In the dimly lit hall, the sound of a candlelight kept ringing all around.

From time to time, people were walking around and seemed to be looking for their place.

After a while, when Andela came here, several people were already seated in the surrounding area.

There were a few elfs in gorgeous clothes, and they looked like they were all too young. At this time, when he heard Andela’s voice coming in, he couldn’t help looking at him.

“It seems everyone has already received the news.”

Looking at the elf sitting around, Andela nodded, then he said, “Does anyone know the specific situation?”

As his voice fell, he remained silent for a while, and no one spoke until a while later.

“The news came from the borders of the Kroll family, and the news came from a core member of our family.”

A middle-aged elf in a black robe opened his mouth, and he was a little puzzled at this time: “The other party held the family crest of our family, but claimed to be Adier.Fax, not from our family’s clansman.”

“According to the other party, his family crest originated from his mother.”

At this point, another elf jack said: “That is to say, the mother of this formal wizard should be a member of our family, but I don’t know which one it is.”

“Fax ···”

At the forefront, following the words of the two commanders, Andela frowned: “I have never heard of this last name, I’m afraid it’s not a local family, but a wizard family from outside.”

He looked up and looked towards several elfs below: “Does anyone know about this surname?”

Listening to his words, the people below looked at each other in dismay, and finally couldn’t help but shook the head.

It is no wonder that if it is really the local wizard family in the Mason region, then based on the history of their family, if they look carefully, maybe they can really find some relevant records.

However, the Fax family is not in the Mason region, and it is just a small family that has already fallen. It is partial to a barren continent. It has no reputation in the wizarding world.

In this case, if they can learn about the Fax family, that’s really a hell.

“Fax ···”

But at this time, below, listening to this last name, one of them was constantly talking to himself, listening to this last name, it seemed a little familiar.

This is a very beautiful female elf, with black hair falling down and fair skin, just like jade stone carving.

At this moment, she was sitting somewhere in the living room and listening to the last name “Fax”, she seemed to think of something, but was a little uncertain.

“Lilice, what’s wrong?”

Seems to notice her abnormality, and on top of it, Andela asked, “Any clue?”

At a moment, the surrounding eyes were instantly focused, all gazing on Lilice’s body, with some expectation in her eyes.

“I just remembered something suddenly.”

Being watched by people around him, Lilice hesitated for a while, then opened the mouth and said: “Do you remember the group of clansman who moved ten years ago?

“of course I remember.”

Andela nodded, and then his eyes brightened, and he seemed to think of something.

“In the clansman, there was a young girl named Latina who impressed me because of the wizard’s innate talent.”

With Andela’s eyes fixed, Lilice slowly opened the mouth and said.

“That said, I also seem to have some impressions.”

Someone interjected, “This junior is a rare Half-Elf, and the innate talent is very good. It is said that two years ago, he has been successfully promoted to apprentice sacrifice. If it is not because the within has a human Bloodline, he is even qualified to become our successor One of the candidates. “

Speaking of which, this person paused and asked a little uncertainly: “Is it?”

“Not bad.”

Lilice nodded: “This girl’s human surname happens to be Fax.”

“I have contacted her and heard her mother say she seems to have a younger brother …”

Sitting in place, she was paused, and then she only spoke: “If this newly emerged official wizard has a surname of Fax, it is likely that it is Latina’s younger brother.”

“According to this, isn’t the official wizard in his early twenties?”

Sitting in the other corner, a middle-aged elf frowned, some incredulously saying, “So young, just promote to a formal wizard?”

Unlike premature humans, the elf family has a longer lifespan. Relatively, it has a longer growth period, especially among the elf nobles who have the thin Moon Elf Bloodline within the body inheritance.

For elf aristocrats whose lifespan is generally up to two hundred years old, they must be 40 years old to be considered an adult, and the wizard qualification can be considered to have grown to Peak.

Correspondingly, in the growth stage, because the soul qualification is still growing, elf wants to improve Spirit through meditation will be very slow, except for some geniuses, the general speed is not comparable to human apprentices of the same age.

This situation does not end until elf reaches adulthood. However, due to the long growth period, even among the elf family, even if the apprentice is a good apprentice, if everything goes well, it will not be until adulthood if you want to be promoted to a formal wizard.

In his early twenties, Adier was promoted to be a formal wizard, and in the human area, he has been regarded as an absolute genius. Putting it into the elf family is even more shocking and unimaginable.

“Not impossible.”

Ahead, Lilice frowned a little, then relieved: “If the official wizard named Adier is really the younger brother of Latina, then he must be a Half-Elf.”

“Half-Elf’s lifespan is also relatively long, but it can’t compare with our pure blood nobles, and the natural growth period will be relatively short.”

“However, even Half-Elf is amazing.”

Someone said aloud, and said with some sighs at this time: “Even if they are put into those short-lived humans, they are also absolute geniuses, and their qualifications may be above fourth.

