Standing in a quiet hall, standing in front of a red coffin, Adier looked calm and stretched out his hand silently.

The arms and corpse’s foreheads touched each other, and a delicate touch came from the hands in a cold, which made Adier’s heart feel a coolness.

A spell started silently. At this moment, Adier closed his eyes silently and drowned himself in an inexplicable scene.

Those were some memory fragments left over from the corpse’s lifetime. At this time, he started backtracking under Spell’s Strength and took Adier to witness the scene.

In a dim hall, white candles burned everywhere, mixed with a strong burnt smell.

In the hall, a handsome-looking boy squatted quietly in the center, exactly like the boy in front of Adier, except that the expression on his face was much more vivid, and he looked more alive, without the feeling of death.

The teenager squatted quietly in the middle of the hall. At this moment, the expression on his face was very pale, with fear and hesitation, and he looked at the paper book in his hand with concern and helplessness and despair.

Seems like something was found. At some point, the boy got up sharply and looked back.

In that direction, the closed door is unknown when it has been opened, but not at all outside can see the silhouette, only the red cloth flutters in the wind everywhere, looks strange and weird.

Seeing that there was no abnormal scene in front of him, the teenager had just sighed in relief, and went forward subconsciously, as if preparing to close the open door.

A slight footstep sounded suddenly at this moment.

The teenager suddenly changed greatly, and then looked subconsciously behind him.

In his perspective, a thick black arm stretched out and passed directly through his heart, digging out his heart directly in his incredible eyes.

The retrospective frame is slowly fixed here. At the last moment, Adier can only see a rough mine arm that has been dyed black and red by blood dye, and can no longer see anything.

As for the real Master of that arm, it was hidden in a shadow, and the whole person was covered by the shadow, unable to see the true face.

The dripping blood slowly spread down, dripping along the boy’s body toward the paper book in his hand, leaving the final mark on it.

At this step, the picture in front of it finally disappeared completely.

Standing in place, Adier eyes opened, looking at the corpse in front of his eyes, with dignity in his eyes.

“The corpse’s death has been too long, even with my ability, it can only go back to this step.”

He looked at the pale cold body in front of him, feeling the kind of cold body temperature on the body with some regret.

The human brain automatically records the picture for a period of time, and even records the Spirit fluctuations of a certain period of time together to form a message that can be traced.

Although people’s consciousness will fall into silence after death, some memory fragments experienced in the last period of time in front of them, and Spirit fluctuations for a long period of time, will all remain and will not disappear so quickly.

The spell used by Adier before is based on this principle, and it can trace back the last fragment recorded by the body within the body and reproduce the experience of that period.

It ’s just a pity that the dead body in front of me is too long. The memory and Spirit fragments in the dead body have begun to disappear. In addition, not at all, I saw the assailant himself, so I can see very few scenes. Murderer.

Despite this, Adier is not at all too frustrated.

The hall in front of him is not just the body in front of him. Of the more than fifty corpses, a few have not died for a long time, and fortunately have seen the face of the perpetrators. When they are combined, they will definitely find the ultimate murderer.

He thought about it in this way, and then quickly put it into action, thinking directly about the other coffin walking away, preparing to continue the action just before, and tracing back the final picture that the corpse experienced during his lifetime.

Walking straight to the side of the coffin, looking at a female body in red cloth, Adier was calm and continued to stretch out his hand.

“Young man, please maintain basic respect for the dead.” The vicissitudes of voice suddenly came from behind him, faintly with a unique sense of weakness.

I do not know when, behind Adier, an old man in a black old clothes appeared old and standing. At this moment, he stood there, looking at Adier indifferently.

Listening to the sound, Adier’s original hand was paused, and he was about to turn around.

oh la la ···

The terrifying sword wind is raging everywhere, with the roar and murmur of long sword, and a kind of Strength that Adier is very familiar with.

That was Life Energy owned by Knight. At this time, it was attached to a long sword, making the long sword keep humming, trembling all around, and making low-pitched vibrations.


At the next moment, the two long swords collided with each other. At the same time as the huge roar, the two silhouettes also flew out at the same time.

Standing in place, Adier holds a sword in his palm, and the breath of Life Energy is wavy. At this moment, his face calmly looks at the old black robe in front of him: “Who are you?”


Looking at Adier, the old man gave a low smile, and it sounded a little hoarse: “Who is your Excellency? What is the reason to enter the territory of the Airlan family without permission?”

He looked at Adier and said, although his tone was casual, his face looked a little dignified.

The only hit he had, he did n’t stay at all in the slightest. He thought that even if he couldn’t kill the other party, he could hurt the other party seriously.

But the final result was surprising, not only did the other party show no signs of injury, but they looked very calm, and even the sword-holder’s hands did not tremble, and it seemed that they had not been affected in the slightest hit.

This result undoubtedly alarmed him.

“Untitled character, Strength: 7.7. Agility: 8.5. Constitution: 5.5. Status: Good.”

In front of Adier’s eyes, the familiar attribute panel is familiar with the emergence. At the moment of contact with the other party, the chip in his mind acts instantly to collect all the other party’s whole body data.

The data in front of this is undoubtedly very scary. Both Strength and Agility are extremely powerful. If placed in the Wizarding World, it is definitely a top-level Great Knight and can dominate the world.

The only pity is that it seems that because of too old, the Great Knight’s Constitution is a bit low, just just crossing the Great Knight line, the decline is too obvious.

