Adier’s silhouette stood quietly in the quiet open space.

He walked to the center and took a few things out of the Emerald Space.

It was several bottles of different colored potions, and a silver fruit. At this time, it was placed there, emitting a faint amount of silver, and it looked very strange.

Sitting on a stone platform and adjusting his body condition, Adier took the potion of Grade 1 golden and drank it directly.

The next moment, a heat flow emerged from his body, and the power of Moon Elf in the blood was boiling, all roaring toward the heart, accelerating Adier’s whole blood circulation.

From the outside, Adier’s eyes became brighter with a touch of silver, making it hard to look directly into his eyes.

“let’s start.”

Feeling the abnormality on his body, Adier thought in his mind, his body’s breath began to change in an instant, and he began to meditate in the way recorded by Moon God’s Sacrifice.

A huge change is happening in the Spirit Sea.

The Spirit force of nothingness circulates in the Spirit sea like liquid, and looks like a sea.

Above the Spirit Sea, a huge scorching sun is shining, the brightness of a colorful crystal bloom covers the entire Spirit Sea, and a strong bloom of a twisting force field releases a kind of hazy wave, which is interacting with the entire Spirit The sea echoes.

As Adier first entered deep meditation, the Spirit Sea in front of him began to boil.

The seawater-like Spirit force is burning by little by little, and there is a pure Strength bloom on it, turning into a little gleam of condensation, until it condenses into a transparent color crystal.

“Everything goes well. Next, it’s time to cure the spell.”

Feeling that the Spirit power in the Spirit Sea is being consumed a lot, Adier’s face became a little pale, but still relaxed.

Burn the Spirit force in the Spirit sea to condense the second spell crystal. This is the first step to promote Level 2 wizard.

This step is also the most test of the Wizard ’s Spirit purity, as well as the total Spirit power. As long as one of the two standards does not meet the standard, it will immediately backlash and directly make the promotion fail.

After this step, the next step is to inscribe the Level 2 spell for promotion in the condensed spell crystal.

For this step, Adier didn’t hesitate, and while he was still awake, he began to meditate on the magic template he had prepared in the Spirit Sea.

The magic template he used to promote the Level 2 Wizard was already prepared at this time and is one of four spells obtained from Moon King’s Sword. After reading a lot of knowledge of the elf family, in the past few months, Adier also used the chip to improve and develop this spell to make it more perfect in the original version.

The name of this Level 2 spell is called natural induction. It does not have attack and defense capabilities, but it can greatly increase the wizard’s induction, making the wizard more sensitive to various dangers, and even obtaining Bloodline innate talent similar to the snake woman, who can perceive the emotions of other lives.

For Adier, this spell is definitely a good fit.

With Moonline’s Bloodline Strength, he has no shortage of offenses. In terms of defensiveness, the Warping Barrier spell has also been solidified. The only thing missing is the ability to predict danger.

After all, with the ability to shuttle the world, it is foreseeable that Adier will frequently enter other worlds in the future.

Different worlds are full of different dangers, and even for the wizard, sometimes one carelessness can lead to fatal consequences.

So to some extent it is important to have the ability to detect danger.

That’s why Adier chose this spell.

The promotion in front of him is still going on. On a stone platform, Adier sits quietly with his eyes closed and his face looks quite calm.

As he plunged into deeper meditation, under him, the stone platform began to glow, and the strips of texture above began to emerge, blooming in subtle light, and finally converging to the center, all shining on Adier.

The faint light began to undulate, and as Adier’s consciousness drowned in the Spirit Sea, in front of his forehead, an emerald-colored imprint of the ancient tree appeared quietly, and was faintly radiating.

Under the Strength of the Emerald Mark, Adier’s consciousness began to get lost, and in an inexplicable connection, was connected to a horrible existence in the distance.

Unconsciously, Adier opened his eyes.

What appeared to me was a sea of ​​stars. The densely packed stars are all around, and at this time all are blooming, making Adier helpless at this time.

“this is···”

He hugged in place, then realized that his body began to rise slowly, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

In a unique connection, he turned and looked in a certain direction.

It was an extremely large star, with a thick mist rising and falling on it, giving a strange and disturbing feeling.

This star is much larger than the other stars around it, hardly smaller than the one under Adier’s feet.

And on that star, an intimacy from Bloodline came from there, with a deep sadness.

