In the corner of no one, accompanied by a sound of indifference. A silhouette appeared in place.

This is a very tall elf, wearing a black trench coat, and his skin looks very pale, as if he has not been exposed to the sun for a long time.

His face was indifferent, a pale face looked at Adier’s back, and his eyes showed an inexplicable meaning.

There is no doubt that this is a dark elf with many traces of the existence of the underground world.

And on this dark elf’s shoulder was a black crow.

Unlike ordinary crows, this crow has three legs, and the eyes of a pair of scarlets are indifferent, like an experienced old man who no longer pays attention to many things.

This strange combination is standing in this corner. It should be very conspicuous according to common sense, but people around don’t seem to see them, they pass by in front of them, and have no reaction to their existence.

“Strength on that elf is strong and feels very sharp.”

Standing in place, looking at Adier’s back, the dark elf man’s face was indifferent, and he opened the mouth and said, “He just found our breath …”

“Being able to find Andrew’s breath on you, this is no longer a pure metamorphosis.”

Standing on the shoulder of the dark elf man, the three-footed crow also opened the mouth and said: “This existence, it is not unjust for Lader to be carried in his hands.”

“I didn’t expect to just run into a city and run into this kind of powerhouse.”

Looking up silently, the dark elf man named Andrew looks aloof, but there is still some fluctuation in his tone: “With this wizard, the city’s defense strength is far stronger than other cities, shouldn’t you change your goal?”

“Chang another city.”

The crow opened the mouth and said: “But there is still a long time before the start of the plan, so there is no need to worry so much.”

“Speaking of which, recently, it seems that it is time to start the Bloodline Trial again.”

Standing on Andrew’s shoulder, the crow said a bit of drama: “Such a lively thing, do you want to go and see … After all, when it comes to identity, you are also an elf Prince, which is definitely enough on Bloodline . “

“Of course I have to go.”

Listening to the crow’s words, Andrew’s indifferent complexion finally fluctuated: “Speaking of which, or the sword of the king, is something left by my ancestors.”

“Only on Bloodline, how can the clansman of Worldline on the ground degenerate, how can it be compared with the real Royal Family.” His tone was flat and it seemed to disdain elf in Silver Fog Forest.

“However, to participate in the Bloodline Trial, your identity is a problem.”

The crow replied: “After all, even if elf King’s Courtyard declines, they can’t let a dark elf participate in the Bloodline trial.”

“So, this needs your help.”

Andrew’s face was calm and indifferent: “It’s a long time before your body really came, and your magic weapon can just be borrowed from me.”

“It depends on the price you are offering.”

Listening to Andrew’s words, the three-footed crow stretched his wings and watched him say so.

“It will satisfy you.”

Andrew looked up, watching Adier’s disappearing silhouette in the distance, turned around, and walked away.

On the other side, holding Solana in her arms, after walking into his manor, Adier gave Solana to the maid on the side and let him take Solana to get familiar with the surroundings.

Later, he went to his room, picked up a light blue crystal, recorded what happened before, and prepared to hand it to Faral for a while.

Before he was outside the door, he did feel a very strong breath.

The other party covered up well, but under Moon Elf’s keen perception, there was still a hint of breath, which was keenly detected by Adier.

Because Solana was by his side, at the time, he did n’t plan to directly confront each other, but he was going to tell Faral all this and let the other party handle it.

After all, the other party is the true governor of the city, representing elf King’s Courtyard’s domination of the city.

After recording the record, Adier called a servant and packed the light blue crystal ball in a black box before letting the other party send it to Faral.

After doing this, he turned around and walked into his laboratory.

With a squeak, a seemingly thin door responded, and then the original dark laboratory lit up instantly.

This is Adier’s specially arranged laboratory, and the facilities in the laboratory are very complete.

Along the way to the test bed in the center of the laboratory, Adier placed a huge glass bottle on the table, and then looked at the contents.

It was a black insect about the length of an adult arm, and there were a dozen tentacles on the body of the black insect.

The body of this insect in front of it has densely packed textures, and on the head, there is an extremely tiny human face, which makes people feel extremely scary.

This is the Heart Demon bite that Adier caught before. As a unique existence, Adier is very interested.

“The legend has it that Heart Demon is inherently confused, and even controls other creatures, Bloodline innate talent, who just doesn’t know what a unique existence like you is and what the body structure is like.”

Standing in front of the test bench, watching the eyes shrink into a ball, and looking extremely disgusting at Heart Demon, Adier ordered to the chip in his head: “Chip, start recording.”

In an instant, a large amount of data flowed through my mind.

Every inch of the skin on the face of the new demon was scanned by the chip, and a detailed structure map was quickly formed in Adier’s mind, but some places were not complete.

“The target blood is strongly hallucinogenic and infected, please do not touch it directly …” In my mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded.

Listening to this familiar voice, Adier did not speak, but silently put on the special gloves, and then picked up the scalpel aside.

It seemed to feel Adier’s movement. In the glass bottle in front of him, a kind of fear, uneasy Spirit fluctuations were constantly flashing, and then stopped immediately at the next moment.

In order to avoid accidents in the research process, Adier directly used his strong Spirit force to impact, forcibly erasing the other person ’s Spirit, leaving only a pure body.

This is equivalent to turning the other person into a vegetative person directly. Although it may cause unnecessary trouble to the research, it is better than safety.

After all, despite the powerful analysis ability of the chip, Adier still has some fears about eating such strange creatures like Heart Demon, so it is safe to kill the other party first.

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