The huge Fireball dropping from the sky, with glowing light and powerful mana waves.

Even if they are not in the middle of the spell range, they are only affected. Andela and the others can feel the horror of this spell, and a sense of hopelessness and powerlessness rises in their hearts.

In the middle of this spell, Adier’s end is a bit unbelievable.


A huge roar erupted in situ, accompanied by intense light and heat, and a breath of huge energy particles.

Under this spell, within the range of several dozen meters around, all vegetation was affected, and was instantly burned to ashes, leaving only a few wreckage.

Standing aside, looking at the formidable power of this spell, those who were not affected were sucked in a breath of cold air, facing a scary spell like natural disaster in front of them, a kind of powerlessness was raised in my heart.

However, standing aside and looking at the scene in front of me, the old elf who had cast it before frowned, and seemed to feel something wrong.

“This feeling···”

He opened his eyes with some muddy eyes, staring at the area hit by spell ahead, seeming to be certain.

“Master Ramo, what’s wrong?”

Looking at him, he was a little confused and asked subconsciously.

Just for this person’s question, the old elf not at all named Ramo answered, but he looked at the front quietly, his eyes became more dignified.

The smoke gradually dispersed, and a cool breeze blew slowly, bringing a burst of light to the surroundings.

At this moment, in the area hit by the spell ahead, a thrilling breath suddenly spread, entraining this terrifying mana breath.

The energy particles are slowly rising, and a huge Spirit force diffuses instantly. The Strength contained therein forces the surrounding energy particles to forcibly converge into a light of elements, which constantly flashes around.

Ahead, feeling this aura, Andela suddenly froze, and her original despair face turned into shock.

He stared at the front, watching a silhouette appearing there.

In the midst of a cloud of dust, Adier’s silhouette emerged again, with little change compared to the previous one.

However, unlike the previous one, at this time, a very strong breath was erupting.

A large stream of energy particles are converging. On the surface of Adier’s body, a light of elements is slowly lighting up, representing his identity at this time. He is also a wizard of Metamorphosis Stage.

“A Metamorphosis Stage wizard, and this familiar atmosphere is Moon God’s Sacrifice?”

Experiencing the blow just before, Adier frowned secretly, then turned and looked towards a certain corner.

In that direction, Ramo was wearing a blood-colored robe, holding a black scepter in his hand, and flashing a light of elemental silver, at this time also looked towards Adier, with some dignity in his eyes.

The two lines of vision were instantly intertwined, and the two Metamorphosis Stage wizards faced each other, with faint elemental light on each other, which made everyone in the audience look stunned.

“Two … Two Metamorphosis Stage Wizards …”

Looking at the scene in front of them, Lilice and Andela and the others almost suspected that they had hallucinations. Some of them even rubbed their eyes and wanted to confirm whether what they saw was true.

In front of them, the two silhouettes were still facing each other.

Looking quietly at Ramo in the distance, Adier was calm and took the lead to step forward.

The dazzling silver moonlight instantly lit up in place, blocking everyone’s sight for a while.

Under the control of Adier’s Spirit, this silver light exploded quickly, rushing toward the fiercely of the Ramo in front, and completely wrapped it.


Moon God’s Light erupted, two different Strengths collided with each other, and the violent Strength smashed a deep pit with a width of several meters around.

I took this on the front side. On the opposite side of Adier, Ramor’s light was slightly dim. It seemed that I had suffered a little in just a moment, and his face became more dignified.

Standing in place, he hesitated for a while, and finally condensed the faint brilliance of blooming, and turned and left directly under the attention of many elf.

Before leaving, he also took a special look at the place where the other three patriarchs stood. The coldness in the eyes made the patriarchs of the three wizard families feel a sense of panic, only a chill from their hearts.

There is no doubt that the old wizard was clearly in a bad mood at this time.

After all, it was only to deal with a formal wizard, but in the end it caused an equivalent existence. No matter who this kind of thing is, I will definitely be annoyed in my heart, and it is as it should be by rights to have a grudge in my heart.

After this time, if there is an opportunity, the other party might come to the trouble of these three races.

Coupled with the Adier in front of them, this is equivalent to their shameless two Metamorphosis Stage wizards.

Thinking of this, the patriarchs of the three wizard families looked at each other, and they saw the despair and powerlessness in each other’s eyes.

Compared with the despair in their hearts, on the other side, within the scope of the Orris family, looking at Adier standing quietly in the distance, the despair in the hearts of Andela and Lilice and the others disappeared instantly, and an ecstatic mood filled with The whole heart.

In the front, looking at the direction Ramo left in the distance, Adier hesitated for a while, but eventually did not choose to catch up.

For him, he came to the Silver Fog Forest this time with the sole purpose of getting the full Moon God’s Sacrifice. The reason why I want to mix into the Orris family, I just want to use this level of identity to cover up that’s all.

Showing the strength of the Metamorphosis Stage wizard is enough shocking. If another Metamorphosis Stage wizard is killed, it may cause King’s Courtyard’s attention.

After all, even among the entire elf family, the number of Metamorphosis Stage wizards is very limited, and they are already eligible to enter the eyes of those top characters.

There were many thoughts in my heart, and by the time Adier came back to his senses, Andela in the distance had taken people in the direction of the other three ethnic patriarchs.

As a qualified patriarch, Andela obviously knows how to beat the water dog. At this time, the rest of the tribe’s backing is a good opportunity for daylight robbery.

Adier stood aside, completely unconcerned that the other party would not agree to his terms.

Even if it wasn’t clear to him that Adier was not a wizard of the Orris family, and he was not familiar with them at this time, he wanted to directly ask Adier to destroy the remaining three clans directly.

“Please start lighter.” In the distance, a voice suddenly sounded, apparently from a long distance, but it was very clear.

Listening to this voice, Adier was not surprised, but turned silently, looking towards the direction occupied by Andela.

At this moment, beside Andela, an old elf in a white robe, who looked very kind, walked away, and there was a girl beside him.

The 1,500th monthly pass plus more! There will be two more later, the author is still in code

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