“Homogeneous Strength.”

Standing on the high platform, Adier’s face looked solemnly towards that corner: “Not only pure blood, but also an adult, is a strong Strength that can only be achieved by Moon Elf, the true blood of Peak.”

“What a terrifying luna power …”

On the other side, Andrew also looked solemnly at the silver long sword, and felt a great majesty and pressure from there: “This is the legendary last generation elf king’s sword? Almost has become a high-level magic Device. “

Both Adier and Andrew are well-know figures in elf. One is the dark elf Prince in the underground world, and the other is the pure blood Moon Elf. The Moon Elf Bloodline within the body is far beyond the rest and can feel it. The more things there are.

On that long sword, they clearly felt the majesty and terror of the once elf king.

That is Strong enough to rival the Level 4 wizard. If put into the present, it would be enough to kill the entire Silver Mist Forest with one person.

What is left by this existence, even if only a trace of Strength is leaked, is enough to be frightening, involuntarily wanting to kneel, and a great fear rises in my heart.

It was just in this feeling that Adier’s heart rose with an inexplicable throbbing motion. It seemed that something was calling out in the bottom, making him involuntarily want to go in the direction of the sword.

“This feeling···”

Feeling a call from the depth of Bloodline, Adier’s heart seemed to be aware of something.

In his Spirit Sea, at this time, the originally blurred Spirit force was constantly tumbling, and a large amount of information was transmitted to the Spirit Sea through some kind of connection. It was engraved in Adier’s memory for the first time and cannot be forgotten.

That was part of the message from Moon God’s Sacrifice Meditation Method, and it flowed out of my mind at this time.

“Bloodline inheritance, the inheritance in it, I am afraid it will fall on this sword.”

Looking at the silver long sword in the distance, Adier pondered for a moment, combined with the reaction from his body, quickly thought of this.

bump! !!

A series of crisp echoes kept ringing in situ, accompanied by all the unique sounds of the long sword when it came out, instantly attracting everyone’s attention.

The place was quiet for a while, and then next moment, a brilliance of silver rose into the sky instantly.

The vast brilliance shrouded in situ, the brilliance of silver is like the moonlight, brightening the surrounding area.

With the shocking gaze of the surrounding elf, the exquisite long sword is glowing. On it, the majesty of majesty is as deep as the sea. At this moment all spread out, so that everyone who can feel it will not change color.

“My body can’t move !!” A sound of horror spreading around, and it kept coming out from the auditorium below the stage.

In the auditorium below, each and everyone elf was horrified, covered in the majesty of the huge Bloodline, covered with cold sweat, and unable to move even if he tried his best.

This majesty is huge and terrifying, making the Bloodline at elf boiling, and couldn’t help wanting to worship.

“what happened!!”

Sitting in front of the palace and looking at the scene in front of him, King Kast stood up, his face horrified: “Why didn’t Moon King’s Sword wake up without cause?”

As the elf king, the strength of king Kast is unquestionable. He has traveled a long distance among Level 2 wizards. Even if he feels the majesty of Moon King’s Sword, he can barely stand up.

On the side, the old elf in the blue robe couldn’t help frowning, feeling something out of control.

Daodao’s bright brilliance is constantly emerging in the surroundings, and the surrounding area of ​​more than 10 li is shrouded by moonlight, shining extremely bright.

Under the gaze of countless people, one of the brightest lights shone in an instant, and finally shrouded the entire high platform, shrouded in the two elf’s bodies.

“what happened!!”

Standing on Andrew’s shoulder, feeling the majesty of the horror, the crow’s entire body began to curl up, and at this time could not help but say, “Why did this sword suddenly recover?”

“Andrew, is it what you did !!”

“not me!”

Andrew’s face was dignified, and at this time he was also pressed in place by the huge Bloodline, almost unable to stand.

He looked at the long sword in the distance, and at this time was also a little shocked: “I have read the books and read the records about this sword.”