“This question, stop it.”

Sitting quietly above, listening to the discussions of the people below, Andela could not help but opened the mouth and said: “Being able to be promoted to a formal wizard, innate talent is naturally excellent. But now the most important thing is to be prepared immediately.”

“According to the information passed, the wizard is now walking towards our family. Counting the time, it may take another three or four days. We must prepare for the reception as soon as possible.”

Having said that, he turned and looked towards Lilice: “Lilice, go and inform Latina and her clansman to confirm the official wizard’s affairs.”

“Once confirmed, you should know how to do it?”

“I understand.” Lilice nodded, her expression clear.

“In addition, send someone to the city to preach, and say that a formal wizard in our family’s early years is about to return, and we are here to meet and prepare.”

Andela was serious and reminded: “Remember, ceremony must be big to make sure that all the families around you know the news!”

“But … the other party is not a wizard of our family, will it be publicized like this …”

Listening to Andela’s words, the next few people looked at each other in dismay, and one of them seemed a little hesitant.

“Since the other party admits that within the body has our family’s Bloodline, that is our wizard!”

Listening to the words below, Andela fiercely glanced at the man: “And, even if the situation is worse, can it be worse now?”

“Yes.” Listening to this, the person below didn’t continue to talk, just heavy nodded.

In another courtyard, a sound of flowing water from hua hua is constantly sounding.

This is a very old courtyard. Although it looks quite large, it has been for some years. Many places inside it look very dilapidated, like it has not been maintained for a long time.

In the ground of the yard, there are still many wild grasses growing wantonly, which makes the surrounding look a bit desolate.

At noon, several elf were working in the courtyard.

They were wearing a coarse cloth, and at this time they were sweating all over their bodies because of their work, and they couldn’t see the elegance and mystery of elf.

There are men and women in this group of elf, who are not too young. At this moment, there is a very mature female elf, holding a thick cloth in his hand, walking straight to the side of the wooden chair, and sitting down.

It was a pretty female elf who looked like a human being in her thirties, but her skin was a little dark due to the wind and sun.

“Curtis …”

At this time, the other elfs also slowly walked over, at this time they gradually walked nearby. One of them, a younger-looking female elf, opened her mouth and looked at the middle-aged female elf in front of her. She was curious to open the mouth and said: “Is Lord Lilice often coming to you recently, is there anything wrong?”

“I am not sure.”

Listening to the culture of the other person, the female elf named Curtis shook her head slightly: “Master Lilice asked me about my previous experience, and then gave me some magic stones so that I don’t have to continue working.”

“Speaking of which, Curtis, you too.”

At this time, a handsome young elf stepped aside and looked at Curtis: “Isn’t your child already promoted to apprenticeship, why do you still take care of these materials here and follow your daughter directly? It would be nice to live together. “

“Latina is not easy either.”

Curtis shook her head: “Now it’s getting more and more dangerous outside. I heard that several family roads in the family have been cut off recently, and the income within the family is getting lower and lower. The so-called apprentice sacrifice was originally only a few pieces per month There are fewer and fewer stones now. “

“I’m still obediently cultivating materials here, pick up a few more magic stones, and let her take more classes.”

She shook the head, lightly said with a smile.

Listening to her words, around the other elf could not help but fall into silence.

In fact, the reasons for the presence of the several elfs are mostly the same.

Cultivating materials is not easy. Not only does it require a lot of knowledge, but it also requires a lot of experience. Sometimes if one is not careful, one material may be destroyed.

Will come here to cultivate materials, in fact, it is basically not an ordinary person.

However, even so, for some reason, they chose to stay here, braving the scorching sun and sweating, just for the rich reward of a magic stone for six months.

There was a moment of silence until a voice continued to sound.

“Speaking of which, when Lord Lilice was looking for you, what did they talk about?”

An elf said with a smile: “I won’t really talk about life and experiences.”

“of course not.”

Curtis also laughed: “Master Lilice also asked me about another child …”

“Do you have another child?” Everyone in the audience was a little surprised, and a desire to gossip suddenly rose in their hearts.

“It’s Latina’s younger brother.”

Not knowing what was happening, Curtis suddenly became a little silent, and then he said, “My other child, if it was named after that human being, it should be called Adier.”

“His innate talent is good … although I was just born, I can see that this child’s innate talent is much stronger than Latina.”

Sitting there, Curtis murmured: “It’s a pity … that man looked at him too tightly, and I had no choice but to leave with Latina when he was not long …”

“Do not be sad···”

Aside, a female elf saw her look, understood the pats on her shoulders, and then relieved: “You can bring a daughter to us alive.

“And maybe your son will grow up in the future, maybe he will come to you.”

“Hope.” At this, Curtis laughed, and then lowered his head without speaking.

At this moment, outside the courtyard, a rush of footsteps suddenly came.

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