In the narrow cave, the light blue light is slowly blooming, and one of the pictures is slowly showing.

In a dark channel, the endless underground creatures are arranged in pieces. Although the breath on the body is not strong, the number is too much, but the whole thing is exposed, there is an integer.

In the picture, looking at this amazing scene in front of him, Chard did not to act blindly without thinking, but cautiously lurked, watching the actions of the underground creatures quietly.

In their observations, those underground creatures continued to pour towards the entrance of each and everyone, and then an astonishing scene emerged.

Hundreds of underground creatures rushed towards a certain entrance together, but eventually turned into a blood mist under the rejection and suppression of some Strength, and the whole body exploded directly into a piece of ground meat.

Of the hundreds of underground creatures, only a dozen have the strength and luck to be able to rush to the entrance to the world at the moment when the Seal Strength weakens.

This scene is clearly emerging, and Chalder and the others are still lurking there, until a few underground creatures with strong positions come to the vicinity, stop after keenly finding them, and fight and retreat Escaped and displayed the recorded picture in front of Adier.

“It’s horrible …”

This is the end of the picture that appeared in front of me. Looking at the recorded scene, Adier couldn’t help but sigh, and was shocked by the madness and background of the underground world.

“Just to allow some people to enter the World on the ground, it consumes so many lives, these underground creatures are really crazy.” Aside, Faral also sighed, looking a little heavy.

At the current stage, each of the underground creatures that can try to impact the seal must be close to Knight’s existence, even if they are in the elf family, they can get enough respect and status.

But in the underground world, such Knight-level creatures are consumed alive, just to allow about 10% of the underground creatures to enter the above-ground world.

Not to mention this madness and Faral and the others, even Adier was shocked.

“Underground world is not the same as the world on the ground.” A husky voice sounded in his ear.

The blue crystal ball was put away, and Chard’s breath returned to a stable state. At this time, opened the mouth and said: “Unlike the Maison region, in the underground world, those ancient Bloodline are still there. Many glorious periods were expelled by the ancient wizard. All races are still multiplying in the underground world. Although the environment inside is harsh, Knight is not a minority. “

“Just like the Black Beasts, as long as they are adults, they can rival Knight, and they are not comparable to today’s Mason area.”

Listening to his words, the people around didn’t speak, just silently nodded.

Standing in place, looking at the scene shown before, Adier’s mood was a little heavy.

As the High Priest’s successor, and King Kast’s son-in-law, he couldn’t understand the current situation of the elf clan.

When the seals of World and Underground World disappear completely, the underground creatures will attack aggressively. With the strength of Silver Fog Forest today, most of them cannot block the other side.

At that time, the only thing the whole elf family can count on is Kolar, a Level 3 wizard, and the elf King who has a protected Wizard Array.

“Imagine now that I was afraid that Gloria was also prepared this way, so I hesitated to attack the Hand of Jadeite and get the World Stone in my hand.” Standing on the spot, Adier flashed this idea in his mind.

While at the Black Wizard Alliance, as the official pharmacist of Gloria, he could obviously feel the movement of the Black Wizard Alliance, as if he was defending something.

Now think about it, the reason why Gloria wanted to break the Hand of Jadeite was that I wanted to grab the World Stone in my hand to arrange a large defense Wizard Array.

As the core material used to build the World Gate, the Strength contained in World Stone is very powerful, and it is also the best choice for laying out a powerful Wizard Array.

In the original ancestral land of the Krasu people, the Wizard Array that held the Scourgelord was built with a World Stone as the core. Therefore, even after thousands of years, it still exists. The horrific Scourge Lord is firmly bound, unable to escape from the ruins.

“It was originally planned to slow down for a while, but now it seems that the previous plan must be accelerated.”

Standing in place, Adier thought silently.

“Master Adier, shall we leave?” At this moment, a voice sounded behind him.

Behind Adier, Farar looked respectfully and looked at Adier for instructions.

“Come on, let’s go back and discuss again.”

Gently nodded, looking at the people around him, Adier finally said nodded, and then returned directly to the same way.

As he was about to step out of the hall, his steps were paused, and the rest of his eyes glanced at the huge statue behind him.

In the quiet hall, a huge statue of Mother of Dark standing ten meters high stands there. Although her appearance is beautiful, her face has a strange smile.

Her eyes were very expressive, and the light black eyes exuded a gleam of light, as if looking at Adier.

“After returning, find someone to dispose of the statue.”

Glancing at the statue in the distance, feeling a cold feeling rising in his heart, Adier frowned, then instructed to Faral aside.

“Yes.” Faral replied nodded, without hesitation.

They continued to walk out, and after a while, they walked to the small camp outside.

There, they ran out of lunch, and then Adier and Faral brought people back to Morning Wind City. Chard stayed there. In addition to arranging people to dispose of the corpses and statues in the cave, it also prevented underground creatures from appearing in the cave. .

Back in Morning Wind City, Adier immediately used the things Kolar had left him to contact the other party, and then told the other party what happened here.

“It turned out to be.”

In the spacious hall, many images of Kolar emerged. At this time, looking at Adier was a little dignified: “There is no record, this entrance is mostly a new entrance, so we are completely ignored.”

“But then, the recent chaos in Morning Wind City is clear, there must be a large number of underground wizards entering through this newly-emerging channel, which has led to chaos there.”

He murmured, and then looked up at Adier: “You don’t need to go to the rest of the place for the time being, you will stay in Morning Wind City to ensure stability around you.”

“After a while, I’ll send someone to you and put a line of defense at the new entrance.”

