“That’s the legendary ancestor altar …”

Beside Adier, watching the rising purple altar in the distance, someone was shocked opened the mouth and said.

“Ancestral altar?”

Hearing the name, Adier seemed to think something, and then asked, “What’s that?”

“We don’t know.”

The Klassu people looked at each other and listened to Adier’s questions, and they couldn’t help but shook the head. “We just heard the legend of this thing, not at all. We’ve seen the real ancestor altar.” “

“But in legend, before our ancestors left that year, in addition to this seal, an ancestor altar was left.”

“Only the Krassu people recognized by the ancestor altar are the descendants that the ancestors really recognized.”

“The truly recognized descendants …”

Listening to this familiar sentence, Adier murmured.

Earlier, Heraldos, the incarnation Scourgelord, seemed to have mentioned similar words.

Bloodline lurks in the body of descendants. Naturally, there are ancestors, especially some powerful life, basically have their own ancestors.

But for those ancestors, the ordinary descendants are not recognized by them. Only when the Bloodline and potential reach the standard, can they be regarded as their true descendants.

For elf ancestors, this standard may be pure-blood elf.

A pure-blood Moon Elf like Adier, as long as he can reach Level 4’s horrible existence as an adult, naturally the elf ancestors can admit it.

The ancestors of the Krasu people in front of them should not be so harsh on their descendants, but only if Bloodline and potential reach a certain level can they be recognized and the ancestor altar left by him to be activated.

With this in mind, Adier turned around and looked towards Yana’s arms.

At this moment, in her arms, an immature baby was sleeping peacefully, and her skin looked very tender, with a light of purple.

Stimulated by the altar, a light of Bloodline bloomed on her body, and a complex imprint emerged, which was slowly changing.

Adier observed it for a while, and the imprint that appeared appeared to be somewhat similar to the Krassu’s national emblem, but it was more complicated. Among them, a unique Strength was blooming, which made Adier feel a little uncomfortable.

Walking quietly to the altar, Thor and Yana also had a mark blooming on them.

It’s just that compared to Solana, the imprints appearing on the two of them are too simple, and the Strength contained in them is obviously more than weak.

Standing in front of the altar, they looked at each other, then slowly walked under the altar and placed Solana on the altar.

As Solana was placed on the altar, a unique wave was spreading around, and the surrounding front statues glowed together, fully activating the Strength in the World Stone in front of you.

Like a purple World blooming, a grand wave flickers in place, forcing all Strength around it to be suppressed.

In Adier’s line of sight, the purple World Stone was glowing wildly, and a kind of Strength was slowly coming down, covering the altar.

At this moment, the palms of the two hands were stretched out together, and they were stuck on the altar in an instant.

As if they had agreed, Thor and Yana walked into the altar and asked the Altar’s Strength to enclose them.

“this is···”

Looking at their movements, Adier looked up silently, as if consciously thought of something, but said nothing, just watching silently.

At present, as the altar moves, as the two people closest to the altar, under the influence of a kind of strength, their faces began to become paler and paler, as if something was being drawn away.

Standing in the distance, Adier could see the situation immediately.

There is a mechanism on that altar, which can not only extract the Strength of World Stone and instill it into Solana, but also instinctively extract the Bloodline of nearby people within the body, and then send it to the within the body of Solana. .

Because it is the same Bloodline, this input will not cause the Bloodline conflict of Solana within the body, but will quietly deepen her potential.

Moreover, as her parents, the blood of Thor and Yana within the body fits her well, and in effect, it is far better than others.

In this way, the strength of World Stone is used as the foundation, and Bloodline of the same family is used to strengthen its heritage. After this ceremony is completed, Solana’s innate talent and potential will inevitably increase.

But this way, as the subject of the Bloodline extraction, Thor and Yana may not be too good.

Thinking of this, Adier’s face was still calm, but his gaze shifted to them both silently.

As the ceremony in front of them slowly progressed, the Bloodline light on them began to dim, and the Strength on them was extracted by the altar in front of them, all injected into Solana’s within the body.

If they wait until the Bloodline light on them is completely extinguished, I am afraid they will fall.

Maintaining their previous posture, Adier watched the changes in them quietly.

In the eyes of Adier, Thor’s appearance was gradually changing.

It seems that after decades of time, their faces are getting older, and they soon change from the original youth to the aging old age.

The original smooth skin began to dim, wrinkles appeared on the face, black hair began to be rendered into white hair, and the original powerful arms began to thin, leaving only those pure eyes that looked as before Sharp and pure.

In the process, they seemed not at all suffering much. Their eyes always looked at Solana lying quietly on the altar, watching the light on her slowly become strong, and there was a hint of relief in her eyes.

“Stop it.” In the distance, Adier’s voice suddenly came.

He looked at Thor and Yana, who had become old men, and the faint, nearly disappearing Bloodline light on them, and couldn’t help saying: “At this level, it’s enough. Even if we draw it, we can’t draw much Strength.”

“With my potion, you will be able to last at least three months.”

Adier silently looked at the two men in the distance.

However, the two people on the opposite side did not respond to his persuasion, and we were still there quietly. There was no sign of wanting to come down.

In other words, even if they want to come down, they can’t do it now.

There is a strong binding force on the altar in front of them, and Thor will be firmly tied to the altar. Unless the ceremony is over, it is possible to stop.

