“Is the scene I saw before a dream or a real one?”

Opening his eyes fiercely, sitting on the stone platform of silver, Adier gasped, his body was a little confused.

He thought of the scene he had seen before, the right hand stroking his forehead unconsciously, where an emerald-colored imprint was emerging, at this time it was shimmering and looked very bright.

A deep memory leaked from the emerald mark, and the scenes that he had experienced before were directly turned into a stream of information, and then deep into his mind, he could not forget.

“Tombstone of the elder ancestor …”

He muttered to himself, thinking of the scene he had seen before, and suddenly remembered the Scourge Lord he had met in the past.

According to the Scourge lord, he and Adier’s ancestors participated in the war against Scourge World. Eventually their ancestors defeated, and their descendants were also affected by the curse of Scourge World. Since then, most of them will be ominous and difficult. Grow to a higher level.

Everything that the other person described overlaps with the scene that Adier saw this time, so he couldn’t help muttering to himself: “Mother of the Emerald, what do you want to tell me …”

The mother of emerald is another name for the ancient tree of life and the source of the emerald mark.

Up to now, Adier also guessed faintly. The emerald mark on him may be the cloth of the emerald mother, in order to suppress the curse on him, so that he can have enough time to grow.


Thinking of the curse on his body, Adier’s complexion instantly gloomy and uncertain.

After being promoted to Level 2 Wizard, after successfully curing the natural induction spell, Adier’s induction force at this time was ten times stronger, and it continued to grow with time.

Such a terrible sense of force, something that could not be detected in the past, can be felt faintly at this time.

At this moment, Adier clearly felt that in the depths of his body, there was a horrible Strength full of corrosion and aggressiveness, faintly revealing a little breath.

This Strength is very deep, and it is suppressed by the Emerald Mark. Even if Adier’s sensing ability at this time can only feel the accuracy of this Strength.

“It really doesn’t stop.”

Feeling the Strength that was lurking on him, it took a long time before Adier’s face returned to calmness.

After all, people have to look at the present, no matter how terrible the Strength cursed within the body, at this time under the suppression of the Emerald Mark, it can not have any impact on Adier.

As long as the Strength of the Emerald Mark is consumed, you can raise your Strength to the point where you may be able to block the cursed Strength.

“It’s just that, like that time-consuming way, I’m afraid I can’t do it.” Thinking of this, Adier’s face was a bit disgusting.

Adier has never been a radical person.

His original plan was to be honest in the Silver Fog Forest for hundreds of years, wait until he was strong enough, and then find a way to explore other Worlds.

As a pure-blood Moon Elf, with Adier’s qualifications and the powerful learning ability obtained with the help of a chip, as long as she honestly stays for hundreds of years and has the support of the entire elf family, she can be promoted to Level 4 wizard sooner or later.

At that time, with the Level 4 Wizard’s Strength, and with the assistance of the entire elf family, the Maison Region is unified with no difficulty at all, and you don’t need to take any risk at all to be able to walk on the Peak of Life perfectly.

Unfortunately, the curse that Moon Elf Bloodline brought with it made Adier’s plan completely ruined.

heaven knows how many years the emerald mark on him can last, if the Moon Elf Bloodline of Adier within the body has not matured, the curse on his body will erupt in advance, it is really funny.

“The original plan was disrupted, and it will never work for the elf family. It seems that the arrangements to go to other Worlds must still be on the agenda.”

Covering his forehead, Adier’s face was a little unsightly, and then the right hand stretched out, directly picking up a beautiful fruit of silver on one side, and then biting it down.

The faint scent of fragrance scattered around was intoxicating, and the energy particles in the air seemed to be faintly active.

After eating this fruit without changing his face, Adier’s body changed a little moment.

The originally disordered atmosphere began to calm down. Prior to that, the exhausted mana was replenished because of the recent promotion, and the feeling of weakness in the body was instantly relieved.

“Good thing, unfortunately, even if I go through the collection of elf King’s Courtyard, I only find this one.”

