“this is···”

In the small room, Gloria’s voice sounded.

At this moment, she looked at the bottle of light golden potion that Adier had in her hand. Although her face remained calm, her voice was agitated.

“This is the result of his time …”

Below, looking at the response from Gloria in front, Adier’s expression remained unchanged, and he still respectfully said: “It is only because of the relationship between time and materials that the subordinates can only make such 5% products. There is still a long way to go. “

“No … you’ve done a good job.”

Quietly breathing, looking at the potion in the hands of Adier, Gloria barely calmed down her mood, making her appearance look the same as before.

A faint field of force emerged around, instantly covering Adier’s body, wrapping the bottle of golden potion in his hand and quickly sending it to Gloria’s eyes.

Taking this bottle of golden potion, Gloria opened it without hesitation.

A faint fragrance exuded from the potion, with a fascinating breath.

Smelling this atmosphere, Gloria closed her eyes, her face became flushed and looked a little excited.


I do n’t know how long it took, Gloria opened her eyes, a pair of black eyes as pure as gems looked towards Adier, with some inspection and inexplicable meaning: “Although it is still far from the true Deep Blue Exhaling Breath Medicine, But being able to do that is already good for you. “

In front of her, listening to Gloria’s words, a smile appeared on Adier’s face in a timely manner, but nothing was said.

“As a reward, I leave this to you.”

In front of him, with Gloria’s tone barely fell, a black crystal ball flew from the spot and quickly fell on the palm of Adier.

After carefully receiving the black crystal ball, Adier looked respectfully and asked again, “Master Gloria, is there anything else?”

“You can leave now.” In front of her, Gloria’s aloof voice sounded like a queen of aloof and remote, ignoring everything.

She looked at Adier’s face with an expression of admiration on her face: “It seems that they are not mistaken. You do have innate talent far superior to others in pharmacy.”


In response, Adier lowered his head and did not respond positively.

“This is no boast.”

Gloria spoke again: “After returning, I will work more on this potion.”

“If you can develop a complete potion, I can give you whatever you want.”

The indifferent voice sounded in place, with the fluctuation of Spirit force, clearly conveyed to Adier’s ear.

“I want that World Stone, will you give it?”

Listening to Gloria’s words, Adier murmured secretly, but his face showed a happy expression, and quickly bowed his head and thanked him, “Many thanks!”

After saying this, he looked up at Gloria in front of him, and saw that he had no other instructions, then turned slowly and walked outside.

In the spacious hall, when Adier’s silhouette disappeared, a dark shadow appeared in the corner.

An Old Lady in a black robe appeared in place, and an old face was mostly rotten. At this time, Gloria turned to look towards, and took the bottle of pale golden medicine directly, and then sucked it hard.

As she breathed, the originally fragrant fragrance began to disappear, the surrounding gas began to flow countercurrently, and she finally swallowed all the golden potions in her hand.


Strong breathing sounded in place.

Under Gloria’s gaze, the old lady’s face was intoxicated.

As the potion was drunk, the rotten part of her face seemed to improve, but to a lesser extent, it would have been almost impossible to find both of them, both extremely powerful wizards.

“Haha, it works!”

Feeling the expression on her body, Old Lady’s face became excited, like the thirsty person in the desert meets the source of water. The excitement can’t be explained, which makes her all tremble slightly and looks extremely excited.

“Okay, Natasha …”

Sitting on the throne, watching Old Lady’s performance at this time, Gloria shook the head and confirmed to the other party: “How is it, is this potion real?”

“of course it’s true!”

Standing in front of Gloria, Natasha’s complexion gradually returned to calmness, but still looked a little excited: “Although it is only 5%, it has already had a little effect of the full potion, and it can even work for me.”

“The only problem is that the effect of this potion is lost too much, not even the 10% effect of the complete potion, which consumes too much material.”

“It’s not a problem.”

Gloria shook her head and said: “Since 5% products can be refined, so long as you cultivate carefully, you can also make real finished products sooner or later.”

“After all, this pharmacist has only been in contact with the formula for two years now.”

“He is definitely not what you call a senior pharmacist.”

Standing in front of Gloria, Natasha flatly stated: “Deep Blue Exhaling Breath Medicine is a real advanced pharmacy. Even in my time, only those top pharmacists could make it.”

“He can make this potion. Although it is only 5%, his true level is definitely comparable to what you call those potions Master.”

“How difficult is this Deep Blue Exhaling Breath Medicine?”

Listening to Natasha’s words, sitting on the throne, Gloria was a little curious.

“It’s definitely harder than you think.”

Natasha’s tone was deep, opened the mouth and said: “Without anyone’s instruction, we can make 5% products of Deep Blue Exhaling Breath Medicine in two years. This talent, even in ancient times, is absolutely absolute. Genius! “

on the other side.

On the desolate road, Adier had no idea that he had become a potion genius among other people.

At this point, he was walking at the headquarters of the Black Wizard Alliance, preparing to change his identity to another location.

Coming to the Black Wizard Alliance’s identity registry, the strength of the Strength that entered the Metamorphosis Stage blooms. In the awe of the wizards around him, Adier knows his new identity.

The Black Wizard Alliance, Elder of the Pharmacy Tower, manages some of the pharmacists under the Black Wizard Alliance.

“It’s been here …”

Seeing Gloria’s appointment, Adier was a little surprised, but not surprised.

