“This is the trial of the legendary Bloodline?”

On the flat ground, many people, including Adier, frowned at this moment.

Among the elf clan, the Bloodline Trial Road is a widely circulated legend. Not to mention the genius elite of these wizard families, even some illiterate elf civilians know the legend.

Legend has it that the road to Bloodline inheritance is a road to trial. As long as you can successfully go through this path, you can get the recognition of elf sages of all generations, and inheritance inherited from the legendary elf king.

Among many elf epics and biographies, this Bloodline inheritance road is often an ancient trial that the protagonist of the biography must go through once. His reputation has made Adier, a wizard who has been outside the world, heard about it.

“What the Bloodline inheritance path is, I don’t think I need to explain it anymore.”

Standing on a high platform, the middle-aged female elf covered her sleeves with a breeze, and a black hair fluttered slowly: “Here, I want to emphasize that this time the reward.”

“Everyone who can reach the end of this trial will receive an interview with His Excellency the High Priest and King Kana, and receive a unique reward.”

“The top three are more qualified to be the students of the High Priest.”

As soon as this remark came out, many of the testers who were present suddenly appeared.

The so-called high priest has a unique position among the elf clan, not only second to the King of King’s Courtyard, but also extremely powerful.

Especially this generation of high priests is said to have been a Level 2 wizard as early as a thousand years ago, and is still alive today, I am afraid that the strength will be beyond anyone’s imagination.

“The High Priest …”

Standing in the corner, listening to this familiar but strange word, Adier thought to himself, thinking of the scene once experienced in the ruins of the emf emperor.

Among the relics of the emf emperor, the elf who left Moon God’s Sacrifice seems to have been a high priest during his lifetime.

“Same identity, just don’t know if the dead elf high priest ever came from here.”

He raised his head, watching the elf woman in front of her mouth continue to explain, the thought flashed in his mind.

“Start now!”

Standing on the high platform, explained the general precautions clearly, the woman in a white robe elf gently nodded, and then announced the start.

The voice has just fallen. In the same place, many participants look at each other in dismay, and finally, including Adier, walk forward.

“It’s another trial. Compared with the one ten years ago, this time, people seem to be several times more.”

After all the testers got on the road, standing on the high platform, the middle-aged elf, who remained silent among the three, said, “I just don’t know. In this batch of trials, a few people can make the whole road clear. “

“That won’t be easy.”

The old elf on the side said indifferently: “Even if there are more people this time, it is estimated that in the end, the elf who can finish this road will not exceed three.”

He looked at the hundreds of trialers below, and said indifferently.

“Let’s just watch this …”



Waves of stamping sounded all around.

Standing in front of a silver road, Adier stepped down and walked slowly forward.

As he slowly moved forward, a slight pressure was coming on him, accompanied by a deep resonance of Bloodline, and a slight throbbing.

The silver way in front of him is full of Strength that Adier is very familiar with. At this time, all of them are excited and resonate with Moonline’s Bloodline of Adier within the body.

“This is the Bloodline Power of Moon Elf?”

Walking silently on the road, feeling the kind of Bloodline resonance that came from within the body, Adier said to himself, with some surprises in his heart.

In his within the body, at this time, a kind of Silver’s Strength is glowing, and as the blood flows, it flows around the body.

This is a kind of Strength that Moon Elf is born with. It is derived from Moon Elf’s Bloodline and is extremely powerful.

At this time, the road in front of me was full of this Moon Elf force.

The power of the huge Moon Elf is permeating the entire road, arranged in an extremely complex combination, forming a unique effect.

“The main body blood flow is accelerating … The body structure is slowly being optimized …” In my mind, the sound of the chip machinery is sounding.

A three-dimensional view of the human body appeared in front of his eyes, which appeared in front of Adier.

Through the information transmitted by the chip, Adier was able to clearly observe the slight change of his within the body.

The power of Moon Elf in front of him motivated Moon Elf Bloodline within the body, causing his body to be stimulated by the forces of Moon Elf around him, and began to slowly change and develop in a better direction.

However, it may be because Adier itself is pure blood Moon Elf. The degree of such optimization is very weak. If it is not the chip’s active prompt, Adier can’t even actively discover this.

Thinking of this, he could not help turning around and looked towards.

The road in front of me is very big. Although there are hundreds of people at this moment, there are not many beside Adier.

However, compared to Adier, the rest of the trial is not so easy.

Although the power of Moon Elf on the Bloodline inheritance road can wash Bloodline and make Moon Elf Bloodline of elf within the body more active, it will also bring strong pressure.

Because the distance to enter at this time is short, and the strength around is not strong, so most testers have not changed at this time, but because of the body’s accelerated blood flow, his face became a little ruddy.

“The stronger the Moon Elf Bloodline within the body, the less stress you need to withstand the same Strength.”

Looking at the testers around him, Adier kept silent, but silently analyzed: “But for those who are low on Bloodline, the longer they persist, the more pressure they receive, the more benefits they will get Big.”

With this meditation in his heart, he looked towards Latina aside.

Next to his right hand, Latina was wearing a purple robe, and her exposed skin was already red.

That’s the external change caused by the rapid flow of blood in the body, which shows how much pressure she was under at this time.

Compared with other testers around her, her Bloodline qualification is definitely the lowest grade.

Most of those who can come to participate in the Bloodline Trial are Bloodline strong, talented talents with superior innate talents, and their qualifications are generally fourth-class. Third-class qualifications are considered to be hindering.

Compared with this group of people, Latina’s second-class qualifications are naturally far inferior.

Therefore, at this time, she is also under the greatest pressure.

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