In the morning, the sun shone on the earth.

In an abandoned wood house, there is a very old-looking wooden bed with some straw on it, which looks very shabby.

On this shabby and shabby wooden bed, several silhouettes lay quietly on it, at this moment one of the silhouettes moved slightly and their arms trembled slightly.

“Am I … not dead yet?”

Waking up from a deep sleep, Asuo barely opened his eyes and stared blankly at the wood house in front of him.

On him, a fierce pain came from all over the body, like a serious injury in many places, which made him feel uncomfortable, and even had no strength to stand up, he could only lie weakly on the wood On the bed with straw.

“Is he saved?” Feeling the thoughts in his heart, feeling everything around him at this time.

He jumped off such a high cliff and was able to save a life. This kind of thing surprised him, and he only lamented his good luck secretly.

It’s just that no matter how good his luck is, it’s impossible to fall directly from the cliff to someone else’s house.

He is now in this situation, most likely after he fell off a cliff and was discovered by a kind person.

“It looks like I met a good guy this time.” Thinking of this, he couldn’t help thinking.

This world is difficult. Even among relatives and friends, they sometimes kill each other, let alone a complete stranger.

Encountering a magic beast and being chased down a cliff is bad luck, but being lucky to survive under the cliff and being able to meet a kind and kind person is probably not a lucky thing.

Exhausting Strength throughout his body, he barely lifted his body slightly, and Asuo barely saw what was happening to him.

The original tattered clothes have been replaced. At this time, they have been replaced with a clean white cloth. The wounds on their bodies have been properly wrapped, and they seem to be handled well.

This situation suddenly made him hesitate. Before he could reflect on it, there was a sound of footsteps outside suddenly.

Listening to the sound, he looked subconsciously in the direction of the sound, and just saw a silhouette approaching here.

It was a very handsome young man, wearing a white robe, with silver long hair and silver eyes. The whole person seemed to have a distinguished and unique temperament, unconsciously attractive.

At this moment, he came from the outside room, holding a glass bottle in his hand, and there was a unique and quiet breath spreading all over his body. Asuo, who had just woke up at this time, did not consciously look at it, and was shocked to heaven .

“A beautiful person.” Asuo looked at the young man who was walking away, Asuo didn’t consciously look at it. The only thought in his heart appeared, and his eyes stared blankly at the young man.

“You’re awake.” A gentle voice sounded in the ear, and it sounded very pleasant to Asuo.

Holding the glass bottle in his hand, looking at Asuo in front of his eyes, Adier was calm, a smile appeared on his face: “How do you feel?”


Asuo then woke up, looking at Adier in front of her, some blushing and some conscious foulness.

But looking at Adier in front of him, out of politeness, he still barely lifted Spirit and looked at Adier opened the mouth and said: “Hello, did you save us?”


Adier laughed: “When I found you, you just fell on a piece of straw, and looked so hurt that you were unconscious.”

“It was dark at that time, and there were fierce beasts everywhere. To prevent accidents, I brought you back.”

This is not the truth.

In the beginning, Adier walked along the path all the way. After searching around for several days, he didn’t even find the shadow of anyone, but saw this abandoned small wood house.

This wood house looks a long time ago. There is nothing in it except the wooden bed in front of it. It looks like it has been evacuated and abandoned, leaving only a wreckage.

It was only a few hundred meters away from the wood house that Adier discovered the two of Asuo.

When it was first discovered, in addition to these two people, the rest of them had been crushed to pieces. Only the two of them were still left with a last breath.

Under normal circumstances, such a serious injury, these two people can not survive at all, but Adier is not an ordinary person, through the strength of some spell, only to save the last breath of the two people, and then brought directly to this inside wood house.

However, these complex things, Adier naturally will not elaborate with Asuo.

Asuo in front of him didn’t doubt anything. Listening to the words of Adier in front of him, he was just a bit grateful to think that he was blessed and fatal, and thought about the extraordinary Strength without opening his mind.

He lay quietly on the straw wooden bed, looked at Adier in a white robe and the glass bottle in his hand, and asked tentatively, “Are you a doctor?”

“That’s right.” Adier nodded, ready for this, without hesitation: “I come from a long distance, family generations are excellent doctors, the reason why this time I will come here, I also want to see this Kingdom, see if you can find a doctor elsewhere to study. “

“You have come to the wrong place.”

Listening to Adier’s words, Asuo instantly took his attitude seriously, and looked towards Adier’s eyes with some awe.

Adier also understands why his attitude changed.

Spending so much effort to rescue these two people, he is naturally not purely kind, but wants to learn about this world through these two people.

In fact, the reason the two of them lie here for several days is also part of Adier’s strength.

When the two men fell asleep, Adier worked on his Spirit several times, and gained a lot of memory for them, so that he could get a partial understanding of this world.

This world is a world with extraordinary abilities. Those with extraordinary abilities are called Knights. And from the memory of these two people, the so-called Knights of this world are likely to be similar to the Knight of the Wizarding World, and they may even be the same. Kind of system.

It’s just that compared to Knight of the Wizarding World, Knight of this world is much stronger.

In Wizarding World, even if Adier reaches the peak of Knight like Adier and stands at the limit of Great Knight, he is not an opponent of a formal wizard. He can only dominate that’s all in some small places.

But in this world, a powerful Knight can be as horrible as a wizard, and even from time to time, there are rumors that Knight hits the mountain and kills the country, and compared with Knight of the Wizard World, it is simply a gap between heaven and earth.

This difference made Adier very interested, so he stayed to take care of these two people for a few days, otherwise it would be enough to save the two with his personality, and it is impossible to continue wasting time for this.

“This place belongs to the desert area. There are all kinds of dangerous magic beasts and savage tribes. Noble doctors like you should not come to such a place.”