In the case where Adier could not approach the altar, it was almost impossible for Thor to get rid of this shackle.

Time is slowly passing.

When the light of ceremony gradually fell, it seemed to feel something, Thor slowly raised his head, turned a little hard, and looked towards Adier in the distance.

The two lines of sight suddenly staggered, it seemed that life was coming to an end, and Adier could feel that in Thor’s heart, a pure emotion was rising. .

At this moment, many scenes emerged silently in Adier’s mind.

From the meeting and meeting, to the time when he helped Thor back off the black clothed monster, and later Qichen came here …

One scene after another, with the back of his powerful memory nowadays, has become lifelike, as if it happened yesterday.

In the passage of time, they looked at each other like this, until Thor, the faint purple light completely disappeared.

“It’s almost time …”

Looking at Adier in the distance silently, looking at the familiar silhouette, Thor thought flashed in his mind.

Maybe it was because of his choice. At this moment, he did n’t feel any fear and pain at all. He just looked at the reassuring silhouette of Adier in the distance, and felt a little regretful.

“It’s a pity … even in the end, I can’t repay you anything.”

His eyes were deep, he moved away from Adier, looked towards Yana, and finally fell on Solana’s body without moving.

At the next moment, his entire body began to fade, and the entire body was dissipated into dust.

A burst of smoke began to pervade the entire hall.

The purple light began to dim, and the originally running Wizard Array gradually stopped, bringing the ceremony to an end.

A trembling skinny arm lifted Solana on the altar, and her feet trembled and slowly walked outward.

It was Yana, and at this time became extremely old, as if all lifespan on his body was consumed in an instant.

Like Thor, the Bloodline light on her was completely dim, and it should have disappeared like Thor.

But just before her forehead, the Blood Imprint left by Adier still exists. At this time, it became the last Strength to support her survival, so that he still had the strength to pick up Solana, and walked tremblingly to Adier.

She walked slowly to Adier, and finally passed the baby in her arms and placed it in front of Adier.

Looking at the child in front of her, she was silent for a while, and Adier reached out to take it, and then her eyes fell on Yana in front of her.

Bloodline was drawn, and Yana was almost exhausted. Both vitality and Spirit have been completely exhausted. At this time, all relying on the previous Blood Imprint and her tenacious Spirit support, they did not fall down directly.

In the face of this situation, even Adier, there is no way to save it.

He can make a potion sufficient to prolong lifespan, but there is absolutely no way for Spirit, or even the essential depletion of the soul.

There is too much and too much involved in this level, and there is no way at all to reach Level 4 wizards.

Therefore, he did not speak at all, but only ended up with Solana in the other’s hands, and then quietly looked towards the other.

Under his gaze, Yana’s face was calm and he didn’t speak, but his gaze was always looking at Solana in Adier’s arms, with some perseverance in his eyes.

The next moment, before her forehead, the light of that Blood Imprint was completely annihilated, completely disappeared under Adier’s gaze.

Like Thor, her silhouette began to blur, turning into the dust of the sky, blowing in the breeze, permeating the entire hall.


Watching this scene quietly, Adier turned and looked at the child in his arms, sighing.

All the scenes in front of us are beginning to end. After the previous head-up, Heraldos was suppressed by the Wizard Array’s Strength again.

Thor and Yana are willing to sacrifice the last time for the child, and let the altar take their Bloodline away.

In the end, this journey is the only Adier left today.

Thinking of this, he looked towards behind, where there were a few others still standing, at this moment looking at the scene in front of him, there was also some silence.


Looking at these people, Adier shook the head, opened the mouth and said to them.

Listening to Adier’s words, the rest did not object, and began to walk slowly outward.

Arriving outside the village may be due to Adier’s previous prestige. The horses and carriages they left behind were still there, and they were not secretly taken away by the indigenous people when they left.

“I can help you suppress the curse on your body, but at the cost, your lifespan may be reduced in the future.”

When I was outside, watching the silent people in front of me, holding Solana in my arms, Adier opened the mouth and said: “If you don’t mind, you can follow me later.”

The people in front of them were Thor’s clansman, who also had a curse on them, but it was not profound. It was far less serious than Yana’s. For Adier, if he was willing to take a shot, it could be solved.

It’s just that the process of sealing is cumbersome, not only time-consuming and laborious, but also some precious materials, which are not cost-effective for those people who do not know each other.

But now, watching Thor and Yana die before him. He changed his mind in the end.

“Even if this child is not to find a clansman in the future.”

Adier thought silently, looking at Solana in his arms and the Krassu people standing around him.

Opposite him, listening to Adier’s words, the rest of the faces suddenly showed joy, and the original despair and low mood disappeared instantly.

Looking at Adier in front of them, they looked at each other, and then inadvertently came to Adier’s side, kneeling on one knee, and performed an old and serious etiquette.

After that, they continued their journey and headed south in the direction indicated by Adier.

Passing through this ruin, Adier is now over, and it is time to return to the Black Wizard Alliance.

On the way, sitting on the carriage, holding Solana in her arms, Adier looked towards her.

After accepting the altar’s baptism, Solana also looked like something new.

On the surface, her skin seemed more pink, and a faint fragrance began to appear on her body.

And on her forehead, there was a purple crystal, which looked like it was inlaid there, very beautiful.

But inside this amethyst, Adier felt a unique Strength.

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