“Can it be over?”

Looking at the elf old man in front of the test, Adier asked softly, feeling a little impatient.

The test at hand is natural for Adier.

In fact, if he didn’t control Strength of the Emerald Mark and hide most of his Bloodline Strength, the test results in front of him would be even more amazing.

“it is ready.”

At the moment, listening to Adier’s words, the old man in charge of the test issued a silent sigh, and then came back to his senses from the shock and gave a black token to Adier.

It was a black token. It looked like it should be made of some special wood with unique mana fluctuations. It seemed to be some kind of token.

After receiving this token, Adier nodded to the person in front of him, and then walked straight out of the door.

Behind him, Latina and the others followed quietly, walking towards the other side together.

Just stepping out of the hall, there was a densely packed silhouette outside the door.

It was a group of elf in luxurious clothes with a temperament out of the ordinary. At this moment, a young elf gathered around and walked towards the front hall.

“Another formal wizard.”

Stopping for a moment, feeling the breath from the opponent, Adier shook his head and sighed.

At this time, there are still a few days before the Bloodline trial. During this time, elf geniuses from all over the world came to this area, and the number of people was increasing.

Only today, Adier saw several formal wizards walk into the hall in front of him.

“It seems that this time the Bloodline trial will most likely be very competitive.”

Gently glanced at the wizard who passed by, and took Latina and the others behind him, Adier walked forward.

Time passed in a few days.

“Are you here?”

At noon, on a flat ground, Latina wondered.

In front of me is a flat ground, and the surrounding ground is full of solid slate, and there is a faint scent of flowers in the distance.

Adier looked up and looked to the side. In the distance, the huge sea of ​​flowers surrounded the flat land in front of him, just like an island in the sea.

This is the place where the Bloodline Trial started. Many participants have already walked around. At this time, just like Adier, the positive expression of doubting looked towards all around was obviously a little doubtful about the next trip.

However, among the crowd, there are also some testers who seem very calm. It seems that each and everyone is well-informed, and it does not seem strange to them.

In this group of people, Adier even saw a familiar silhouette.

It was Andrew, standing in a corner at this moment, and the crow on his shoulder was still there.

Seems to feel Adier’s gaze, he turned and looked towards Adier, smiling at him with a hearty smile.

Bang! bang!

A violent vibration came from a distance, accompanied by a deep roar.

With the horrified eyes of everyone watching, an extremely large breath came from the sky. The horrible momentum, such as a large mountain, was directly depressed, which caused many wizards present to feel extremely strong pressure.

They looked up subconsciously, just seeing in the sky, a huge dragon was roaring towards this place.

It was a huge beast with a length of seven to eight meters, with wings wide enough to open ten meters, and a huge horn with a single horn on it. Although it looked stingy, it had a unique beauty.

And on this giant beast, a frightening breath spreads slowly, more thrilling than any Metamorphosis Stage wizard.

“This is … Silver Winged Dragon …”

Standing in place, while seeing the giant beast in the sky, Adier’s eyes were frozen and he instantly recognized the giant beast’s body.

Silver Mist Winged Dragon, a powerful creature unique to Silver Mist Morizu, inheritance has the Bloodline of the ancient creatures. It is said that as long as it is an adult, it can be comparable to the wizard of Metamorphosis Stage.

The silver mist Winged Dragon in front of him is much stronger than the Metamorphosis Stage wizard. I am afraid that even if facing the Level 2 wizard, he can resist for a short time.

Roar! !

A huge roar rang around, and then the silver mist Winged Dragon stopped completely on the flat ground, and then three different breaths passed down from above, instantly covering the breath of the silver mist Winged Dragon.

They were three elf wearing different costumes. At this time they were all wrapped up by the force field. They slowly walked down from the silver mist Winged Dragon’s body and came to Adier and the others.

Feeling these three breaths, Adier could not help but look dignified and looked up.

Three breaths, each one is very strong, although not yet reached the level of the Level 2 wizard, but went a long way in the Metamorphosis Stage.

According to Adier’s understanding, each of the three sorcerers in front of them has a Spirit power purification above 80%, and may even have a chance to impact the Level 2 wizard.

Three such powerful wizards stood side by side, and all of a sudden, the place was quiet, and their eyes were all fixed on them.

“It’s almost time.” An indifferent voice sounded in place.

Standing among the three, an old elf wearing a black robe with a pale face opened his mouth, with a husky tone indifferent: “It can begin.”

“Want to wait no longer.” Another softer voice sounded.

It was an elf woman in a white robe with a peaceful face, at this time looking at the old elf opened the mouth and said.

“No need.”

The old elf shook his head: “It’s this time, and those who haven’t come over, let them abstain.”

Having said this, he turned to an altar behind him and put a purple crystal into it.

A gleam of light began to light up slowly, and then a large and complex Wizard Array began to run slowly, converging the rays of light, forming a long road.

The moonlight of silver began to converge, and with the shocked eyes of everyone around, a scene in the distant sea of ​​flowers was changing.

One after another silver tree began to appear, with silver leaves on it, and strands of silver light hanging down, rendering the road in front of it into another color.

Soon, a long silver path was formed, as if the moonlight paved, and looked extremely beautiful.

“Okay, you can start!”

When everything is over, standing in front of the altar, the old elf in black looks indifferent and looks at the person in front of him who has opened the mouth and said.

“That’s over?” A surprised voice sounded in place.

Elf, who was involved for the first time, was surprised and looked a little confused: “Is this the way?”

“Otherwise, what do you want?”

The old elf didn’t seem to be very good-tempered, and at this time seemed a little impatient: “The so-called trial is this road, and it will end as soon as it is finished.

“This road was built by the last generation of elf himself in the glorious times of ancient times.”

The female elf chimed in, looking at the unexplained trialer in front of her, and explained, “This is the road to legendary trials, also known as …”

“The Road to Bloodline inheritance!”

Recommended “Swordsman Mountain” and “My Savage Old Ancestor” …

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