The quiet hall, standing in place, Adier hesitated for a while, and finally took off the ring on his hand.

The simple black ring was wrapped in a thin field of force, and directly moved towards Kolar to fly away, and then directly caught by him.

Standing on the side, looking at the black ring on the hand, feeling the familiar atmosphere attached to it, Kolar sighed slightly, and then injected the mana into his ring.

Suddenly, a unique reaction occurred. On the black ring, subtle magic lines flickered, and black gas emerged from above, finally condensing into a zombie pattern with a human zombie.

“Who!” The violent atmosphere was everywhere, and the violent force field was rippling around, spreading around all around Kolar’s multi-handed ring.

At this time, the texture of the Wizard Array began to recover in the halls around, forming a huge enchantment centered on the entire hall, and gently erasing the Strength burst from the ring.

When the violent fluctuations in front of it were subsided, a new picture appeared.

Black’s Strength condenses into a black mirror. At the end of the mirror, the lower body is a snake body, but the upper body is a beautiful female snake woman.

“Unfamiliar and familiar breath, are you a new inheritor of the Snake Woman?”

Gently raised his head, looking at the silhouette that appeared in the mirror in front of him. Kolar looked calm and looked at Gloria’s true form. Some agreed nodded: “Strength is good.”

“Who are you?” A cold voice came from the mirror, hissing.

Gloria’s face was full of coldness, the snake body of the lower body circled in a hall, and the whole body was carried with violent Strength fluctuations, which was enough to make people discolored.

On her body, the faint black mist kept rising, condensing into the shape of a snake behind her, looking very scary.

“Natasha, haven’t you come out yet?”

Looking at Gloria, Kolar did not respond to each other’s questions, and then opened the mouth and said: “In front of me, you have no need to cover up.”

There was a moment’s silence for a while, until after a while, a husky voice broke the silence.

“There are many Kolars, long time no see.”

In the mirror, a black clothed person wearing a black cloak covering his whole body stepped out of Gloria, listening to the sound, it should be an Old Lady.

“Natasha, you are not dead yet.”

Looking at the black clothed person appearing in the mirror, Kolar was more cautious, and his attitude was completely different from when he faced Gloria before.

“You are not the same.”

Looking at Kolar, Natasha’s voice was hoarse, and it seemed a little unexpected: “I didn’t expect that you could live like this.”

“Good luck, I just found some Water of Life that’s all.”

Kolar responded more, then looked towards Gloria: “This child is the inheritor you chose, and it is really good …”

Listening to Kolar’s words, next to Natasha, Gloria frowned subconsciously, but said nothing.

As a black wizard leader, a dignified Level 2 wizard, few people dare treat her in this state.

It’s just that the old elf sorcerer in front of her is obviously more powerful than she imagined, and she is an acquaintance with Natasha.

“Let’s gossip less.”

Natasha spoke again, and the sound of the voice passed through the black mirror into the hall: “What’s the matter?”

“I want to ask you alone.”

Kolar pointed to Adier aside: “I’m going to take him as a student.”


At this moment, Gloria couldn’t help but say, “He is my subordinate.”

Looking at Gloria, she felt her resolute attitude. Kolar was a little surprised, but she looked towards Natasha: “This child is a pure blood Royal Family, and pulled out the Moon King’s Sword, which is most suitable to be my student. Become the next high priest. “

“Pure blood?” After listening to Kolar’s words, Natasha suddenly startled, looking at Kolar’s side Adier.

Standing next to Kolar, Adier was dressed in a white robe, silver’s long hair was scattered, and there was a pure and sacred Bloodline breath on his body. A pair of silver eyes with bright eyes could not be concealed at all.

The distant breeze blew gently, undulating Adier’s long hair. He stood still, with a calm and serene temperament all over him, which was hard to forget.

Looking seriously at the appearance of Adier at this time, Natasha’s face became more dignified: “It is really pure blood Moon Elf, born elf king.”

“Damn, he dangled in front of me for so long before, I couldn’t find it …”

She murmured to herself, with some clear meaning in her words, and seemed a little regretful.

