There is a rough road in the dense forest.

On the path, the entire group was walking in it.

This is a very complex team, not only elf, but also orcs and humans, and even the rare Half-Elf.

Adier and Barana were walking among them, but at this time they were wearing black robes, walking in them silently, it didn’t look too conspicuous.

Walking on the road, looking at the long road in the distance, Adier’s face was calm, and he quietly followed the elf guides leading the way, and walked forward.

This is a small stowaway group and the route that Barana was looking for for Adier.

The elf clan is extremely exclusive, and with the exception of very few people, few will be allowed to enter the real territory of the elf clan.

As for the cities on the periphery of the Silver Fog Forest, they are only specially built by the elf people for external trade, and they do not belong to the core of the elf people.

Few people are eligible to enter the Silver Fog Forest, and over time, people naturally think of other ideas, such as sneaking.

In front of this team, except for the elfs who lead the way, the rest are stowaways.

The purpose of these stowaways is different, but the main one is to secretly establish trade relations with some elf tribes.

In the elf family, in addition to the supreme King’s Courtyard and a few nobles, there are actually countless elf tribe.

These small tribes are usually oppressed by the elf nobles directly under them. Most of the tribal output will be collected by the direct nobles at extremely low prices. After carrying the cities for trade, they will be sold to the high prices. Those who come here to do business.

In this process, those nobles are naturally making a lot of money, but those small tribe being oppressed are not having a good time. Over time, some small tribes will secretly establish contact with some stowaways, bypass the elf nobles directly, Produce from your own tribe and sell it.

In this way, although the price will be lowered by foreign businessmen fiercely, and it will take a lot of risk, but the profits will undoubtedly be better, so many small tribes will secretly do so.

In addition to the merchants who want to secretly establish trade points, another major group of illegal immigrants is the slave hunting groups supported by the aristocracy.

In the Silver Mist Forest, elf is naturally worthless, but in the human world, elf is a symbol of beauty, and each and everyone can be regarded as valuable.

If you are lucky enough, you can catch a few elf aristocrats who have royal bloodline on their ancestors, it is even more popular, and some of them are wizards who want to conduct related experiments.

Thinking of this, Adier raised his head slightly, the light of his eyes looked towards the side.

Among Moon Elf’s keen senses, there were several people behind Adier behind him, with a strong breath of life on their bodies, mostly trainee Knight.

In the center of the seven or eight trainee Knights, there are two most powerful beings. At this time, the appearance looks the same as the ordinary person, but the temperament is very cold and the gas field is very strong.

Both of these are Knight-level existences. Although they are not strong in Knight, it can be seen from some details that they are real warriors who have experienced hundreds of battles.

There is no doubt that this group of people is likely to be a slave-catcher group. From the perspective of all members who are apprentices Knight, the background should not be small, and there may be a noble background.

In this regard, Adier did not want to delve into it.

With his strength at this time and his position in the Black Wizard Alliance, if you are willing to negotiate with elf yourself, it is not difficult to actually enter the Silver Fog Forest in a proper way.

Only then, there will inevitably be a lot of people around him. At least, as the Elder of the Black Wizard Alliance, he will inevitably be very noticeable along the way, and will even be met by several elf nobles.

However, if this is done, it may not be in line with Adier’s personality, and it may not be conducive to his purpose this time.

“Go ahead and see the current status of the elf family, and then decide what to do next.”

Walking on the road, looking at the dense vegetation in the distance, Adier flashed this thought in his mind.

According to common sense, Moon God’s Sacrifice is Moon Elf’s exclusive advanced Meditation Method, and its complete volume is probably in the hands of elf King’s Courtyard.

It is just that the situation of the elf family is also very complicated.

Before coming, Adier had visited some wizards who knew the elf family and had a rough understanding of the current situation of the elf family.

Hundreds of years ago, the elf King’s Courtyard had begun to decline. It is said that not only the power under the influence has been continuously suspended by several elf nobles, but also the Bloodline of the descendants is said to be much worse than before, so Strength is still in decline.

Although nominally, elf King’s Courtyard still dominates all elf, in fact, the power of the various aristocrats is no less than that of King’s Courtyard, but only nominally acknowledge allegiance.

In order to get the inheritance of the elf family in this complicated situation, you need to understand the situation well.

