“Why do you say that?”

Standing in front of the old man and listening to the old man’s words, the elf girl was a little curious: “Are the formal wizards of the Oris family returning? As long as they are supported by the formal wizard, several other families should not fight unless they want to start a war with this formal wizard. Will you provoke the Orris family again? “

“You look down on them too much.”

Listening to the girl’s words, the old elf couldn’t help but touched the girl’s head and said to her: “Angel family, Gera family, Sirius family, these three families are the top nobles around here, each family There are formal wizards among them. “

“The three groups work together to face a formal wizard, and they will not be afraid at all.”

He sighed: “Hurry to start a war against a noble family. This kind of thing must be discussed for a long time before it starts. Since these three families decided to go to war with the Orris family, it is naturally impossible to stop because of a formal wizard . “

“Alice, talk about it, why are the Orris families spreading the news that the official wizard is returning?”

He looked at the elf girl in front of him and asked.

“Because you want to show importance?”

The girl looked at the old elf in front of her, and tentatively said, “And there is, want to let other families know that there is a person a formal wizard in their family?”

“Although it’s not comprehensive, but the general meaning is is right.”

The old elf touched the girl’s head, and said with some sighs: “Unfortunately, the idea of ​​the Orris family is good, but the people in other families are not fools. When they see this situation, they will definitely be targeted.”

Speaking of which, he was paused and did not continue to speak, but just stared silently in a corner of the crowd.

In his induction, in that corner, a Spirit wave discernable that made him familiar and jealous, was coming from there constantly.

This Spirit fluctuates very slightly and is very low, with a kind of coldness like a snake, but the Spirit in it is very strong in nature, so that the old elf in front of him cannot shake his head lightly, and there is some fear in his heart.

“I didn’t expect to come out only once in a while and still meet old friends …”

Feeling the breath from afar, he turned and looked towards another place, and didn’t speak again.

Time passes by.

About half an hour later, on the road in the distance, a silhouette of a group of people began to appear at the end of the road.

It was a group of Knights on white horses, each wearing light green armor, looking very mighty.

At the forefront of the team, a young boy wearing a black robe was riding a horse at the same time, leading the way at the forefront of the team. It was Sora who had previously contacted Adier.

At this point, he rode on the front of the team and watched the welcoming team gradually appearing in the distance, his face gradually became a little serious.

“Sir Adier, we are here.”

Watching the team greeted in the distance, Solatzema walked to a black carriage, respectfully opened the mouth and said.

Listening to the sound, in the carriage, a teenager slowly opened his eyes.


As the carriage approached the end, in a flash, his powerful Spirit sensed the vast breath of life in the distance.

At least hundreds of people were standing ahead, and many of them were Knight and Wizard apprentices.

Hundreds of people stood in front of him. This welcome team surprised Adier at this time.

He didn’t know the Orris family’s plan, so although he knew that someone would come to meet him, he didn’t expect to have so many people.

However, in the face of this situation, he didn’t say anything, after all, others came to greet him. It is impossible to turn his face because there are too many people.

The carriage slowly moved forward, then stopped gradually before the crowd.

Sitting in the carriage, feeling the carriage stopped, Adier got up and walked towards the carriage.

At an instant, he became the focus of the crowd. No matter who he was, he looked subconsciously towards Adier.

I saw in a luxurious carriage, a teenager-like elf stepped off the carriage.

He wore a black robe with a handsome appearance, which was extremely rare even in elf. With a calm and gentle atmosphere, he was unconsciously calm and liked his heart.

Under Thor’s leadership, he slowly walked in the direction of Andela, his face calmed, and a little silver appeared in the deep eyes, which surprised some people present.

“Really strong Bloodline …”

In the distance, looking at Adier’s appearance, he felt the unique and peaceful atmosphere of his body. The old elf in a white robe suddenly brightened his eyes, and his eyes became more dignified.

It wasn’t just him. Several of the elf greeted in front of him were bright.

As a pure blood Moon Elf, Adier’s Bloodline Strength is beyond doubt. Although usually more than half of Bloodline’s Strength is suppressed because of the suppression of the emerald mark, only those qualities that are exposed at this time are definitely a powerful performance of Bloodline in the eyes of these elfs.

“Is this really my younger brother?”

Standing at the corner of the crowd, looking at the teenager surrounded by people in front of her, Latina is still unbelievable.

On the opposite teenager, she felt a sense of oppression from the depths of Bloodline, making her blood instinctively boil.

This is the unique feeling of a low Bloodline facing a high Bloodline. In the past, she only experienced this feeling on the children of a few nobles, and she felt far less intense now. Even without close contact, she was still able to Let her Bloodline begin to boil.

In addition to this feeling, deep in her Bloodline, there is still an inexplicable throbbing sense of legend.

This kind of throbbing, Latina is no stranger, this is the induction between the close Bloodline.

In the past, for some reason, she had been away from her mother for a long time, and when she saw her mother again several years apart, this feeling came within.

“He … I’m really my younger brother …”

Feeling the inexplicable movement in her heart, Latina came up with the idea, and then felt that her hands were tight and someone was holding her arm.

She turned to look around, just to see that behind her, Curtis shivered, holding her arm in one hand, and the tears in the corner of her eyes appeared unchecked.

In the distance, it seemed to feel something. On a flat road, Adier looked in a certain direction.

The two eyes staggered for a moment, seeming to hesitate for a long time.

A pretty, dark-skinned female, elf, was standing in a corner, with tears in her eyes, looking at him.

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