In the quiet courtyard, Adier picked Solana up and walked to the other side.

Inside the courtyard, there is a large garden with many beautiful flowers. Most of them are specially planted by Adier. At this time, all flowers are in full bloom and multi-colored looks extremely beautiful.

And beside the garden, there is a swing made of ivy, which is empty at this time.

Gently placing Solana on the swing, Adier touched her head without speaking.

As the Spirit force in my mind fluctuates, a faint force field breeds here, and the swing is slowly reverberating.

Sitting quietly on the swing, Solana swayed her little feet, her small head leaned on the swing, her eyes squinted at Adier, and her precious black eyes were staring at him.

“what happened?”

Touching her little head, Adier asked with a smile.


Solana shook her little head and looked at Adier quietly, looking very quiet.

There was a slight sound of footsteps in the distance.

“Adier Elder.”

A woman in white clothed came from a distance and watched Adier report respectfully: “The thing you want has been delivered.”

“I see.” Adier’s voice came slowly from the front.

Standing next to Solana, looking at Solana who had grown up in front of her eyes, Adier sighed, “It’s been a year.”

Over the course of the year, Adier has changed a lot.

Within the Black Wizard Alliance, as Adier’s progress in refining Deep Blue Exhaling Breath Medicine continued to deepen, Gloria, the black wizard leader, also paid more and more attention to Adier’s performance. In order to win over Adier, even a master Meditation Method she mastered was rewarded.

Of course, the rewarded Meditation Method is not a full text, it is only the First Layer, and it can only be practiced at the level of a first-level wizard. It is only a part of the reference for Adier, and the value is not great.

However, with this newly obtained higher Meditation Method, Adier’s use of chips to deduct the new Meditation Method has also accelerated a lot, and now even has a prototype.

The newly launched Meditation Method, which Adier calls Dier Meditation Method, is currently only a preliminary preview of the apprenticeship. As for the first-level wizard, the progress is very slow because of incomplete information.

As for the template of the Level 2 spell, in this year, through the continuous trust of Gloria, Adier also got a few, just need to find a suitable time, you can try promotion.

“Teacher, what are you thinking?” The tender voice sounded in the ear.

Adier looked forward and saw Solana sitting still on the swing. There was an inexplicable wave in the amethyst in his forehead, and he was looking at him with curiosity.

“It’s nothing.”

Looking at her, Adier smiled and touched her head. “The teacher may be away for a while.”

“Are you leaving for a long time?”

Solana asked curiously, with a bit of perseverance in her tone.

“I do not know either.”

Adier shook the head with a smile, “I will come back as soon as possible, and I will bring you a gift by then.”

“As for now, play with them.”

He looked at Solana in front of him and pointed at the other side.

At this moment, a deep roar kept ringing in the distance.

At the end of the garden, a few large snow-white puppies ran quickly from there, followed by a few small silhouettes.

“Solana, come and play.”

A girl in a purple dress was holding a kitten that had been pure black in her hand, sitting on a young wildebeest, smiling and greeting Solana.

And beside this little girl, there are several other children, who are accompanied by a variety of small pets.

These were all specially found by Adier for Solana.

Child growth requires a good environment. In addition to a good life, it also requires the company of parents and friends.

In this regard, Adier is undoubtedly unable to accompany Solana often, so she can only find more playmates for her to make her happy.

These children are basically the children of the servants in the manor, and together with their pets, they have been put on a hypnotic spell by Adier, and there will be no safety problems.

“After playing, remember to go to Mr. Shrek to take a class. Your homework today has not been completed.”

Looking at the eager expression on Solana’s face in front of her, Adier could not help but remind her, and then looked at her little bitter face, then smiled and let her leave, and went to play with those little friends.

Standing on the spot, watching Solana’s excited like running away, Adier’s expression slowly calmed down, and then walked directly to the other side.

After a while, he walked to his laboratory and then broke up to close the door.

“You are coming …” A cold voice suddenly sounded in the spacious laboratory.

Adier wasn’t surprised by this sound, just looked towards the corner of the lab.

In the corner of the laboratory, there was a person, who was lying on the stone platform quietly at this time, his chest slowly undulating, as if breathing.

This is a very scary person. At this time, he was naked and was not wearing any clothes, but the skin exposed by this person was all rotten, and the pieces of rotten meat on it were intertwined, emitting a foul smell.

It seemed to have been corroded by some kind of Strength, her face was completely rotten, but she could still see that she was a woman from her bare body.

“how do you feel?”

Looking at the horror of this person, Adier’s face was calm, not strange or disgusting, but he silently walked aside and sprinkled several bottles of potion around him to get rid of the stench that pervaded the surrounding.


Lying quietly on the stone platform, watching Adier’s silhouette that was close at hand, the man grinned and revealed a bad tooth: “It’s just a bit hungry.”

“It’s normal to feel hungry.”

Listening to each other, Adier is not surprised: “A potion of medicament can barely sustain your life, and does not have the normal nature of food.”

“I doubt I can eat a cow now.”

The woman lying on the stone platform spoke again and licked her lips involuntarily while talking.

“Sorry, your internal organs are still broken, I’m afraid you can’t eat anything.”

Adier responded while debugging the potion in his hand.


To his words, the woman disdain, and then said: “How long will it take me to be good.”

“Half a month.” Adier’s voice continued.

Glancing silently at the woman lying on the stone platform, Adier took a bottle of golden potion, and without much talk, directly sprinkled the potion inside the woman.

At a moment, a faint brilliance lit up in place, and then a thick fragrance spread quickly, covering her entire body.

A coolness came from her, closing her eyes with some enjoyment.