On the other side, Adier clearly felt that the shadow of Knight Breathing Technique was far more rigorous than that of Bola. Even the whole body of Strength had a unique character, which surpassed the life energy of Great Knight.

“It just felt like it was a Great Knight-level life explosion?”

Standing still, adier realizing the feeling just now, Adier was a little surprised.

In the collision with Fang Cai, he could clearly feel the violent Life Energy of the other party within the body, which was clearly the state of Life Seed’s outbreak.

It is just in terms of the age of the other party and the Constitution. If you enter the state of Life Seed outbreak, you should not be able to stand at this time. Even the breath on your body is only slightly invisible and weak, far from Adier’s past entry Life Seed was so severe.

“You can enter Life Seed’s outbreak at any time without paying a large price, and it seems that you can also exit at any time. Knight in this world really has some meaning.”

Observing the changes on the other side, Adier silently summarized and analyzed, becoming more and more curious about the Knight system of this world.

There is no doubt that the Knight system in this world has developed to the point of perfection. Many problems that plague Knight have been solved in this prosperous World of Knight system.

In Witcher World, the Life Seed outbreak has always been an important trump card for Knight, which can erupt powerful combat power at critical moments, but relatively speaking, the repercussions brought by entering this state are also terrifying, especially those powerful Great Knight, every time you enter the state of life explosion, you need to consume your vitality.

And for Knight of the Wizarding World, once he enters the state of life explosion, it is difficult to stop in a short time.

However, in this world, these two problems that have bothered Knight for a long time may have been solved.

“Master Karam, it’s us !!!” A sound of some one’s head out of fear sounded in place.

On the other side of the hall, looking at the old black robe confronting Adier, Bola and Asuo both looked terrified, and immediately knelt down, looking very nervous.

“Is you?” Looking at the two men, the old man in the black robe named Karam had a look of confusion, with some surprises and doubts, with some faint vigilance: “Aren’t you missing? How come back now? thing?”

“This one···”

Listening to Karam’s doubtful words in front of her, and staring at each other, Bola brace oneself stepped out, opened the mouth and said: “We …”

“Don’t ask.” Outside the hall, a firm and powerful voice sounded, with some weakness.

Listening to the sound, Adier looked in that direction.

I saw that in that direction, a middle-aged tall and sturdy man wearing a black armor with a strong body walked from the outside. The majesty of the armor was very majestic, but the exposed long hair was already pale, and his face had many wrinkles. With a sense of weakness.

He walked slowly to the side of the black robed man, and along the way, there was a slight field of oppression, which made Adier’s eyes more dignified.

“Untitled character, Strength: 12.1 (16.3). Agility: 11.5 (14.1). Constitution: 10.5 (14.7). Spirit: 4.7. State: weak, broken internal organs, vitality overdue …”

At this moment, the familiar attribute panel appeared in front of the eyes, which instantly made Adier’s eyes stare.

“This is … it completely broke the life limit of Great Knight, and in terms of physical attributes, it can even be comparable to a formal wizard.”

Looking at each other’s physical attributes, Adier was shocked.

Although this data seems normal to Adier today, it is an insurmountable data for Knight.

Life’s own limits exist. If you can’t continue to break your own life limits and improve your life level, then progress will stagnate sooner or later, until one day there is no way to improve a little data.

Adier used to be now. By the strength of the Strange World Crystal Nuclei, he reached the limit data that the Great Knight can reach. In the end, there was no way to improve. After finally becoming a wizard, he broke the life limit and continued the physical data. Promotion.

The middle-aged man in front of him is undoubtedly not a wizard, but it also broke the physical limits of Great Knight and reached a new level.

If put into the Wizard World, in this heyday of middle-aged man, I am afraid that there is at least a level of existence with the formal wizard.

This also proves the reality that in this Knight as the mainstream World, it is true that Knight cultivation alone is comparable to the existence of advanced wizards.

“Dillus Patriarch.” At this moment, several sounds sounded around.

In the hall, in addition to the outsider Adier, including the old man in a black robe named Karam, the three others kneeled together on one knee, respectfully saluting the middle-aged man in front of them.

“Cough cough …”

A soft cough sounded in place.

Standing in place, the middle-aged man named Dillus finally looked towards Adier, with some dignity in his eyes: “Really strong vitality, which family member are you? Why are you here?”

“My name is Adier.Fax.”

Adier didn’t hesitate to answer the other’s question, and then pointed directly to Bola and Asuo. “I saved your two clansman in the mountains. They invited me to come here to get paid, and then I came . “

Having said that, Adier paused, then calmly said, “I didn’t expect that as soon as I came in, I was attacked by this old mister. If it was a little worse, I’m afraid I can’t stand here and speak.”

Listening to this, in front of him, Dillus didn’t speak, but his eyes looked silently towards Karam, seeming to ask him.

“He is nonsense!”

Facing Dillus’ doubtful look, Karam scolded loudly: “You have just blasphemed the body, and I saw you put your hand in the coffin !!”

Listening to this, suddenly, the presence of a few people complexion changed greatly, and Dillus’ eyes stared at Adier again, as if waiting for an explanation.


After thinking a little, looking at Dillus in front of him, Adier finally explained, “This is my habit. After seeing the corpse, I can’t help but want to check the cause of death.”

“Mr. Adier is a very good physician.” At this time, Asuo aside also spoke in harmony.

“You said you were a doctor?” At this moment, Dillus’s eyes suddenly lighted.

He looked at Adier in front of him and asked loudly, “Since you said you were looking at the cause of death of these corpses before, what have you seen so far?”

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