Feeling the change in his body, Adier sighed, and then picked up a few other bottles of medicine, and drunk them one by one.

After all the potions were drunk, Adier looked towards his physical data.

“Name: Adier.Fax. Strength: 44.2. Agility: 46.5. Constitution: 45.3. Blood purity: 61.2%. Boundary Energy: 0.1. Bloodline: Moon Elf (infant).”

Unsurprisingly, after promotion to Level 2 Wizard, almost all the data has a big cut, and it will gradually increase over time.

Compared to the previous attribute panel, the Spirit purity option has disappeared at this time, and it is replaced by the new option of cell purity.

“Spirit purity is the most important measure for first-class wizards. As for flesh purity, it is the standard among Level 2 wizards.” Looking at his new attribute panel, Adier thought.

In the past few months, I have accumulated a lot of knowledge from the elf family, as well as personal coaching from Kolar, a Level 3 wizard. Adier is no stranger to Level 2 wizard training.

If at this stage of the first-level wizard, the wizard is pursuing to improve the purity of his Spirit power in order to promote the Level 2 wizard. So in Level 2 Wizard, if you want to improve yourself, you need to use your own high-quality Spirit to little by little to demonize your own flesh and blood cells.

Based on the wizard’s research capabilities, a high magnification Microscope has long been invented. Although it is not as good as the chip’s magnification ability, it is still no problem to see the cells hidden under the flesh.

Level 2 wizard practice is based on this.

At this stage, the wizard needs to study his own flesh in detail, and then use his strong Spirit to go to the cells on the body of little by little magic incarnation to further transform the entire body.

In this process, you need to have a strong understanding of your own flesh and blood, and you need to have a strong enough degree of Spirit purification.

This stage also has the highest requirements for Spirit power purification. Normally, although at the stage of the first-level wizard, as long as the Spirit power purification degree is above 80%, you can try to promote to a formal wizard, but then the promoted wizard is undoubtedly not solid. , At this stage of Spirit’s flesh and blood will be very disadvantaged.

The spiritual wizard with a lower degree of purity is more difficult to use Spirit to enchant a piece of flesh, and sometimes it is impossible to complete the enchantment at all, and he can only be trapped in the level 2 wizard, and cannot continue to move forward.

“I have a great advantage in the practice of Level 2 wizards.”

Sitting on the stone platform of Silver, Adier thought quietly: “With the existence of chips, I have a thorough understanding of my flesh and blood, and I don’t need to spend the time and effort to study my flesh and blood like other wizards.”

“And in terms of Spirit’s degree of purification, I also have a great advantage, almost close to 100% …”

There are many reminders from Kolar, as well as the entire elf family of materials. For Spirit’s degree of purity, Adier can spare no effort.

I do n’t know how many precious materials and potions are used, various advanced spells and baptism are used all over, and even Kolar, the Level 3 wizard, has taken the shot himself, and helped Adier wash the Spirit impurities with the secret method. It wasn’t until the level of Spirit’s purity could be improved that Adier began to try to impact Level 2 wizards.

Therefore, in terms of Spirit’s degree of purification, Adier is afraid to say that there are no ancient people, but presumably, most of the so-called talented wizards have no pressure, and it is absolutely sufficient to serve as the foundation.

Probably checked the changes on his body, after a long time, Adier got up and walked off the stone platform.

With the opening of natural induction, everything around me clearly came to my mind and was perceived by Adier. This feeling is very strange. He obviously didn’t open his eyes or Spirit, but he could accurately feel the surroundings, even the cheering and annihilation of one of the energy particles.

Of course, this unique induction can only last in the surrounding several meters. Beyond this range, the more you extend out, the more obscure you can feel.

At several ten meters, Adier can only vaguely feel if there is a strong vitality in that place, as for the specific sight, it is impossible to feel.

Shook the head, after a while, probably adapted to this feeling, Adier went out.

With the ringing of a bell, outside the hall, a door opened in response. Among them, two elf guards, who were very tall and majestic in silver and white armor, came in and looked at Adier in front of him, kneeling directly on one knee. : “Master Adier!”

