The huge Strength wave is exploding madly, a burst of glazed brilliance continues to shine, forcing the silhouette in the middle.

It was a handsome young elf with silver hair and silver eyes and a pale silver hair fluttering in the wind, looking beautiful and quiet.

A calm and serene temperament slowly emanated. While stunning, it couldn’t help being calm, unconsciously letting go of all the emotions in his heart, and he couldn’t help looking at the teenager in front of him.

Adier quietly walked forward to the long sword. With each step, there was a glorious escape, accompanied by a strong Bloodline majesty, echoing the moon king in front.

On his chest, a lighter silver light continued to emanate, among which a larger Moon Elf power pervaded the heart. It seemed that something was being bred and was about to break out.

“Bloodline innate talent for Moon Elf?”

Feeling the physical mutation, Adier instinctively flashed this idea, and then lost his consciousness in the inheritance of Moon King’s Sword.

The Moon King’s Sword in the front has the inheritance of the former elf king, not only the advanced Meditation Method of Moon God’s Sacrifice, but also the magic template required for promotion, and even a large amount of advanced knowledge supporting Moon Elf Bloodline.

Even with chip-assisted processing, at this time Adier was lost in this huge message, and his consciousness was fully engaged in communicating with Moon King’s Sword in front, leaving only the body’s instinct to move forward.

The light on his chest grew stronger, and the Bloodline’s majesty spread out from him.

Although it is only a young age, the majesty of God’s Son has been initially revealed, so that all the elfs present can not be shocked by their faces. The whole Bloodline begins to boil, and the acknowledgment allegiance is under the Bloodline of Moon Elf.

The ancient Moon Elf claims that the king of elf is not without reason.

In addition to this powerful Strength that Bloodline lives on, the ancient Moon Elf Bloodline’s suppression of the common Elf’s Bloodline is also an important reason.

Just as the natural king confronts his subjects, when faced with pure blood Moon Elf, ordinary elf will feel the terrible coercion, even if the strength is stronger than Moon Elf.

This is a natural suppression that exists on Bloodline. The elf wizard of the same level will definitely not have any resistance in front of King Moon Elf.


Behind the high platform, he watched Adier step forward into Moon King’s Sword step by step, Andrew’s face was unwilling, and his eyes were full of madness and jealousy: “Pure Blood Moon Elf Bloodline !!!”

As the dark elf Prince with the blood of Moon Elf inside the body, he also felt the majesty of the Bloodline that had spread out of Adier, and his experience of this Bloodline was far more profound than other elfs.

Uncomfortable in his heart, watching Adier’s back, he slowly stood up: “Only I can own this kind of Bloodline !!”

“Ram, is anyone else here!” He barely stood up and whispered to the crow on his shoulder.

“It’s ready.” The crow whispered, with some hesitation in his tone: “It’s just that the situation has changed so much now that Moon King’s Sword is recovering on its own initiative, and still acting as planned?”

They came here to take a special risk to run to elf King City, naturally not for the purpose of simply participating in the Bloodline Trial.

In the original plan, they originally planned to connect some underground creatures who also fled to the ground to attack the Bloodline Trial. Even if they could not assassinate King Kast, they could find a chance to take away the Moon King’s Sword, an advanced magic weapon.

There was Andrew, the dark elf Prince who was very familiar with the elf family, and their group of underground wizards easily lurked into the capital. It wasn’t impossible to assassinate King Kast and even take Moon King’s Sword out of elf King’s Courtyard.

But the revival of Moon King’s Sword immediately brought variables to the originally feasible plan.

Even if a revived advanced magic weapon is unmanned, Strength will not be inferior to a Level 2 wizard in a short time, let alone an Adier in front of him.

With the essence of the other’s pure blood Moon Elf, it will inevitably be recognized by Moon King’s Sword. At that time, under the control of a pure blood Moon Elf, in a short period of time, even the king of Kast, the elf, may not win .

“Now is the best chance!”

