嗖 ···

The sound of arrows breaking through the surroundings echoed continuously, accompanied by the sound of collisions between heavy objects and the earth.

Outside the several wood houses, before the night watchmen reacted, a few arrows passed through their throats precisely. The speed was so fast that they couldn’t even make a sound.

This is by no means what the average elf shooter can do.

Although the elf family has strong vision and archers are abundant in the family, even if it is an elf archer, it is not easy to achieve this scene in the dark surroundings.

All that can be done is the bow and arrow Master of the elf family, and even Knight.

Step on …

Slight footsteps were coming from afar. The sound sounded very slight and very slow.

I saw in the dense jungle, several silhouettes came from a distance.

There were several elfs wearing light azure armors. At this moment, looking at the corpses falling in the distance, their faces were very cold.

They all had a light azure longbow in their hands. Apparently the arrows were just made by them.

“Is it them?” A cold voice came from behind, in pure elf language.

A young elf girl in a black robe walked slowly from the rear, her appearance was exquisite, and her clothes were engraved with a complex mark, which looked like her family emblem.

She walked forward step by step, with a somewhat arrogant look and a strong aura. She was too lazy to look at the remaining elfs around her.

“Rose Young Lady …”

Seeing this elf girl coming, the elf holding the long bow had bowed their heads, showing a respectful expression on their faces.

Among these elf archers, there is a young elf wearing a different armor than everyone else. It also has a family emblem engraved on it and should be of the same nobility.

He looked at the proud and elf girl in front of her eyes. Although her face was respectful, the same admiration flashed in her eyes. At this moment, the first person moved forward and watched the girl ’s report: “These are The night watchman, there are still some people resting, but judging from the strength of these outsiders, it is a little different from the previous group. “

“So, isn’t that the previous group?”

Listening to the youth, Rose frowned, looking a little disappointed: “Forget it, some people, if you can bring it back, you can get some credit.”

“Kirk, go bring these people back to me.”

She said, looking a little careless: “Try to be alive.”


The young man named Kirk was nodded, then glanced at the elf archers around, and walked ahead first.

This group of elf is very powerful, even those seemingly ordinary elf archers, each and everyone is Knight, and the elf man named Kirk is Great Knight.

With this group of Knights, even third-class apprentices are enough to temporarily fight.

“Sora, won’t you go in and see?”

Looking at the elf fighters walking around, Rose stood silently, her face looking a bit indifferent.

“No need.” A voice came from behind, a bit immature, like a small boy.

A silhouette slowly looks from behind, wearing a black robe all over.

It was an elf boy. He didn’t look tall. He looked like a human being fourteen or five years old.

He walked to Rose, with some respectful expression on his face: “With Kirk, they should be there. There should be no problem in dealing with these stowaways. Naturally there is nothing for me.”

Looking at his appearance, Rose gently nodded, and her apathy expression eased a little: “You know.”

She looked at Solana’s fairly immature face, and perfunctoryly said: “You know, there are more and more smugglers around here recently, and many of them are Knight, which is too dangerous for you.”

“After all, your family is not near here. In case something bad happens, they are probably too late to help you.”

She watched Sora say so, and seemed to point in her words.

While listening to her words, Sora’s face suddenly showed a grateful look, and she seemed to really appreciate Rose’s reminder, standing beside her honestly, without any intention of leaving.

After a while, there were screams in front, faintly clashing with the knife and sword.

In this regard, Rose and Sora were not surprised at all, and they seemed to have become accustomed to this.

These stowaways from afar are very cautious. Even if a night watchman is set up, there are often people in the wood house who don’t sleep all night, just to escape at any time.

However, these preparations are often not enough when faced with the elf guards who are all Knight-level. They will be captured in three or two times, and will be squeezed into the city where elf is located.

Only this time, things were obviously different.

In this group of stowaways, there was a trainee Knight, and there were even two real Knights.

