“Scourge Lord …”

In front of the dim altar, the brightness of purple shrouded in all around, bringing a light to the surroundings.

And in the middle of the altar, listening to Adier’s words, there was an inexplicable emotion in the eyes of the huge three-headed black snake: “Probably.”

As he spoke, the faint Spirit field shrouded here, like a ghost whispering in his ear, reaching his heart, constantly echoing in his mind, it was unforgettable.


Opposite, listening to the other person’s words, Adier frowned subconsciously, feeling the slightest mistake in the other person’s words.

“I used to be, like you, a wizard.”

Before Adier could speak, the sigh-like voice across the ear rang again.

On the altar, the black snake hovered quietly above the altar. The whole body was carved out of stone, full of a primitive and barbaric beauty.

Around, at this moment, the front lattice statue was shaking, and the Wizard Array above glowed together, trying to restrain and seal the black snake in the center of the altar.


Looking at the black snake circling in the distance, listening silently to the other party’s words, Adier was stunned, some did not expect this accident.

“I can feel that the pure Bloodline on you is a true elf descendant.”

Opposite to this, the black snake with three heads was still there. The head in the center was open, and Scarlet’s eyes stared at Adier: “So what are you doing here?”

“Possible knowledge, and the World Stone on you.”

Listening to the other party’s inquiries, Adier did not cover up, and directly stated the purpose of this visit.

In the presence of the other party, lying and covering up have no effect, even if the other party is suppressed at this time, but it is definitely not difficult to see through the existence of a wizard of less than two levels.

Moreover, his purpose is very easy to guess, not at all what is necessary to cover up.

“It looks like you’re going to be disappointed.”

On the opposite side, the black snake maintained its previous posture, and a pair of scarlet eyes did not undulate: “The wizards here have long since disappeared. Since the generation of thousands of years has passed, no wizard has appeared here.”

“In such an environment, even if the wizards who suppressed me had something left, I’m afraid there wouldn’t be much left.”

“As for this World Stone …”

The black snake’s body didn’t move, but a pair of snake eyes closed slightly: “I want you to take it away, I’m afraid you can’t do it.”

Opposite, listening to the other side, Adier was a little speechless, acquiesced in the other side’s statement.

When he first came to this site, he also searched around under Thor and the others, trying to find something left by the ancient wizard.

After a few searches, the end result was very little, and I didn’t find much useful things at all.

As for the World Stone in front of him, it is indeed what the other party said. Even if Adier took it, he didn’t understand it at all.

As the most important core of this seal, the World Stone is surrounded by an extremely powerful Wizard Array. If you have a seal around you, you can remove that World Stone, unless the entire seal is destroyed. .

Destroy the entire seal in front of you, let alone Adier can’t do it, even if he can do it, dare not do it.

After all, this terrible Scourge Lord is still sealed here. Once the surrounding seals disappear, with the strength of the other party, Adier can go to heaven in minutes.

Thinking of this, Adier frowned, and then subconsciously looked towards behind.

Behind him, Thor and the others were standing there, motionless, like a living sculpture, standing still there.

This is influenced by the Spirit of the periphery. Under the Strength of the Scourge Lord in front of them, several of them were forced to influence and stood involuntarily.

“Don’t worry about these people.” A deep voice rang ahead again.

Above the altar, the black snake eyes opened again, looking directly at Adier: “Rather than worry about them, you might as well worry about yourself.”

“After all, the natural disaster mark on your body is really something more terrible than the blood that stains the natural disaster with them within the body.”

The cold words sounded around, faintly nostalgic.

Just listening to this, Adier frowned. “Scourge Mark, what’s that?”

“It’s enough to kill.”

There was a bit of nostalgia in the eyes of the black snake, and a slight indifference: “The reason why I will become what I am now, from the wizard incarnation to natural disaster, is because of this thing.”

“This is the deep curse of Bloodline, and the fate that we pure-blood descendants must bear. When the time comes, the curse will erupt, leaving you facing despair …”

It murmured, with vicissitudes and nostalgia in its tone, and a trace of suppressed madness.

“It doesn’t seem like a good thing.”

Adier’s face was calm, but he frowned. “This is the curse of elf?”

At this moment, he thought a lot.

The scenes inquired about in the past at Jadeite World came to mind again, and the news about the curse of elf Bloodline came to his mind again, and he could not help raising a little touch in his heart.

“To be precise, the curse of pure blood elf.” In front of him, the voice of the black snake sounded again.

The next moment, the surrounding scene changes suddenly.

Under Adier’s somewhat surprised gaze, the black snake in front of him began to slowly change, gradually turning into a black clothed person.

It was a tall, handsome middle-aged man, covered in a dark air, and the eyes of scarlet were impressive.

In this man, there is a kind of evil charm that makes people unforgettable at the first sight of him, and he will keep it firmly in his heart.

“Introduce yourself, my name is Heraldos, Level 5 Grand Wizard.”

The middle-aged man is standing on the altar. Scarlet’s eyes are like the same blood moon, which is impressive: “For you are Moon Elf, there are some things I can tell you.”

“Why Moon Elf?”

Looking at Heraldos on the opposite side, Adier reluctantly calmed down and asked calmly.

There is no love in the world for no reason, and no hate for no reason. Since Moon Elf’s Bloodline is cursed, there must be a reason.

“Because of the war.”

Regarding Adier’s question, the opposite Heraldos said very directly: “The collision between World and World, the war between the ancient wizards, the wizard World and the Scourge World, our ancestors were defeated, and the Bloodline of the descendants was cursed by the Scourge King , Forming a natural disaster mark. “

“Why don’t I feel a bit?”