Feeling this grief from the bottom of his heart, Adier put his hand over his chest and looked in that direction, wondering: “What’s there?”

Tone barely fell, and the Strength of the Emerald Mark instantly spread, magnifying his sight, allowing him to connect with a great will in the distance through the connection between Strength and Bloodline.

When the eyes opened again, the scene in front of me started to change.

Surrounded by a deserted land, on the ground, there are altars and tombstones.

“this is···”

I watched this scene, Adier stood still, a little stunned.

The ground underneath was blood red. At the beginning, it seemed that a brutal battle had occurred. The blood contaminated the ground, and the whole land was red. Until now, standing on the ground, Adier can still feel the kind of pulse, and strong bloody air.

The place was shrouded in sorrow and despair. Just standing here for a short while, Adier could feel a deep sadness and despair.

Feeling this emotion, he turned and looked towards the rear.

In the rear, altars and tombstones stand. Each tombstone has an inexplicable handwriting, not a language familiar to Adier, but there is a strong will attached to it, which accurately conveys its meaning to Adier In my heart.

If you look closely, these tombstones are different. Some tombstones have significantly more handwriting. The tombstones above look the same, and even faintly shine.

“The King of the Plateaus, the Guardian of the Highlands, the tomb of the great wizard Cllados, Level 5 …”

Standing on the spot, randomly looking towards a certain tombstone, the message contained on it was instantly conveyed to Adier’s mind, making him suddenly pause: “Level 5 Big Wizard …”

Level 5 Wizard, this is a terrible existence that Adier has never imagined.

Even if Moon Elf’s Bloodline reaches Peak, it can only reach Level 4 wizards. In the face of Level 5 wizards, they are still ants, and there is no comparability at all.

In front of him, a tombstone of a Level 5 wizard is standing in front of him, and in this tombstone, it looks insignificant, like an ordinary tombstone.

Qiang suppressed the shock in his heart, and Adier barely kept his face calm and continued to look at the other tombstones.

Next, the names of all kinds are constantly seen from each tombstone.

Wherever the King of Dragons, the guardian of ancient elf, the ancient beast, the sage … All kinds of seemingly tall names are seen from time to time from various tombstones.

As for the strength of these deceased during their lifetime, each and everyone is at least a Level 4 wizard, and Level 5 wizards are not among the few, which makes Adier see somewhat numb.

After passing a tombstone, he started to walk up.

Going all the way to the highest point, under some induction, he looked at a certain tombstone.

It was an emerald tombstone, placed on top of the altar. There are a large number of handwritings on the tombstone, which is almost the most number of words Adier has seen.

Compared with other tombstones, this tombstone still looks very new. The handwriting on it seems to have just been carved, and even the entire tombstone is glowing slightly. A Strong wave with the same origin as the emerald mark slowly blooms, making Adier A sense of intimacy rose in my heart.

He looked towards the tombstone, and then in an instant, the content of the above handwriting came to his mind: “The elder ancestor of the ancient elf, the King of Tree of Life, Jadeite World …”

A large amount of information flowed into Adier’s mind in an instant, which made Adier’s face instantly shocked.

Before he could reflect on it, the earth began to tremble around.

Strands of black air kept emerging all around, a sad and desperate mood poured into the heart, making Adier’s original calm complexion start to change, with a slight distortion.

The next moment, the tombstone in front of me started to glow.

A mighty shore of the World Tree reveals its shape, gently drapes an emerald glow, envelopes Adier, and pushes outward.

“Go back …” A gentle, moving voice came to my ears.

At the next moment, Adier’s consciousness disappeared and he returned to the vast Spirit Sea.

In the vast Spirit Sea, the originally vast lake-like Spirit force shrank sharply at this time, leaving only a small portion of the original.

Only on this small half of the Spirit force, the originally seemingly blurred Spirit force has changed again. It starts to see a little golden, which looks like a golden golden amber, and looks very beautiful.

Above the Spirit Sea, two crystals, like two suns, stood quietly in the sky.

One of them, with its colorful colors, shows a lot of rune about the movement of energy particles, which represents the twisted force field.

As for the other one, it is transparent. The rune structure above is extremely unique, exuding a hazy atmosphere.

From the outside, a huge breath emerged from Adier, and then at the next moment, Adier opened his eyes, and there was a huge Spirit flashing in Silver’s eyes.

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