“The pressure is also greater, and the greater the benefits you can get, I hope you can stay as long as possible.”

Looking at Latina on the right, Adier didn’t say a word, and looked forward silently.

Slightly adjusted to the rhythm in front of him, he started striding forward.

Ahead of the road, there are many testers, who are struggling at this time, and each and everyone seems to be under a lot of pressure.

Hours blinked.

“The surrounding Strength is growing.”

Walking on the road, always feeling the surrounding Strength, Adier thought to himself.

As this road continues, the power of Moon Elf, which is pervasive, is increasing.

The magnitude of this enhancement is small, but it does exist. There is a slight enhancement at almost every step, which makes the degree of resonance of Adier within the body Bloodline continue to increase.

“Following this rhythm and walking for a few more hours, I am afraid that is the limit for most testers.”

He glanced at the testers around and murmured to himself.

However, the situation of these testers is irrelevant to him.

All the way to the present, with the power of Moon Elf within the body have the same origin, he did not feel much pressure, but just became more interested in the surrounding Wizard Array.

This is a Wizard Array specially developed for the nature of Moon Elf. The strength of Moon Array is completely based on the power of Moon Elf. It can perfectly use Moon Elf’s Strength and use this Strength to stimulate others within the body. Moon Elf Bloodline to make it active.

Prior to this, Adier had always thought that the power of Moon Elf within the body could only be used to confront the enemy, but he did not expect to play such a role.

“If it is extended from this idea, if there is this Wizard Array for reference, in the future, it may not be based on the strength of other ancient Bloodline, specially developed Wizard Array to stimulate the ancient Bloodline.”

On the road, Adier’s mind moved: “For example, based on the strength of the ancestor Beamon, the Bloodline Wizard Array has been developed to stimulate the Bloodline of the orc family.”

Once this idea was born, it could no longer be contained.

“Chip, record the Wizard Array around you!” He meditated in his heart.

“Task established, recording started …” The sound of the chip machinery in his head sounded.

At this moment, a lot of data flow in my head. Everything on the road in front of me, as well as the movement of the Strength and the subtle textures existing at the corners of the road, are all recorded by the chip in my mind at this time, in order to push back the original Wizard Array.

Because of the lack of exact objects, this deduction is very slow. Fortunately, Adier is on the road of Bloodline inheritance. The Wizard Array’s Strength is running all the time. The clear traces can be captured by Adier’s Spirit force and chip. Recorded as the basic data, used to derive the complete Wizard Array.

Hours passed again.

By this time, the surrounding trials had begun to be left behind.

Around Adier, several testers were sweating profusely, and were under terrifying pressure every moment.

The blood in their within the body is boiling, which is one of the side effects brought about by the activation of Bloodline, making them feel that the whole person is burning at this time, and there is intense pain from all over their bodies, and they can’t wait to pass out.

This feeling is far more uncomfortable than ordinary torture. The activation of Bloodline’s origin is far from easy. In the process, the pain caused by slight changes in the body is definitely beyond human imagination. It is not easy to survive.

Compared with the sweaty trialers around each and everyone around, Adier’s face still looks calm, although the blood inside the body is also boiling, but there is no trace of abnormality on the surface.

Standing in place, he looked towards.

Around, blockbusters were sweating hard and walking hard on the road.

Among them, the performance of a few people is very eye-catching.

Adier is one of them. Except that he slows down a bit, his appearance doesn’t change at all, and the power of Moon Elf around him seems to have no effect on him.

In addition to Adier, in front of Adier, the young elf named Andrew also performed very well. From the beginning to the present, his expression has hardly changed, and the speed of walking is much faster than Adier.

What surprised Adier the most was Latina.

As Adier’s own elder sister, Latina De Bloodline’s qualifications are not very strong. Originally, Adier expected that he should have stopped before, but at this time he stood here forcibly.

This is the result of relying entirely on strong willpower. There is an unwillingness in her heart to forcibly support her to keep moving forward, even if the will gradually gets confused.

“Andrew, how do you feel?” On the forefront, standing on Andrew’s shoulder, the black crow sound transmission.

“It’s okay.”

Andrew chuckled and said, “This Bloodline inheritance road is indeed interesting. It is surrounded by pure lunar power everywhere. In the long run, it can indeed wash Bloodline.”

“Unfortunately, most of these people are Bloodline humble, and even if you have this luck, you will not get the biggest benefit.”

“How can an ordinary elf aristocrat compare with you.” The crow whispered, his tone sounded a little impatient: “In this area, I am afraid that the Bloodline of the so-called elf king is not as good as you, let alone these ordinary elf . “

“What about Adier?” Andrew asked.

“Still walking slowly behind.”

The crow lay silently, staring ahead with a pair of scarlet eyes.

Andrew stopped talking, only his eyes closed, and he walked forward by instinct alone.


“Are people still here?”

In front of a huge palace, countless elfs are standing in it. Among them, a middle-aged elf in a black dress with a handsome complexion looks anxious and can’t help looking at the distance, seems to be expecting something.

This man is the patriarch Andela of the Orris family, at this point directly to the end of the Bloodline inheritance road, where they wait for the final outcome to be announced.

Aside from him, Curtis and Lilice were also standing there, and now they could not help looking at the road, with expectation in their eyes.

“Come here! Come here!” There was a loud noise and a fierce noise in the distance.

The fierce voice caused a lot of elf reactions at the scene, couldn’t help raising his head, struggling to raise his neck and looked forward, trying to see who came first.

