“That’s the statue of the last-generation elf king.”

In Adier’s ear, Kolar sounded louder.

Listening to Kolar’s words, Adier looked up and looked towards the altar.

In front of the altar, a statue stood silently, looking like a very handsome elf man, holding a gorgeous long sword in his hand, which was very similar to Moon King’s Sword in Adier’s hand.

“The elf tribe, since ancient times there was the elf King’s Courtyard and the high priest, who together maintained the order and stability of the entire elf tribe.”

On the side, looking at the appearance of Adier, Kolar said more: “The elf King’s Courtyard is responsible for governing the entire elf family, while the high priest is the most powerful powerhouse of the elf family and is responsible for guarding all elf.”

“As a pure-blood Moon Elf, as long as you are an adult, you will automatically have a Strength comparable to a Level 4 wizard. At present, it is definitely the most suitable person to inherit the High Priest.”

He turned around, his eyes were looking towards Adier, his face looked calm: “I said so, do you understand?”

“I understand.” Adier nodded, calm on his face, looking any emotion.


Kolar continued: “From today on, you are my student.”

“Behind the altar in front of me is the library I built, which contains all the knowledge I can search.”

“You can come and go here by yourself, and whatever you need, the entire elf King’s Courtyard will do everything to satisfy you.”

He looked at Adier with some expectation on his face: “In half a month, I will hold a banquet for you and officially announce you as my student in front of the nobles.”

“You can prepare in advance.”

The vicissitudes of aging sounded in the ear, and then next moment, the surrounding scene changed.

The breeze blew gently, and the fragrance of plants and trees came from all around.

Adier looked towards all around, just seeing in the distance, Andela and Lilice and other members of the Orris family were on the side, waiting anxiously there.

Looking at Andela and the others, Adier didn’t go up to say hello, but looked towards around.

There was a flat ground in front of him, and the light around the torch was shining, and several elf wizards stood aside, watching the Andela people firmly.

It seems to have long been informed that after seeing Adier coming, the elf wizards respected saluted and then slowly backed away, leaving some privacy for Adier.

At this time, Andela found Adier who was walking in the distance.

“Master Adier, you are back!”

The moment they saw Adier, the Andela sighed in relief for a moment, and the original nagging mood dropped slightly.

“What did those people do to you?”

Aside, Curtis looked at Adier nervously, seeming a little scared.

After Adier was taken away by Kolar, representatives from many wizard families in the same place were talking.

The birth of a pure-blood Moon Elf is bound to shock the entire elf family, even the major event in the Maison region.

This is a horror creature that can rival the Level 4 wizard as an adult. At present, the most powerhouse on the surface of the entire Maison area is only the Level 2 wizard. This also means that if Adier becomes an adult in the future, the entire Maison region will acknowledge allegiance under his Strength, leaving no room for it.

Especially among the elf family, Moon Elf Bloodline is also known as the King of Moon Elf, which is the true King of Bloodline, and its symbolism is extremely strong.

Bloodline from Pure Blood Moon Elf is undoubtedly a treasure. If it can be extracted for transformation experiments, the value is absolutely unimaginable.

Standing among a group of elf aristocrats, listening to those elf aristocrats discussing such possibilities, Curtis’s original excitement gradually diminished, and he began to become restless. Until now, he saw that Adier had stepped out safely before weakening.


In front of him, looking at the worry of his biological mother, Adier just shook the head calmly, and then said again: “Let’s go.”

“Let’s go?” Andela snapped. “Will you return to Morning Wind City?”

“No, just stay here.”

Adier shook his head: “There is still a lot of work to do in the coming period.”

He turned and looked towards a certain distance, opened his mouth and said blandly.


A few days later, with the cooperation of elf King’s Courtyard, a message spread throughout the Silver Fog Forest.

During the Bloodline trial, a pure blood Moon Elf named Adier appeared, and in the testimony of countless nobles, he pulled out the Moon King’s Sword himself.

Once the news spread, it immediately caused a big storm.

The major elf nobles were eager to move, and when they got the news, there were waves inside.

It’s just that they haven’t waited for them to discuss and deal with it. Another news was sent by King’s Courtyard’s powerful messenger Wizard Array.

The elf high priest Kolar, who has not appeared for many years, appears again. Not only did he suppress the assassination of underground creatures on the Bloodline Trial, he also collected the pure blood Moon Elf as a student, and invited all the nobles to come and participate.