“Yes.” Adier nodded, no objection.

After a while, the image in front of me disappeared. Adier stood up from where he was, looking towards walking outside.

Just opening the door, Andela’s silhouette appeared there, with Lilice beside him.

Looking at these people, Adier raised an eyebrow subconsciously, and then asked, “What happened in the city again?”


Watching Adier’s subconscious response, Andela and Lilice and the others looked at each other with a grin, and then Lilice took the initiative to look forward and watched Adier respectfully opened the mouth and said: “The message from Farar ’s priest came, and the tomb in the east seemed to appear A few ghouls, lurking in that area can’t be found at this time, I hope you can take action, Lord Adier. “

“Come back?”

Touching his forehead, Adier had a headache.

This kind of thing happens often during this time.

Nowadays, the underground creatures that can infiltrate the World on the ground may not be generally capable, but in terms of lurking ability, they are all good players, especially some races with special innate talent in the lurking. These Metamorphosis Stage wizards are at a loss.

This situation changed after Adier came. Moon Elf’s own induction force is extremely sharp. Coupled with the spell that solidifies the natural induction, Adier’s induction force has become extremely horrible at this time, and those underground creatures are simply unable to face Adier. hide.

Therefore, during this time, when Faral and the others encountered a hidden opponent, he would directly ask Adier to take the shot and let him solve these problems.

Once and twice is okay, but ten times and eight times down, even with Adier’s character, I feel a little irritable, and feel annoyed by the underground creatures emerging around.

“People take me there.” Take a deep breath, and Adier finally spoke, his face looking very calm.

Listening to this, aside, an elf Knight wearing a cloak covered Adier saluted with respectful expression: “Please come with me.”


On the road, Adier’s footsteps suddenly abruptly, and then turned Andela looking behind: “If it is not necessary, it is best to move clansman to Wangdu.”

Having said that, before waiting for the reaction between Andela and Lilice behind him, Adier stopped speaking, and went straight ahead with Knight.

Behind him, Andela and Lilice were stunned for a while, then their faces turned blue instantly, seeming to think of something.

In the rush, time flies.

Kolar’s actions were very keen, and just over half a month later, the wizard from Wang Du’s departure had arrived at Morning Wind City. Under the leadership of the principal priest of Chard, he began to fortify the newly discovered entrances and establish them around them. Start each and everyone bases and Wizard Arrays to cope with possible future shocks.

During this time, with the efforts of Adier to suppress, the underground creatures around Morning Wind City have disappeared.

No one can escape Adier’s induction. Even the wizard of Metamorphosis Stage did not revolt against Strength in the face of Adier, who is now a Level 2 wizard. During this time, Adier directly killed one, and temporarily the surrounding ground floor Creatures didn’t dare to come up.

As for Andrew, which Adier had been guarding against, he never appeared. It seemed as if he had disappeared after the Bloodline trial. No news was found at all.

According to analysis by Charles and the others, most of the other side is still treating the injury at this time, or is temporarily lurking, ready to wait for the two seals to weaken again.

Nothing could be found. Helplessly, Adier didn’t bother to stay in Morning Wind City and took people directly back to the capital.


In the quiet garden, a petal is flying, accompanied by a scent of flowers.

In a sea of ​​flowers, a little girl, about four or five years old, was constantly running in it, and beside him was a chubby kitten, which looked very happy.

She kept running around until she reached a path and came to a swing. She smiled on her face and shouted, “teacher, Aunt Aunt.”

Beside the swing, two silhouettes were standing there silently, their looks and temperaments were excellent, and it was Adier and Edith.

“Solana, come back.”

Looking at the little girl in front of her, Edith was in a white dress, and a mild smile appeared on her face, looking at Solana said with a smile.

She looked at the stains on Solana, and it was not too dirty. She stepped forward and picked up Solana and put it on the swing in front of her.

“Did you finish today’s class?” Aside, a soft voice sounded.

Looking at the little girl on the side, Adier asked with a smile on her face, watching Solana.

As he spoke, he extended the hand and touched Solana’s head lightly.

A pure Moon Elf power emerged from him and turned into pure Yuehua, shrouded in Solana’s body, to relieve her fatigue.

Looking at this scene quietly, there was a hint of envy in Edith’s eyes: “The only thing that can waste the power of the moon god is Adier in the entire Silver Fog Forest.”

As elf Princess, she can see Adier’s actions very clearly at this time.

The sheer power of Moon Elf translates into Yuehua’s constant influx of Solana’s body, which, while relieving her fatigue, is also in baptism.

The gentle power of Moon Elf can wash people ’s bodies, and even nurture people ’s origins in special ways, making their innate talents better and their affinity for energy particles will slowly increase.

Similar to this kind of baptism, as the Kast King ’s favorite Princess, Edith has also experienced it. However, all of them were carefully seduced by Moon King’s Sword, not only in small quantities, but also only experienced a few times in childhood, and Solana’s treatment was simply incomparable.

In the elf king city, Adier baptism for Solana every day, for this reason several times consumed the power of Moon Elf.

“Resources are only useful if they are used.”

In response to Edith’s complaint, Adier just smiled: “I only have a student named Solana. Who else can give her baptism?”

“And she has only this time left.”

Adier touched Solana’s head, softly opened the mouth and said: “When she waits for this year, the effect of Luna’s baptism will drop a lot, so take advantage of the current situation to make way for her as much as possible.”

“You.” Looking at Adier, Edith shook her head. “You’re a great treat to this child. Even your dear sister, this is not treated like this.”

Adier didn’t reply to this, just laughed.

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