Lying quietly on the wooden bed, Asuo struggled to speak, a little helpless in his words, with some respect for the physician.

In this regard, Adier was not surprised.

In this world, the status of a physician is very high.

It seems that because Knight’s Strength is focused on destructive power, Knight in this world is far less balanced than the wizard’s in other respects.

As for the Wizarding World, for different situations, wizards often study pharmacy and alchemy. They not only master Strength, but also a large amount of knowledge. No matter what kind of situation, they can study and solve it in a targeted manner.

But this world ’s Knight seems not to work. In Asuo ’s memory, although this World ’s Knight is strong enough to destroy the mountains and rivers, not at all will be rumors in other aspects.

Physicians, in this world, refer to people who can heal injuries for Knight. They not only need high medical skills, but also need to master a lot of knowledge about Knight. Therefore, they have a very high status, and often even the real Knight must be treated seriously.

After all, physicians who can master advanced medical skills and Knight knowledge are mostly from the powerful Knight family themselves, and may even be Knight themselves, unlike other mortals, and naturally need to be treated seriously.

It is not difficult to understand the change in Atuo’s attitude at present. In the other person’s mind, most of them regard Adier as the core clansman of a Knight family in the distance, so they can have such a grace.

“Two, please drink the medicine.”

In front of him, Adier was personable, looking at Asuo laughed in front of him, then turned to look aside: “Should this gentleman also wake up?”

He looked at Asuo side middle-aged man, reminding him in good faith.

Suddenly, Asuo froze, then twisted his neck, barely looking towards.

Beside him, a tall, middle-aged man with a thick beard was lying there, with a thick white cloth covering the wound.

He had closed his eyes before, as if he hadn’t fallen asleep. It wasn’t until this time that Adier spoke out that there was a little movement, his eyes slowly opened, and looked towards Adier.

When he saw the appearance of Adier, he couldn’t help but hesitated. Apparently, he was astounded by the appearance of Adier, but soon he reacted again, and his face returned to calmness: “Sorry, I was still a little confused, so I didn’t say hello to you. “

These words are naturally false.

Under the detection of the chip, the physical quality of the middle-aged man in front of him is much stronger than that of Asuo on the side. If put in the Wizard World, it is less a Knight apprentice, and he woke up early.

But compared to Asuo, this person is obviously more vigilant, so even if he woke up early, he still closed his eyes and pretended to sleep, watching the surrounding environment quietly.

“It’s ok.”

Listening to the other person’s words, no matter what he thought, but on the surface, Adier smiled. After putting down the two glass bottles in his hand, he turned and walked out.

“I’ll go out and collect some medical ingredients, and you’ll just rest here.”

Before stepping out of the room, he paused and looked at the two behind him and said.

tone barely fell, a light sound sounded in place.

With Asuo’s eyes fixed, he closed the door gently and walked out.

“Asuo, are you okay?”

Lying quietly on a pile of straw, watching Adier’s silhouette disappear in place, the middle-aged man gently sighed in relief in his heart, and then looked at Asuo asking aside.

“I’m fine, but I feel a little uncomfortable and have no strength at all.”

Listening to the middle-aged man, Asuo had a bitter smile on his face, and then asked, “Bola Uncle, how are you?”

“I’m okay, I barely recovered my strength.”

The middle-aged man named Bola barely nodded: “I have to say that this doctor’s medicine is really good. If he falls from such a high cliff, he will be disabled even if he doesn’t die. I didn’t expect to have recovered after so little time passed. Take some effort. “

“With such a technique, it’s no wonder that the real Lord Knight values ​​these physicians.”

“Unfortunately, Allah they still failed to run out with us.”

In front of him, looking at Bola in front of him, I didn’t know what I thought of, Asuo regretted it and said with some sigh.

“Don’t worry about those people, it’s not bad that we can escape a life ourselves.”

Looking at Asuo, Bola’s face looked a little scornful: “Do you really think those women really like you? Haven’t you seen that you are strong and of noble origin, and have trained in Knight that’s all.”

“That kind of woman, when you become a trainee Knight, there is as much as you want, it’s no pity.”

“But …” Listening to this, Asuo was subconsciously dissatisfied, his mouth slightly opened, and he wanted to say something.

“Okay, don’t be naive.” In front of him, looking at the picture of Asuo, Bola was a little impatient: “This World is like this, the weak are willing to cling to the powerhouse at all costs. If you have no use value, who will care about you?”

“Including this doctor in front of you, why do you think he would save us? Is it really a bad intention?”

A sneer sneered on his face: “The reason why he saved us is not because we have traces of Knight Breathing Technique, we can definitely see it with the other party’s superb medical skills, so we shot to save us.”

“Otherwise, why are all jumping off the cliff, and the others are all dead, and the two of us were rescued by each other? It is not because the other people have no use value.”

“This …” Listening to this, Asuo opened his mouth and wanted to refute, but didn’t know what to say, so he had to opened the mouth and said: “Then you said that the other party saved us, we wanted to what?”

“Since the other party is a physician, he must have been born and born into the Knight family. Being able to walk in this wilderness is likely to be a powerful Knight in itself, and it is not without our incomplete exercise method.”

“You can’t say that.”

Bola didn’t hesitate to answer this question, and directly said: “How can different Knight exercises be conflated, as the other doctor, the knowledge of Knight must be very thorough. Since I have the opportunity to collect other Knight Breathing Techniques, of course I will not let go. . “

“But … this is also an opportunity for us.”

Having said that, he paused, and then opened the mouth and said: “Physicians who are good at this kind of medicine generally have a good background and are hard to come across in normal times.”

“Since we met today, maybe we can go online with the other party to see if we can draw a doctor to the family.”

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