After walking for a while, the birds gradually passed through the forest in the distance, bringing a song.

“Who!” Cry out in surprise suddenly came from the front.

In the grass and trees, a silhouette flashed by, so that the elf leading the way suddenly suddenly changed the complexion greatly, and shouted out.

They glanced at each other, and then pulled up the elf long sword on their waists in unison, and moved slowly forward with sharp eyes.


At the place, looking at the empty space in front of them, they were a little puzzled and relaxed: “What should be wild beast ···”

Rearward, at this moment, Adier looked up, looking away towards a certain distance.

In his Spirit induction, several silhouettes were running away in the distance, and quickly.

“A total of five, and all are real Knights …”

Standing in place, he looked into the distance and muttered to himself.

“what happened?”

Aside, Barana’s voice of concern sounded.

She looked at Adier’s face and asked with some concern.

“It’s nothing.”

Shook the head, Adier didn’t say much, but he was ready to leave.

The sphere of influence of the elf family is already in front of me. At such a short distance, there are suddenly several Knights who fled away. It doesn’t seem to be a good thing.

Since those are at large, it means that there must be some people in the vicinity who are chasing, and their strength is likely to be stronger than those of Knight.

Thinking of this, Adier shook his head secretly, but just looked at the team in front of him, and Barana, who looked a little dazed, said nothing.

After experiencing the previous episode, they did not encounter any accidents later, and smoothly arrived at the next camp before the night.

There were a few humble wood houses, and there were a lot of dried firewood behind the wood house, which made it look like a wood house.

Coming here, several elf guides who led the way started cooking the soup spontaneously, while others took a lumbering axe that was about to rust and walked aside, it seemed to be ready to chop some firewood for the next time.

After a while, a bowl of hot soup was served, and some wild vegetables and bread crumbs were added, which tasted pretty good.

At night, outside of a few large wood houses, Adier sat alone on a white stone and was watching the moon in the sky quietly.

The bright moon hangs high in the sky, sprinkles silver moonlight, shines on Adier’s body, and draws a long shadow.

There is often a low Insect Cry among the grass and trees on the side, and occasionally a low howl of wild beast.

Sitting on the white stone, Adier even saw a few wild wolves passing by, each one was as high as a meter, and his eyes glowed with faint eyes.

After seeing Adier, these wild beasts did not take the initiative to move forward, but seemed to feel the same, each and everyone left around Adier autonomously.

“You are out too.”

Sitting on the stone, at a certain moment, Adier eyes opened, and he didn’t look back.

Behind him, a young girl in a black robe was standing behind him at this time, listening to his words at this time, don’t care: “You still feel so sensitive.”

“Aren’t you going to rest?”

Adier looked at Barana, opened the mouth and said, “I’ll be here.”

“I don’t want to live with those stinking people.”

It seemed a bit boring, and Barana asked back, “What about the half-orc who was vigil with you before?”

“I was hypnotized and sent to other people.”

Adier’s face did not change color, blandly opened the mouth and said.

In the light of silver Yuehua, his appearance changed a bit.

In order to be unobtrusive, he changed his appearance through the emerald mark on his body to make him look like an ordinary person.

And now, he looks like he was before.

Black’s hair was loose, and her appearance was extremely handsome. A pair of pure eyes were now looking towards the moon and the sky, and a calm and peaceful atmosphere gradually radiated from her body, so that Barana, who was standing aside, could not help but hold her back.

However, she quickly reacted and looked at Adier in front of her, sighing: “You don’t look like a Half-Elf at all, but an elf aristocrat with a noble Bloodline.”

She looked at Adier’s handsome and delicate face, and her slightly sharp ears, and sighed with envy.


For her words, Adier indifferent expression, not at all.

Strictly speaking, after transforming into Moon Elf Bloodline, he is indeed not a Half-Elf now, but a thorough pure elf, and even the appearance has changed greatly.

Those characteristics that belong to elf have become much more obvious, even under the suppression of the Emerald Mark. It just looks different from the ordinary person, and the handsome is a little too much.

But Adier doesn’t care about this.

Seems to feel something, he stood up silently, looking away towards a certain direction in the distance, silent.

And in several wood houses in the distance, an accident is also happening.

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