The crisp sound of horseshoes swirled around.

On a flat lawn, Adier sat quietly on a carriage, arbitrarily driving the horses under him, and letting him continue.

In the carriage behind him, the two wounded Asuo and Bola sat quietly inside, bearing the carriage’s turbulence, sitting there without saying a word.

It’s been a while since that conversation.

During this time, under the guidance of the two Bola, Adier walked through several towns and set up a carriage in a certain town, which only made the speed of progress a lot faster.

The civilization of this world still looks primitive, far less than the Mason region that Adier once stayed in. Not only are many things very scarce, but even good roads are difficult to find.

Adier rushed to the carriage, and after walking all the way for several days, he finally reached a city.

It was an old and huge city, but it was in the eyes of both Asuo and Bola.

From Adier’s point of view, although the city has a strange style, its area and layout are like that, and it is not worth mentioning.

Slowly, he drove the carriage into the city, eventually being blocked at the city gate.

At the gates of the city, a team of soldiers dressed in rudimentary cloth was walking around, each and everyone was serious, and they were patrolling all around.

In the face of these soldiers, Adenti’s entire group was undoubtedly stopped and accepted by the soldiers for investigation.

“Car, it’s us.” In Carriage, Bola’s voice sounded, and although it sounded a little weak, it was better than before.

Feeling the change of the outside world, he keenly felt what was happening, so he decisively stepped out of the carriage and just saw the person who was visiting at this time.

It was a middle-aged man wearing black iron armor, with strong muscles all over his body, and was very conspicuous among a group of ordinary soldiers wearing simple cloth armor.

In the chip test, this person is also a Knight apprentice, who has been trained by the Knight Breathing Technique.

Hearing the sound, the middle-aged man in iron armor lifted up, just seeing Bola and Asuo coming out of the carriage.

His expression suddenly turned solemn into surprise: “Bola, how are you?”

“It is indeed us.”

On the carriage, looking at the middle-aged man in front of him, Bola’s face showed a helpless expression: “After I took Asuo out, I encountered something and almost couldn’t come back.”

“People in the city say you have disappeared, but no one from the Airlan family has said anything.”

Carl nodded, then looked at the instrument out of the ordinary, his saber on his waist, and looked like an aristocratic Adier. After weighing it, he finally said: “Since it is you, then this investigation is fine. Go straight in. “

“Many thanks.” Bola nodded, thanked him, and then looked curiously at the soldiers walking around in front of him: “What is going on here? Why is it so strict?”

“Several homicides have occurred in the city, located in the noble district.”

Looking at Bola in front of him, hesitated, Carl still said: “Several distinguished adults suddenly died at home, and finally shocked the City Lord, which led to such a posture.”

“Okay, go in.”

He finally opened the mouth and said, then turned towards Bola nodded, and walked to the side.

After he left, he took a casual look at this person, Adier expressionless, continued to carry the carriage and walked forward.

After crossing several intersections along the way, after a long distance on the way, they finally came to a spacious avenue.

Compared with the places Adier has traveled before, not only is there a complete road here, but it is also cleaner everywhere. There is no beggar around, and all are cleaned up.

“We have arrived.”

When he came here, inside the carriage, Bola opened the mouth and said, and signaled Adier to stop.

In front of him was a very large estate. Several people were standing there in front of the gate of the estate, wearing simple leather armor.


Seeing the Adier people approaching here, the guards immediately started Spirit and looked at Adier and the others weakly. “This is the territory of the Airlan family, ordinary people are not allowed to enter!”

They had just finished saying this, then looked up, and suddenly showed a stunned expression: “Master Bola …”

“Open the door for me.”

In front of several guards, Bola expressed expressionlessly on his face and said to them.


The guards looked at each other and looked a little hesitant. Finally, they obediently opened the door and let Adier enter.

Walking into the manor, an unusual atmosphere shrouded in place, making Bola and Asuo’s faces look doubtful: “Why so quiet?”

Bola had doubts on her face, and was puzzled: “At this time, there should always be talents all around, why no voice today.”

“Also, how can it be red everywhere?” Asuo on the side was also puzzled, and looked around at this time, a little puzzled.

Listening to their voices, Adier looked up and looked into the distance.

Ten meters away, there are large buildings and saplings, and red cloths are hanging on them at this time.

Unlike Adier’s previous life, hanging red everywhere in this world does not mean festive.

Red here refers to blood and life. In the memories of Bola and Asuo, they are often put on only when a member of the family dies.

In the manor in front, red cloth is now hanging everywhere. This kind of specification, even in the entire Airlan family, only some highly qualified people will have it.

Inside the manor, the red cloths hung quietly and fluttered gently under the wind, matching with the surrounding quiet terrifying environment, there was a sudden thrill.

Watching this scene quietly, Adier suddenly frowned, feeling something unusual.

It was a very light taste, giving Adier the feel of a strong bloody smell.

Glancing at each other and walking in front of them, Asuo and Bola continued to move forward, following their own familiar path.

Just the more forward they go, the more frightened they are.

Around, walking on the manor’s path, the buildings were skipped from the front, except without exception, all with red cloth.

The red cloth in the sky is constantly floating around, with the sound of wind, making the atmosphere in the place seem a bit depressed.