Although these people are not the opponents of these elf defenders, it is very likely that they entangle with them and even escape a few people.

“Looks like I need to go there this time.”

Standing aside, listening to the louder fighting in the distance, Rose shook the head and walked in the direction of the sound.

Behind her, looking at her silhouette, Sora hesitated, and finally followed her, and walked forward as well.

They walked fast, and after a while, they reached a wood house.

Only after arriving here, the two could not help but stun.

At this moment, the sound that was constantly coming from around disappeared instantly.

In the cold night, Insect Cry sounded all the time around, but all disappeared at this time.

Like coming to another quiet world, their faces changed instantly, and their eyes instantly looked at the several wood houses in front of them.

There was a dark shadow in several dilapidated wood houses, and he was standing there.

It was a handsome looking boy who also wore a black robe, and her pure eyes were very bright and touching.

His ears were a bit sharp and delicate, and the whole person looked like a real elf aristocracy, looking very pleasing to the eye.

Just looking at this scene, Rose and Sora were shaking in their hearts, and they felt a fear of Strength from this teenager.

“Just … Official Wizard …”

Subconsciously, Rose shouted this sentence instinctively, and then quickly reacted, quickly lowering her head, and the original proud face with respect and fear: “Excuse me, who is the Lord, I am The apprentice wizard of the Lohr family. “

Seeing the teenager in front of her, she subconsciously carried out her background, hoping to attract the attention and fear of the other party.

In her opinion, since the boy in front of him had the power of a formal wizard, he must be from a powerful elf aristocracy, and he must have some knowledge of her family.

As for the speculation that the teenager is an outsider, she just thought about it for a while and then rejected it.

The boy in front of him is completely elf-like. Many elaborate characteristics on his body can only be possessed by Bloodline’s mellow elf aristocracy. In this Silver Fog Forest, what else is a native elf wizard?

But to her surprise, after she reported her own family, the teenager in front of her seemed as if she had never heard it before, and did not respond at all.

The scene fell silent for a while, until a long time later, a voice sounded again.

“What’s your name?”

Standing in front of a wood house, looking at the two standing in front of him, Adier looked at Sora behind Rose and asked.

“Sir, are you asking me?”

Standing in front of Adier and listening to Adier’s words, Sola suddenly looked a little surprised.

Not only him, but even Rose in front of him, looking at Adier at this time, was a bit surprised, and did not understand why the other party focused on him.

“I’m Sora, a member of the Orris family.”

Despite the confusion in his heart, on the surface, Sora did not hesitate to report his name and family directly.

In fact, it is useless not to report it.

In addition to him, there were several elfs present. Those people knew him well, and they did not deal with him normally. There was absolutely no hesitation in selling his information.

“What about the Oris family …”

In front of them, listening to Sora’s words, Adier murmured, not knowing what to think, and seemed a little silent.

He didn’t want to bother about what happened this time.

Before leaving, through the relationship of Parana, Adier had already bought a map of this point. After arriving here, he can go to the nearby elf city by himself, even without subsequent guidance.

It was only when he was about to leave that he saw the two wizard apprentices who were born to the elf aristocracy.

These two elfs are both wizard apprentices, they are just second-class apprentices, but the female elf has a stronger breath, and she seems to have several Magic Transformed Items on her body.

What really attracted him was not the strength of the two, but the family emblem carried on them.

On the black robe of the elf boy, there was an immensely familiar mark of Adier.

It was a very concise imprint with a purple bird and a silver moon. The two were intertwined together with some other small textures to form a family emblem.

Looking at the familiar mark in silence, Adier was silent for a while, then took out a badge from his body.

This is a very quaint old badge. On the badge, there is a purple bird with a silver moon in its mouth. It looks almost nothing like the imprint on Sora except for the texture. the difference.

“Purple Bird Mark …”

Through Yu Guang, I saw this purple bird mark. Suola suddenly froze, then seemed to think of something, with a little hope and expectation in her eyes: “Master, are you?”

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