Beside Andela, an old elf in a white robe and kind-looking came slowly, beside him was a young elf girl.

The elf old man looked very kind, but when the people present saw him, they changed color invariably, with a respectful expression on his face: “Priest of Faral!”

“You all, really long time no see.”

Standing in front of everyone, looking at Andela and the others, elf old man laughed named Faral, then turned and looked towards Adier aside.

Although I saw it from a long distance, under close observation at this time, feeling the majesty of the Bloodline from the other side, Faral couldn’t help sighing: “What a powerful Bloodline … I am afraid there is only such a powerful Bloodline In order to give birth to a genius like you. “

“You flatter me.”

Looking at the elf old man in front of him, feeling the powerful Spirit of the metamorphosis stage sorcerer, Adier’s face was calm and gently nodded.

“I hope to have a chance to talk later.”

Looking at Adier, Faral said with a smile: “In this Morning Wind City, except for me, there has been no wizard for the second Metamorphosis Stage for a long time.”

Having said this, instead of waiting for Adier to reply, he turned around and looked towards Andela: “Andela patriarch, this time, can you bypass them for a while?”

He pointed to the patriarchs of the other three races and said.


While listening to Faral, Andela’s face was calm, but she was a little unhappy.

Before that time, the Orris family was jointly suppressed by the three other wizard families, and even if Adier did not appear, it would almost fall to the end of the annihilated race.

At that time, the Farrar principal sacrifice did not stand up for mediation, but he must now come out for mediation.

This kind of obvious favoring behavior, no matter who encountered it, will not feel good.

Thinking of this, Andela subconsciously looked towards Adier, and seemed to want Adier to stand up and put pressure on the Faral in front of him.

“Andela Patriarch, you misunderstood.”

Looking at Andela’s movements in front of him, Faral seemed to understand what he was thinking. At this moment, standing still, his face was grinning: “This is not because of my personal preference, but because of the order given by the royal family.”

“The royal family?”

Hearing the word, for a moment, Andela froze, seeming a little confused.

Even Adier, who was standing far away, couldn’t help looking at the news of the royal family.

“This matter is still confidential, but telling a few people in advance is fine.”

Standing in place, Faral’s original kind expression gradually disappeared and became a little serious: “Magic disaster, it is about to erupt again!”


As soon as this remark was made, a few people were shocked on the face, and even a few people’s eyes showed fear, and it seemed to think of a terrifying scene.

“You should have noticed that the number of magic beasts around has been increasing recently.”

Looking at the few people in front of him, Faral slowly opened the mouth and said: “This is actually a precursor to the coming of the disaster.”

“As for what the calamity represents, you are all from aristocracy, so I don’t need to explain it anymore.”

Listening to his words, the place suddenly fell silent.

Regarding Faral’s words, neither Andela nor the other three patriarchs had any doubts.

It is not necessary for the other party to lie to them in such a matter.

As the high priest of Morning Wind City, Faral is not only the most powerful house of Morning Wind City, but also the representative of elf King’s Courtyard. It represents the rule of elf King’s Courtyard over Morning Wind City. but.

“The magic disaster is about to erupt. During this time, all Strength needs to be mobilized. King’s Courtyard even issued an order in person, not allowing any formal wizards of the elf family to die in internal fighting.”

Standing in place, looking at the Andela in front of him, Faral opened his mouth and said seriously: “This is why I came here this time.”

“It’s not against the Orris family. Before, no matter which side won, I would stand up and stop.”

Having said that, he was paused and looked towards Adier: “Before, I originally wanted to stand up and assist this Mr. Adier, but I did not expect that Mr. Adier had already reached this point.”

He looked at Adier with a sigh on his face, thinking of the scene he saw before, and still feels a sigh.

Standing in front of him, listening to what he said before, several people suddenly showed different reactions.

Andela seemed a little silent, with a strong unwillingness in her heart. As for the patriarchs of the other three families, at this moment there was some rejoicing in their hearts.

“Of course, no official wizard is allowed to die in internal fighting, not to say that nothing else is allowed.”

Seeing that he felt unwilling in Andela’s heart, Faral spoke again and looked at the other three: “As the price to be paid for this incident, each of your three families took out a large magic stone mine and gave it to Mr. Adier. how is it?”


Listening to this, try to hurt your heart as much as possible, but in front of Faral, the three patriarch still agreed in one sip, without any clutter.

Moreover, they also noticed that Farar said that these three magic stone mines were not handed over to the Orris family, but directly to Adier.

This is where Faral is smart.

A mere Orris family, if it were not for Adier, would not even be able to take out a formal wizard, and it would be insignificant in front of the priest of Morning Wind City, far less important than the other three families.

Handing over three magic stone mines to Adier will not only gain Adier’s favor, but also make the Oris family represented by Andela speechless.

For these plans, Andela naturally saw clearly, but in front of Faral, he had no right to choose at all, so he had to speak up.

After doing this, Faral continued to explain a few words in front of the patriarchs of Andela, and then took the side elf girl and walked away.

In place, looking at Farar’s back, Adier turned, followed Andela on the side, and walked forward.

At this moment, after experiencing the previous events, the eyes of everyone present looking towards Adier couldn’t help but bring some awe.

As elf aristocrats, they couldn’t understand the meaning of a Metamorphosis Stage wizard representative.

If Adier is willing to join the King’s Courtyard, he can definitely get a high title, and there is no problem in creating a new wizard family.

And among the crowd, watching Adier’s silhouette walking in the distance, Curtis’ mother and daughter’s faces also showed complicated expressions.

In that expression, there was excitement, excitement, pride, and some hidden good inferiority and timidity.

Adier can roughly feel their emotions through Moon Elf’s keen sense.

He stood in place and looked at his mother, who seemed a little silent for a moment.

Looking at Adier in front of him, Curtis’ mood was a little complicated.

For Adier’s memory, she stayed in the time when he was an infant.

Although I still remember my child in my heart, but now I really see it, there is also an inevitable strangeness.

Standing in place, after a while, Adier’s face remained calm as before, and eventually he didn’t speak, just followed Sora on the side and walked forward.

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