Andrew gnashing teeth: “A pure-blood Moon Elf, as long as he is an adult, can directly compete with a Level 4 wizard. Don’t kill him now, I’m afraid there will be no chance in the future!”

“But Moon King’s Sword …” the crow’s voice was hesitant.

“Don’t be afraid.” Andrew sneered: “Where is the inheritance of King Moon Elf so good? Most of his consciousness is still communicating with Moon King’s Sword, and now the body has only instincts left.”

“As for Moon King’s Sword, it’s only just waking up now, and consciousness is connecting with the other party. As long as the other party is resolved, I have a way to make Moon King’s Sword fall back to sleep!”

Listening to Andrew’s words, the crow did not answer, but instead fell into silence for a moment and began to meditate.

Naturally, he would not believe the words of the other party.

After all, the reason why Andrew is so persistent in trying to shoot is that the Moon Elf Bloodline that’s all.

The counterpart is Moon Elf, which means that the Bloodline of the counterpart inside the body can be used to transform.

Even if a Bloodline conversion cannot completely retain all the Bloodline of the other party within the body, but even if it can only retain the lower half, it is worth crazy for elf like Andrew.

The existence of the ancient Moon Elf, even a meager Bloodline can create a powerful family, let alone within the body owns most of the Bloodline.

“I’ll double the pay for this shot.”

After a long time, the crow’s voice sounded again.

“Okay!” Andrew hesitated without hesitation.

His gaze looked at Adier’s back, with a deep greed and longing in his eyes, and a deep hidden enthusiasm: “Bloodline of Moon Elf ···”

Standing on Andrew’s shoulder and receiving Andrew’s reply, the crow did not speak anymore, but closed his eyes silently, and a hidden wave came slowly all over his body.

As if some kind of signal, at the next moment, several huge breaths burst into the sky.

Not far from the palace, several streamers erupted.

The violent breath erupted on several elf wizards, and then a burst of red light spread out from them, killing several elf guards around them.

A piece of flesh was scattered on the slate, accompanied by a huge scream.

“An enemy attack!” Around the throne, the shouts of elf guards erupted.

In the auditorium, several elf sorcerers changed their appearances at several positions closest to the throne, their skin became dark, and their breath was deep and thrilling.

This is a dark elf wizard, and the breath on each of them is comparable to the Metamorphosis Stage wizard.

Feeling the signal from a distance, they stared at each other, and rushed forward invariably, but were eventually blocked by other wizards.

There are also powerful wizards in elf King’s Courtyard. Although they failed to respond at the beginning, they also rushed forward at this time, and the spell field erupted, barely blocking the dark elf wizards in front of them.

“This breath is dark elf?”

Sitting above the throne, feeling the confusion below, King Kast frowned.

The next moment, he looked up towards the sky.

I do not know when, in the sky, a dazzling meteor erupted.

A few dozen meters of Fireball dropping from the sky fell, and the huge volume brought huge air pressure in mid-air, and that huge pressure could be felt far away.

This is the original preparation of Andrew and the others. It took a magic weapon to accumulate Strength for hundreds of years, and finally formed this spell. Its formidable power is definitely comparable to the Level 3 spell.

If this is done, even the strength of King Kast will definitely be seriously injured.

What’s more, he couldn’t escape this time.

With the formidable power of the spell in front, once it completely erupts, its reach is enough to involve nearby several li.

Around the throne are the many aristocrats who came to watch the Bloodline Trial this time. Among them were not only many wizards from elf King’s Courtyard, but also many representatives sent by the great aristocracy.

The death of these people in King’s Courtyard represents not only a loss of strength, but also an extremely bad signal.

A king who cannot protect even the guests sitting in front of the palace, how to protect many elf nobles and people?

Not to mention, the vast majority of these people are still from the nobles, many of them are important figures, the impact of letting these people die in front of the palace is really bad.

It is for these reasons that, as elf Prince, Andrew expects that King Kast will never avoid this spell, and can only brace oneself and continue.

