In the quiet laboratory, a slight noise kept ringing, and then a teenager walked from the corner, holding a bottle of gray potion in his hand.

In this bottle of gray potion, a faint gray mist is rising, faintly condensing into an imaginary black mark, which looks a bit infiltrating.

“After careful study for two months, it took a formal wizard-level Heart Devouring Insect to cover Bloodline, and finally tried to make this potion.”

Standing in the laboratory, under the bright light, Adier looked at the gray potion in his hand and sighed softly: “Bloodline potion made from Heartline that bleeds Blood Demon, although it is not effective for people with too strong souls , But as long as the Spirit Strength is lower than that of a formal wizard, he will be controlled when he drinks this potion. “

Control other creatures. This is the unique Bloodline innate talent for Heart Demon. You can unknowingly influence other Spirits on Spirit and let them obey the command of Heart Demon.

This kind of control is not a forced hypnosis, it is more like a subtle brainwashing, which can keep the other party loyal to itself while retaining the other party ’s thinking and wisdom.

Heart Demon’s Bloodline ability is very powerful, but it also has limitations. It can only affect the strength of Spirit to resist its own life. For Spirit stronger than its own existence, the effect will be greatly reduced, or even completely invalid.

However, this is not to say that this capability has no effect.

You know, even if it was a born and powerful life like Moon Elf, the Spirit was not very strong in its infancy.

Based on the Bloodline ability of Heart Demon, if you can control a Moon Elf at an early age, then from a young age, under the subtle influence, even if this Moon Elf eventually reaches adulthood, you may not be able to escape the control of Heart Demon.

Therefore, in the underground world, Heart Demon relied on this Bloodline ability, and even developed a powerful empire with a great reputation, which even changed the world’s wizards.

The bottle of medicine in front of Adier was deduced through the chip for several months, and was refined by using the method of refining Bloodline. Among them, the Bloodline Strength of Heart Demon was kept as much as possible to control other lives in the shortest time.

Of course, due to the limitations of Heart Demon’s strength as a raw material, this bottle of potion can only control the existence of a wizard with a strength no higher than the Metamorphosis Stage. No matter how high, there is a risk of breaking out of control.

“Since it was crafted with Heart Demon, name it Heart-Eating Potion.”

Standing in place, looking at the potion in his hand, Adier took such a name, and then put the bottle away and put it into the emerald space.

After doing this, he turned and walked outside the laboratory.

As soon as they walked out of the laboratory, the breeze from outside began to spread, and rays of sunlight were spreading around, shining on the bodies of several children.

It was Solana. After several months, she had completely adapted to the new environment. At this time, she was playing with a few elf children, and her long-sleeved shirt was dirty.

And on the side of Solana, there was another mature elf woman standing. At this time, she looked at Solana, who was happily watching, and cautiously guarded her, so that she would not go to any dangerous place.

That was Curtis, the biological mother of Adier, and in the months of Adier’s intensive research, he had become a caregiver for Solana.

As the birth mother of Adier, she is indeed qualified to take care of Solana, and the rest, if she wants to take care of it, ask Adier if she agrees.

In the distance, it seemed that Adier’s gaze was noticed, and Curtis turned to look in the direction of the laboratory, just to see Adier standing in front of the laboratory door.

She straightened up subconsciously, looking at Adier standing there, for a moment she didn’t know what to do, it seemed awkward.

Looking quietly at the scene in front of him, Adier’s face was calm and he didn’t mean to talk to the other person. He turned directly and walked to the side.

A few days later.

On a wide flat ground in the manor, some people were already waiting there.

It was a group of elf with gorgeous clothes and a strong body, and a large number of elf guards wearing armor, all waiting at this time.

“Master Adier, the people are ready to go.”

Standing next to Adier, looking at Adier in front of him, Andela’s face respectfully said, “Excuse me now, or wait?”

Listening to his words, Adier did not answer, but turned silently, looking towards the side.

In the elf family, the status of the Bloodline Trial is very important. Even an elf civilian knows the reputation of the Trial and is regarded by many wizard families as a genius trial ground.

Whether you can let your clansman enter the Bloodline trial is an important basis for measuring the strength of a family in the elf family. In the past, only true clans were eligible to let their own clansman into baptism.

Therefore, for this trial of Adier and Latina going to Bloodline, the entire Orris family attaches great importance to it and is regarded as an extremely glorious event, which is promoted throughout the Morning Wind City.

Because of this, this time there are more people accompanying Adier.

Not only Andela, the patriarch of the Orris family, accompanied him, along with Adier’s biological mother, but also Solana, and a large number of elf guards from the Orris family.

Among them, Solana was actively brought by Adier. After all, underground creatures now appear frequently, and this Morning Wind City is no longer safe. If you put Solana here, I’m afraid it’s a bit dangerous.

Considering this, he didn’t dare to let Solana leave his sight, so this time he simply took them together and went to the capital of the elf family together.

“Everyone is here.”

Standing in place, looking around, Adier finally nodded, and then led by a maid to walk towards a carriage.

Behind him, Curtis wore a purple dress and black hair fluttering, as beautiful as the fairytale elf Princess. At this moment, she held Solana in her arms and followed Adier to the carriage.

After everyone arrived, the carriage began to move forward slowly.

There was a breeze blowing slightly in the distance. Under the breeze, a team of hundreds of people was slowly moving on the road, seeming not panic.

They traveled and shuttled in the Silver Fog Forest. The huge team of hundreds of people made the thieves and wild beasts along the road dare not take the initiative to offend, only some of the magic beasts that they occasionally encountered were more troublesome.

These magic beasts are powerful creatures from the underground world. The strength of each head is not less than Knight, which has caused a great loss to elf in these recent times.

