On a deserted road, the long convoy was moving slowly.

This is a very long convoy, both human and elf.

Dozens of knights in black armor patrolled all around, moving slowly along with the carriage in the middle of the convoy.

It didn’t take long for the team to stop slowly, in which a small silhouette slowly walked out.

It was a very cute little girl who looked about three or four years old, wearing a purple long dress, and looked very lively, with a moving Spiritual Qi.

And on her forehead, there is a purple crystal that looks like a decoration and looks very beautiful.

The little girl got off the carriage, and then instinctively felt a familiar atmosphere and could not help looking forward.

There, a young boy in a white robe was standing there, with some elf beside him.

“Teacher !!”

Suddenly, a happy smile appeared on the little girl’s face, quickly ran towards the teenager, and then hugged each other’s thigh.

“Solana, long time no see.”

Looking at the little girl in front of her, Adier couldn’t help but smile.

He lowered slightly and picked up Solana directly before moving towards the carriage.

Inside the gorgeous carriage, there was already sitting alone.

It was an elf girl in a white dress, looking very quiet, with a flicker of light energy particles all over her body.

This is Latina, the elder sister of Adier’s body. At this time, she followed Adier to welcome her.

After Adier came to the Orris family, as an immediate family member of Adier, she has undoubtedly gained a lot of benefits. At this time, she has officially become the next successor of the Orris family, and it is worthy of much attention.

Sitting in the carriage, looking at the little girl in Adier’s arms, Latina looked curious: “This is your student?”


Adier nodded, responding: “Her name is Solana, the child of my former friend.”

He held Solana in his arms and said softly.

When he said this, he could feel that the body of the little girl in her arms shuddered slightly, and then a cute little face was lifted up and looked towards Adier.

Although young, Solana, as the heir to the ancient Bloodline, seemed very sensitive. At this time, leaning on Adier’s body, she seemed silent for a while.

“The Bloodline trial is three months away. Are you ready to pass?”

Holding Solana in her arms, Adier looked at Latina in front of her and asked.

“Can I …?”

Listening to Adier’s words, Latina looked a little hesitant: “With my innate talent, I’m afraid I can’t meet the requirements.”

Although Adier’s elder sister is also Half-Elf, Latina’s innate talent is not very good. The wizard qualification is only second-class, far less than Adier.

“It’s ok.”

In the carriage, Adier’s calm voice sounded: “I asked the Farrar principal sacrifice and the Bloodline Trial. Although the wizard can only get a recommendation from the City Lord Mansion if he has a third-level qualification, he can participate at his own expense even without a recommendation.

“At your own expense?”

Listening to his words, Latina was stunned: “It must be expensive.”

“One man and ten thousand magic stones.” Adier nodded, opened the mouth and said.

“so much!!”

Listening to Adier’s figures, Latina was startled, and some could not believe her ears.

Ten thousand magic stones, this is definitely not a small number.

Before Adier came, as a trainee sacrifice, Latina could collect magic stones from the Orris family every once in a while, but there were only three magic stones every month. Ten thousand magic stones are already an astronomical number for her.

Even now, because of Adier’s relationship, she has become the next successor of the Orris family, but it is impossible to get together 10,000 magic stones.

After all, apart from Adier, even for the entire Orris family, unless a large number of properties are sold, it is still unknown whether they can produce 10,000 magic stones.

“Rest assured, I will pay for these magic stones. You will be able to follow along.”

Looking at Latina in front of her, Adier’s face was calm: “Your qualifications are not very strong. Even if I have a potion for you, the chance of being promoted to a formal wizard is very low in the future.”

“Although the cost of the Bloodline trial is a bit more expensive, it can improve your qualifications and make your road smoother in the future.”


Listening to Adier’s words in front of her, Latina’s silent nodded, once again felt the huge gap between her and Adier.

A 10,000 magic stone is an imaginable astronomical number for her. It can buy almost half of the Orris family, but for Adier, it is just a number that can be easily obtained.

Having said that, neither of them spoke.

There was a moment of silence in place, and after a while, the sound of carriage driving slowly sounded again.

The hissing of the horses, and the subtle sound of the wheels rolling, kept ringing.

Listening to these voices and holding Solana in his arms, Adier closed his eyes and sink his thoughts into the vast knowledge in his head.