Two ambiguous emotions passed into Adier’s mind instantly, and they were detected by an inexplicable induction.

It was a mixture of awe, respect, and enthusiasm, very clear and obvious.

This is one of the powerful abilities brought by the solidification of natural induction. It can be like a snake girl and can sense the emotions in the hearts of other lives.

Of course, this ability is still very weak at this time. You can clearly sense when you are weaker than Adier, but if the opponent is stronger than Adier, the induction will be weakened.

“Let people clean it up.”

As he casually commanded, Adier walked out.

A short while later, he came to a spacious room with a gorgeous decoration, where an elf old man wearing a blue sacrifice robe was sitting there, and it looked like he had been sitting for a long time.

“Kolar is much teacher.”

Walking into the room, looking at the old man in front of him, Adier bowed slightly, saluted toward the other side.

“Adier, you’re out.”

Listening to Adier’s voice, Kolar had many eyes opened, and looked at Adier in front of him, feeling the undisguised breath on his body, his face could not help but feel a little relieved: “Okay, it seems you have succeeded.”

“It’s all thanks to the teacher.” Adier respectfully replied.

As he spoke, he carefully sensed how much Kolar was in front of him.

It was only in an instant, a huge pressure came to Adier, even if Adier had just promoted Level 2’s strength, he couldn’t help but feel a bit scary.

As for the emotions on the other side, it is completely impossible to sense, but only touches a little margin and cannot accurately detect it.

“You don’t have to be humble.”

Looking at Adier, Kolar smiled on his face: “It is possible to be promoted to Level 2 Wizard at this age. This qualification, even in the records of many elf kings in ancient times, is extremely excellent.”

Listening to this, Adier smiled on his face and didn’t answer.

“Speaking of which, now that you have been promoted to Level 2 Wizard, there are some things that can be left to you now.”

In front of him, Kolar’s face turned straight and he looked at Adier.

“What’s the matter?” Looking at Kolar’s complexion, Adier took it seriously.

“Bring my people and go around.”

Kolar more opened the mouth and said: “In the past few months, underground creatures in various places have appeared more frequently, disasters have occurred in many surrounding cities, and the existence of many suspected degraded wizards has appeared in various places, giving them The main sacrifice brought a lot of trouble. “

“In just a few months, just over a dozen white robe sacrifices killed a dozen, and the main sacrifice level also killed three.”

When he heard this, Adier was suddenly shocked. He didn’t expect the situation to be so bad.

The so-called white robe sacrifice refers to the unique sacrifice system of the elf family. The high priest is the leader of the sacrifice, and the white robe sacrifice is equivalent to a formal wizard.

As for the main sacrifice, each is served by a Metamorphosis Stage wizard, who is responsible for maintaining some important cities to maintain the rule of King’s Courtyard.

Now, in just a few months, more than a dozen white robes have been sacrificed, and three main sacrifice have died.

This is already equivalent to the full strength of a large force in the Maison Region. Even in the entire elf family, the weight is definitely not light, and it is definitely worthy of attention.

“What did the teacher command?” Thinking of this, Adier frowned, asked Kolar in front of him.

“I want you to take the place of me and go around and try to solve the chaos in as few places as possible.”

Looking at Adier in front of him, Kolar solemnly opened the mouth and said.

“Magic disasters are beginning to take hold everywhere. At this time, King Kast needs to sit in King’s Courtyard, and I need to preside over the King’s Guardian Wizard Array, and cannot leave easily.”

“At this time, it’s only you who is best suited to do this.”

Kolar sighed a little more.

Listening to his words, Adier pondered for a while before being nodded.

At this time, he was indeed the best candidate.

After being promoted to Level 2 Wizard, with his Moon Elf Bloodline, Adier will not be inferior to some senior Level 2 Wizards based on their strength alone.

If you add Moon King’s Sword, which is a high-level magic weapon in your hand, Adier at this time, even if facing Kast King, you can compete positively. The remaining Level 2 wizards are not likely to be Adier unless they are the top class Opponent.

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