In the quiet courtyard, several elf are sitting there quietly.

A sudden rush of footsteps suddenly came from outside the courtyard. While breaking the silence, it also attracted the attention of several elfs.

Curtis was subconsciously looking towards the manor, just to see a group of elf came to this courtyard, and the headed elf was the former Lilice.

Lilice is wearing a solemn purple dress today, and her unique temperament complements her beautiful appearance, making her look like Princess in the fairy tale, which makes her eyes invisible at first sight.

She looked towards Curtis, who seemed a little at a loss, and directly opened the mouth and said: “Curtis, come with me!”

After listening to her order and looking around, Curtis eventually followed, and followed her to the distance.

They walked slowly into the distance, and ended up in a beautifully furnished room.

In the room, several elf’s were already there, and one of them was familiar to Curtis.

It was an elf girl who looked very young. She looked very beautiful, but she was very mature, but after seeing Curtis’s silhouette, she opened her mouth and said, “Mother!”


Seeing the girl in front of her, Curtis was a little happy and a little confused: “Are you here?”

“Specific circumstances, after you finish, someone will explain to you.”

Aside, looking at their mother and daughter, Lilice nodded: “As of now, you still need to get dressed.”

With that said, she turned and walked outward, seemingly ready to go to the next place.

Only the mother and daughter of Curtis remained in place. At this time, under the service of some elf maids, they put on elegant dresses.

After doing this stupidly, they went out to the outside world under the leadership of another person.

“What? My child is back !!!”

On the way, listening to the explanation of the waiter, Curtis instantly stared wide-eyed, some couldn’t believe it: “How is this possible! This place is no longer north …”

On her side, Latina was wearing a black sacrifice robe, and the whole person looked exquisite and beautiful after dressing. At this time, listening to the waiter’s words, her eyes widened unbelievably.

No wonder they reacted so.

The distance from the Northern Section to the Mason region is extremely long, not to mention that there are all kinds of dangers on the road, which are not beyond the average person’s ability to cross.

Curtis mother and daughter were able to come to the Silver Fog Forest from the north, and they also experienced many ordeals. Naturally, they knew the difficulty.

“That lord, is now an official wizard.”

On the side, seeing the mother and daughter of Curtis who had lost self-control in front of her, the waiter did not show the slightest disdain, but explained it to them in a respectful and earnest manner: “For a formal wizard, I want to come here from the north. It’s not difficult. “

“My child … became a formal wizard …”

Sitting in the carriage, Curtis was a little shocked, and suddenly felt an unreal feeling in his heart.

For more than two decades of isolation, although I often dream of my child’s silhouette in my dreams, I never had the opportunity to meet. Suddenly I heard the news of child at this moment, although I was glad, but still felt a little untrue.

Especially when she heard the news that her child was now a formal wizard, she couldn’t believe it.

On her side, Latina’s performance was not much better.

Listening to the news, her expression seemed a little embarrassed, and she couldn’t believe it.

But whether they believe it or not, the carriage in front of them is constantly moving, until they slowly walk out of the city and come to a flat plain before they stop.

The carriage came here and stopped slowly, then the mother and daughter of Curtis stepped off the carriage and looked towards the surroundings.

At this time, the flat plain was already full of many people, most of whom Curtis did not know, few people knew each other, and the identity of each and everyone was enough to make them look up.

In the end, they looked towards all around. It seemed that except for the two of them, the people around them, each and everyone, were all dressed in extravagance and extraordinary temperament.

“Curtis, you are here.” A gentle voice sounded.

Curtis looked up, just to see a handsome middle-aged elf in an elegant dress approaching him, with some majesty in his face.

At the moment of seeing this person, Mother and Daughter Curtis suddenly changed complexion: “Master Andela!”

They wanted to be saluted subconsciously, but stopped by Andela in front of them.

Looking at the mother and daughter who seemed to be a little flustered in front of her, Andela secretly nodded, but her face showed a gentle smile: “You don’t have to be afraid, you will stand next to Lilice, wait until someone comes, and then say something else.”

As if chatting, he chatted with Curtis in front of him for a while, until a soft voice continued to sound.

“Sir Andela, a guest is here.”

On the side, Lilice walked beside Andela and whispered to him, but her face looked a little unsightly.


Listening to her words, Andela acutely felt wrong, and asked subconsciously.

“The Angels, Angels, and patriarchs of the Siris family are here …”

Lilice’s face looked a bit ugly: “Besides that, there are many clansmans in other families, and basically they have sent Elder or a representative.”

“Hey … it seems they have received the news.”

Andela sneered, after standing there thinking about it, followed Lilice and walked to the side.

In a certain direction, surrounded by a group of people, several spirits of out of the ordinary, middle-aged elf who seem to be equally young, are coming here.

“Master Andela, it’s been a long time.” A voice sounded all around, sounding a little hoarse.

A thin, middle-aged elf standing lean and standing in front of Andela, looking at his silhouette at this moment, with an inexplicable smile on his face: “I heard that the life of Your Excellency has been very difficult recently. It was cut off. “

“You don’t need to worry about it.”

Looking at this person in front of him, Andela scolded, but his face seemed very calm: “Even if my tribe is weak, there are also formal wizards to support it. Even if several commercial roads are cut off, what can we do?”

“It seems that Andela patriarch is confident in the official wizard who returned this time.”

At this time, another person also said with a smile: “So, let’s welcome together?”

Listening to this, Andela frowned subconsciously, looking at the people in front of her, some wondering what the other party was thinking.

The three people in front of me are all patriarchs of the Wizarding Family, representing the top three Wizarding families in the neighborhood. Even the peak of the Orris family, they are just standing with these three families.

As the three patriarchs, and their relationship with the Orris family, even if they are greeted, they should not come in person, sending a representative and so on is almost the same.

Now the three came here in person, most of them, for some reason.

All thoughts were skipped in my heart. When I thought about it, Andela was surprised, but her face was not abnormal, and she still seemed calm: “Of course, no problem, please sit in front.”

As the voice fell, several waiters in charge approached, and came to the three patriarchs.

Looking at Andela in front of them, the three patriarch looked at each other, and then said nothing, and followed the waiter directly in front of them, walking towards the distance.

In the corner of the crowd, watching this scene quietly, an elderly elf in a white robe shook the head.

“Master, what’s wrong?”

Watching the movement of the old elf, a young elf girl asked aside.

“I am afraid that this move of the Orris family will be wasted.”

Watching the patriarch of the three clan in the distance, the old man shook the head and said with a sigh.

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