On the barren grass, there was no sound around, only a few elf’s heavy breathing sounds kept ringing here.

When seeing the purple bird mark in Adier’s hand, the eyes of the two elfs in front of them couldn’t help but the female elf put his eyes on Sora.

Standing behind Rose, looking at the purple bird mark on Adier’s hand, Sora’s breathing gradually became heavy, and many thoughts flashed in her heart for a while.

He was stunned, looking at Adier in front of him, with a trembling voice: “Sir, please, do you have this family crest in your hand …”

In subsequent words, he not at all said that no matter whether it was Adier or Rose, he could understand the meaning of this sentence and the puppets in his words.

Rose also understood this.

As a well-known genius nearby, she is also one of the successors of her family. She also knows something about the family behind Sora. It is said that she is now declining severely and has been suppressed by other nobles, and her life is now very difficult.

In this case, a formal wizard suddenly appeared suspected of having a relationship with the Orris family, and the importance of them was self-evident.

“This badge was left by my mother.”

Silent for a while, with the nervous look of Sora opposite, Adier finally or is the origin of the badge.

This badge is what he obtained when he left the Fax family. It is said that it was the voucher left by his mother that year, which represents her mother’s identity in the elf family.

After entering the Wizard Academy, Adier also studied the imprint on the badge and concluded that his mother should be from an elf family.

Now it seems that the Lord is in front of me.

“Hu ···”

Hearing Adier’s answer, Sora’s original uneasy mood disappeared instantly, a feeling of excitement and excitement came to his mind, making him look at the Adier in front of him at this moment, almost not knowing what to say.

“My name is Adier.Fax.”

Standing in front of the two, looking at the appearance of the two in front of them, Adier’s face was calm, but he waved quietly.

Everything immediately changed.

Where the two couldn’t see, a bunch of Spirit forces were fluctuating, and the originally intertwined web gradually spread out, revealing the original real scene.

As if returning from the Unreal World to reality in an instant, the crisp Insect Cry appeared again, accompanied by a burst of bloody smell.

Standing in front of Adier, they noticed at this moment that, behind Adier, several silhouettes were standing there quietly.

That was the elf Knights who had entered the wood house before. At this time, all the elf knights were standing there, their bodies were motionless as if they were statues, and there was only panic with fear on their faces. At this time, all eyes looked towards Adier. With extreme fear and awe.

On their side, several corpses fell silently, and the strong bloody smell spread from them.

Next to these corpses, a half-Elf female Knight wearing a leather suit and a heroic posture was standing there. At this time, she was holding a black long sword with an unsheathed hand and bleeding on it. Barana together.

At this point, as Adier lifted the spell, the restraining force field previously applied to several elf Knights instantly disappeared.

They recovered their ability to move. They did not have the slightest intention to rush up and fight with Adier, instead they looked at Adier in awe and walked behind Rose, even the strongest Kirk.

Even after seeing the previous conversation between Adier and Sora, they looked towards Sora’s eyes with some awe, which brought an unprecedented experience in Sora’s heart.

Gently glanced at the elfs in front of them. For the matter between them, Adier had no intention to participate, but looked at Sola in front of him, and said directly: “Take me to your camp.”


At night, in a large estate, the soft light is still on.

An old man was sitting there in a small room.

This is an elf old man who looks very old. His white hair is well taken care of. He is tied up and looks very serious.

It can be seen that the old man should be very handsome when he was young, but the years left deep marks on his face, making his face densely wrinkled, and making him gradually old, even now.


He was sitting on a red wooden chair, holding a pen in his hand, looking at the instructions on the wooden table, and the one that was more serious than the other, and could not help but sigh a bit of weakness.

bump! bump! bump!

At this moment, there was a sudden strong knock outside the door. It seemed very urgent that someone was knocking hard outside.

Listening to this voice, the old man suddenly felt a little displeased, couldn’t help looking at the powerful knocking outside the door, or let the maid on the side open the door.

Aside, the maid cautiously opened the delicate wooden door, exposing the silhouette outside the door.

It was a middle-aged elf wearing a black dress, with fair skin and a very handsome look. At this time, he walked into the room and looked at the old man in front of him. Some excitedly opened the mouth and said: “Master Andela, there is an urgent news. Now. “

Listening to his words, the old man named Andela shook his fist subconsciously, and his emotions seemed to fluctuate: “Let’s say, which business road was cut off by someone or was someone coming to your door?”

A self-deprecating expression appeared on his face, looking at the middle-aged elf in front of him, looking a little depressed.


Looking at Andela in front, the middle-aged elf barely recovered his calmness, watching him opened the mouth and said: “There was news from a family member in the distance. At the border of the Kroll family, we found an official holding our national emblem. wizard.”


When he heard the word official wizard, Andela gave a stun, and then his face suddenly became excited, grabbing the sleeve of elf in front of her: “Are you sure? Is this the official wizard of our family?”

“Not quite sure yet.”

Grabbed by Andela in front of him, although the middle-aged elf was equally excited, a bitter smile appeared on his face: “The other person claims to be Adier. Fax. From the surname, it is not our Orris family.”

“However, according to the other party, the official wizard’s mother is from our family.”

Having said that, he paused, and continued to open the mouth and said: “Several commanders have known about this and are now waiting outside, just wait for Patriarch to go out and talk.”

“Let them wait in the living room!”

Andela didn’t hesitate and said directly: “I’ll be right there!”

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