and Thor are just fine, but you just bring Solana in, is it good?”

“This ruin is very dangerous, and even if I wasn’t sure she would be guaranteed her safety.”

He looked at Thor, said in a tranquil voice.

“It’s ok.”

At Adier’s words, Thor and Yana glanced at each other, then shook their heads: “If we will die in our hometown this time, then we also hope to be able to go through this journey with our children.”

“And there is something in this palace that the child needs to inherit.”

Thor paused, saying again: “We don’t want the inheritance left by our ancestors to completely disappear, and we hope that this child’s future will be smoother.”

Listening to this, Adier did not continue to speak, but turned and looked towards, and then rode a horse directly.


After riding the horse, he looked at the people around him and shouted.

The people around were silently nodded, each got on the horse, drove in front, and led the way for Adier.

A long distance along the way, some silhouettes began to appear in front.

It was some indigenous villages, at which point they were stationed outside the palace and several camps were built.

After seeing the arrival of the Adier entire group, these indigenous people were startled, and then quickly began to gather.

“Who?” A voice sounded in the distance, with a bit of coldness, and some fluctuations in Spirit’s power.

In the sight of Adier, in the distant village, surrounded by many indigenous people, a dark-skinned, thin-skinned old man was slowly coming out, followed by two other middle-aged indigenous people.

Standing in place, when seeing the old man, the Spirit of Adier within the body was trembling slightly, resonating with the Spirit mark once set.

The old man in front of him is exactly the indigenous man that Adier met, but he did not expect to meet in this way.

“Master Adier …”, a voice sounded.

Next to Thor, watching the indigenous people appearing in the distance, a Krasu frowned, and whispered to Adier, reminding him: “This is a snake, who has been hunting us for years, Strength is strong.”

“You are···”

In the distance, the slender indigenous old man led someone to the front. When he saw Adier side Thor, his face suddenly changed, and he looked a little excited and doubtful: “It’s you!”

“Get out of the way, let’s go in!”

In front of Adier, looking at the old man in the distance, Thor’s face was cold and indifferent.

“Put you in?”

Listening to Thor’s words, the indigenous old man smiled suddenly: “I was going to take the initiative to find you. I didn’t expect you to come here.”

“Want to go in, of course.”

His face gradually became indifferent, but there was some excitement in his eyes: “Oblie on the altar, go and sacrifice the snake god!”

Tone barely fell, and a glimmer of light suddenly lit up around, making many indigenous people present at a loss of mind, and the movement of the body could not help slower.

The next moment, a force field of silver suddenly exploded, knocking down all the indigenous people running around.

I do not know when, Adier’s silhouette appeared instantly behind the indigenous old man, with a hand stretched out.


When the silhouette suddenly appeared behind him, the indigenous old man was terrified and wanted to speak.

A strong hand held his neck directly, and all the words he wanted to say were stuck with him. The strong Strength made him suffocate. The original Strength seemed to disappear, his body was completely unable to lift up, and was tightly bound .

“Where’s so much nonsense …”

Lift the other side with one hand, looking at this person in front of him, Adier is a little impatient, and the other hand is directly outstretched and placed in front of the other person’s forehead.

“I wanted to experiment slowly, but now it seems that I can only be rough.”

This thought flashed through my heart, and under the influence of Adier’s Spirit, the consciousness of this person was forcibly pried away by him in order to search for the memory in it.

As a formal sorcerer, after reaching the Metamorphosis Stage, there are special spells and techniques that can be used to observe other people’s memories, but the repercussions are too large, not only is the operation complicated, it is easy to accidentally make the other party stupid, and generate various repercussions.

However, in this case, Adier is about to enter the ruins, and Adier is too lazy to spend more labor costs and simply check the other party’s memory directly.

Suddenly, under the link of Spirit, a large number of memory fragments rushed towards Adier, and together they became a picture.

It was a huge black snake statue. In front of the statue, a dead body was neatly arranged. The flesh inside was slowly evaporating and merged into the statue below.

Without much integration, the statue of the black snake looked more realistic, as if it were a living being.

“Great zombie god! Please give me your kindness.” An old voice was ringing all around, and he said a lot of prayers in his mouth.

The master of that voice is the master of this memory, which is the object Adier is looking at at this moment.

As the sound continued to sound, in the memory segment, a layer of black scales gradually appeared on the body of the old man, and the strength and breath of his body seemed to increase a lot.

“Sacrifice …”

Observing this scene in memory silently, Adier’s subconscious frown seemed to associate something.

Before I even think about it, an extreme sense of danger suddenly emerged from my heart.

A dark space will be covered in place, and in the space, a touch of moonlight will light up.

That was the radiance from Adier’s body. At this moment, the darkness was driven out, and the scene in its place was completely exposed.

A huge black snake appeared in front of him. As seen in previous memories, most of his body was made of stone. Only a pair of scarlet snake eyes were very agile, which showed endless evil, and there was a kind of Frightening Strength.

Watching this scene quietly, Adier’s face remained calm, and he understood the situation.

“In the memory of the indigenous people, there is the cursed body, that is, the strength of the black snake, which was already a hit when I first checked the other person’s memory!

Looking at the black snake in front of him, a clear comprehension rose in his mind.

Then at the next moment, the black gas continued to spread, a kind of Strength spread here, gradually spreading to Adier, but was resisted by the faint moonlight enveloped by Adier.


A violent explosion sounded suddenly, pounding with terrifying on Spirit.

The surrounding scene began to change and became the original look.

Standing still, Adier gasped, and felt a sharp exhaustion on Spirit.

After recovering for a while, he looked down towards him.

Under his feet, the former indigenous old man has become a corpse, which has collapsed directly in the previous Spirit stimulation, and his face still has a previously horrified expression.

“It’s still a big deal, if there is the protection of the Emerald Mark this time, I’m afraid the price to pay is more than that now.”

Shook the head, standing in place, Adier thought about the scene just before, but couldn’t help but be a bit surprised.

The seal of this aboriginal mind was left in front of him. Whoever wants to peek into his memory will be backlashed by that seal.

There is no doubt that the seal was left behind by the cursed body, which made Adier not even notice it for a while, but almost got stuck.

If nothing else, just now, I’m afraid Adier will pay a lot of money. Only at the last moment, the strength of Adier’s forehead jade mark appeared again, blocking the last backlash of the seal, so that Adier could not be injured.

“Although the process is a bit thrilling, but then I probably guessed your identity …”

Standing in place, laying down the corpse on his hand, Adier turned around, muttering to the remains in front of him.

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