“Hmm … is anyone coming?”

In front of the palace, there is a shining throne. At this time, a middle-aged elf man is sitting on it, wearing a large white fur robe. His body is very noble, and his face is majestic.

He originally closed his eyes and raised his mind, listening to the shouting ahead, and then opened his eyes, feeling the time: “It seems to be a lot faster than the last time.”

“To be precise, it was nearly three hours faster than the last fastest trialer.” On the side, a husky voice sounded.

It was an old man in a blue wizard robe, looking old, and a frowning face looked a little tired.

He looked at the strong shout from the distance, a little Spirit on his face, a pair of originally closed eyes opened, looked towards the distance.

With countless gazes, in the distance, a silhouette of an elf youth came out.

It was a young man wearing a large black robe, wearing black armor in front of his arms and chest, and a black crow standing on his shoulders. At this moment, he strode forward and his face looked almost the same as before.

“How is he?”

Looking at the elf youth in front of him, there was a sudden uproar at the scene, and it seemed that the youth in front of him had won the first place.

“What about Lord Adier?”

In a corner, looking at the first elf youth who came out in the distance, Andela complexion changed, his heart seemed a little anxious.

The ranking of the Bloodline trial is very important, especially because of the magic disaster. This time, the Bloodline trial is very rewarding. The top three can be directly the student of the elf high priest.

This kind of reward is desired by any He Family, even those top nobles can’t ignore it.

After all, the magic disaster is coming. If at this time, the genius of his family can become the student of the elf high priest, then it will undoubtedly add a layer of protection to the family behind him.

You know, as an elf high priest, to some extent, the strength he can mobilize is almost beyond elf King’s Courtyard.

Originally Andela and the others thought that with Adier’s innate talent, there should be a great chance to get the first place, but at this time they were preempted by others.

“Who is this young man? What genius is cultivated by which family? Why look so face-to-face?”

Looking at Andrew who came out first, a voice of doubt came from below.

Even Kast, who sits on the front of the throne, can’t help but look at this person. He is a little confused about this person.

“I’m afraid it’s not elf here.”

Aside, an old elf in a blue robe squinted: “Isn’t the wizard named Adier supposedly from outside the Silver Fog Forest?”

Tone barely fell, and another cheer came from afar.

Under the eyes of countless elf, at the end of the distant road, another elf came out from there.

This is an elf boy who looks younger, with a white robe and sleeves fluttering in the breeze. A handsome face looks very calm, without feeling any pressure.

Like Andrew, he also completed this road very quickly, only slightly slower than Andrew.

In fact, if it weren’t for Adier’s intentional slowdown, his speed would definitely exceed Andrew’s.

It was just too shocking.

The speed in front is strictly a bit excessive, breaking all previous records. It’s just that there is Andrew on the front, and it won’t be too conspicuous.

“At this level, although it is still a little conspicuous, it won’t be too noticeable when it comes to the first place.”

Standing in place, looking at Andrew who had come to an end, Adier thought silently.

He didn’t care much about the other rewards of the Bloodline trial, but he was bound to win the top three rewards.

According to the explanation before the trial began, the top three priests of this trial will be accepted as students by the high priests of the elf tribe.

As an elf high priest, the opponent’s hands will definitely have the inheritance of Moon God’s Sacrifice. If he can become the student of the opponent, maybe he can start with the opponent and get the complete volume of this Mediation Method.

“Hu ···”

In the distance, watching Adier coming from a distance, Andela and the others suddenly sighed in relief: “Fortunately, fortunately …”

“Unfortunately, it’s just a little bit worse.” Lilice regretted aside.

For his words, Andela agrees with nodded.

In their view, the gap between Adier and Andela is not large, strictly counted, even less than a few minutes.

It is such a small gap that is the difference between the first place and the second place.

“This is the wizard named Adier.”

On the throne in front, looking at Adier coming in the distance, King Kast secretly nodded, and then looked towards said with a smile: “Etis, what do you think?”

In that corner, an elf girl in a three-color long dress was standing quietly, holding a light green dagger in her hand, and a delicate face seemed to have a certain spirit, which made her very attractive Conspicuous.

Listening to King Kast’s words, she turned and looked forward, staring at Adier.

After watching it quietly for a while, she didn’t speak at all, but she was just nodded.

“haha ···”

Watching her reaction, Kast also smiled on his face: “Not much elf that you can admit.”

“But these two elf, innate talent are really good, no matter which one you can consider.”

He looked at Andela and Adier standing below, and said.

On the side, the old elf in a blue robe didn’t speak, but just stared at Adier’s body and seemed to find something.

“The Mark of the Snake Girls …”

He began to look serious, and he was very interested in Adier’s situation: “This familiar atmosphere, I just don’t know, which old friend has left.”

Ahead, the Bloodline Trial is still underway.

After completing the entire Bloodline road, the last place I came to was a huge stone platform.

On the stone platform, only Adier and Andrew were standing at this time, and the follow-up testers were far away, and even the fastest would take more than two hours to come.

Standing quietly on the stone platform, Adier and Andrew both looked in a certain direction.

That is another road, covered with layers of stairs, which is not too long compared to the Road of Bloodline, but only about several hundred meters, but the full strength is huge.

Just a few hundred meters on the road, with Adier’s current vision, you can see the end.

Standing in place, he clearly saw the scene at the end of the road.

It was a silver long sword, which was now inserted on a black spar.

The long sword looked very delicate and very bright. There was a huge spirituality and majesty on it, which made Adier feel shocked at this time.

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