In the morning, the sun shone on the earth.

On both sides of the spacious road, there are rows of evergreen trees. At this time, they are neatly growing there, giving a fresh feeling.

In the distance, a beautiful city is standing, and half of the silhouette can be seen far away.

“Yue Jiancheng is here.” A voice sounded in a low tone, with some nostalgia and nostalgia.

On a carriage, Barana sat in front of the car, looked at the city far away, and explained to Adier, “This is the city I used to spend as a kid. I used to spend years there.”

Her appearance changed greatly.

From the territory of the Black Wizard Alliance to the outer area of ​​the elf forest, for an entire month, under Adier’s medicament, her original injury had completely recovered. At this time, the whole person looked very Spirit.

The horrible flesh on the surface of the body has grown a new white skin. Although sitting on the carriage at this time, the plump figure and the delicate features are extremely attractive to others. Shoot.

“If someone familiar wants to go and see, I can give you a few days off.”

Sitting in front of the carriage, while rushing to the carriage, Adier said to Barana on the side.

“Still forget it.”

Barana shook the head: “I was an orphan when I was a kid. In this city, I can only live by begging. Those people I knew back then were mostly dead.”

“Speaking of which, if I hadn’t been found to have Knight innate talent and was adopted back, I would probably have been a corpse now.”

She was flat-spoken, looking at the city far away, and looked a little dazed.

On the side, hearing her story, Adier looked calm, but hurriedly carried the carriage without saying much.

Regarding Barana’s identity, Adier also learned a bit during the period before.

Barana herself is a highly skilled Great Knight. She left the Silver Fog Forest for some things three years ago and ended up in the territory of the Black Wizard Alliance.

As for how the injury came when she first met her, she has been reluctant to elaborate.

In this regard, Adier did not mean to ask more.

After walking for a while, the carriage and the caravan in the distance began to increase, making the entire repair in front of the moment seem crowded.

However, this is the early morning, and many caravans in the distance are still on the road at this time, so although there are many people, it is not too much for a while.

At least, these are just pediatrics compared to the congested roads that Adier first experienced.

On the way, Adier noticed that not only the ordinary person class was in the surrounding caravans, but there were also many aliens.

Lizardmen, orcs, half-orcs, and all kinds of ethnic minorities, all at this time are walking on this road.

But relatively speaking, here, the number of lizard people and ordinary person classes is the largest, as for the number of other races, it is relatively less.

For this situation, Adier is easy to understand.

Silver Fog Forest is located in the south. From the location, it is the closest to the Swamp Kingdom and the Black Wizard Alliance. Naturally, there will be more races between these two places.

As for the races of the orcs and plateaus, most of them are located north of the Mason region, too far from the Silver Fog Forest.

Walking along the road, after a while, Adier fixed his gaze on several silhouettes on the side of the road.

There are several tall and thin silhouettes. Although they look similar to ordinary person, their height is generally higher, basically above 1.7 m. This is a good height in this world where ordinary person is malnourished.

They are tall, but not strong, and have fair skin. The facial features are generally more delicate and pretty than ordinary people.

“These are the elfs in Silver Fog Forest?”

Looking at the silhouettes, Adier asked Barana aside.

“Is it very disappointing?”

Barana said with a smile: “In the legend of your human world, elf is handsome and beautiful, lifespan has a long existence, and it seems that each elf is an art master who is good at music and sculpture.”

“These are the real elf.”

She looked at Adier, pointing at the elf opened the mouth and said: “Although the appearance of elf is pretty good compared to ordinary person, most elf is actually a middle-to-upper level, even ugly. Elf, I haven’t seen it before. “

“As for the so-called art, it is even more ridiculous.”

She shook her head, with some self-deprecation on her face: “Ordinary elf civilians run for life just like human civilians. Even in the forest of Silver Mist, ordinary elf civilians may be worse than human civilians. Those so-called arts, It’s just something exclusive to the elf aristocracy that’s all. “

“Elf’s lifespan is generally longer, this is true, but it is not too exaggerated.”

Aside, Adier listened to her story silently and said nothing.

As a wizard, he certainly didn’t take it for granted that elf was a good endorsement.

