“I’m leaving.”

Standing in place, looking at the side of Edith, Adier hesitated, and then spoke.

“Where are you going?”

Listening to Adier’s words, Edith asked subconsciously: “Are you leaving the capital again?”

“No, no.”

Adier shook his head, with apology on his face: “Because I made some discoveries about the underground creatures before, I want to study it carefully for a while, and it may not be possible for a long time.”

“Can you not go?”

Edith’s face was calm, her white sleeves swayed slowly in the breeze, and her long hair drifted around. At this time, she looked at Adier quietly: “I want you to stay with me more than those boring and dangerous experiments. “

Looking at Edith in front of her, Adier hesitated for a moment, but still thinking about the situation at Silver Fog Forest, she still firmly shook the head.


Edith smiled and said nothing, but just stepped forward and gently held Adier’s hand: “I’ll wait for you to come back.”

In this regard, Adier did not speak, but silently nodded.

Aside from them, looking at the appearance of Adier and Edith, Solana shook her head unclearly, and then happily played a swing there, emitting a chuckle of laughter from time to time.

The atmosphere in place quickly relaxed.

In front of him, Adier and Edith slowly took Solana’s hand forward, and in the front, a few cats and dogs ran around, occasionally attracting several butterflies, wandering around a garden.


The metal door bumped into the door frame and made a crisp sound.

Standing in the spacious laboratory, Adier looked at the door silently, Adier’s face was calm, and he couldn’t help sighing.

Strictly speaking, he and Edith could not see whether they liked it or not, but they were only put together by King’s Courtyard for some reason. It was not possible to say in advance how many feelings existed.

But now that they are together, Adier is not prepared to shirk responsibility.

But now the magic disaster is about to erupt, the surrounding situation is getting more and more serious, and the curse on his body is forcing Adier to keep moving forward to ensure the safety of himself and his family as much as possible.

“Hopefully, this World will allow me to get something.”

Quietly closed the iron door, activated the arranged Wizard Array in the laboratory, Adier thought about this idea, and walked towards the center of the laboratory.

He had spoken to Edith and Kolar and the the others before entering here, so there was no need to worry about other people’s possible interference, nor did they worry that others would enter his laboratory.

All the way to a stone platform in the center of the laboratory, where Adier starts the pre-set Wizard Array, and then the whole person sits up and closes his eyes.

The next moment, he appeared in a starry sky. In the starry sky, the stars were flickering in the distance, emitting different rays of light, all shining on Adier.

Feeling these rays of light, Adier was calm in his heart, but quietly looked towards one side.

In that direction, three stars are hanging. Although rays of light are not as bright as other stars, they have a unique sense of reality. It seems that as long as Adier is thinking, he can directly go to these three worlds.

These are the three worlds that have mastered the coordinates, which can be directly consumed by Boundary Energy to enter.

“After the Shuttle ability has evolved, even if there are no other World coordinates, it can be forcibly entered by consuming a large amount of Boundary Energy.”

Standing among the stars, looking at the stars from the outside, Adier meditated silently: “Just so, the Boundary Energy that needs to be consumed has increased greatly. I now have this Boundary Energy. If this is done, I am afraid it will be slightly better You can’t go to the World you ordered. “

“So the only option is this.”

Thinking of this, he looked up and looked towards the last star.

That star was purple, and it was shining there at that time, emitting a dim purple light, and it looked very beautiful.

This is the only World among the three World coordinates that Adier has not visited.

Of the other two Worlds, Jadeite World is temporarily afraid to enter because of the curse of elf.

As for Doomsday World, there are very few useful things for Adier. Although the crystal Nuclei on those weird ones is still useful, for Adier’s current level, the Crystal Nuclei that is needed to improve a little strength is too much.

Thinking of this, Adier no longer hesitated, directly looking towards that purple star, a flow of thoughts in his heart, instantly spread out.

At this moment, on Adier’s body, the radiant light slowly spread, instantly linking the stars in the distance.

In the hazy sight, Adier could faintly see a door of World slowly condense, open in front of him, and then devour his entire silhouette into it.

At a moment, his consciousness began to blur, even if the Spirit of the Level 2 wizard was not able to play a role at this time, he just fainted and wandered away along the gate of the World to the distance.

A hazy feeling came from the heart, with an extremely weird feeling.

It’s like having a long dream, it’s like coming back from death.

When Adier eyes opened again, the scenery in front of him changed instantly.

In front of me is a dense forest. In the forest, a golden sun is spreading everywhere, bringing a touch of warmth to the earth.

In the sun, Adier turned and looked out, just to see the river in the distance, and a few hares running around.

“There is water, and there is life.”

Seeing the distant scenery, Adier’s original heart suddenly relaxed.

Traveling through different unknown worlds, what he was most worried about was coming to a completely deserted world.

A completely desolate World, there are very few things available in it, and it is likely that nothing was found during a trip, which directly caused Boundary Energy on Adier to float.

Now that this world has light, water, and vegetation, it means that there is a complete ecosystem, and it may even be able to find traces of civilization.

I haven’t waited for Adier to think too much, next moment, a hazy feeling emerged from my heart, carrying a message.

Like some kind of instinct, standing in this world, Adier subconsciously understood something, such as some differences between the two worlds.

“Time here …”

Subconsciously, feeling the information that appeared in his mind, Adier froze for a moment, then reacted, and ecstasy appeared in his eyes.