In the wild, many elf villages were attacked by these magic beasts, and even killed directly by these magic beasts. The scene seemed very bloody.

However, with Adier, these magic beasts naturally cannot cause any damage, and most of them were directly caught by Adier and used as experimental materials in the future.

So, about a month has passed.

At noon of the day, at the end of the spacious avenue, a large, gorgeous city appeared there.

It was a huge city, much more beautiful than other cities that Adier had seen in the past. It was shining with a bright silver luster, and the release of mana fluctuations was undisguised, so that Adier could clearly sense it.

“Really strong Wizard Array.”

Out of the carriage silently, looking at the huge city standing at the end of the road in the distance, Adier stared dumbly and murmured to himself.

This city is not only the largest city that Adier has seen, but the Wizard Array in the city is also the strongest that Adier has seen.

Although it is not as good as the ancestral land of the Crassu people, the Wizard Array that held the Scourge Lord, but the Wizard Array in front of it is also very complicated, far more powerful and complicated than other Wizard Arrays that Adier has seen.

At least, Hand of Jadeite and Black Wizard Alliance, Adier have seen the Wizard Array in the headquarters of these two large organizations. Although they are equally complex and powerful, they are far less than the elf kings in front of them.

“Are you surprised?” Aside, a voice sounded.

An elf boy in a moon-colored robe came from a distance, his long black hair dangled, and his appearance was extremely delicate. At this time, he came to Adier with a light smile on his face: “I came here for the first time At the time, I was surprised by what the city looked like. “

“Have you been here before?”

Listening to the girl’s words, Adier turned and looked at her and asked.

“Of course.” The girl was nodded, with a smile on her face: “But that time, I was with my elder brother to participate in the trial, just to see it lively.”

Listening to the girl’s words, Adier laughed: “It seems that your brother is also a wizard who is very difficult to deal with.”

The elf girl in front of her, named Ramos, was encountered by Adier on the road, and was also a wizard who participated in the Bloodline trial.

As the Bloodline trials are approaching, many wizard families are sent out throughout the Silver Fog Forest to send genius seeds from their families to Wangdu, ready to participate in the next Bloodline trials.

The Ramos in front of him is the genius of a certain family. It is said that it comes from a very powerful top nobleman who happened to meet Adier on the road and rushed together.

“I have explored the history of this city.”

Standing side by side with Adier, Ramos showed a nice smile on his face: “This is the last city founded by the last king of elf. At that time, all the strengths of the entire elf family were gathered. It took decades to finally come to an end. Completed. “

“The city’s city wall is equipped with a powerful Wizard Array. Once it is fully opened, even if it is a digital Level 4 wizard, it will not be possible to break the city in a short time.”

Looking at the city in front of her, she smiled and said, “Of course, this is just a legend.”

“After all, this has never been the case since the city was built.”

“The last generation of elf king was just over 10,000 years.”

Adier interfaced: “That era happened to be the end of the glorious century. After the fall of the last generation of elf King, there were not a few Level 4 wizards in the entire Maison area. Naturally, this situation is unlikely to occur.”

“That’s it.” Ramos laughed, then turned and looked behind: “Now that we’ve reached the place, let’s go in.”

“OK.” Adier nodded, no objection.

On the spacious road, there are many carriages and caravans all around, like Adier and his team, there are also a lot of hundreds of people.

In it, Adier also felt several subtle Spirit fluctuations. Obviously, there are wizards in it, and it is likely that they are also people who participated in the Bloodline trial.

After a while, as the carriage gradually moved forward, they slowly entered the city in front of them.

At the moment when he entered the city gate, an inexplicable wave of shock struck, which made Adier feel a little hesitant.

“An unknown force field was detected …” In his mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded in time.

He couldn’t help frowning, with his eyes closed, taking advantage of the chip’s powerful detection capabilities, he looked at all around.

In the city in front of me, there is a slight force field surrounding it. Although it is not very powerful, it is very hidden. I am afraid that it is impossible for a wizard other than Level 2 to notice.

This force field is not harmful to people, but it only records the Spirit frequency of the entrants, and even those who have a strong Spirit will be monitored by this force field.

Standing still, under the keen perception of Moon Elf, Adier had felt an inexplicable Strength covering himself, far more than others.

For those ordinary persons, this Spirit force field is just a sweep away, and after recording the Spirit frequency, it is no longer concerned. Only those wizards whose Spirit is far more powerful than the ordinary person will focus on it. The more powerful they are, the stronger the Strength will be.

This is mostly the effect of the huge Wizard Array in the city, which can firmly monitor the wizards in the city and control the overall situation as much as possible.

Once you do something in this city, with this Wizard Array, I am afraid you can confirm your identity and location immediately.

Thinking of this, Adier could not help but hesitate in his heart, and had a deeper understanding of the Strength of this elf capital.

“Strength of the elf king is really amazing.”

Standing on the spot, feeling the Spirit field covering his body, Adier couldn’t help sighing.

“Indeed.” Aside, listening to Adier’s words, Ramos agreed with nodded.

She is also very powerful, as a genius among elf, she is now a formal wizard just as an adult.

This achievement is enough to be proud in the elf family, but it is impossible to directly feel the strength of the city running like Adier.

But as a genius born as a top noble, she has a background behind it, and she probably knows a thing or two about the situation in this city.

Standing in place, they talked a few words, and after they agreed to meet next, they were separated, and each went to the place where their family was preparing to live.

When the two of them left, a few hours later, a strange combination also entered the city.

It was a very tall elf youth, looking very handsome, with a cold temperament, a cold expression on his face, and a slight disdain.

And on his shoulder, a three-footed crow stood there, and a pair of scarlet’s eyes stared at the city in front of him.

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