“Master Adier, you are here.” A quiet, husky voice suddenly sounded in the quiet place.

In a flat field, a middle-aged elf wearing a gray sacrifice robe was a bit vicissitudes. At this time, looking at Adier walking in the distance, he could not help walking forward.

“Chard, how is the situation here?”

Looking at the middle-aged elf in front of him, Adier nodded, then asked casually.

The middle-aged elf is one of the main sacrifice Kolar sent to assist Adier this time, and even a wizard in the Metamorphosis Stage can be considered very good, and he has a good experience and can handle many things very well. This time helped Adier a lot.

“This … the situation is a bit complicated.”

Standing in front of Adier, listening to Adier’s words, Chard smiled with a bitter smile on his face: “Please come with me.”

After speaking, when he saw Adier nodded, he turned around and took a group of people on horseback and walked to the side.

They hurried in the wilderness, and after a while, they walked to a small camp.

There was a faint black smoke in the distance. In the small camp, some elf guards set fire to cook, and some people were on the sidelines, bringing some fireworks to this place.

When he came to this place, Chard called a few followers, and then took Adier to a cave on the side.

“this is?”

Walking into the cave, and before walking too long, Adier frowned, feeling an unusual breath permeating the surrounding: “The breath of the underground world?”

“Not bad.”

In front of Adier, Chard was nodded: “This is an entrance we have newly discovered. It looks like any other place, allowing the creatures of the underground world to pass through.”

“Are you sure?” Adier frowned.

Strictly speaking, there are many entrances to the underground world and the world on the ground, but not every entrance can pass.

Although some entrances exist, for various reasons, they are not suitable for use as passages, and have no use value, so there is no need to worry.

There are often very few channels through which the life of the underground world can enter, and almost all have been discovered in the past history. Therefore, everyone is staring at the entrance at all times, and arranged multiple Wizard Arrays on it to try to stop those underground creatures. enter.

This is why the magic disaster is not too serious now.

Most of the underground creatures entering the above-ground World are entered through some missing small entrances, which not only have great limitations, but also need to pay a price to enter, which is far less than those already opened.

“We suspect that those dark elf wizards who previously attempted to assassinate King Kast Your Majesty may have entered through this newly discovered channel.”

Standing in front of Adier, while walking forward, Chard explained: “Otherwise, there is no way to explain why they came so soon.”

“Go in and see.” Adier frowned, thinking of the dark elf Prince named Andrew before.

They continued to move forward, and after about half an hour, they reached the end of this time.

Strands of light spread from the front, and the radiance of the silver shone around, making the surroundings extremely bright.

Feeling these lights, Adier looked forward.

In front of me is a very spacious place.

The cave was intentionally widened, and the space inside was large enough to squeeze thousands of people.

And at the top of the cave, several huge spar hung high, emitting a faint silver radiance, and the surroundings were illuminated like daylight.

In this place, the corrosion from the underground world is getting more and more intense. There is a faint black mist in the space, and occasionally there are several roaring silhouettes, and a faint roar sound is heard from time to time, which is alarming.

Coming here, Adier closed his eyes and felt it carefully.

In the strong corrosive atmosphere, there was indeed a sense of familiarity that swirled around him, although it was already faint, but still felt by him.

That’s the breath that comes from Andrew. The unique breath that Moon Elf Bloodline used to adapt to the underworld makes Adier very memorable.

With this discovery, Adier’s face suddenly became heavier.

He didn’t speak, but looked up towards the distance, where a bloody and rotten breath was so strong that he couldn’t help frowning.

With his strong eyesight, he can even see the corpse piled up on the ground in the distance, and the dried flesh and blood on the ground. At this time, there is a foul odor, which can be smelled from far away.

“This is a blood sacrifice.” Behind Adier, the accompanying Faral frowned, feeling the horror in the distance, and a little more disgusted on his face: “I feel the sorrow of the necromancer. I am afraid at least thousands of elf have died here. And even powerful elf wizards. “

“It seems that most of those elf who have been missing recently have been caught here.”

Chard’s face was also a little unsightly, but he still remained calm: “Several of our sacrifices have been calculated. It should not be that many elf if only the undead and other underground creatures make trouble.”

“The reason why these undead and underground creatures appear frequently is that I want to create an illusion so that we ignore the surroundings.”

“However, we still found it here.” There was a sacrifice socket on the side.

“No, it’s late.” Chard shook his head. “The blood sacrifice here has been completed, and it is no longer possible to strengthen it here.”

“The purpose of those dark elf has been achieved, I am afraid that there are still two or three years at the earliest, the passage here will be completely penetrated, and the underground creatures will rush out together.”

Listening to this, the surrounding elf’s face was a little unsightly.

There was a moment of silence in place, until Adier’s voice sounded again.

“Let’s go and see.” He said, looking at the bones piled up below.

Listening to Adier’s words, the others were silently nodded, and then continued to move forward.

As they walked forward, the bloody smell in the distance became heavier, with an unpleasant smell of flesh and blood.

However, the elf present was basically a wizard. I ca n’t say that I ’m completely used to this kind of scene, but at least I wo n’t lose self-control, so at this time all the faces went forward calmly, without any fear and worry that ordinary people should have. .

Roar! !

The sound of roar coming from all around, the sound of this weapon falling to the ground, echoed in this cave for a long time, as if coming from all directions together, it seemed terrifying and weird.

In the distance, a few dead corpses slowly stood up. At this moment, they looked very embarrassed, each and everyone struggling to climb towards the Adier entire group, with a vague but bloody light in their eyes.