Hearing this, Adier was a little puzzled and a little skeptical.

There is a curse attached to the Bloodline of the elf family. This is indeed a fact. It is only in Adier that he never felt any abnormality, and he did not feel any trace of the curse.

“Although the ordinary elf within the body has a curse, in general, it will not erupt. Only pure blood descendants like us, the curse within the body will be actively activated, forming a curse of natural disaster.”

Looking at Adier silently, Heraldos looked indifferent: “The reason why you are all right is because of the emerald mark on you.”

“Emerald Seal …”

Listening to each other, Adier suddenly froze.

Before he could react, Heraldos said again: “That is the blessing of the Bloodline ancestor, which contains the Strength of the Bloodline ancestor, which not only allows you to hide your Strength, but also allows you to stay within the body. “The curse is temporarily suppressed.”

“However, this repression is only temporary.”

His face was indifferent, and he looked a little silent: “As time passes, the Strength contained in the mark will gradually be consumed. You must quickly strengthen before the Strength of the mark has been consumed, otherwise the curse within the body will erupt. . “

“What is the solution to this curse?”

Looking at each other, Adier asked back.

The voice fell, and there was silence for a while.

On the opposite side, Gerardos was silent for a long time, and then spoke again: “Can only resist, or like me …”

“Become a Scourge Lord?” Adier calmly said.

“Not bad.”

Opposite, Heraldos was nodded: “The Scourge Mark is itself the curse of a Scourge King of the Scourge World, targeting all Bloodline descendants.”

“But as long as you are transformed into a Scourge Lord, everything in your body will be assimilated by Scourge World, and the curse of the Scourge King will disappear and will not erupt again.”

Listening to his account, Adier frowned and fell into silence for a moment.

The two options given by the other side are basically not good choices.

Needless to say, if this curse is so easy to resist, then the once pure blood elf will not die.

Transforming into a natural disaster lord, this is a way, but it is actually not so beautiful as imagined.

The Scourge Lord is known for his brutality and brutality. In the records of Jadeite World, the Scourge Lord was born of a confusing Strength. Affected by the Strength, it generally appears chaotic and brutal.

In order to become the Scourge Lord, you must first withstand the Strength baptism of Scourge World. In the process, it is likely that your mind will change greatly, and you will become another person under the influence of World.

And, even if Adier wants to be transformed into a Scourge Lord, he does not have the coordinates of Scourge World.

In fact, this is the only way to fight against it. There are no redundant choices.


In front of him, a loud bang sounded suddenly, and then a Spirit field curled up fiercely.

Adier looked up, looking towards the direction from which the shock came.

I saw that in the middle of the altar, the silhouette of Heraldos had disappeared and disappeared into a shadow.

The surrounding Wizard Array is still shaking, and the stone statues are constantly trembling. With the support of the World Stone in the center, the seal in front of them continues.

At the next moment, all the surrounding Strengths belonging to Heraldos disappeared, and the seal was suppressed again, and they could not continue to make headway.

“Looks like this is your current limit.”

Looking quietly at the scene in front of him, Adier looked calm, turned directly, and looked towards.

Without the influence of the other’s Spirit domain, in the surroundings, Thor and the others’ ability to move has been restored, at this time all subconsciously looked towards Adier, it is not clear what happened just now.

In front of that, the altar was still ringing, and it immediately caught everyone’s attention.

“Yana, you …” Thor’s startled voice suddenly sounded.

Adier turned and looked towards Yana.

I saw, in front of the forehead, a purple mark began to glow slowly.

A faint light began to bloom, with a unique Strength that resonated with countless Wizard Arrays surrounding it.

The brightness of purple began to bloom, not only Yana, but also other people’s bodies. At this time, the purple Bloodline of purple was also lit, but the brightness was different.

After watching it for a while, Adier found that among the people in the place, the rays of light were the most shining, not Thor, nor Yana who carried the Blood Imprint on her forehead, but held it in her arms. Solana.

On Solana, the brightness of purple shrouded all around, almost completely covering the brightness of her parents, making the light of others within the body extremely dim, which could not be compared with it at all.


The banging sound sounded again, as if being dragged. In front of the altar in front, a purple cylinder more than three meters high slowly rose, and there was a Bloodline power that Adier was familiar with, and it was slowly emitted.

“This … the ancestor’s altar …”

An inexplicable message suddenly appeared. Looking at the high platform that appeared suddenly, Thor’s heart suddenly raised a clear comprehension.

He turned around and looked towards his wife, just to see Yana holding his child and looked towards his scene.

The two eyes stared at each other. In an instant, they instantly understood each other’s thoughts, and their eyes became firm.

“The formation of the Wizard Array in front is waking up.”

Standing on the side of Thor, quietly feeling the surrounding waves constantly sounding, Adier was a little confused: “It was because I felt the powerful Bloodline of Solana within the body that I touched some kind of program, and the Wizard Array here began to recover autonomously. ?”

The current Wizard Array has its own consciousness.

It is not impossible for a powerful wizard to give the dead a simple consciousness.

In alchemy, powerful magical tools basically have their own consciousness. In some powerful Wizard Arrays, in order to make better use of the strength of the Wizard Array, the consciousness of the Wizard Array must also be turned on to enable the Wizard Array to operate on its own.

The complexity and sophistication of this Wizard Array is something that Adier has never seen before. It is not surprising that there is a simple mechanical array in it.

In front of him, the formation of this huge Wizard Array was obviously touched by something, and he began to wake up spontaneously, holding the entire Wizard Array in his hands.

The reason why this Wizard Array is awake is that Adier estimates that it is mostly related to Solana.

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