Judging by the formidable power of this blow, even with the strength of King Kast, even if he can take over, he will inevitably be seriously injured.

At this point, according to the original plan, two Level 2 wizards led, and a number of Metamorphosis Stage wizards jointly attacked.

All kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind, King Kast’s face was glomyy and uncertain, but he finally stood up.


The violent explosion sounded wildly in the place. At the critical moment when the meteor was about to fall, an equally horrible Strength erupted and collided with that meteor, making a terrible blast.

The bursts of smoke filled all around, and the violent mana breath confused the surrounding force field, completely obscuring the scene in front of the throne.

“Damn! How did these dark elfs mix in!”

Standing in front of the audience, feeling the lethal threat that had previously faded slowly, Andela just breathed a sigh of relief, and then subconsciously turned to look at Adier, just seeing the scene, his eyes widened sharply.

Guanghua fell, and the brilliance of the glass continued to flash.

On a trail, Adier was still moving forward, as if he had lost all consciousness, and had no reaction to everything around him.

Even if it was such a terrifying mana collision before, it only paused his body, and his consciousness was still indulged in the Spirit inheritance of Moon King’s Sword.

At this moment, a silhouette suddenly appeared in the rear.

It was a tall silhouette, a black robe, and a light black armor was worn on the chest and arms. At this time, a light green dagger was held on the right hand, just before Andrew.

At this moment, his face stunned, forcing the huge pressure from his body to rush forward, and the blue-colored dagger in his hand stabbed towards Adier’s heart.

“Don’t!” At this moment, several terrifying sounds rang in the distance.

Looking at the scene in the distance, Curtis stared in horror, watching Andrew’s dagger stab at Adier’s heart.

“go to hell!!”

Behind Adier, looking at Adier’s back, Andrew’s face was grim, and there was a strong enthusiasm in his eyes: “You Bloodline, let me inherit it!”

Tone barely fell, and the dagger in his hand pierced into Adier’s heart.

Ahead, at this moment, Adier seemed to feel something and stopped suddenly.

A strongly contaminated Strength spread from Andrew’s dagger, spreading towards Adier’s heart.

Adier’s face was calm, his pupils a little dazed, and he didn’t seem to notice what had happened.

Just behind him, looking at him, Andrew felt something was wrong.

bump! bump! bump!

A clear sound of heartbeat kept ringing, and Andrew heard it very clearly.

Not only him, but at this moment, almost all elf’s ears sounded a heartbeat.

At this moment, in the body of Adier, Yuehua is constantly flowing, at this time under the traction of something, all rushed towards the heart.

A beautiful moonlight escaped and diffused from Adier.

In the distance, under some kind of instinct reaction, Moon King’s Sword’s Strength was mobilized by instinct, and all of them were evoked.

“It’s dawn?” A sound sounded slowly around him.

Shocks appeared on countless elf’s faces, astonished looking towards the sky.

There, the violent light erupted.

The moonlight is scattered, and the violent silver brilliance erupts, almost covering the surrounding area of ​​1000 meters, and shining the surrounding area like daylight.

This month’s gorgeous and beautiful, with a majestic Bloodline majestic, rises from Adier’s body.

In the shocking eyes of countless people, on the body of Adier, a crisp and broken sound sounded, and then a cold and bright moon began to rise, with a peerless majesty, slowly rushing towards the sky.

The majesty and grandeur dissipated, and the power of the horrible Moon Elf turned into a true and true Yuehua burst, shining on everyone.


The bright moon shines on the sky, and its Strength propagates to some people instantly under some instinct.

Andrew burst out of flesh and blood, and at this moment he vomited blood and flew, with an unbelievable complexion on his face.

On his body, thick rays of light escape, the surrounding energy particles converge in an instant, and are pulled by the powerful Spirit force on him, turning into the light of an elemental substance.

“I do not believe!!”

He yelled, the right hand was raised, the huge twisted force field changed instantly, and a black light was pressed fiercely, like a huge palm, fiercely photographed to Adier.

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