A slight sound of footsteps kept ringing.

Outside the shabby wood house, listening to Asuo and Bola’s conversation, Adier’s face smiled silently.

Just as the two opposites wanted to take advantage of him, Adier probably wanted to take advantage of their identity.

Although the other two did not say explicitly, but searched the memory of the two, Adier was naturally very clear about the identity of the two.

These two are the clansman of a Knight family in the neighborhood, and even if they belong to the core members in this family, the reason why they have reached this point is because of some accidents.

Through these two people, and then as a physician, Adier may be able to get online with the family behind each other, so as to obtain the Knight exercise of this world through them.

“Speaking of which, the profession of physicians is indeed very suitable for disguise.”

Standing outside the door, watching the two people in the room with Spirit, Adier flashed this thought in his mind.

No matter what the World is, a highly skilled doctor is undoubtedly welcome, and it not only integrates into the local society, but also facilitates Adier’s quick contact with the upper levels of the World.

And to some extent, Adier is indeed a doctor.

With a chip, proficient in pharmacy, coupled with his own knowledge and strong Spirit, Adier’s medical skills are undoubtedly very good. At least through pharmacy, the ordinary medical master can do what he can do, and he can do it very well.

“It seems that if you enter other Worlds in the future, it will be good to use this identity to disguise without using mana.”

Standing on a piece of grass, with something in his hands, Adier’s face was calm, and the thought flashed in his heart.

In this world, if he can, he is prepared to try to avoid the Wizard’s Strength.

Since this world has a strong and extraordinary Strength, it is inevitable that there will be some powerful existence. If a Strength other than Knight is discovered at that time, it may cause some trouble at that time.

Therefore, in this world, Adier is not prepared to use spell unless necessary.

Of course, not preparing to use spell does not mean that Adier is weak.

You know, in addition to being a Level 2 wizard, he is also a Peak Knight of Peak.

“Speaking of which, I’ve rarely used Knight’s Strength since I was promoted to the full wizard.”

Standing in place, all thoughts in my mind kept passing, Adier right hand dropped, and I subconsciously touched the long sword worn on my waist, with some expectations in my heart: “I don’t know how many years have passed, and I have no hands.”

He thought so in his heart, then felt that the medicinal soup on the side was finished, he stopped his thoughts, and kept busy.

In the next few days, Adier was busy around here, fully showing his superb medical skills.

Although it does not belong to all the organisms and materials in this world, but with the detection function of the chip, Adier quickly found several medicinal herbs with healing effects, and finally developed a prescription for the Asuo two people. .

In just half a month, Asuo and Bola were shocked by their injuries, their injuries were healed quickly. Although the injuries were still serious, they could already walk down.

This magical speed is, of course, not a normal medical technique, but a Strength with some pharmacology.

In the medicinal herb for these two people, Adier directly poured some of the refined healing potion into it, which had such an amazing effect.

Otherwise, despite Adier’s medical skills, the two can still recover quickly, but it is impossible to achieve the horrible speed today.

Of course, they don’t know about all this.

During this time, what they can see is that Adier collects the medicinal ingredient everywhere, simply cooks it into a medicinal soup and lets them drink it, and then has such a terrible effect.

As Knight-trained people, they know the seriousness of their injuries.

Falling from such a high cliff, although they were fortunate not to die, the bones of the whole body almost broke, and most of the internal organs of the whole body were damaged to varying degrees. Under normal circumstances, I just want to recover, I am afraid to give Lie on the bed for a few months, and then most likely have a lifelong disability.

But such a terrible injury, under Adier’s treatment, not only was mostly good in just half a month, but even the injury that would definitely pull down the disability would now have a tendency to heal.

This situation, on the one hand, makes them awe in their hearts, and on the other hand, it also makes some of their hearts become stronger.

In particular, after they could walk down the ground, Adier seemed to be a little impatient at this time, and even vaguely revealed that he was about to leave. Finally, the two men finally expressed their thoughts.

“You want to invite me to visit your family?” A voice suddenly sounded inside the shabby wood house.

In front of the wooden bed, looking at Bola and Asuo, who were holding crutches in their hands, barely standing in place, Adier looked a little surprised, but his face was still calm: “Sorry, I may not be free lately.”

“I heard that there is a Catutan City nearby, with a large number of Knights stationed in it, and I am planning to pass over this time to see.”

He looked at Asuo and Bola in front of him and said this, his face looked calm.

In front of him, listening to Adier’s words, Bola and Asuo stared at each other, then took a crutch in their hands, took a hard step forward, first opened the mouth and said: “Sir, for your favor, we also No return, please give us a chance to return. “

He looked sincere and looked at Adier opened the mouth and said: “Actually, you should be able to guess Mr. Adier. Both Asuo and I belong to the Knight family. They only came here because of some changes. I just met you. . “

“You took care of us for such a long time and healed our injuries. In any case, we need to pay you.”

“This …” At this, Adier’s expression moved, and he seemed hesitant and hesitant.

Seeing Adier’s attitude, Bola immediately hit the iron while hot, and continued to open the mouth and said: “Although our family is not big, we also have a territory. The ancestor once had a powerful Knight and is very famous near here.”

“Adult, since you are a physician, compared to Knight exercise, these things should have some effect on you.”

Having said that, Bola’s tone was paused before opening the mouth and said: “If you are willing to go, sir, I can ask the Xiang Family to give you a basic Knight exercise method.”

This is drawing a big cake.

After reading all the other party’s memories, Adier was very clear, and the other party was obviously talking at this time.

