A long time ago, Adier had a lot of guesses about the body of the curse, and he had consulted a lot of data for this, and wanted to find the true face of the curse.

However, in the wizarding world, there are too many horrible and weird curses. Even if there are two living samples of Thor and Yana, coupled with the powerful analysis and computing power of the chip, it only makes Adier roughly determine a few. Goals.

It wasn’t until Fang Cai, who came into close contact with the cursed body, and felt that Strength in person, and finally Adier finally set his goal this time.

He extends the hand. On the palm of his hand, a ray of black that is invisible to ordinary people is slowly spreading, with a strong contaminating force field. If ordinary people come into contact, I am afraid that they will be immediately affected by this Strength and forcibly assimilated into another One look.

This unique assimilation and pollution Strength made Adier reduce the scope of the search at once and directly determine it.

“Is the Scourge Lord? I just don’t know which Scourge Lord is in this ruin.”

Looking at the vicissitudes clearly visible in the distance, Adier murmured, his eyes gradually became dignified.

Scourge Lord, this is a kind of horror life of Strange World, which comes from an extremely powerful World, Scourge World.

In the glorious period of the ancient wizards, the ancient wizards dared to expand outward, and they didn’t know how many Worlds had been conquered along the way, turning many Worlds into wizards’ back gardens.

But in the long history of wizards, ancient wizards have also encountered many difficult opponents.

Other Worlds also have extremely powerful Transcenders, and some Worlds are not even weaker than Wizard Worlds, making ancient wizards into a hard battle.

Scourge World is such a powerful World.

At Jadeite World, Adier has read some of the records and introductions to Scourge World.

It was a world full of disasters and weirdness. Natural disasters and chaos flooded the entire world, and thus spawned a large number of natural disaster creatures and natural disaster lords.

This world is aimed at destroying other Worlds and plundering souls and lives. The entire World is full of aggressiveness. Whenever a new World is discovered, a large number of natural disasters will invade and harvest all the souls in the World.

However, in the Scourge World, only those Scourge creatures above Level 4 can be called Scourge Lords. Each Scourge Lord has a Scourge-like Strength.

“Master Adier!” Thor’s voice came suddenly, interrupting Adier’s thoughts.

Adier turned and looked towards behind him, just to see Thor and the others riding towards him quickly on horseback.

As for the surroundings, taking advantage of his divine efforts, the indigenous people who had been around before had fled away and did not dare to stay in front of him.

He didn’t care about these indigenous people. There are some ordinary people on the left and right, and he doesn’t want to open the killing arbitrarily if not necessary.

“Let’s go in.”

He looked up, looked at the huge palace in front of him, and said.

Having said this, he glanced at Thor behind him, and rode directly on his horse, walking forward.

Behind, looking at Adier’s back, the Thors quickly followed, not dare to be half a step behind.

The distant ruins look very close, but they are actually a little far away.

After riding for half an hour, Adier entire group came to the gate of the ruins.

At this point, a cold air filled the interior, and even Thor could easily feel it.

When they come here, their bodies are generally a little uncomfortable. The more powerful they are within the body Bloodline, the more obvious their performance will be.

Like Thor, at this time his face has become very serious, one arm stretched out, and silently pulled up the long sword hanging around his waist, apparently feeling something.

As for Yana, because of the Blood Imprint on his forehead, although he felt something at the same time, his performance was very easy. No one looked like the enemy.

I glanced at the others and after a while, after they got used to it, Adier stepped in and went in.

The entrance to the ruins is a broken wall. Inside, there is a walkway and a huge door.

It was a black door. At this moment the door was completely open, and there were still signs of destruction inside.

“When leaving the ruins, clansman sealed most of the entrances. This entrance was one of the several entrances we used when we left, so we couldn’t consider it dead.”

Looking at the destroyed door in front of him, without waiting for Adier to ask, Thor took the initiative to speak.

When he came here, the strange atmosphere around him was obviously stronger, which made him feel a little uncomfortable at this moment.

“go in.”

Adier nodded, keep walking forward.

Before coming, he had discussed the specific itinerary with Thor and the others, so he didn’t hesitate at this time, let Thor directly lead the way, and looked towards the distance.

Their goal was clear: the center of the ruins, the altar used by the Krashus to suppress the curse.

Along the way, the more you walk inside, the thicker the strange smell around you will become. In the end, it will almost become a substance, which will start to affect people’s emotions.

The more you go inside, the more Thor and the others can feel. There is an irritable mood in their hearts. The wave after wave has never been cut off, which makes them have a crazy roar urge to almost kill.

However, as the descendants of ancient wizards, and bearing the curse for so many years, the willpower of these Krassu people is very good, so they can forcibly resist the impulse and not let themselves get out of control.

“Drink these potions.” In a long way, Adier’s voice echoed through the aisle.

With torch’s faint light, he took out several bottles of medicine and handed them directly to Thor: “The pollution force field here is still increasing. If you stay in such a place for a long time, your consciousness will be affected sooner or later.”

He looked at Thor and the others before him and explained.

Listening to Adier’s words, these people didn’t say much, just apologized and thanked them, took the potion and drank it directly.

After taking the medicament, these people’s minds instantly cleared up, and the whole person fell into a calm state, excluding the polluted Strength around them in a short time.

After doing this, they move on.

There are not living people in the ruins, not even a corpse, it seems very peaceful.

After a rough observation of the previous snake’s memory, Adier came to it. I am afraid that most of the corpses in this ruin were collected by those snakes and blood sacrifice was dropped, so it can be cleaned so clean.

Along the way, Adier and the others encountered some accidents along the way.

This place has become the home of the cursed, and a strong field of pollution is flooding it, which Adier can clearly feel.

On the way, Adier encountered a group of black clothed monsters, which were far more powerful than the batch of Strength encountered in the past, but the number was much less.

Faced with these obstacles, Adier easily resolved without leaving any suspense.

Seems to understand Adier’s Strength, the suppressed curse no longer wastes Strength temptations, and allows the Adier entire group to slowly walk down and come to his presence.

Without hindrance, he walked for more than half a day, and under the leadership of Thor, Adier only reached his destination this time.

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