Under Adier’s gaze, her flesh and blood slowly began to return to normal, and the skin on her forehead had begun to grow again. At this time, she brought a little red.

“Great …”

When the change of body was over, the woman eyes opened again: “What kind of potion is this?”

“The potion of life.”

Adier’s voice continued to sound.

“Life potion? Do potions mimic the effects of the legendary Water of Life?”

Listening to Adier, the woman was very curiously asked.

In this regard, Adier just smiled and did not speak.

This life potion is a potion he specially developed for the woman in front of him. The main material in it is the Water of Life he has obtained in large quantities from Jadeite World. It has a good nourishing effect, so he was named by him. A potion for life.

Why this person is being treated is another reason.

The woman lying on the stone platform, named Barana, is a Half-Elf walking out of the Silver Fog Forest.

During this year, Adier is not just idle, but occasionally goes out to participate in some auctions and other places to see if you can find some good things.

The Half-Elf woman in front of him was obtained from another formal wizard at a trade fair. In the process of getting it, he did not even spend a magic stone. After knowing the identity of the Adier Black Wizard Alliance Elder, the other party directly gave him the Half-Elf woman respectfully.

“Right, what are you going to Silver Fog Forest for?”

In front of her, watching Adier continually refining her pharmaceuticals there, the woman seemed to feel a bit bored, so she actively opened the mouth and said: “That place is not a good place, there are all kinds of magic beasts everywhere.”

“Find someone.”

Listening to each other, Adier casually opened the mouth and said: “My mother is an elf aristocrat, so this time I want to go to the Silver Fog Forest and see if I can find my mother’s family.”

This is naturally false.

Coming through, he has never seen the so-called mother in this world, let alone the so-called feelings.

The reason he wanted to go to Silver Fog Forest was just to see if he could find the next part of Moon God’s Sacrifice.

Although Moon Elf is Level 4 as an adult, if you only rely on the growth of Bloodline to obtain Strength, that efficiency is too low.

Adier is now in his early twenties. This idea, even if it is placed in ordinary elf, is a young child. It is equivalent to just born in the lifespan, which has 5,000 to 6,000 years of pure blood Moon Elf. It is equivalent to just born. It takes millennia.

Naturally he couldn’t really wait that long, so the importance of Moon God’s Sacrifice’s Meditation Method is highlighted.

This Meditation Method was originally developed to allow the pure blood Moon Elf to grow as quickly as possible. It is most suitable for Moon Elf’s Bloodline and can greatly accelerate the growth of Moon Elf Bloodline. It is most suitable for the current Adier training.

However, the Moon God’s Sacrifice currently in Adier’s hands is only an incomplete version. There are only the first two layers in it. As for the most important two layers, they are still incomplete.

In the case that Jadeite World has no way to go, he can only put his ideas into the Silver Fog Forest.

Silver Fog Forest, the home base of the elf tribe in the Mason region.

Unlike Jadeite World ’s elf annihilation, the elf clan in the Mason region still exists. Although inheritance to this day, Moon Elf in pure blood has disappeared, but some things still remain.

In this year, Adier once inquired about the power of the Black Wizard Alliance.

Royal Family still exists in the Silver Fog Forest at this time, and Moon God’s Sacrifice, a Meditation Method, is also more likely to be more complete than Adier’s.

This naturally attracted Adier’s attention and made Adier want to go to Yinwu Mori Bell and see if he could find an opportunity to get the follow-up part of Moon God’s Sacrifice.

However, the area of ​​Silver Fog Forest is very large. What is currently exposed to other forces is only the external forces of the elf family.

The real elf Royal Family is in the Silver Fog Forest. Few people know the exact location without anyone leading the way.

In this case, Adier hit the idea on the Half-Elf woman in front of her.

A faint scent of fragrance is constantly escaping around, and the fluctuation of mana sounds constantly.

On a huge black stone platform, as the magic stone continues to burn, the Wizard Array nodes that have been portrayed begin to slowly shine, slowly injecting the strength of the magic stone into Parana’s body, and slowly slowing down her body. Expel.

“Come here today.”

Taking off the gloves, watching the exhausted Balana on the stone platform, Adier shook his head: “If you need anything, remember to shout.”

“I have the Wizard Array on the stone platform. As long as I’m in the manor, you can call my name to me.”

He looked at Barana lying on the stone platform in front of him and said, then turned and walked out, and he didn’t forget to close the laboratory door before leaving.

In the laboratory, listening quietly to Adier’s words and his slight footsteps, Barana closed her eyes silently, looking extremely tired.

Outside, a ray of sunlight shone on the ground, pulling a long shadow on the ground.

Adier walked to the courtyard and looked towards the inside, just in a living room, and several children were having a lesson.

Solana twitched her face and looked at the little book on the wooden table in front of her, looking a little worried.

The next moment seemed to sense something. She looked up, glanced a little in the direction of moving towards Adier, but ended up seeing nothing.

“It’s a keen sense. It should be caused by the innate Bloodline being too powerful.”

In another corner, Adier sighed while watching Solana’s movement just now.

Unlike ordinary people, formal wizards such as Adier not only have no footsteps when walking, but even Spirit fluctuations. Ordinary people may expose some of their external information. Most of the formal wizards will not , All will be automatically hidden by the innate talent witchcraft.

This is true of ordinary formal sorcerers, and first-level Peak sorcerers like Adier are even more terrifying.

If Adier is lurking, unless a wizard of the same level exists, even a Metamorphosis Stage wizard will find it difficult to find his silhouette, let alone a little girl close to two years old.

Solana’s ability to sense his actions can only be attributed to Bloodline’s instinct.

Thinking of this, quietly watching outside for a while before Adier turned away.

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