The violent dark elements were roaring, condensing into a huge palm with a width of several meters in the air, and then photographed directly behind Adier.


There were bursts of crackling sounds in situ, accompanied by a crisp sound.

At this moment, it seemed to feel something. Under a kind of instinct, Adier’s eyes were blank, and he looked subconsciously into the air.

Suddenly, the moonlights scattered, a touch of silver moon rose in the sky, and then it was instantly depressed, and the power of Moon Elf carried on it was suffocating.

The space creaks, the surrounding Wizard Array is broken, and all the Strength existing on it is excluded at this moment, leaving only a pure and mighty Moon Elf power permeating in place.

Almost instantly, the black palm that was photographed was dispelled by Yuehua, and then a backlash passed along some connection directly to the end.

bump! !!

Andrew’s face was unbelievable. His chest sank in an instant. The right arm of the previous cast exploded instantly. A piece of ground meat was mixed with broken bones and spread out.

There was a bloody air in the place.

Standing quietly in place, Adier was covered by Yuehua, his delicate and handsome appearance was flawless, with a quiet and serene atmosphere, but just standing there had a unique temperament.

He stood in place, with some blankness in his eyes, and his consciousness did not seem to have fully recovered.

In the distance, the brilliance of Moon King’s Sword spread on him, and the power of Moon Elf, which had worn him down, was replenished, supporting his huge consumption at this time.


Looking at Adier’s appearance, Andrew looked pale, covering his body with force fields all over himself, forbearing the majesty that made him tremble, and wanted to continue to rush forward.

“That’s it.” A bland voice sounded in situ, giving Andrew a stun.

I do not know when, next to Adier, a thin silhouette appeared.

It was an old wizard wearing a blue robe. His hair and beard were white, and he looked very old. At this time, he stood beside Adier with a pair of muddy eyes looking towards Andrew.

Staring at the other person’s calm eyes, looking at the other person’s thin appearance, Adier couldn’t help fighting a cold war, and a chill rose in his heart.

“you are···”

He opened his mouth sharply, thinking of a possibility in his heart.

But he hadn’t waited for his words to be fully spoken, and a terrifying Spirit wave sounded in place.

At this moment, a huge force field was pressing down, like a huge palm clenching, wrapping Andrew’s body with a hand.


The sound of flesh and blood fluttered in place.

Without waiting for Andrew’s response, a strong Strength directly crushed his body, and the whole body became ground meat.


Standing in place, feeling the feeling just now, the blue robe shaman’s face showed a surprised expression.

On Andrew’s flesh and blood, a faint black light lit up instantly, with a brand of instinct, attached to a black necklace at this time, under a package of some kind of strength, and rushed towards the distance instantly. .

Looking at this scene, the old wizard of blue robe frowned, a thin arm stretched out, and then a violent force field wave sounded, covering the area of ​​several dozen meters.

The cold wind began to blow constantly. At this moment, the surrounding scene seemed to freeze, leaving only a pure Spirit force field, condensing into a palm, and grabbing toward the light that got black.

It seemed to be aware of the danger. In the distance, the black necklace glowed instantly, and the Spirit field, which was as deep as the sea, erupted instantly, colliding with the palm of the hand.


The violent collision sounded again, and the violent energy particles splashed everywhere. The exploding Strength almost wiped out the surrounding vegetation within a range of several hundred meters, leaving only the bare land.

At a critical moment, a complex two-headed snake mark emerged from that black necklace, and then forcibly shattered the area surrounding the suppression of Strength and snatched Andrew’s Bloodline brand.

In situ, looking at the necklace flying away, the old wizard of blue robe hesitated for a while, feeling the power of the huge Moon Elf gathered in the sky, but eventually failed to catch up.

“It looks like you’ve recovered your consciousness.”

He turned and looked towards Adier in front, his face calmed.

In the distance, Adier also looked up, looking towards the blue robe wizard in the distance.

