In the narrow carriage, Solana hugged her arms quietly, Adier’s face was a little dignified.

Solana was still asleep at this time. After just experiencing the baptism of the first ancestor altar, she seemed to become more drowsy. She slept most of the time, looking very peaceful and cute.

And in front of her forehead, there is a purple crystal, which contains a unique Strength wave that is being nurtured and felt by Adier.

Feeling this Strength, Adier reached out his left hand, silently placed it in front of his heart, feeling the unique heart pulse.

At his heart, there is also a Strength being bred, and a unique pulse is spreading out of it, which Adier can clearly feel.

This is the change brought about by Moon Elf Bloodline. At this time, most of the Strength gathered in his heart, giving birth to something.

In the detection of the chip, Adier’s heart structure is also changing, and a large number of new small tissues are breeding, which strengthens the function of the heart in a short period of time, and even forms several new organs in it.

This is actually the Bloodline innate talent of Moon Elf.

Whenever Bloodline’s powerful life has some inherent Bloodline Strength, they are collectively called Bloodline innate talent by wizards.

These Bloodline innate talents often have very strong formidable power, but most of them only need Bloodline to grow up to a certain stage before they can be turned on, and they cannot be used until then.

Strength born by Adier’s heart is part of Moonline’s Bloodline innate talent, but it is still being bred at this time, far from being able to open.

As for the piece of amethyst in front of Solana, I am afraid it also belongs to Bloodline innate talent.

Adier is not surprised by this.

As a direct descendant of the ancient wizard, Solana’s Bloodline potential is very good. After passing the Strength baptism of the ancestor altar, plus her parents injecting her Bloodline Strength into her within the body, the Bloodline Strength at this time is definitely much better than Stronger before, I’m afraid it’s already worthy of some powerful Bloodline creatures.

With such a powerful Bloodline Strength, it is not surprising to be able to turn on Bloodline innate talent.

“I just don’t know, which Bloodline innate talent she is.”

Holding Solana in her arms and looking at the amethyst on her forehead, Adier flashed the thought in his mind.

After a while, from the ancient tree space, he took out a black quaint stone ball and placed it directly in front of Solana.

After injecting mana, the black stone ball quickly blooms rays of light.

The colorful rays of light soon bloomed in front of the eyes, and a ray of tiny rays of light shot out, which completely illuminated the entire carriage.

Sitting in the carriage, looking at this scene, Adier could not help but look at it, and was a little surprised: “It almost surpassed the fifth-class innate talent, this kind of innate talent has approached me …”

Feeling Solana’s current soul qualification, he was amazed.

In the beginning, Adier was an out-and-out genius in terms of soul qualifications. The fourth-class qualification is a very good genius even in the Mason area. Except for the biological sons of those powerful wizards and the existence of the ancient Bloodline, no one can surpass it, at most it is only with him.

After completely transforming Bloodline into Moonline’s Bloodline, his originally strong soul qualification has once again strengthened, and even surpassed the fifth-class qualification established by ordinary wizards, reaching a new standard.

If it is necessary to come up with a standard, then Adier’s soul qualifications should already be regarded as sixth-class, beyond the imagination of today’s wizards.

This is not impossible. In fact, the wizarding world’s enactment of the soul’s qualifications is actually only formulated by the latecomers, and in the period when the ancient wizards were strong, there was another set of standards.

At least, among the descendants of ancient wizards, geniuses who have surpassed fifth-class qualifications are certainly not a minority.

At this time, after the baptism of the first ancestor altar, Solana’s innate talent is very close to Adier, and the soul qualification has reached the limit of fifth-class qualification. Only the last point can be completely surpassed, reaching the sixth-class qualification.

At this moment, there was a slight whistling sound outside.

Adier opened the window of the carriage window, a pair of deep eyes looked towards the outside world.

I saw in the outside world that the familiar black soil was slowly decreasing, the surrounding land gradually became normal, and some sparse vegetation appeared, giving the large site a little green.

Admiring the outside scenery quietly, it was a long time before Adier stopped his movements, closed his eyes quietly, and sank his consciousness into deep meditation.


On the ancient road, a long procession was slowly moving forward, walking towards the distance.

In the distance, there is a huge city with a black flag on it and a black pattern with a snake-handled knife embroidered on it.

This is a large city under the Black Wizard Alliance. There are many caravans around and some scattered wandering wizards come to make it more bustling and lively.

At this point, Adier bought a manor house to properly house the Krassuites he brought back.

Considering that Solana is still young, he plans to stay here for a while, on the one hand, it can give her a stable environment, and on the other hand, she can also calm down and meditate.

Returning from Jadeite World, he has accumulated enough resources to use him.

And after transforming Bloodline, his fit to Moon God’s Sacrifice has also greatly improved, and almost every meditation will make a lot of progress.

Even Adier’s current Strength has already reached the Peak of the First Wizard, and there is only one Level 2 template for witchcraft, so you can start to try to be promoted.

In this case, his requirements for the external environment are not high, and the city in front of him is enough.

After making a decision in his heart, with his identity as the Black Wizard Alliance, he quickly set up the property in this city, and contacted the Black Wizard Alliance’s people stationed in this city to show that he wanted to be here. Willingness to settle in a city.

Soon, just over half a month later, the Black Wizard Alliance’s instructions came again, letting Adier go to the headquarters of the Black Wizard Alliance.


A faint sunset enveloped the dark ground.

In a huge city with a lot of buildings, Adier walked towards a high tower.

“You came···”

Upon entering the tower, an indifferent voice came from a distance.