“This child was well covered before, not to mention that you once the king of snake girls, even my elf high priest could not find it.”

Looking at the opposite Natasha, Kolar opened the mouth and said: “This child has the mark of the snake girl you set, and I hope you can unlock it.”

Listening to him, Natasha didn’t speak.

As the former King of Snakes, she understood what a pure-blood Moon Elf meant to Kolar, and knew that the other person would never give up.

It was just impossible for him to let Adier out obediently.

“Gloria and I put that many things into him before, even the higher Meditation Method gave it. Now you let it go?” Standing next to Gloria, Natasha said indifferently.

Kolar didn’t say much, but raised his hand in silence and raised three fingers: “Three times.”

“I can promise you that I will make three shots for you in the next period.”

Opposite, listening to him, Natasha hesitated for a moment.

Strictly speaking, Kolar’s conditions are sincere.

As an old friend, Natasha couldn’t know more about Kolar’s strength.

That’s the power that few people in Level 3 wizards can fight against, even if it is Natasha’s heyday, let alone now.

The magic disaster is coming, and there will be wars everywhere. In this case, the three shots of a Level 3 wizard are undoubtedly interesting.

At least, if the opponent is a Level 2 wizard, Kolar will have an extra spell, and I’m afraid he can kill it directly. Level 2 wizards are already at the top level in the entire Maison region.

Just thinking about the role of Adier, she still shook the head: “In addition to this, I need him to help me make pharmaceuticals.”


Kolar hesitated for a while, then said: “The elf King’s Courtyard stores a lot of precious materials and potions. What you want, just take it directly from me. There is no need to let this child come.”

“Deep Blue Exhaling Breath Medicine.”

On the opposite side, it seems that Kolar is expected to say more, Natasha expressionless, and uttered these words indifferently.

Suddenly, Kolar stopped talking, but looked strangely towards Adier.

“Without doubt, he can indeed make Deep Blue Exhaling Breath Medicine.”

Looking at Kolar’s appearance, Natasha said indifferently: “It must be said that the innate talent of the ancient creatures is indeed strong. In addition to the high wizard qualifications, the innate talent is the best one I have ever seen.”

“Three shots, and this child helped me make pharmaceuticals, these two conditions.”

She looked at Kolar a lot, waiting for what he said.


Kolar took a deep breath, glanced at Adier, and finally nodded.

Probably the conditions were fulfilled, and the atmosphere in the place improved instantly.

Kolar negotiated the specific conditions and then waved his hand to recover his mana.

The black mirror in place disappeared instantly, and the black mist disappeared instantly, turning back into a black ring.

And on Adier’s body, a burning sensation instantly came from him.

He raised his arm subconsciously, just to see the scene.

On his arm, the densely packed black texture instantly appeared, and eventually turned into a black snake girl’s mark. The scales on it were very clear, as if it were real.

The black snake’s mark is blooming, a hot feeling sweeps Adier’s body, and then fades quickly.

By the time Adier came back to his senses, the snake girl’s mark on his arm had disappeared, and his arm looked white without any abnormality.

“This is the mark of the snake girl, it is a kind of protection, it is also a kind of surveillance and restraint.”

On the front, holding the black ring in his hand, Kolar explained more: “This mark is the Bloodline ability of the snake woman, which usually lurks on your body and is difficult to find. And usually it does not hurt you at all.”

“When you are in danger, the Strength carried on this snake girl’s mark can help you prevent fatal injuries.”

“I understand.” Adier nodded, his face as usual, looking unchanged.

“Come with me.”

Looking at Adier, Kolar opened the mouth and said more, then went straight forward.

Behind him, looking at Kolar’s back, Adier didn’t hesitate, followed directly behind Kolar’s, and walked forward.

They walked through several aisles, and finally walked around and came to an altar.

The altar looks tall, seven or eight meters long, and the overall style presents a kind of silver.

In front of the altar, there is a statue with a sword in his hand, standing silently there.

PS: There will be a chapter later

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