“The horrible Strength is the most powerhouse I have ever seen.”

Standing on a black stone crystal, looking at the blue robe sorcerer in the distance, Adier remained calm and surprised.

The immense breath on the old elf in front of him is the most powerhouse he has ever seen. Even Gloria, the unfathomable black wizard leader, is not as scary as the other person in his experience.

The mana that is as deep as the sea, and the Spirit that is slightly higher, seems to surpass the Level 2 wizard, reaching a deeper level.

“take it easy.”

It seemed to be feeling the thought in Adier’s heart. Standing in the distance of Adier, the blue robe wizard had a smile on his face: “I’m not malicious to you.”

“Introduce yourself, I’m Kolar, you can also call me High Priest.”

Listening to this, Adier was a little surprised, and then relieved.

Throughout the elf family, he can feel a stronger presence than the leader of the black wizard, Gloria. Who can be except the high priest who claims to be the most powerful house of the elf family?

However, he did not relax his vigilance because of his words.

Earlier, when he was ready to expose the Moon Elf form, he was ready to escape at any time.

Moon Elf Bloodline is not an ordinary thing. For the elf family, Moon Elf’s Bloodline represents not only the ultimate strength, but also the glory of Supreme.

Adier’s identity of Moon Elf is now revealed, so for elf King’s Courtyard, there are only two options before him. Either support Adier, or take advantage of Adier when he is not strong now, and then extract the remaining Moon Elf Bloodline from his body.

Adier believes that at this time around, the elf holding the second idea is by no means a minority.

Thinking of this, he looked at the Kolar in front of him, and the power within the body slowly urged, and instantly linked to a certain world. As long as the faith moves, he can leave from this world.

“Go and pull that sword.”

However, to the surprise of Adier, Kolar’s loud voice sounded again, making Adier choke.

He looked at Kolar in front of him and was a little surprised.

“Don’t think of King’s Courtyard so narrowly.”

Looking at Adier with silver-haired eyes in front of him, Kolar shook his head. “Of course, the Bloodline on your body is attractive, but even if it really kills you and extracts a little residual Bloodline from your corpse? I am afraid even half No Bloodline can be transformed, how can it be compared to a real pure blood Moon Elf. “

Bloodline cannot be fully transformed, and there must be losses in the process of transformation.

If you want to convert your Bloodline into pure blood Moon Elf, under normal circumstances, you must kill at least three Moon Elf and purify all the Bloodline on its body to be possible.

Even if all Bloodline from Adier is extracted at this time, and then grafted on the body of the elf Royal Family, I am afraid that it can only produce at most one miscellaneous blood, which is equivalent to the descendants of pure blood Moon Elf and ordinary elf.

Under normal circumstances, this is also very attractive. After all, even if it is mixed blood, in theory, as long as it is an adult, it can grow to Level 3 at least, but compared with a real pure blood Moon Elf, it is naturally worth more.

“Unplugging Moon King’s Sword, with your strength and Moon Elf’s identity, it is enough to bring out the strength of that advanced magic weapon. At that time, we will discuss other.”

In front of a row of steps, Kolar showed kindness on all sides, and smiled and said to Adier.

After hesitating for a while, listening to the other person’s words, Adier was still nodded, then turned around and continued on the road ahead.

At this point, he was only a dozen meters away from Moon King’s Sword.

This distance is not too long for Adier.

Not long after, he walked to a huge black spar and looked at a silver long sword stuck in it, his right hand slowly extended.

Feeling the Bloodline breath of Adier, silver’s long sword is constantly trembling, and a complex moon mark on it is emitting a faint glow, making Adier within the body’s blood boil.

Resisting this feeling, Adier’s complexion remained calm, right hand holding Moon King’s Sword’s hilt, and then slightly hard on his hand.

Without much resistance, it was very easy. With Kolar’s gaze, this long sword was gently pulled out by Adier, revealing its original appearance.

oh la la ···

The crisp sound kept ringing in place.