Hearing this voice, Adier lowered his head, respectfully opened the mouth and said: “Sorry, this time the mission failed, and the other party disappeared when I arrived.”

What he said was the task he had taken before.

Black Wizard Alliance after all is a wizarding organization, staying here at headquarters, if it does not appear for a long time, it will easily cause others to doubt.

So in order to travel to Jadeite World and to squeeze time out to Thor’s hometown, he had previously taken a long-running task that required a long time out.

What he said so far is true.

After accepting the mission, in order not to leave a room for doubt, he originally planned to complete the mission first, and then went to Jadeite World, but finally found that this time the mission goal left long ago without any stay.

In the middle of the hall, there is a black throne, on which there is a peerless woman sitting quietly. At this time, listening to Adier’s words, she didn’t say much, just nodded.

This is Gloria, the true leader of the Black Wizard, and the strongest group in the Mason region.

From her body, Adier could clearly feel the power of a gloomy Bloodline. Although it was far less powerful than Moon Elf Bloodline, it was even more weird, which made Adier dare not take it lightly at this time.

However, on the opponent at this time, it was not at all the kind of horrible Strength that Adier had seen. Under Adier’s induction, the Strength level of the opponent at this time was just comparable to him, and it reached the level of Peak. That’s it.

“As a powerful wizard, the leader of the black wizard should also usually need meditation and research. The one in front of me is probably not her entity, but just the avatar for handling chores.

Feeling the breath of Gloria in front of him, Adier flashed this thought in his mind, and then he could not hide the Strength on his body better.

Under the cover of the emerald mark on his body, the Strength fluctuations on his body were mostly covered. Not only was the part of Moon Elf Bloodline’s characteristics completely suppressed, but even the strength of reaching Level 1 Peak was also suppressed at this time.

At this point, what Adier showed was just a look into the Metamorphosis Stage, and even the instability of the breath was specially disguised, making him look like he had just changed.

“Have you entered the Metamorphosis Stage?”

Sure enough, shortly after, Gloria’s voice suddenly sounded.

She looked at Adier with a respectful bow in front of her, and felt the instability of his body, and a look of surprise appeared on her beautiful appearance.

After all, a formal wizard is not a Chinese cabbage. Even in the entire Mason region, the formal wizard is already a backbone. The ordinary wizard family can have a person as a formal wizard, and it can already be regarded as a middle family and can rule one side.

And Metamorphosis Stage wizards can only be owned by large forces. Even among the top forces such as the Black Wizard Alliance, the number is definitely not more than ten, which is an absolute high-level, which deserves Gloria’s attention.


Listening to Gloria’s words, Adier’s expression remained unchanged, but only respectfully: “When the subordinates came to the Maison area, they were close to the promotion standard. Later, they refined this by purifying a large amount of purified medicaments.

“The last time an adult met his subordinates, his subordinates had entered the Metamorphosis Stage. Until now, it has been considered to be complete.”

This is naturally a false statement. Under normal circumstances, Adier would not dare to say this in the face of Gloria, who owns Bloodline.

It is only that after having the Emerald Mark, as long as he does not take the initiative to unlock the Seal’s asylum Strength, the other party will never be able to perceive his true thoughts inside.

Even through the Strength of the Emerald Mark, Adier can give targeted treatment to make the other person think he is telling the truth.

Sure enough, in front of me, listening to Adier’s words, Gloria was not suspicious, and he directly took his words as the truth, but nodded: “Counting the time, you only spent two years in total, which is not bad.

Promote Metamorphosis Stage from a formal wizard, and experience the transformation of the racetrack in the middle.

The shorter this metamorphosis time, the stronger the innate talent and heritage of the wizard himself.

It took Adier two years to enter the Metamorphosis Stage. This time was extremely remarkable to ordinary wizards, but to Gloria in front of him, it was only good to say one sentence.

After all, as a powerful sorcerer who is close to Level 3, and also the owner of the snake woman Bloodline, her innate talent must be very good. With a lot of resources to assist, the time to enter the Metamorphosis Stage is absolutely short.

“Yes, now that you have entered the Metamorphosis Stage, your identity needs to change.”

Looking at Adier in front of her, Gloria was nodded: “Later, I will find someone to register myself. Starting today, you will be the Elder of our alliance.”


Adier had no objection to the other party’s instructions and directly nodded.

This kind of Elder is not the kind of Great Elder that can only be served by Level 2 wizards. It is slightly lower in status and status, but it is also very high in the Black Wizard Alliance.

At least, no one in the entire Black Wizard Alliance has a higher status than Elder except the Great Elder and the Gloria in front of the Level 2 wizards.

In a way, with the strength of just entering the Metamorphosis Stage, being able to obtain Elder’s identity should also be seen as the senior pharmacist’s identity bonus on Adier.

After all, to a certain extent, a potion Master is no less effective than a Metamorphosis Stage wizard.

In the eyes of Gloria’s outsiders, Adier’s current level of pharmacy may not be as good as those of the well-known Pharmacy Master, but it is only a matter of time before he becomes the Pharmacy Master with his innate talent.


Silent for a while, what seemed to come to mind, Gloria suddenly spoke again.

“The formula I gave you at the beginning, how are you studying?”

She watched Adier speak again, and her face looked a little more solemn, apparently caring about it.

“Some things have been worked out.”

In this regard, Adier had long been prepared to take out a bottle of medicine directly from the cloth bag on his waist.

It was a pale golden potion, which looked a lot like a purified potion, but in fact it was very different.

Inside this potion, the golden light is gathering, faintly condensing into the appearance of a golden eye, with a mysterious color on it, but it seems a bit illusory.

Just looking at the potion, Gloria was stunned.

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