The morning dawn slowly rose, and a faint sunlight ran across the sky in the distance, covering the earth with a layer of shining color.

Beyond a white tower, a luxurious carriage is slowly moving on the road. Among them, the carriage is driven by a beautiful female elf, who was the same person who came to the Maison area with Adier. Na.

Driving all the way to the attic, a teenager stepped out of the carriage, at this time wearing a white robe, it was Adier.

At this moment, he looked at the attic in front of him and walked forward without hesitation.

Along the way, the waiters and guards around seemed to have been given orders. After seeing Adier coming, they all respected their luggage. None of them dared to block Adier’s way.

Just walking around, after a while, he went to a hall. In the lobby, there was already someone waiting.

It was an old, kind and elderly elf, who was also wearing a white robe. At this moment, he was holding a wooden cane in his hand, sitting quietly there, looking at a map in front of him.

“Mr. Adier, you are here.”

Realizing Adier’s arrival, Farrar turned and looked towards behind him: “Need to have breakfast with me?”

“That’s not necessary.”

Adier shook his head, and then opened the mouth and said: “Faral priest, please call me this time. Is there anything wrong?”

“There are a few things that really need to be discussed with you.”

Seeing Adier take the initiative to ask questions, Faral’s face was slightly straightened: “After all, you and me are actually the two strongest wizards in Morning Wind City.”

He looked at Adier in front of him, opened the mouth and said, “The first thing is more and more magic beasts around Morning Wind City.”

“Magic beast?”

Adier seemed puzzled by this strange and familiar word.

“The so-called magic beast is the Contamination Beast often said by outside human wizards, and there are some demonized lives from the underground.”

Standing in front of Adier, looking at the expression on Adier’s face, Faral explained: “This kind of thing should have been increasing in recent times, not only the Silver Fog Forest, but also humans outside, even orcs. The territories of these races. “

“At the front end, more and more magic beasts appear in the wilderness of Morning Wind City. It is said that there are sacrifices that have witnessed the emergence of underground life in the formal wizard level, lurking in the forests of Morning Wind City.”

“So?” Adier asked, listening to the other person.

“I hope Mr. Adier can help me pay attention.”

Looking at Adier, Faral said with a smile: “Underground creatures are often very dangerous. They can sneak into the underground life on the ground now, I am afraid that their strength is at least comparable to that of Knight.”

“Of course, in return, Mr. Adier, you get some money for every underground creature you kill.”

Listening to this, Adier didn’t hesitate, nodded directly: “This is no problem.”

The so-called underground creatures refer to some life that survived the ancient world from the wizard continent.

In the ancient times, the above-mentioned World of the Wizard World and Underground World joined together, so during that period, for various reasons, many above-ground creatures fled from the above-ground World to Underground World.

The origins of these creatures who escaped from Underground World to Underground World are complex. They include slaves plundered by other wizards from other Strange Worlds, as well as partially hunted wizards and some other creatures.

After coming to Underground World, because of the dangerous environment in Underground World, these originally normal creatures multiplied from generation to generation, and began to be assimilated by the breath of Underground World, so that life forms began to change and became real underground creatures.

Because they have been living in the underground world for a long time, they have been infected by the atmosphere of the underground world. The characters of these underground creatures are generally brutal and killing, which is a big trouble for the world on the ground.

“As for the other thing, it’s an opportunity.”

Standing in place, looking at Adier, Faral smiled on his face: “After a while, the Bloodline trial will begin. At that time, King’s Courtyard will hold a trial in Wangdu, and all the candidates can go. “

“Bloodline Trial?” Adier asked, listening to the somewhat strange word.

“This is a grand event held by King’s Courtyard every few years. It should have taken another three years to hold it, but it is only this year because of the increasing number of magic beasts and the possible outbreak of magic disasters.

“In King’s Courtyard, there is a sword of the King of the Moon left by the ancient king, with the Blood Imprint that was once King Moon Elf.”

Standing in place, Faral explained, “In the legend, whoever can take up the sword of the king is eligible to inherit the glory and inheritance of the ancient King Moon Elf. And this Bloodline trial is around this king Sword. “

“This Bloodline trial, is it possible for everyone to pull the sword of the king together?”

Listening to Faral’s words, thinking of some legends of the first life, Adier was an interesting speculated.

“of course not.”

Faral shook his head: “Everyone can withstand the majesty of the Bloodline carried in the sword of the king. Ordinary aristocrats, let alone draw swords, cannot do it even if they want to get close.”

“The process of the Bloodline test is to make the tester feel the Bloodline of the ancient king as much as possible, and to bear the coercion of the sword of the king, to make his Bloodline more pure.”

He looked at Adier and said, “Even in historical records, if the tester’s Bloodline is noble enough, he can even obtain from the sword of the king some inheritance left by King Moon Elf.”

“So, what do you mean?” Adier asked, listening to Farrar’s words.

“I want to invite you to participate in the Bloodline Trial.”

Looking at Adier in front, Faral said with a smile: “Although you are a Half-Elf, and your mother is just an ordinary nobleman, your Bloodline is extremely powerful.”

“This situation is often caused by the return of Bloodline. With your innate talent and Bloodline, if you can participate in the Bloodline trial, you may get a lot of things.”

Having said that, he paused, and then continued to opened the mouth and said: “Of course, even if I don’t invite you to go, you can participate as long as you want to go.”

“There are no restrictions on participating in the Bloodline Trial not at all, as long as you can afford the magic stone for registration, you can participate directly.”

“It’s just that if you don’t have a powerful Bloodline, even if you participate in the trial, you may not get much.”

“Indeed.” Listening to him, Adier gently nodded and said nothing.

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