The appointment itself is not surprising.

In the Black Wizard Alliance, Adier has always been the most outstanding, and he is his powerful pharmacy innate talent.

So after being promoted to Elder, it was not surprising that Adier was assigned to the section on pharmacy.

As for the pharmacy tower, it is a mechanism inside the Black Wizard Alliance, which represents the different functions of each and everyone.

However, in general, there is a Great Elder who is a Level 2 wizard in each tower to which each section belongs. These people are also called tower masters. They are the true masters of a tower and have great power.

But in the pharmaceutical tower, the situation is a bit special.

The Black Wizard Alliance after all is a black wizard. Although it has integrated several ancient black wizard forces, there are not too many wizards who are good at pharmacy in their own power, and there is no Level is a person who is good at pharmacy.

Due to this medicine, the tower owner is actually vacant. In this tower, only Adier and Elder currently exist.

This also means that Adier not only does not have a direct superior, but also does not have the same status as Elder in the tower. The rights are not restricted by the rest, and the tower can be completely controlled.

“It’s really a big deal. If it’s an ordinary person, maybe she will really be moved by her, and she may completely support her from then on.”

Shook the head, Adier was also a bit surprised by Gloria’s masterpiece.

It is a pity that although the right to manage an entire tower of pharmacy is large and there are many benefits to be gained, it is not very useful for Adier.

With shuttle ability, Adier has always been in short supply of the resources that ordinary wizards lack, especially when Boundary Energy is very abundant at present.

For him today, there are still attractive things throughout the Black Wizard Alliance.

The advanced Meditation Method mastered by Gloria, some secret advanced knowledge and templates for advanced spells, and that World Stone.

These things are not so easy to get, basically in the hands of the leader of Gloria.

Without her nodded, even if she masters the power of the pharmacy tower, it is still impossible to get these things.

However, this is not to say that this identity is useless.

At least with this identity, many things that used to search for transactions by themselves can now be obtained directly through the behemoth of the Black Wizard Alliance, which can save yourself a lot of energy and time.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Adier still readily accepted this identity.

In situ, finishing the current thing, soon, Adier turned and walked behind.


Time is constantly flying, and soon, a year has passed.

At noon, the sun spread over the earth.

A manor stood on a broad road.

This manor looks very large, and the decoration is very luxurious. It looks very good at first glance.

Walking outside the road, there are some citizens passing by from time to time, many of them have extremely envious and eager eyes when they see the manor.

From time to time, there were each and everyone in the ragged pedestrians passing outside the manor. At this time, all gathered in a corner outside, looking at the door of the manor, with some hope in his eyes, it seemed that he was waiting for something.

In their expectant eyes, with a squeak, the door of the manor in front of them was quickly opened.

Several big men came out from the inside, each holding a large bowl of black bread, at this time looking at the group of people guarding outside, with some disdain and apathy in their eyes.

They didn’t say much, they just looked at the people outside and threw the black bread in their hands directly, which immediately caused countless people to rob.

For a bad-tasting loaf, the ragged travellers and Beggar continued to compete there, some even scuffled, making the corner seem chaotic for a moment.

However, the surrounding pedestrians did not pay attention to this confusion, and they were accustomed to it. Only some travelers who came here for the first time showed a surprised expression when they saw this scene: “What are these people doing, so much food? Why are you throwing them at these tramps? “

“You don’t understand.” Listening to the words of the traveler, someone said something: “These black breads are all stale grains. They have been stored for a long time and they are about to rot, so they are cheap. By.”

“Even then, it shouldn’t be so wasteful.”

Looking at the brown bread and some other fine grains thrown away in the distance, the traveler felt a pity: “Even if it is rotten, it can be used by servants.”

“You do not understand.”

A voice continued on the side: “What are these grains? The man who lives in this manor is a real wizard.”

“Witcher?” The traveler’s voice became louder instantly, as if something shocking had happened.

“Look at those people squatting outside.”

A businessman pointed at some people standing outside and opened the mouth and said: “These people are basically sent by others to stay here. Basically, everyone is either a famous businessman or some aristocracy. “

“The purpose of these people squatting here is to wait for the owner of this manor to show up and see if he can have a chance to talk.”

“For such a noble existence, what is some grain, as long as this wizard wants, some people are willing to send a lot of grain.”

As the few big men who walked out of the manor left, the conversation in the distance became less and less.

And at the corner of the gate of the manor, looking at the occasional expressions of satisfaction on the faces of those homeless people in the distance, a little girl’s face could not help showing a happy smile.

This is a very cute little girl, about one or two years old. At this time, she is wearing a little white dress and looks like a little Angel.

She is extremely cute, with a purple gem on her forehead, which looks like an ornament. It is emitting a faint light under the sun, and it seems that some kind of wave is slowly spreading.

“Are you happy?” I don’t know how long past, a voice sounded behind me.

A young boy appeared silently behind the girl, looking handsome, at this time, his face was mild, standing behind the little girl, and watching her quietly.


The sudden sound apparently frightened the little girl.

She shouted subconsciously, then turned quickly, only to see her silhouette behind her, pats her chest, sighed in relief: “teacher, you are here.”

Standing opposite the little girl, looking at her lovely appearance, Adier laughed, extended the hand and touched the girl’s head: “Go, don’t stay here too long.”

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