Carriage stopped on the road, and soon entered the city, outside a manor house.

After the carriage, many people were waiting outside the estate at this time.

Andela did not arrive at all at this time, but Lilice was there, and at this time brought a group of clansman from the Oris family to meet Adier.

Walking on the road, looking at these people in front of him, Adier’s footsteps suddenly abruptly, and then he looked fiercely towards the corner.

In the corner, there was a young elf who looked handsome. At this time, he was wearing a red sleeve and stood in the crowd to greet him.

The next moment, a moonlight flowing across the surrounding space, with a huge breath of mana, trembled everyone present.

With the horrified gaze of Lilice and the others around, Adier shot out violently, and powerful mana emerged from all over his body. The spell of Moon God’s Light was immediately released, and the full moonlight obscured the surrounding several meters sky, and then all The elf youth rushing to the corner.

Roar! !

A low roar came from the corner.

In the eyes of everyone’s horror, the appearance of the young elf changed greatly. There were sharp tentacles on his forehead protruding directly, and his two eyes were broken directly, exposing two soft tentacles.

In just a moment, his image became extremely disgusting, his skin turned gray, and there were folds on it, and then he yelled and burst into a full strength, which was against the strength of Moon God’s Light.


A black breath permeated the surroundings, and the horrible Strength spread, colliding with the moonlight continuously, and emitting a strong explosion.

His flesh continued to explode, dripping a little bit of black dirt blood, and seemed to be not badly damaged.

But what horrified everyone at the scene was that despite appearing to be not badly injured, he succeeded in blocking Adier’s blow, and even seemed to have more power.


Barely blocked the spell, the young man coughed up blood, and his whole body looked more and more terrifying.

He turned and looked towards Adier in front of him, with a weird smile on his face, and just wanted to say something.

At the next moment, his face became stunned, and a silhouette appeared in front of him in a white robe.

The bloody blade light flashed around.

Looking at the silhouette in front of him, Adier’s face was calm, the bloody machete was drawn out, and he slashed it directly.

Bang!! !

The sound of flesh and blood shattered continuously.

As if dozens of knives were chopped in an instant, the young man’s body began to explode, and the flesh and blood clips exploded with his bones directly, leaving a mess.

After doing this, Adier put away his machete and looked towards the head of the corpse.

There, a few tentacles were wriggling at this time. A black insect the size of an ordinary arm crawled out of the corpse’s head. There were more than a dozen tentacles on the body, which looked extremely disgusting.

A faint stance lingered around, restraining it instantly, dragging it directly to Adier, and then closing it in a special glass bottle.

But at this time, the talents who came to meet from a distance responded.

“Yeah Heart Demon !!”

Lilice looked horrified: “And it’s already an adult!”

“Heart Demon … when did it get mixed in.”

Looking at the minced meat in front of me, there was a lot of discussion in the elf around him, and there was some fear in his eyes.

Heart Demon, a very well-known race in the Underground World, is inherently powerful, and as long as it is an adult, it is comparable to a formal wizard.

This race is famous because Heart Demon likes to eat the brains of all kinds of life, and has the ability to occupy the opponent’s body and obtain the opponent’s memory completely.

No one wants to encounter this kind of creature, especially when your companion, or even the mother, has been swallowed and replaced by Heart Demon, and you know nothing.

As long as they thought that they had lived with Heart Demon for a while, and even had close contact with each other, the elf face at the scene could not help but chill, and looked at Adier’s eyes more and more awe.

Passing the glass bottle in his hand to the attendant aside, Adier walked to Solana and looked at the expression of fear on her face. He could not help but ease his face, and held him directly in his arms, and then proceeded forward.

After not taking a few steps, he seemed to feel something. His footsteps stopped again, and he turned directly and looked in a certain direction behind him.

It was an ancient street, and at this time no silhouette was present.

Just staring at that corner seriously, Adier’s eyes gradually became dignified, and he seemed to notice something.

He hesitated for a while before finally turning around and, under the leadership of Lilice, walked towards the inside of the manor.

As Adier left, the elf in the place gradually dispersed, leaving only some servants still in place, cautiously clearing the flesh and blood of the place.

“That elf’s Strength is very strong.”

In an unoccupied corner, an indifferent voice suddenly sounded in a place invisible to ordinary people.

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