A huge warm current was uploaded from the long sword. Almost instantly, the power of the Moon Elf that Adier had previously consumed was restored again, and even faintly increased.

On Adier, the faint Bloodline exudes majesty and spreads out to the surroundings, so that the elf of several dozen meters around can be felt, and my heart becomes extremely depressed.

“It is not very helpful for the growth of mana, but for Moon Elf’s Strength, the blessing is almost a horror.”

Clenching Moon King’s Sword in his hand, feeling the change on his body, Adier judged in his heart.

Perhaps because Moon King’s Sword belongs to the last generation of elf kings, this long sword is extremely powerful for Moon Elf Bloodline.

A huge force of Moon Elf continued to surge from the long sword, and the Wizard Array attached to it flickered, making Adier’s Strength at this time reach Peak.

Holding this Moon King’s Sword and relying on the strength of his first-level Peak, Adier even confidently confronted Gloria, the black wizard leader, in a short time.

“And the heart injury seems to have recovered a lot.” Feeling the change in his body, Adier thought.

Moon Elf’s Bloodline innate talent is born in the heart, but can only be motivated when it grows to a certain degree.

In the past, the reason why Adier was able to motivate is because of Moon King’s Sword’s Strength support, and the threat of Andrew at the time, so Bloodline instinctively subconsciously motivated Moon Elf’s Bloodline power, triggering the previous silver The moon rises, and the moonlight spreads over horror scenes of 1000 meters.

But after that, Adier’s body was also seriously injured, and even with the support of Moon King’s Sword’s Strength, it would not be possible to issue another blow for a long time.

At this time, holding Moon King’s Sword in his hand, the unique Strength above surged towards Adier, causing Adier’s original injuries to slowly heal.

“It seems that the sword did choose you.”

In the distance, watching Adier pull out Moon King’s Sword, feeling Adier’s more powerful breath, Kolar sighed slightly, and then his face became serious: “Since you have passed the Bloodline trial, then according to the previous agreement You are qualified to be my student. “

“Now what’s your choice?”

He looked at Adier in front of him, his voice gradually becoming serious.

Standing opposite Kolar, listening to the other person, hesitated for a while, but in the end, Adier was nodded.

If he can get Moon King’s Sword, the other party has undoubtedly shown his sincerity.

As an advanced magic weapon, with the strength of Adier’s first-level Peak and Moon Elf’s Bloodline, the strength that can be played will not be inferior to a Level 2 Peak wizard.

Although even the wizard of Level 2 Peak will not be Kolar’s elf high priest’s opponent, at least he has a self-protected Strength, and even if he is defeated, he can barely escape under the opponent.

This is Kolar’s sincerity, showing that he is not malicious to Adier, so he actively gave Moon King’s Sword enough to protect himself to Adier.

On the other hand, since the other party has shown sincerity, Adier can naturally rest assured accordingly.

Walking away from other Worlds Although this option can be used as a back road, but less than a last resort, Adier will not choose.

Leaving aside the wizards owned by the Mason region, all of Adier’s friends and family, including Adier’s biological mother and elder sister, and Solana, the student, are currently in this world.

Once Adier walks away from other Worlds, he is certainly safe, but these people will definitely be caught.

Therefore, less than a last resort, Adier did not choose this way.


In front of him, listening to Adier’s words, Kolar was nodded, and then he waved.

A huge force field shrouded the place, next moment, Adier only saw a flash, and the whole body was instantly removed by a huge force field and came to an empty area.

This is a large and luxuriously decorated hall. In the hall, Kolar stood in front of Adier, and then looked towards him: “Give me the ring on your left hand.”

He looked at Adier and opened his mouth and said calmly.

Listening to each other, Adier subconsciously looked towards his left hand, and the black ring with it on it.

The ring was given to him by Gloria, with a trace of Gloria attached to it, which can be used for communication, can also erupt at critical moments, and briefly shelters Adier.

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