Knight exercise as the foundation of a family, no matter which family is the top priority, it is simply impossible to easily give it to outsiders.

Not to mention, Bola in front of him seems to have a high status in that family, and it seems to influence the decision of the whole family, but he is actually just an ordinary member and has no right to ask the senior management for anything.

In other words, the other party ’s statement at this time was actually just flickering that’s all. It seemed to be ready to flicker Adier to the other party’s family before making other plans.

In fact, the other party’s statement at this time is very interesting. Since it is an instruction, then the risk of being rejected, even if there is no Knight exercise method, the other party can evade that it has been rejected, and cannot blame him.

However, despite knowing Bola’s statement in his heart, on the surface, Adier still showed a hesitant expression, and it seemed that he was still hesitating.


Looking at the appearance of Adier at this time, Bola continued to persuade: “The injuries on our body have not been completely healed. Although we can now walk down, we will inevitably run into accidents for the next period of time. If you are sir, you will be away If so, the situation could be very bad. “

He looked at Adier in front of him and said sincerely.

“Yeah.” On the side, Asuo also opened the mouth and said, looking at the handsome Adier who was not human, and said with some reluctance: “And Mr. Adier, it is inconvenient to walk alone in the wild. Catutan City is very far from here, and if you don’t have a guide, it’s normal to walk for a few months. “

“It’s better to visit our family and finally let our family caravan take you to Catutan City.”

They persuaded word by word.

During this time, they have figured out the character of the doctor in front of them.

This is undoubtedly a person with a good personality, and despite being personable and out of the ordinary, he looks very kind in many ways. He should be a physician who has just traveled a long time ago, has just come out of the family and is not an outsider. of the people is vicious.

For this kind of person, using the goodwill and kindness of the other party to persuade is likely to be far more effective than using temptation to profit.

Sure enough, Adier hesitated after listening to Asuo and Bola’s talk, but in the end it was nodded: “Good.”

“However, I will only stay with you for half a month, and after your injuries are almost healed, I will continue my journey.”

“Please rest assured.” Listening to Adier, Bola quickly patted his chest and promised: “I know an old guide who is very familiar with the route to Catutan City. By then, he can let him take you with you. It only takes less than half. You can get there in a month. “

“That couldn’t be better.”

Adier nodded, after looking at the two in front of him, without any further comment, turned directly and walked towards the outside.

When he left, Bola and Asuo were relaxed in situ.

“Bola Uncle, I don’t understand.”

Asuo sat down in front of the wooden bed and looked at Bola in front of him, wondering: “Why do we have to bring this gentleman back to the family?”

This is his doubt since this time.

According to common sense, it is really good to accidentally meet a doctor with excellent medical skills and take the opportunity to have a good relationship with the other party. It’s just that Bola’s behavior is too hard, and it seems that he is afraid that the other party will not come.

“You do not understand.”

Sitting on the wooden bed, looking at Asuo’s ignorant expression, Bola sighed: “I don’t want to take this doctor back this time. After the two of us go back, I’m afraid there is nothing left.”

“What?” Asuo heard it for a moment, he seemed puzzled.

“Do you really think that our caravan was robbed by a group of savage tribes halfway, is this really an accident?”

In front of Asuo, Bola had a sneer on his face: “We have been walking that way for so many years, and the other caravans have been okay when we walked. It happened because we walked past. Do you think there is such a coincidence?”

“What do you mean?” Asuo didn’t know what to think of, Asuo squeaked, his face suddenly turned a little iron-blue.

“Most likely, they are the ghosts of Balar.” Sitting on the wooden bed in front of him, watching Asuo’s expression change, Bola sighed and said, “In the beginning, when your parents were still, they and the We do n’t deal with it. Now that your parents have just died, they ca n’t wait to get us started. ”

“Most of the savage tribes they contacted at that time, otherwise it was impossible to be so coincident. We just set off on our front feet and a whole tribe of soldiers blocked in front of us.

With a sneer on his face, he was still a little afraid: “This time, if it wasn’t for our lives, I’d be really over.”

The place suddenly fell silent, listening to Bola’s words, Asuo’s face became more and more blue.


After a long time, Asuo continued to speak, looking a little confused: “What does this have to do with this gentleman?”

“He is just a doctor. Even if the medical skills are higher, how will it help us?”

He looked at Bola aside, with heavy doubts on his face.

“He can’t help us directly, but someone can.”

Bola’s face smiled: “Isn’t there a lot of people in the family who have physical problems that prevent them from continuing to take the Knight exercise?”

“You mean?” Asuo heard Bola’s words, Asuo’s eyes lighted up, looking at Bola in front of her, thoughtful.

“Not bad.”

Bola nodded: “Healed that person, there is a relationship between that person, this time we are not only fine, maybe we can also have a relationship with the future patriarch.”

“At that time, even if your parents are passed away, no one will dare to do anything to you.”

They chatted aloud here, while outside the door, gently lowered a glass bottle, Adier walked silently with a smile on his face.

He was naturally aware of the other party’s intentions.

The family where Asuo and Bola are located, the most powerful powerhouse is the family’s patriarch. It is said that the strength can be ranked in the top three in the local area. It is a powerhouse that can truly fight against thousands of troops with one person.

But even this kind of powerhouse has a big regret, that is, the other party has only one child. And the patriarch’s child, despite having Knight’s qualifications, has no way to continue to rest the Knight Breathing Technique because of physical reasons, and can only spend time in bed.

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