In front of an ancient lonely altar, a black stone pillar is placed around it, and there are thousands of statues of different shapes on it.

These statues have different shapes, some are human, some are beasts, and some are creatures from the is legend story. At this time, they are quietly placed here.

Among these statues, Adier even saw the statue of Moon Elf, now quietly placed in a corner, looking very old.

These statues are very old. Not only are they ancient, they were also carefully embedded into the Wizard Array by alchemy and integrated into the entire altar.

In the center of the altar, there is a very dazzling spar.

The spar is about three meters high, and the whole looks very large. The dazzling purple light shining on it illuminates the surrounding hall as if it were daylight.

Looking at this purple spar, Adier had a strong throbbing sensation in his heart, which made him have the urge to go up and grab this spar.

However, looking at the densely packed statue around him, he finally resisted the urge and did not lose his mind.

Here is a powerful Wizard Array that is shrouding.

The large number of statues in this hall are actually part of the Wizard Array, and each statue has a powerful Wizard Array that operates as a node.

Thousands of powerful Wizard Arrays, combined with the World Stone on the central altar, together form this powerful and terrifying seal.

The horror and sophistication of this seal caused Adier to be stunned at this time, and it was almost impossible to imagine how this seal was designed.

“Such a cursed seal, these curses can even come out.”

Adier couldn’t help sighing as he watched the horrible seal around him silently.

The seal in front of me is very powerful. A seal with a World Stone as the core and more than a thousand Wizard Array as the nodes, not to mention the current Adier, even if it is the leader of the black wizard, it is estimated that it can only be obediently watched.

It doesn’t work whether you want to take that World Stone or destroy the node.

This Wizard Array is very delicately arranged. Anyone who wants to destroy a node alone will directly face the majority of the Seal’s Strength.

Of course, if you want to find the weakness of Wizard Array, Adier is definitely not qualified.

As for removing the World Stone, it is even more unrealistic.

If you want to take that World Stone, you must take the initiative to enter the scope of the seal, and then you must face the Strength of the seal directly.

The only person who can step into the seal and not be attacked by the Seal’s Strength, it is estimated that only the immediate descendants of the ancient wizard can do it.

Thinking of this, Adier turned and looked towards Thor, and Solana in Yana’s arms.

At present, if anyone is qualified to step into this seal, there are only Thor and Solana in terrifying.

Thor is the next-generation successor of the Krassu tribe. It would have been no surprise that he would become the next-generation patriarch of the Krassu tribe. The purity of Bloodline is absolutely qualified.

As for Solana, although Bloodline is powerful and has far greater potential than Thor, it is too young for it to be suitable at this time.

“Master Adier, let me in …” Aside, Thor’s voice sounded.

He looked at Adier, seriously opened the mouth and said.

However, Adier didn’t respond to his words, just watching the distance quietly.

Looking at this scene, Thor was a little puzzled, but he didn’t speak wisely, just watching the surroundings silently.

“Not yet?”

After a long time, Adier spoke again.

He looked at the altar in the distance, and the purple World Stone, opened the mouth and said: “The time outside the previous ruins, you should have been awake, you don’t need to keep it.”

With his voice falling, there was a moment of silence around him, and then at a moment, a light suddenly flashed around him.

With Thor’s and the others’ shocked gaze on the altar ahead, a scene began to change.

The dark air of the sky began to rise, a halo of black paint began to envelope, and slowly gathered into a phantom.

It was a huge black snake with black scales on it, and some inexplicable symbols gathered on it, which seemed extremely complicated.

The majestic majesty began to dissipate, and the horrible Spirit field erupted into a black strength that diffused outward, gradually covering the entire hall.

But just as that Strength domain was about to envelope Adier and the others, another purple domain rose up here.

At this moment, the surrounding statues began to glow, and the statues of different shapes and shapes began to shine together. Each of them had a different powerful Wizard Array on it, centered on the World Stone in the center, and slowly gathered. A larger and more complex horror Wizard Array.


A black wave tumbling here, then died out.

In Adier’s eyes, two horrible Strengths collided with each other. After sending out a horrible shock, the Black Snake’s Strength was bound by the Tao Wizard Array, and finally was bound by the altar quietly, without continuing to escape.

Roar! !

The terrifying three-headed black snake started to roar madly, trying to break the seal on his body, but was finally suppressed by the World Stone in the middle of the altar, and was trapped firmly in the seal.

Feeling all this, Adier looked up and looked towards the front.

At this point, in his vision, everything had begun to change.

A huge three-headed black snake appeared here, covered in chains, and locked him tightly there.

“A Moon Elf Wizard …” A sudden roar sounded in my ears suddenly, like the roar of wild beast, and it seemed like the curse and roar before death. It was impressive and unforgettable.

Listening to this voice, Adier looked towards, and his eyes were exactly on the snake eyes of scarlet.

At this moment, the emerald mark on Adier’s forehead was slowly glowing, the blood inside the body could not help boiling, and the shape of the body began to change.

His eyes began to turn into silver, and the covered force field reappeared, and his silvery hair was scattered, looking pure and natural.

Around, Thor and the others looked at this scene sternly, and it seemed that they couldn’t understand the situation, and their eyes were completely attracted by Adier at this time.

They are not wizards, nor Moon Elf, and they do not have the horrible sensing ability of Adier, so they cannot see the horrible snake in front of the altar in front, but only the sudden change of Adier.

“It seems you are suppressed in this ruin.”

From the original form to the Moon Elf form, feeling the kind of boiling deep in Bloodline, Adier frowned: “A Scourge Lord?”

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