“This world has a different time flow than the Wizarding World, and time has accelerated significantly.”

Through the shuttle ability within the body, comparing the passage of the two Worlds, Adier judged.

Compared with the Wizard World where Adier is located, the time flow of this world is relatively faster. Compared with the two, it is roughly equivalent to the past day of the Wizard World, where it has been for the past seven or eight days.

For Adier, this is equivalent to spending a few times more time out of thin air, allowing more time for growth.

“It seems that this world is either low-level or very far away from the Wizarding World.”

Standing in place, came back to his senses, feeling the time gap between the two Worlds, Adier thought.

Between World and World, there are sometimes problems with different time lapses. This has been discovered by ancient wizards and recorded in detail.

There are records of ancient wizards in the elf collection.

The ancient wizards studied the World for a long time, and finally thought that the World existed in a sea of ​​bounds.

In the boundless sea, each and everyone World is constantly born and declining, some of them are close to each other, and they are located in the same bounded sea, while some worlds are far away and distributed between different bounded seas.

The difference in this world is defined by the difference between Time and Space.

Located in the same area, if the time flow rate between World and World is different, it can only be caused by the difference in strength of World. The more powerful the World, the slower the time flow rate, and the weaker the World. The faster the time flow is, the faster it is.

If it crosses a boundary sea, even the factors that affect the velocity of time are another distance away.

“According to the theory left by ancient wizards, if they are located in the same sea, even if the world is very weak, the time flow rate will not exceed five times.

Standing in place, silently thinking about a large number of books that I have read, Adier thought silently: “And now I have such a seven to eight times higher flow rate gap, only if I cross a sea of ​​boundaries is possible.”

Thinking of this, the corner of his mouth twitched for a moment, startled by his own thoughts.

Wanting to cross the world and practice cross-world battles, this is already a feat that wizards above Level 4 can do. And across a sea of ​​circles, even among the ancient wizards, I am afraid that only a few top-level beings can do it. It is impossible to put them in today’s wizarding world.

Such a difficult thing was so easily done by Adier.

Thinking of this, while shocked, he subconsciously looked towards his attribute panel.

“Name: Adier.Fax. Strength: 44.5. Agility: 46.7. Constitution: 45.4. Blood purity: 61.7%. Boundary Energy: 0.4. Bloodline: Moon Elf (infant).”

“It consumed over 150 points of Boundary Energy.”

Looking at his attribute panel, Adier muttered to himself, while surprised by the number, he also felt a bit as it should be by rights.

There are more than 150 points of Boundary Energy. This number is very amazing. Even if you go to Jadeite World, the Boundary Energy you need to consume is only about 10% of this number.

But if this time really crosses the boundary sea, then this number is not surprising, after all, the horror gap in distance is enough to make the consumption several times more, and it is not surprising to have these consumptions.

Moreover, with such a large amount of time passing, even if there were no other gains in this journey, it was a big profit for Adier.

Seven or eight times the time flow rate, which is equivalent to Adier passing 7-8 years here, and the Wizard World has only passed one year.

With this extra time, Adier is enough to do a lot of things, and even go a step further in Level 2 Wizard cultivation and reach the next level.

“Hopefully, this world will not let me down.”

Raising his head silently, looking at a flat meadow in the distance, Adier put away the thoughts in his heart and walked silently towards the distance.

It looks very barren at the moment, surrounded by all kinds of weeds that Adier is not familiar with. Only a few animals are still recognized, but they have also changed greatly due to different environments.

Suddenly seeing so many strange species, out of the nature of the wizard, he stopped subconsciously and kept the chip recording the scene of all around, and even stopped several times, trying to identify with his own good botany Nature of several plants.

Stopping all the way, after a while, he saw a deserted path.

The path seemed very small, crooked and very difficult to walk.

Around the path, there were still a lot of weeds and wild flowers, and it seemed that no one had passed by for a long time.

But looking at this path, Adier was moved in his heart, a little excited.

The path in front of me is obviously traces caused by long-term trample. Even through careful inspection of the chip, Adier can even see some of the footprints above. At this time, the shallow distribution is all around and it is difficult to find.

However, to a certain extent, this also illustrates some problems. For example, in this world, it is likely that there is also a human existence, and it may even have developed a considerable civilization.

As for whether there are extraordinary civilizations in this world, Adier is afraid to think, but as long as there are enough civilizations in this world, it is already a good harvest for Adier.

Thinking of this, following the difficult road in front of him, Adier went straight forward, walking very fast along the way.


In the silent forest, a few sounds of footsteps were sounding continuously.

If you look closely, you can see a group of savages wearing rude animal skin skirts running around in the mountains and forests, some of them wearing ragged clothes, but with a slightly different temperament than the savages.

But at this time, they were constantly running outwards, their feet were flying, and it looked like there was something chasing at the back door, which forced them to escape.


A voice sounded quickly, accompanied by screams of misery.

In a certain corner, a ragged young man turned pale and stopped his footsteps, looking helplessly towards the back.

Behind him, a huge beast is chasing behind, his body is huge, with a strong bloody smell.

It was a tiger with a height of more than three meters, a pair of eyes were scarlet, and the pressure on his body was very strong. At this moment, a thigh was biting in his mouth, and he was glare like a tiger watching his prey. Runaways ahead.

“Asuo, run away !!” A silhouette came from behind.

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