In fact, what is beautiful on the surface may not be true.

In addition to the beauty and mystery of the surface, the real situation of the elf family is actually far more cruel than the humans in the Mason region.

This is a bloodline supreme race.

The elf family attaches great importance to Bloodline. In the country of elf, except for the elf born in the aristocracy, the remaining elf civilians can never become an aristocracy.

An elf born in a civilian family, even if he struggles all the time, cannot make his descendants a noble caster, and it is impossible to marry the nobility.

The reason for this is that, on the one hand, elf pays too much attention to tradition, and on the other hand, because the civilian innate talent is too low.

Just like the human world, ordinary civilians, even if they are lucky to have wizarding qualifications, but if their ancestors did not have a wizard’s Bloodline, then the wizarding qualifications that appear are generally first or second class.

And second-class qualifications, not to mention being promoted to formal wizards, are extremely difficult to become a third-level apprentice, and require a lot of energy and resources.

The elf family is even more serious in this regard.

Perhaps because of racial differences, among the elf tribe, ordinary civilians have a lower chance of possessing wizard qualifications than human beings, and generally have much worse qualifications. Second-class qualifications are said to have been called genius among elf civilians.

On the other hand, because within the body owns part of the ancient Moon Elf Bloodline, among the elf nobles, the probability of possessing a wizard qualification is relatively high.

This will undoubtedly widen the gap between the two sides, coupled with the elf’s old-fashioned tradition and the emphasis on tradition, the current status quo has formed over time.

Even if the civilians struggle all their lives, they will at best make their lives a little better, and they will not be able to become nobles. They will be subject to various restrictions throughout their lives, and even a bad collision with the nobles may lead to the direct confiscation of all their properties.

Everything in my mind was skipped in my mind. On the surface, Adier was very calm, but he quietly drove the carriage and walked forward along the road.

Aside, seeing Adier’s performance, Barana also seemed boring, so she walked into the carriage and seemed to be ready to go in for a rest.

After a while, the carriage slowly moved into the city gate.

There are several guards guarding in front of the door, but not elf, but some dark-skinned, sturdy experts.

Gu expert is a race near Silver Fog Forest. Although it looks very similar to humans, it is not exactly the same as humans. In addition to the flesh on the body, which is much stronger than ordinary person, the chest and arms will usually grow black scales.

The individual combat power of this race is relatively strong. Even an ordinary member can be compared with a skilled veteran as long as he is an adult. But too few people in the race have wizard innate talent, so the overall strength is not strong, just a small race that depends on the elf family.

There is no so-called city gate tax. After inspecting the goods brought by Adier, the immediate expert guards let Adier and the two enter the city.

Carriage and horse riding are not allowed in this city, so there is a place for carriage outside the city.

Adier put the carriage down, stowed the rest, and walked into the city with Barana.

Oncoming was a sense of cleanliness not found elsewhere.

The city looks very neat now, and although there are still some chaos around, it is quite good compared to other cities that Adier has been to.

Especially in the city, there are one after another carefully cultivated green trees, and some trees still bear small flowers, which makes Adier like it very much.

Of course, there are many disadvantages.

Maybe there are many outsiders, and the city is very mixed.

On the road, Adier has seen several groups of beggars, including half-orcs, elf and ordinary person classes.

Looking at these beggars, Barana was a little dazed, looking at a corner somewhere, wondering what she was thinking.

“If you want to see it, you can check it out.”

Aside, Adier smiled back at her, and handed her a bag of Copper Coins without talking.

As a result, Barana stunned, watching Adier look silent for a while, then moved forward silently.

She is obviously more caring than Adier, and maybe she saw the beggars and thought of herself who had been struggling here.

Without giving too much, she issued a few Copper Coins to each beggar, and quickly walked back to Adier.

“Is this okay?”

Watching her come back, Adier looked at the beggar in the distance and said casually.

“I gave them three pieces of copper. By convention, they could leave one for themselves, enough for them to eat another piece of bread.”

Barana was very familiar with this, and shook her head at this moment: “Even if they give more things, they will have nothing left in the end.”


She looked at the long road and said, “The road to other cities is more difficult. Before we set out, we need to make some preparations.”

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