So, no matter what year he held in his heart, the various elf aristocrats set off and sent people towards the elf king again.


In front of the bustling city palace, a grand banquet is underway.

At the banquet, each and everyone in a gorgeous costume elf walked around all around and laughed from time to time.

The hall is luxuriously decorated, surrounded by charming aromas, and there are beautiful gems dotted around it.

On the empty stage in the center of the hall, the elf dancers carefully cultivated by King’s Courtyard had different shapes. At this time, they danced there. The beautiful dance poses a lot of people intoxicated.

The hall in front of us is large and there are many places. At least hundreds of people are seated around it, each of them is an aristocrat with a history of out of the ordinary, representing a certain elf family with a long history.

Outside the hall, more aristocrats are sitting outside. Although there are also food and dancers, looking at the aristocrats sitting in the hall, they still have envy.

On this occasion in front of us, everyone who was able to sit in the lobby was very powerful. There were either administrative officers in the family or formal wizards.

And while those sitting outside the hall were also nobles, they were basically small and medium nobles. Many did not even receive invitations, but came by themselves.

Adra were sitting outside at this time.

The Orris family, although considered to be a moderate noble, is not qualified at all in front of the scene. As a result, only the relationship between Curtis and Latina entrusted Adier, and Andela and Lilice and the others could only sit outside.

However, even though they were outside the lobby, they were not idle. At this time, they were pulling Adier’s big skin around to draw relationships with other people. They also gained flattery from many people and took the opportunity to reach out to cooperate with many families.

“Come here! Come here!” Several voices sounded around.

Waves of abnormal noise came from a distance, and then a deep and pleasant music came from a distance.

Under the gaze of everyone, several elf dancers moved forward, followed by several elf singers carrying the organ.

Their elf language sang euphemistic and deep songs, and the sound spread around them with the help of spell, so that everyone could hear it.

In this context, in the rear, a group of people crowded forward along several silhouettes.

Adier was wearing a white robe, his long silver hair was carefully combed, his handsome and delicate face looked calm, and his bright eyes were reflected in the pale silver eyes.

On his body, the majesty of Bloodline belonging to the ancient Moon Elf was leaked out a little, and the atmosphere at the scene was more suppressed at once, giving him a majesty out of thin air.

And next to Adier, an elf girl was standing side by side with a solemn moonlight sacrifice robe on her body, with a strong British spirit on her beautiful appearance, and a grit of determination and courage emerged from her brows.

“Is Edith Princess?”

On the side, an aristocrat recognized the identity of the girl next to Adier, and was curious: “Why is she here?”

“I can’t see it yet?”

Aside, there were other nobles sneering: “Bloodline of the ancient Moon Elf, who doesn’t care?”

“Etis Princess is the daughter of King Kast. It looks like she hasn’t got a match yet.”

There was a murmur of murmurs passing around, and although it was very low, it was still clearly heard by Adier.

With the light of his eyes, Ades, looking towards, the other person’s face was a little red at this time, and it seemed that he also heard the voices of people around him.

Shook the head, not paying attention to these details, led by the dancer in front of him, Adier immediately went forward.

After a while, in the hall, he saw two silhouettes sitting at the front end.

That was King Kast, the ruler of the elf King’s Courtyard generation, and Kolar, the elf high priest.

At this point, they sat in the upper position and looked at them coming from outside. They looked so good that Adier and Edith looked at each other, then nodded each other.

The sound of music is still around, but by this time, a different tone has been changed.

The nobles around stopped their movements and cast their eyes on the two Adiers in front. For a while, there were no other sounds besides the quiet and peaceful sound of music.

“Congratulations, Adier.”

Above, looking at Adier, Kolar smiled on his face, and then held something.

It was an emerald-colored ring with a complex mark engraved on it, which looked very beautiful and full of a hidden force field fluctuation.

“Spirit force field detected …” In his mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded.

In front of her, Adier respected the ring and put it directly on her hand.

In the distance, looking at this scene, the rest of the nobles and wizards had complex faces, and stared at Adier with some inexplicable meaning.

That emerald ring is not an ordinary ring, but a famous guardian artifact in the Silver Fog Forest, and it is also the inheritance of the high priests of all ages.

Kolar gave this ring to Adier more, and it goes without saying that this consciousness is equivalent to confirming the status of Adier’s next heir.

Sure enough, next moment, Kolar was loud.

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