
Standing in place, looking at the elf who was silently crying in the distance, Adier’s body could not help being paused.

The third generation is a human, and Adier already feels a little strange to the word mother.

Speaking of which, despite being the third man, he hasn’t really lived with his family much, except for the brief period of the first.

In the first life, Adier’s parents divorced early, and Adier lived with father. Finally, because of father’s illness, he had to drop out of school and work far away until he died in an accident.

In the second generation, although he retained his consciousness due to the existence of the crossing ability, the object of his rebirth was an abandoned baby. Fortunately, the welfare of that World was good. He eventually grew up safely in the orphanage and finally passed I worked hard and got a good life.

As for this life, as soon as he woke up, he retreated from the battlefield. This physical father died of the rebellion. Mother did not finally see it until now.

The thoughts in his heart kept flashing, and it didn’t take long for him to regain his sight and continue to move forward.

As his footsteps continued, the breath in front of him also began to emerge.

With Adier’s keen induction at this time, it can be clearly felt that in the crowd, there are several powerful Spirit forces lingering, and he is slightly hostile to him.

“It doesn’t look like a formal wizard, but it is much better than a third-class apprentice.”

Feeling these Spirit fluctuations, Adier remained silent, but just followed the induction and looked towards several corners.

The sharp line of sight crossed several corners, and the Spirit force contained in it suddenly struck past, so that several people in the corner could not help emitting a groan.

Standing in the center of the team in front, Andela was faintly aware of what was happening around him, and subconsciously looked towards the place where the other three patriarchs were, and then walked in the direction of Adier ahead, with a smile on his face: Morning Wind City, I’m the patriarch of the Orris family … “

Tone barely fell. In the surroundings, a horrific force field suddenly burst out, permeating within a dozen meters of the surrounding area.

For a moment, Andela’s body was fixed by this force field, no matter how hard he could not continue to move forward.

This change, the complexion of those who were present suddenly changed.

“This Strength is the official shaman’s shot?”

Feeling the powerful force field permeating the surroundings, Lilice complexion changed, and his subconscious look towards Andela ahead.

At this point, Andela’s face was ugly.

Although he knew that someone would come out this time to disrupt the situation, he still underestimated the courage of several other families and even invited an official wizard to come out.

Thinking of this, he turned and looked towards a certain corner, where there were three silhouettes standing up, with a mocking smile on his face.

There was a moment of silence in place, and after a while, a slight footstep sounded in place.

Looking at the powerful force field in front of him, Adier didn’t look a little moved, but just walked forward calmly.

bump! bump! bump!

Obviously stepping on the flat grass, but like stepping on a slate, it made a crisp stepping sound.

As the pedaling sounds continued to sound, everyone seemed to have been impressed by Strength. The heartbeat of the chest began to accelerate, and the blood began to boil.

This feeling has always existed, and it is gradually getting stronger. When reaching Peak, a terrifying muffled sound suddenly comes to mind.


As if the glass was broken by someone, a crisp and broken sound came from the place, accompanied by a large wave of mana fluctuation and groaning sound.

Along the sound, Andela and the others instinctively looked in a certain direction, just in a corner, a middle-aged elf wearing a black fur robe was standing in front of a tree, exuding a terrifying breath.

The breath of mana on him was terrifying. With the absolute repression of Spirit, the Andela and the others present were a little palpitated, and it was definitely a formal wizard-level powerhouse.

But at this time, the appearance of this formal wizard was a bit miserable. Although his clothes seemed to be complete, his eyes continued to shed tears, and the fluctuations in his Spirit force became a little chaotic in an instant, and it seemed to be encountered in a collision. Hit hard.

Looking at this scene, a few people in the distance stood up subconsciously, and then looked towards Adier’s eyes, a little more awe.

“It’s a terrifying Spirit.”

In the other corner, I watched the scene quietly. The old elf had a solemn expression: “Without using any spell or borrowing any Magic Transformed Item, I can rely on his Spirit alone to bring another official wizard. Spell bounced back, causing his Spirit force to be hit in an instant. “

“Master, is this master very difficult to deal with?”

Next to the old elf, the elf girl named Alice asked curiously.

“Of course.”

Old elf nodded: “Even me, it’s hard to do this in the formal wizarding stage.”

“However, if it is only to this extent, it is still difficult to cope with the trip of today.”

He looked towards a certain corner and noticed some kind of unusual Spirit fluctuations, his face could not help but gradually become dignified.


In the place, a crisp applause suddenly sounded, instantly attracting everyone’s attention.

I saw, in the direction of the patriarchs of the three clan, an elf, who looked very old, slowly walked out. At this time, he saw Adier in the distance, showing some appreciation on his face.

“Young junior … you are very nice …”

He looked at Adier standing quietly in the distance, slowly opened the mouth and said, his tone sounded very calm.

The old elf was wearing a blood-red robe and holding a scepter in his hand. He looked very old and sat serious.

And on his body, a terrifying breath was slowly rising.

The energy particles kept echoing in all around. Under the horrible Spirit force, around his body began to condense into a brilliance of silver, which looked very dazzling and bright, attracting the attention of everyone present.

“Elemental Light !!”

At this moment, seeing this scene on the old elf, countless people in the audience were shocked: “This is the wizard of Metamorphosis Stage !!”


In the front of the welcome team, and seeing this scene, Andela’s face paled instantly: “They actually called the Metamorphosis Stage wizard !!”

Even among the entire elf family, there are very few wizards in the Metamorphosis Stage. Except for the top nobles who stand at the top, the remaining pure blood families can have a formal wizard to dominate one side, more Needless to say, the wizard of Metamorphosis Stage.

In the entire Morning Wind City, there are only the wizards in the City Lord Mansion where there is a Metamorphosis Stage. Among the Yu Family, there are at most only formal is a person wizards.

“So it is …”

For a moment, Andela was so ashamed that he understood the ideas of the big families.

This is a complete force to overwhelm people, even if there is a formal wizard, just a formal wizard, how can it be possible to defeat a Metamorphosis Stage wizard.

A Metamorphosis Stage wizard, even if he only makes one shot, how can an official wizard stop him. In advance, I am afraid that a few spells will come down and Adier will lose.

The only thing that Andela couldn’t figure out was what it cost the other party to find a Metamorphosis Stage wizard.

All kinds of thoughts in my mind continued to pass, not too long ago, in the sky in front of me, the ignition star was burning.

Under the gaze of Adier, the old elf didn’t hesitate, the magic of within the body directly burned, forming a bright light of the element.

A huge Fireball quickly formed in the sky, but it expanded to a length of seven or eight meters in just a few seconds. Then, under the powerful traction of Spirit, fiercely fell towards the ground. The goal was Adier.

Of course, to be precise, with the Strength carried on this Fireball, once it really broke out, I am afraid that a range of more than ten meters will be completely enveloped, and all the clansman who the Orris family came to meet will be affected.

Once it has been affected, the strength of the spell in front of it is self-evident.

Raising his head slightly, Adier looked towards the sky.

In the sky, the Fireball was falling fast, and the heat and mana fluctuations in it were so clear that he could clearly sense it.

In this regard, his face was calm and did not seem to move at all. He just looked at the huge Fireball falling from his forehead and raised his hand gently.

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