Looking at this scene, the three did not speak anymore, but walked forward quietly, and finally came to the largest building.

It was a very large building, and the whole was black. At this time, the central door was wide open, exposing a red interior.

Coming here, the bloody smell that Adier felt was getting stronger, with a mourning of the undead, here for a long time.

“Go in?”

He didn’t change his face, but just looked at the two Bola in front of them and asked them.

“Go in.” Hesitating for a moment, looking at the building in front of him, Bola eventually nodded, and then walked ahead.

After a while, they walked into the building and came to a hall.

The hall was flooded with red at this time, with red cloth hanging on the surrounding walls, and a red coffin lying quietly with the name of each and everyone written on it.

The red coffin not at all was completely closed, and only half of it was covered, so several Adier people could see what was lying in the red coffin.

It was a corpse. At this time, his face was pale, there was no trace of blood, but his face was colored, and it looked like he was heavily painted.

“this is···”

Looking at this scene, Bola and Asuo were completely shocked, and now they were at a loss as they looked at the coffin on the ground.

“Amo, Aris …”

Looking quietly at a red coffin, and reading out the name written on the coffin, each time the name was pronounced, Bola’s face became pale.

In the end, they even saw a coffin in the center, where a teenager was lying, looking handsome, but at this time his face looked very pale, which made him a little bit chilling.

This is the Young Master of the Airlan family, that is, the object that the two Bola originally wanted to let Adier take care of, but I didn’t expect to lie here at this time, it seems completely dead.

“That’s … Balar them.” Somewhere, Bola even got acquaintances.

These are the people who usually don’t deal with him. Before that, he even guessed that the reason why they had an accident this time was the ghost of the other party.

Prior to his return, he had even prepared himself for the goal, and worked hard to pull Adier.

Unexpectedly, he hadn’t waited for his revenge, but the other person was already lying here, and the whole person became a cold body, his face looked pale.

Seeing that those who have never dealt with themselves died, Bola and Asuo should have been happy, but at this time facing such a strange scene in front of them, they couldn’t be happy anyway, but raised a kind of if the rabbit dies, the fox The sadness of grieves.

“A total of more than fifty bodies …”

Glancing at each other, they not only counted around, but finally came to a conclusion that made them all startled.

“Why do so many people die?”

Glancing around blankly, Bola was a little scared and unbelievable.

More than fifty people, this is not a small number, especially the two of them have carefully confirmed that each of these corpses in front of them is a clansman of the Airlan family.

This is undoubtedly more horrible. You must know that the real clansman in the entire Airlan family does not exceed one hundred in total.

“During the time we were away, what happened here?” Looking at the scene, Bola couldn’t help whispering, looking confused and confused.

“The corpses have been emptied …” Aside, Adier watched silently.

Compared to the two Bola on the side, he seemed very calm, even if he saw so many corpses at first, there was no fear or anomaly.

This is normal. As a Level 2 wizard, in the wizarding career of Adier, there are a lot of more disgusting and terrifying scenes. Sometimes some formal wizards kill thousands of people in order to refine certain potions and materials There are countless ways to torture people.

After much experience with these things, anyone who can be promoted to a formal sorcerer will not care about this scene right now.

Looking around, Adier’s attention was more on those corpses.

Unlike Bola, who is still mortal, as a wizard and possessing a chip, Adier can easily feel the abnormality of these bodies.

Among the corpses lined up in front of them, the hearts of these corpses were almost all excavated, and even some of the blood within the body appeared to be drawn.

Thick bloody assaults the senses, feeling these, Adier walked silently like the center of the hall, before the red coffin in the center.

In the coffin in front of him, a handsome boy was lying quietly, looking very peaceful, as if asleep, but his face was extremely pale.

This is the Young Master of the Airlan family, the only child of the Airlan family patriarch, and the person Adier was originally planning to get online with.

When I first came to this world, Adier originally planned to heal this child, and then through this family to connect with the extraordinary circle of this world, and then find a way to get the Knight Breathing Technique of this world.

It’s just that the plan can’t keep up with the changes. Everything went smoothly before. I didn’t expect to reach the destination, but found that the goal was over.

This feeling is very uncomfortable, which means that all the previous time has been wasted.

There were several thoughts in his heart, and he looked at the body of the boy in front of him quietly, and Adier sighed a little.

The expression on the teenager’s face looked calm, but it was the worst one here under the detection of the chip.

Other corpses were just dug out of the heart, but at most part of the blood was taken away, but this boy was different.

Standing next to the corpse, Adier was able to feel the exact condition of the corpse through the powerful Spirit.

The viscera of the corpse had basically disappeared, and no blood was left on it.

The reason the corpse did not turn into a dry corpse at this time is entirely because the body’s inside the body was filled with another thing, which replaced the supporting body’s outline and did not become a dry corpse.

This was terrible. Among the corpses around, Adier saw this case quietly, which made him feel a little surprised.

After all, according to common sense, as the sole heir of patriarch, this boy should have been well protected. It was surprising that he was killed at this time, not to mention the death was still the worst.

This unusual situation made Adier a little sharp and thought of something.

“Let me see how you died.”

After turning a few thoughts in his heart, looking at the corpse covered in half by the coffin, Adier’s face was calm, and he finally reached out his hand.

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