“These bodies have been infected by Spirit impurities and the breath of the underground world.”

Looking at the struggling corpse around him, Faral frowned, making such a judgment.

There are many ghouls in front of them, maybe because they are too close to the entrance to the underground world, and they haven’t died long. There is a high probability that the corpses will be demonized. Almost every ten corpses will change. Become a ghoul, at this time smelling the breath of the Adier entire group stood up, looking densely packed.

bump! bang!

Several huge explosions sounded around, accompanied by the roar and boiling of mana.

Around Adier, several elf wizards also came out, and the glow of spell swirled around him, covering the surroundings for a while, sweeping the corpses around gradually.

Although these ghouls look scary, in fact they may not be as strong. Except for a few ghouls in front of Knight and the wizard, the other ghouls are very fragile. They will immediately crash when they encounter the spell of an official wizard. It is impossible to fight against it.

In the spacious cave, the glow of spells continued to light, and it took a full ten minutes to stop slowly.

“Returners have burned all the bodies here.”

Looking at a dead body in the distance, Adier opened the mouth and said, “I don’t want to run into these things every time I come down.”

While speaking, there was a slight spread of coercion on his body, and Moon Elf Bloodline was born to dominate the attributes of the king of ordinary elf, making the rest of the elf in the presence of the heart uncontrollable.

“Yes.” Faral followed him respectfully.

Having said this, they fell silent again, with only a few crisp footsteps still ringing.

After walking for a while, they finally reached the end of this time.

It was a huge altar, and above it, a huge statue stood.

The statue is huge and looks like a beautiful woman. It only has six arms, and its face looks beautiful and intelligent, but with a weird smile.

Below this statue, in the middle of the altar, a huge mouth is placed, there is a faint black mist rising constantly, with all kinds of corrosive breath.

“An unknown force field is detected, it is recommended to leave immediately …” In his mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded again.

At the sound of the chip, Adier looked up and looked towards the statue in front of him.

“This statue … is dangerous.”

Looking at the statue in front of him, Adier’s face gradually became dignified, and an unusually sharp instinct rose in his heart, giving him a sense of instinct and danger.

It was the natural sense of Strength at work that made him instinctively feel the danger of the statue.

The same is true for chip inspection.

On this statue, it is full of a powerful force field that Adier has never seen, just like the atmosphere of the underground world, weird and full of corrosiveness, but it is much more powerful and complicated, so that the chip cannot be analyzed in a short time. thorough.

“This should be the statue of the Mother of Darkness.” Chard’s voice sounded aside.

At this moment, he was looking at the tall statue in the distance, and his eyes were more dignified.

“Chip, bring up the information of the Mother of Darkness.” Adier said silently, standing still.

“Mother of Darkness, dominated by the active evil gods in the ancient glory period, the shape is a beautiful woman with six arms, a dark and evil incarnation, and a strength of bewitching spirit …”

“In ancient times, the mother of darkness and the ancestor of glory fought, the corpse fell into the underground world after defeat, the flesh turned into magic, and the bone turned into a curse …”

The sound of the chip in my head kept ringing, and a large number of data streams emerged into Adier’s mind.

“Ancient Evil God …”

Listening to this name, Adier’s face was a little dignified.

In ancient times, none of the ancient wizards could be called evil gods, and none of them were simple goods.

Now that the Mother of Darkness is known to be dominated by evil gods, its Strength may be even more terrifying.

Such horror exists, and if it can, Adier never wants to have a relationship with the other party.

“There is the entrance to the underground world.” At this time, Faral suddenly opened the mouth and said, looking at the huge black hole in the middle of the altar, his face was a little dignified.

“The Strength of the Underground World against the Underground World is still there. These underground creatures will not be able to come up in a short time.”

Chard opened the mouth and said: “However, the strength of blood sacrifice strengthens this channel, and the protection here is rapidly declining.”

“Can you look down?” At this point, Adier opened the mouth and said.

“This … it’s okay.”

Listening to this, Chard was hesitant: “However, the exclusion of the underground world from the world on the ground also exists. Even if we go in, we can only wander in the passageway, we cannot enter the underground world.”

“And doing so is somewhat risky.”

“It’s okay.” Adier opened the mouth and said: “The rejection of the two Worlds is still there, and there are probably not many powerful wizards on that side now. Our group of people can go in and ensure security.”

He looked at the huge passage in front of him, feeling the feeling on his body, and said so.

Listening to these words, the surrounding sacrifices were nodded and agreed.

Just standing next to Adier, Chard was still a little worried: “Nevertheless, there are still some risks in doing so. Why not let me take someone to investigate?”

“Yeah.” Adier nodded this proposal. After thinking about it, he didn’t reject it.

After getting Adier’s nodded, Chard didn’t hesitate. After sorting out his body, he took a few main sacrifices and cautiously walked down the passage.

Time passed for a long time, and it wasn’t until more than two hours before Chard came out again.

Compared with before entering, at this time, including Chard, several sacrificial complexion ashens have a disordered atmosphere, and it seems that their mana has been consumed a lot.

Looking at the confused expressions of Adier, Chard didn’t speak, just smiled and took out a blue crystal ball, and then injected only a little mana into his body.

The blue crystal ball glowed instantaneously, and the blue light formed a scene in front of the eyes, which completely recorded the image of Chard bringing people into the passage.

In the image, Adier and the others saw underground creatures covering the mountains and the plains.

Dark elf, black hand, dark tree sperm, dark orc … All kinds of underground creatures that Adier knows and does n’t understand are densely packed, like hills, stacked on the other side of the passage, almost will Chalder and the others are completely enclosed.

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