“The biggest possibility to create this look is that the sword sensed Moon Elf Bloodline strong enough, and the magic consciousness in it began to instinctively awaken.”

He gritted his teeth, and seemed unbelievable: “But how is this possible!”

“How can this be?”

The murmured voice sounded in place.

Looking at the scene in front of me, it seemed that something was happening. Many elf wizards in the field were shocked and looked embarrassed, watching Andrew and Adier standing on it.

To be precise, they are watching Andrew.

In the previous Bloodline trial, Andrew was the first. In theory, it is much more likely to be recognized by Moon King’s Sword.

Therefore, except for a few people such as Andela and Curtis, the majority of people’s eyes are focused on Andrew at this time.

The legend of Moon King’s Sword was once widely circulated in the Silver Fog Forest. At this time, since the recovery is autonomous, when you look at the scene in front of you, it is easy to think of something.

In the eyes of countless people looking forward, Andrew failed to go as they imagined, like the protagonist of the epic legendary story, striding towards the road of trial and becoming the master of the Moon King’s Sword.

On the contrary, at this time, he was under tremendous pressure.

When shrouded by the light of Moon King’s Sword, there was a moment of excitement in his heart, and he even thought that he really got the recognition of the sword and could become the owner of the sword.

However, the cruel reality tells a reality: he thinks too much.

Even under the brilliance of Moon King’s Sword, his body was still unable to move, and an extremely horrible pressure permeated deep in Bloodline, making it almost impossible for him to stand up.

“Strength of that sword … rejects me.”

He had a complex face, feeling the horrible pressure, and couldn’t help looking at Adier.

“This feeling···”

Also standing on the high platform, at the moment when the light shone on the body, feeling the calling from his body, Adier’s mouth couldn’t help being twitched.

He also wanted to maintain a proper degree, not to stand on the top of the wind, but enough to make people pay attention.

But in this unexpected moment, his thoughts were probably doomed.

Moon King’s Sword is the legendary last generation elf king’s sabre. The sabre contains Moon Elf’s pure Strength. With countless years of elf King’s Courtyard cultivation, it has already become an advanced magic weapon.

There is no reason other than the pure Moon Elf on him to recover such an advanced magic weapon.

Standing in place, although he didn’t feel great majesty, Adier could feel his blood boiling.

Deep in Bloodline, something resonates with Moon King’s Sword in the distance, making him almost unable to control himself, and instinctively wants to move forward.

In the Spirit Sea, the content of Moon God’s Sacrifice keeps emerging from memory, and the power of the huge Moon Elf can’t help but emerge.

Had it not been for the suppression of the Emerald Mark, Adier would have already exposed something at this time.

Forgiveness is so, he can also feel the labor of the Emerald Mark, where Strength is quickly consumed, just to suppress the movements on his body.

“Forget it.”

He could not help but smile and shook his head, then slowly stood up and looked at the long sword quietly shining in the distance.

“Although I don’t know what the consequences will be, but if the worst result occurs, it will be a big deal to go directly to other Worlds.”

He slowly raised his head, thinking of the tall throne standing in the distance.

A decision was made in his heart, and the glory of azure flashed on him.

Staring at him with countless people’s eyes, Adier looked calm and walked forward quietly.


Stepping out, a cry of excitement came from below.

“Muffy …”

Looking at Adier in front, Andela’s expectation and excitement appeared in his heart. At this moment, the silhouette watching Adier moving forward was very excited.

The brilliance continued to spread.

It seems to be feeling the approach of Adier. On that silver long sword, the more horrible Strength erupted, countless strands of silver spread, and a mark condensed out.

It was an extremely complex imprint. Each texture was constantly interlaced, and the ten veins of the whole integer continued to extend. Eventually, a round complex pattern was formed.

“That’s Blood Imprint of Moon Elf.”

Looking at the Blood Imprint in the distance, the idea flashed in Adier’s mind.

At this time, his appearance was changing.

Without the cover of the Emerald Mark, his original appearance could no longer be covered, at this time under the cover of Dao Guanghua, he began to slowly reveal it.

Long black hair began to turn into pale silver, and a pair of dark eyes also flashed a silver, with a shocking light.

Daodao’s inexplicable texture began to appear on his skin, and the original handsome appearance changed again and became more refined.

Just as God’s Son came to the world, he walked forward along the stone steps step by step, and with each step, a little change began to breed.

The light of Silver’s Bloodline began to cover the whole body. Like Moon King’s Sword, it began to show a more agile and full of vitality, making all elfs at the scene unable to hold back.

“That … That’s …”

At this moment, I don’t know how many elf wizards couldn’t help but stand up and looked at Adier in the distance, with a shock on his face: “The real Moon Elf !!!”

“It’s not the so-called Bloodline richness, but the real pure blood, just like the elf king of ancient times, as long as he is an adult, he can rival the existence of the Level 4 wizard!”

At this moment, before sitting on the throne, the old silent wizard in the blue robe couldn’t help but stand up, a pair of muddy eyes stared at the silhouette of Adier in the distance, could not help muttering to himself.


Andrew couldn’t believe it: “The ancient wizards are extinct, and all the pure-blood Moon Elf should disappear, why can it be reproduced?”

“Maybe … because of Bloodline’s return to ancestry?”

On his shoulder, feeling the breath of Adier in front of him, the crow couldn’t help curling up, at this time speculated: “Just like Andrew you, the original thin Bloodline was produced at some time for some reason. Mutate and become rich again. “

“Although the probability of such a thing is small, the chance of being able to regenerate pure blood is even smaller, but it is also possible!”

Looking at the distant place like the moon god Incarnation, Adier covered in a silver light, it is so speculated.

“It seems that this is the only guess.”

Andrew clenched his fists and looked at Adier’s back, his face uncomfortable.

“Is this really my younger brother?”

Standing at the audience floor, watching Adier’s silhouette at this moment, Latina was still silent.

In the previous Bloodline trial, despite being unwilling, he only persisted for a few hours and could not continue, so he came to the terminal early and waited, just watching the scene in front of him.

At this time, she also had complicated feelings in her heart, and also had a very strong sense of unrealism.

Also as Half-Elf and the same father mother, Adier and her are treated almost as different as heaven and earth.

One was a metamorphic wizard at a young age, and the other was just struggling to become a second-class apprentice.

Needless to say, the gap between innate talent and Bloodline is enough to make anyone frustrated and discouraged.

Adier didn’t feel any reaction to the crowd below.

At this point, his Spirit force was plunged into a huge space.

In the distance, I felt the same pure Moon Elf Bloodline on Adier. The Moon King’s Sword was resonating with Adier. A lot of the information contained in it was poured into Adier and entered into his mind.

“Moon God’s Sacrifice Meditation Method has been completed …” It didn’t take long before the sound of the chip machinery in my head sounded.

Almost in an instant, Moon God’s Sacrifice, the exclusive advanced Meditation Method of Moon Elf, was completed and deeply engraved into Adier’s mind, which cannot be forgotten.

In addition to this Meditation Method, the Moon King’s Sword also contains a lot of means to use the power of Moon Elf, as well as several complex magic templates.

That’s a set of mysteries called Luna baptism, which can be used by beings with Moon Elf power to perform baptism for other beings.

The power of Moon Elf itself is a powerful and pure Strength, which is very gentle in nature and can be absorbed by the body.

Using the power of Moon Elf, you can perform baptism for other lives, strengthen the system of other lives, and make it easier to grow in the future.

Even in ancient times, the moon god baptism had a great reputation, and many of the sons of ancient wizards experienced this baptism at birth.

As for the magic templates, they were prepared by the last generation of the elf throne. There are only four of them, ranging from first-level spell to Level 4 spell. The purpose is very simple, which is for the promotion of latecomers.

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